Abundance Block 22 : Clearing financial illusions
Make sure your illusions about money aren’t keeping you from a magical future. Highlights include:
The Monetary Magic Show – are you living in a world of monetary illusion? Discover if money matters have been hiding in the dark, and learn how to uncover them for your audience.
Investigate your Investments – take a look into your approach to investing, and an easy way to uncover the truth of whether your money is in the right places.
Psychic Spending – start spending your money with an eye to the future, and align the outflow of money with future inflows of happiness, riches and fiscal fortitude.

Hey, this is Christie Marie Sheldon and you’re listening to a recording I did of a series of twenty-four live group sessions on Clearing Abundance Blocks. Here’s what we’re covering today in Session 22.
First, are you living a life of illusion or monetary delusion? Today, we’ll take you up on your illusions and shatter the fear-based ones.
Are you money wise? Let’s clear up your wisdom channel so that all of the flows and all of the channels to bringing in your shuckles, which means money, align up so that your money can grow. Next, we’ll take a look at how you’re spending opens up your future. Your fiscal future, your future happiness, your future is an open door with this kind of power at your fingertips.
Let’s begin. We’re going to talk about if you’re spending aligns with your heart. We’ll talk a little more about that. It’s going to be an exciting day. Grab a journal, a piece of paper because I’m going to have you write some things today for sure, and be open to some new abundance. Today’s going to be really, really exciting. We’re going to get some things in line, get you a plan of action.
Set intent on what you hope to achieve tonight and set intent on what you hope to achieve by the end of the journey. Let’s begin, today’s exciting. Today, we have your inspiring stories and I got quite a few of them today again, a few really big ones so here we go.
Big shifts in the energy for Jack. He says his whole approach to money, his feelings about money, everything surrounding money has changed since starting the Unlimited Abundance journey. He says when he started; his family’s finances were a mess. They couldn’t pay their bills, their business wasn’t getting any new clients and his wife started tutoring to help make ends meet and they were barely scraping by.
A few weeks into the journey, things started to shift. First, Jack forcefully asked, “What would it take to make $2,000 profit by the end of July?” Out of the blue, after months of no activity, a client was interested in some high-end speakers that he sells and he closed a very nice sale. Between that and an unexpected tutoring client for his wife, he ended up with over $2,000 extra at the end of the month.
Excited about his success, Jack did it again, asking, “What would it take for an extra $5,000 to show up at the end of August?” Suddenly, more sales started coming in and his wife’s tutoring business tripled for the month. It looks like they are ready to close an extra $5,000 for August and August isn’t even over, so congratulations, Jack. That has to be really exciting for you.
Margaret from Australia says she’s done basically a whole one eighty in her financial life since starting the journey. When she started the journey, she had gone through $125,000 inheritance, sold an investment property and gold shares that valued $100,000, her small business was spending more than it was bringing in and her credit cards were maxed out.
Here’s what happened since starting the journey: They sold the business which enabled them to pay off most of their debts and buy a second car with cash. Her husband went straight into full-time work making a larger salary than he’d ever, ever done before, they did a vision board together and the next week, her husband was given a week’s paid vacation, they found a great deal for a long weekend at the beach, two nights and three days, for only $60, saved $300.
Margaret recently did her taxes and found out they’re getting a $5,000 refund. Congratulations, Margaret. She’s also setting up some new business and has clients that she’s already sold for seminars and has people approaching her for new business ventures. She says her life has totally changed.
What would it take for everybody listening to have the same thing happen for them? That or something greater. Kelly, working with some powerful energy and she’s been doing some healing. Her sister, in the past, was rear-ended in the car eight times. She finally bought a new car, has already been hit twice driving on the 405 in California. Kelly worked on her, clearing her energy and her sister called her, laughing, saying this is really hilarious now because everybody is staying way behind her so she reported that the clearing worked.
Her brother had broken all the finger bones in November and couldn’t move the last two fingers. She started working on him, saying, “Yes, you can close your hand. It’s easy.” One week later, her mom called and her brother can now close his hand. It only took a week.
Shelly’s mom had Rheumatoid Arthritis, a lot of pain, and she’d been sending her blessing bottles of light. I talk about this in my Love or Above course, how to send blessings to people. Her mom dropped by the house, asked Shelly if she had done something because she woke up being able to use her hands, full of energy and no pain the very next day.
