- Chapter 1: Self-Discovery and Self-Healing of PTSD
- Chapter 2: Improve Everyday Life by Melting Away Your Tension
- Chapter 3: Break the Tyranny of Your Negative Thoughts
- Chapter 4: Why Your Best Efforts Seem to Go Wrong
- Chapter 5: Work Toward Resolving Your PTSD
- Chapter 6: Heal the Negative Self-Beliefs that Trauma Causes
- Chapter 7: Resolve Trauma Memories Step by Step
- Chapter 8: Dealing with your Trauma: Triggers and Fears
- Chapter 9: Heal Secondary Wounding and Face the Future with Peace of Mind
- Chapter 10: Life At Its Best!
Month: October 2021
π Thoughts for the Week Template π
- Theme for the Week:
- Affirmations for the Week:
- Sunday:
- Monday:
- Tuesday:
- Wednesday:
- Thursday:
- Friday:
- Saturday:
How to Remove Negative Energy and Clear Energy Blocks
π Hashimoto’s Self-Management Program Module 0 – Intro
- Theme for the Module:
- Welcome + Testing
- Hashimoto’s Questionnaire:
- Questionnaire
- Hashimoto’s Causes and Solutions:
- Sleep, Nutrition, Self-Care, Hormones
- Toxins, Trauma/Stress, Infections
- Stress
- Two Pronged Approach:
- 1. Vulnerabilities: Food, Nutrients, Stress
- 2. Triggers: Infections, Toxins
- Order Matters:
- 1. Add first to strengthen the body:
- Mindset, Medications, Support Liver, Nutrition, Digestion, Nutrient Depletions, Adrenals
- 2. Remove second:
- Infections, Toxins
- Hashimoto’s Self-Management Program Q&A Database:
- Q&A Database
- How to Get the Most from this Program:
- Invest in yourself!
- Dedicate 4-8 hours each module
- Schedule time for self-care
- Take action!
- Trust your body
- Mantra: Every Day and in Every Way, I AM Getting Better and Better!
- Common Factors of Success:
- Positive, can-do attitude
- Supportive spouse/partner/network
- Grateful for small gains and improvements
- Celebrate little successes
- Not afraid to dream big
- Stress-relief hobbies (yoga, writing, working out, knitting)
- Willing to invest in yourself
- Believe that you are worth it!
- Don’t stop “living” just because you have Hashimoto’s
- Willing to ask for help from others
- Willing to surrender you need to control the situation
- Willing to rest when you need to rest
- Predictors of Poor Outcomes:
- 12:40
- Attached to a dogma
- Not willing to invest in yourself
- Guru shoppers
- Perfectionism and unrealistic expectations
- Caught up in being “XYZ”
- Paralysis by analysis
- People who are socially isolated and don’t have a support network
- Building Your Healthcare Team:
- 19:00
- You!
- Me
- Primary Care / Prescribing Doctor
- Pharmacist
- Nutritionist
- Functional Medicine Practitioner
- Biological Dentist
- EMDR Therapist
- Health Coach
- Support Network
- Other Healthcare Professionals?
- Action Plan:
- Review “Welcome Packet”
- Review “Finding Dr. Right”
- How to make a Keto diet AIP friendly: How to Make a Keto Diet AIP friendly ~ Dr. Amy Myers
- The AIP Keto Starter Guide
- Keto Autoimmune Diet ~ Dr. Jockers
- AIP Protocol ~ Paleo Mom: AIP Protocol
- Guides:
- Recommended Clinicians Database: Recommended Clinicians
π· 15 Day Hormone Reset Index
- A. Week 1: Preparation week
- Day 0: Top 3 Health Goals – Monday
- 15 Day Hormone Reset Approved Food List – Tuesday
- How to Make a Hormone-Balanced Meal? – Wednesday
- B. Week 2:
- Day 1: Mindset – Monday
- Day 2: Food & Nourish – Tuesday
- Day 3: AM Routine – Wednesday
- Day 4: Movement – Thursday
- Day 5: Hormone Elixirs – Friday
- C. Week 3:
- Day 6: Sleep – Monday
- Day 7: Calm, Soothe and Restore – Tuesday
- Day 8: Relationships – Wednesday
- Day 9: Cravings – Thursday
- Day 10: PM Routine – Friday
- D. Week 4:
- Day 11: Intimacy – Monday
- Day 12: Vitamins – Tuesday
- Day 13: Digestion – Wednesday
- Day 14: Pleasure – Thursday
- Day 15: Next Steps – Friday
- E. Week 5: Wrap up week
- VIP Call 1 – Monday
- VIP Call 2 – Tuesday
- VIP Call 3 – Wednesday
- VIP Call 4 (Wrap Up Q&A) – Thursday
π§ My Daily Routine and Stretches πΈ
- A. My Daily Routine:
- Gratitude Exercise
- Chakra Balancing
- Pink Aura
- Breathe through Heart ~ HeartMath
- Meditation / Affirmations / Tapping
- Massager / Cupping
- Stretches
- TENS Unit
- *Call Family
- Hashimoto’s Self-Management Program – Index
- Morning Qi Gong
- Morning Energy Routine – Carol Tuttle
- Supplements
- 8 Glasses of Water
- Vege Juice
- Watch My Posture
- Sit Properly
- Be Aware of My Senses!