Her mom called her from Vegas and asked if she should gamble that day. Shelly said she felt a strong intuition that she would win. She called later and her mom had won $2,800. Her son fell in March, broke his foot and had been in pain since then. I must have said somewhere in one of the clearings that the family will accept a miracle. He did and now his foot feels great.
These are inspiring stories. Mentally and emotionally, people are different and finances are showing up for people so this is really, really, really amazing. Let’s go back a minute and let’s connect to the light first.
What would it take for you guys to connect to the light right now? Take your energy 300 feet up. See, sense or feel the light. Open your heart to the light. Imagine a big beam of light’s coming down into your head. Open your crown so that you can receive vital information needed to connect your heart to your spending. Ask this light to come into your third eye, cleaning out so you can see everything that you need to release.
Ask this light to come in, clearing out everything in your hearing so that you can receive divine advice, divine guidance and know exactly what it is that you guys need to clear for yourself. Ask this light to open up all perspectives. Ask this light to open up all perspectives.
Ask this light to open up all possibilities. Ask this light to go into your throat, opening up all of your ability to communicate the truth to yourself, communicate the truth into your future, right? The truth is, you’re abundant, healthy, happy, alive and well. Ask your throat to open up and release anything in the way of that.
Ask your heart to open up so that you can be totally kind to you, loving to you. Ask this light to connect your heart and your throat so you speak love into your money, love into your life, and love into your future. Ask this light to connect into your solarplexes so that any anxiousness can be lifted.
Ask this light to come into your power center, stirring up and clearing up everything in the way of you living authentically powerful, being a loving, kind, guided, abundant, happy being. Ask the light to come into your ribs so that you’re grounded in this new reality that you have it all, are it all, and can be it all.
Ask this light to connect into the center of the planet, the place where it’s purely consciousness, the center of the planet. Ask this light to bounce back up. You are now connected above and below. Ask this light to radiate out your heart, 360 degrees, like a great central sunshine.
Ask this light to open up and radiate unlimited potential, unlimited possibilities, all perspectives within your field so that you can see a new perspective of how to go forward in the world and how to generate your money.
Ask this light to expand bigger than the building that you’re in, radiating out again all possibility, all perspectives, unlimited abundance. Ask this light to radiate out, past the city you’re in, connecting to all the people, all the places, all the ideas, all the events, everything that can help bring more abundance to you. Ask this light to connect out past the state you’re in, connecting to all the people, places, things, events, ideas and thoughts that can help you.
Ask this abundance to radiate out past the country you are in, connecting to all the people, places, things, ideas, events, know-how, knowledge, motivation, perspective, potential futures that can bring you exactly what’s on your vision board. Ask the light to come in and opening up all perspectives, yes. Expand this light past the planet Earth so you’re connected to the oneness of all, to the abundance of it all, so that all people, places and things add to your life, add profit to your life and you add profit to them.
You are an excellent receiver of your true abundance. Let’s just do a general clearing. Any anger, fear, worry, regret, shame, guilt, any of these lower emotions – uncreate and delete them all. Any dark energies that you guys are connected to for whatever reason – uncreate and delete all those, across all time, dimension and space reality.
Anywhere you guys are connected to anybody that’s holding you back, please cut the cord now – uncreate and delete everything connecting you to anybody holding you back. Uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.
Anywhere you guys are connected to any event in the past that in any way could block you – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality. Anywhere you guys are limited in your perspective of how you can see a new future, will you uncreate and delete all that, too?
What would it take for you guys to open up to new perspectives, new ways of looking at things, new money? All the oaths, vows, commitments and visions that you have to stop yourself, block yourself, not do harm to yourself which therefore creates fear that you’re going to do harm to yourself, which makes you not want to change, everything that is, will you uncreate and delete that across all time, dimension and space reality?
Any other dark dimensional doorways that you guys have open to anything dark or shadowy – uncreate and delete all that, too. Some of you guys are holding onto a lot of anger and frustration. All the anger and frustration that is damning your energy, think of the word mad, it’s damn backwards, so anywhere you guys are madding yourself and damning yourself – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.
Everywhere you hold perspective on what you can’t do versus what you can do, everything that is – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality. Everywhere you guys are focused on the past and not on the future – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you guys keep limiting what you look at, how much you see in your world – uncreate and delete all that.
Everywhere you focus all your activity on things with diminishing return and no rewards – uncreate and delete all that. That feels better. You guys feel better. Today, we are going to talk about delusion. Actually, it’s disillusion as defined as free from illusion, which is really delusion. Are you free of the illusion with money?
I want you guys to think for a minute. Just think about your money because this is all about does your heart’s energy match what you’re spending things on? Are you loving yourself enough to spend your money wisely? Spending it on things that bring you profit or bring you love or align you with your happy future. Right now, I want you to think for a minute.
Are you spending money on things you align with? Pick a recent day, like probably in the last week, a day that you spent some money and I want you to list some of the things on your piece of paper that you spent money on. Now, of those things that you guys just listed, did you spend this cash on things you align with and match your heart’s desire? Was it something that you really needed and wanted? Did it align and match with your vision board?
These vision boards have some big targets on them. Did it align with all those things? Have you recently spent some money on something you didn’t want nor will use to fill a hole, to fill a void? You guys should be considering everything in your life as an exchange of some sort and you have to work for that money. You had to take your energy and put it into work to create that money.
Are you spending it on something that feels good to you? It’s about conscious spending. Let’s go to the next one. Let’s just think in the last three months, okay? Maybe you’re different so don’t go back too far because I want to get more of the current energy, okay? Let’s make a list of some of the other spending you’ve done recently that you created and I want you guys to talk about the feelings that it helped create.
We’re going to clear all the negative feelings that you guys might have had. For instance, if you can think of a time that you bought some junk food, let’s just say, but you promised yourself that you’re going to save money, be on a budget, pay off credit cards, and this is part of your big target on your vision board and after, you felt self-loathing. I want to go for some of the other things that you’ve spent money on in the last few months that made you feel a little bad and whatever those emotions or patterns are, we’re going to clear them now.
Everywhere you guys work hard on things but then you don’t feel like you get the exact payoff back, will you please, please, please uncreate, delete and destroy all that across all time, dimension and space reality? Everywhere you spent money on bills that didn’t actually help you or heal you, everything that is – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.
Everywhere you’re creating illness or creating lack of money as a way to show you something that you refuse to see, everything that is – uncreate and delete it all. Everything that you guys refuse to see that if you would see it, could change all realities, will you please look at that and let it go? Everything that is – uncreate and delete it all.
Everywhere you buy movies and stop yourself because you realize that it’s basically a distraction. Everywhere you guys buy things in the form of a distraction – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality. All the voids that you guys are trying to fill with spending money on things that aren’t helping you, everything that is – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.
Everywhere you’re sicker than before or worse off than before or more broke than before, everything that is – uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you guys keep choosing the downward spiral of money for whatever reason – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.
How many of you guys are actually doing something kind of interesting where what you’re doing is taking all your energy and buying into society? When the market goes down, your energy goes down. Any of you guys who talk about the economy or believe that it’s horrible – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions and space reality.
Everywhere you guys believe or bought into the economy being horrible, my life sucks – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality. Everywhere you guys believe that you’re broke so therefore your life is broken – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.
Everywhere you guys are trying to fix something and it keeps staying broken – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality? All genetic imprinting, everywhere your mom and dad felt like they were broken and you mimicked that – uncreate and delete all that.
Anywhere you bought into your parent’s poverty consciousness – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality. Anywhere you guys bought to fill some sort of need, like a scavenger hunt, will you uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality? How many of you just suck at collecting the data that you need so you spend it on what you truly want and instead you just keep settling for things that you don’t want – uncreate and delete all that.
How many of you guys are spending money on things because you really don’t know what you really want so you just buy things to fill a need? Uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality. Everywhere you guys are still paying off an old vacation or paying off any sort of a credit card – uncreate and delete all that.
Anywhere you guys are putting things on credit cards, spending your future basically, because you’re taking your future activity and you’re giving it to the credit card ahead of time because now you’re going to have to work for it, right? Uncreate and delete all that.
Everywhere you buy things that you need, not for pleasure but just for necessity, and then your pleasure center never gets fulfilled. It has to be a balance, right? You have to have pleasure in your life. Otherwise, what’s the point? Everything that is – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.
Everywhere you just buy what you need but then you never have any fun – uncreate and delete all that. If you have fun, you feel guilty about it – uncreate and delete all that. How many of you bought things this last couple of months and then felt guilty about it? Uncreate and delete all that.