- I AM Well Loved!
- No Caffeine after 2pm!
- Warm Compress
- Box Breathing
- My Physical Therapy Exercises 2024
- Lacrosse Ball
- Posture Pump
- Evening Qi Gong
- Epsom Salt
- Neorhythm
- Meditation / Affirmations / Tapping
- B. My Daily Stretches:
- Stretches and Exercises Index
- Stretches should be held for at least 30 seconds.
1. Neck Retractions: 10 reps, hold for 5 seconds
2. Scapular Retractions: 10 reps, hold for 5 seconds
3. Scalene Muscle Stretches: 2 reps of 30 seconds
4. Cross Arm Stretches: 2 reps of 30 seconds
5. Upper Trapezius Stretch:
6. Levator Scapulae Stretch:
7. Inferior Capsule (Triceps) Stretches: 2 reps of 30 seconds
8. Brugger Postural Relief Exercise:
9. Wall Pushups: 2 sets of 15
10. Pectoralis Corner Stretches: 2 reps of 30 seconds
11. Lying Table Stretches: 2 reps of 30 seconds
12. Lying Hip Flexor Stretches: 2 reps of 30 seconds
13. Lying Figure Four Stretches: 2 reps of 30 seconds
14. LaCrosse Ball to massage my scapula and gluteus muscles: as needed, 1-2 minutes per location (estimated)
15. Lower trunk rotations: 20 reps
16. Side-lying Open Book: 10 reps per side
17. Child’s Pose: 2 reps of 30-60 seconds
18. Butterfly Stretches: 2 reps of 30 seconds
19. Lying Bridges with Leg Lifts (07/01/21) / Sitting Squats: 2 sets of 15 reps
- Bridge with Alternating Leg Lifts – Balanced Movement. Level 3 @ 1:20 mins
- How To Do A Glute Bridge | The Right Way | Well+Good
- 20. Lying Strap Calf Stretch (07/01/21) / Wall Stretch back of calf muscles (Gastroc stretch): 2 reps of 30 seconds
21. Donkey Kicks:
22. Hand Roller for Quads and Calves (07/01/21):
or Foam Rolling – IT Band, Quads, Hamstrings, Calves (10/07/21): 5 minutes total for 3 times a week
π€ΈββοΈ My At-Home Physical Therapy Exercises π
π My TMJ Physical Therapy Exercises πΊ
C: My Chiropractic Adjustments:
Chiropractic Adjustment Techniques: a. Diversified. b. Spinal Manipulation (Mobilization). c. Thompson Drop-Table. d. Gonstead. e. Activator. f. Flexion Distraction. g. Spinal Decompression.
- Activator to SI (sacro-iliac) joints
- Drop Pelvis
- Diversified T/S (thoracic spine)
- Activator to Scapular region
- *Anterior Thoracic / Thoracic Roll
- Diversified Cervical or CT (cervico-thoracic)
- Side Posture Lumbar
- Supine Hip Flexion Muscle Test
- Supine Hip Drop
- Retest Hip Flexion
- Diversified Manual Ankle Adjustment with Hip Pull
- Manual Knee Adjustment
- Manual Shoulder Adjustment (Anterior-Posterior ~ not at an angle)
- Manual Elbow Adjustment
- Manual Wrist Adjustment
- Anterior Rib Adjustment manually