How many of you bought things and then just bought it unconsciously? You felt nothing about it because it was totally unconscious. Uncreate and delete all that. How many of you bought things as a way to treat yourself or reward yourself and then afterwards, you felt empty? The real truth is you’re really just looking for an acknowledgement so what if you stood up and clapped for yourself and really owned the acknowledgement? Everything that is, will you uncreate everything in the way of just acknowledging yourself?
Everywhere you’re struggling with money, everything that is – uncreate and delete it all across all time, dimension and space reality. Everywhere you think you might have gone overboard instead of checking inside and asking with the purchase, “If I buy these, will it make me a profit?” Everywhere you aren’t willing to ask some intuitive questions, “If I buy this, will it make me profit?” that’s both emotional profit, mental profit and profit in the bank account. Everything that is – uncreate and delete all that.
Everywhere you bought some clothes and then felt naughty about it – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality. Everywhere you bought a silly astrology report and you regret it and then you don’t trust yourself, everything that is – uncreate and delete across all time, dimension and space reality.
Everywhere you’re worried about not having enough money in the future and that gets ingrained in every transaction you have, everything that is – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality. Everything that is, will you uncreate and delete all that?
All the places where you don’t trust yourself – uncreate and delete all that. How many places do you guys not even trust your own self with money or your future or your life? Everything that is – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you guys are untrustworthy to yourself – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.
Everywhere you guys feel like fools about money – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality. How many places are you guys being foolish? Everything that is – uncreate and delete it all across all time, dimension and space reality.
There is a lot of energy on this one, you guys. Really, really make yourself big, expand, connect to the light and just follow this energy. Everywhere you guys feel foolish about everything that you’ve ever spent or did – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.
Everywhere you guys feel foolish, stupid, and pathetic, unworthy – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality. Across genetics, anywhere your parents felt foolish – uncreate and delete all that. Anywhere you guys are carrying your mother and father’s karma about feeling foolish, everything that is, will you uncreate and delete all that?
How many places do you feel foolish because of any action you did? Everything that is, will you uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality? How many energies do you guys have entwined in yourself that make you feel foolish and you won’t ever quit torturing yourself over it? Everything that is, will you uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality?
Everywhere you guys buy food and then you just waste it, everything that is – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality. I used to do that a lot. I still kind of have a tendency to do that. Let’s clear that one more time. Everywhere you guys buy thing, like buy food, and then waste it, everything that is – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.
Everywhere you guys buy food and then you waste it, everything that is – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality. Everywhere you guys like procrastinate your paperwork on your money or procrastinate paying your bills. How many of you guys have late payments? Everything that is – uncreate and delete it all.
How many of you guys hate looking at your bills and you have late payments? Uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality. Everywhere you buy things to get back at your husband because he said “no”, everything that is – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.
How many of you are buying things to get even with somebody, even if it’s your mother, something from twenty years ago? Everything that is – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality. Everywhere you spent money on some program and you didn’t follow through on it, everything that is – uncreate and delete it all.
How many things did you guys buy and then you didn’t actually use them? Uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality. Everywhere you just won’t let yourself enjoy the process of buying something, everything that is – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.
Everywhere you spent things so you could empower the bad economy, even though you shouldn’t, everything that is – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality. Everywhere it makes you feel good to have a reason or justification to spend the money because it doesn’t really matter what the excuse is, how many of you need to have an excuse in order to spend the money so you’ll justify it any way you have to? Uncreate and delete all that.
Everywhere you’re buying a bunch of programs and feel guilty because you haven’t used them or none of them work or you haven’t taken some sort of massive action, everything that is – uncreate and delete all that. Anywhere you guys are unwilling to go take massive action – uncreate and delete all that.
What are you not willing to see that’s just bringing up the energy? Some of these things are not specific incidences; they’re just patterns that you’ve imprinted from your mom and dad. How many patterns do you have going that prevent you from moving forward and manifesting anything that you want? Everything in the way of that – uncreate and delete it all.
Everything that’s preventing you from seeing, feeling, knowing, hearing – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality. Any of you guys who are blocked and seeing or knowing the truth about your life and your future – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.
Anywhere you guys have these huge denial systems where you really don’t want to see – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality. You know, if I feel like I’m denying something to myself, one thing I’ll do is I’ll say, “What would it take for me to know I deserve it?” What would it take for you guys to know that you deserve abundance in all ways?
What would it take for you guys to know that you deserve abundance in all ways? What would it take for you guys to really choose to actually go make a choice to go get some abundance, take massive action? Everything in the way of you making a powerful choice – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.
How many of you are unwilling to change what you do on a daily basis and still expect the same result? Uncreate and delete all that. Lena has some hidden resentments from her kids because she pays for things and then they don’t want her around or respect her. Lena, what I would do is I would work on the family dynamic.
What would it take for everybody to love each other, for you to be in charge of your kids a little bit more? It seems like somewhere, you give them too much power and they know that so they can kind of step on you. I would just work on the family dynamic a little bit more.
Everywhere you were called a bitch for wanting things or greedy. How many of you guys are greedy because you want things? Uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you won’t spend the money on things you love, no balance there – uncreate and delete all that.
Paid off all the credit cards in a month. Love it. Uncreate and delete all that. Uncreate and delete everything in the way of you guys paying off your credit cards. Everywhere you feel guilty buying food and groceries and necessities – uncreate and delete all that.
Everywhere you guys feel bad about spending money on groceries – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality. Everywhere you guys feel bad about spending money on groceries – uncreate and delete all that.
Everywhere you guys feel totally alone – uncreate and delete all that. There’s nobody to support you. What would it take for you guys to fill in right now with all the support you need? What would it take for you guys to fill in with all the support you need? What would it take for you guys to have enough money to go forward?
What would it take for you guys to have more than enough money to fill all your needs? Everywhere you have a belief or a thought that you have too many bills – uncreate and delete all that. If you believe you are not going to invest in your business – uncreate and delete all that.
Everywhere you don’t want to take a leap of faith because you don’t think that the universe will catch you – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you don’t feel like you’ll get well paid in your field of training – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you did the spiritual thing and you gave away your whole desire to get money – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.
It’s okay to be spiritual and rich. Everything in the way of that – uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you guys got married but you weren’t really in love and then somewhere, that ended up in divorce and it cost you. Anything that’s costing you, will you uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality?
I want you guys to think about this for a minute. In your field of energy, your field of energy is created by all your beliefs, thoughts and feelings and the patterns and your points of view. Your reality is created by your points of view and everything that you feel and think about the world. Imagine this reality bubble created by your thoughts and feelings.
You’re an infinite being and you have choice. If you’re blocked, it’s either a point of view or a belief or a thought or it could be that you’re not making a powerful choice. I want you guys to try it on right now for a minute. Truth, truth, truth. I want you guys to think, “Am I mostly blocked because I’m not willing to make a powerful choice, to really shift my reality?”
”Am I mostly blocked because I have some belief or feeling in my reality?” What did you guys when you asked that question? I’m going to ask this question again because you guys got it. Truth. If it’s a belief that’s blocking you, what is one of your beliefs? Every time you guys are unwilling to make a choice because of a belief – uncreate and delete all that.
All the beliefs, thoughts and feelings that you guys aren’t willing to make that prevent you from making a powerful choice – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality. Willingness. People won’t want you. Everything that is – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.
Everywhere you’re not sure but you got kind of the download, whatever that is – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you guys aren’t sure, just go along with the feeling that you can know that you can blow it up right now. Uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.
Anywhere it’s karmic, anywhere it’s past life, anywhere it’s a soul choice, anywhere it’s genetics, anywhere it’s your parent’s crap, anywhere it’s your spouse’s crap, anywhere it’s a past lover’s crap, any of that stuff – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions and space reality. Anywhere you don’t deserve it or aren’t good enough – uncreate and delete all that.
Anywhere you are bad or not worthy – uncreate and delete all that. Any other thing it might be that we haven’t said the words of but we know can clear right now, will you uncreate and delete it all now, across all time, dimension and space reality? Everywhere you guys have to see it to believe it – uncreate and delete all that instead of just believe it and then you’ll see it.
Everywhere you believe it then you’ll see it and everything where you guys won’t let that happen – uncreate and delete it all across all time, dimension and space reality. Everywhere you have to stay small – uncreate and delete all that because if you stay small, you get love. Everywhere, if you stay small, you got love – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.
Everywhere you’re basically screwed and doomed, no matter what you do, no matter which way you go. Everywhere that’s your conclusion in life – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality. Everywhere you have fear and you don’t want to be loved and you can’t be loved and if you are loved, it’s never enough love because your parents didn’t know how to love you, everything that is – uncreate and delete all that.
Everywhere you guys are still waiting around, still waiting for your mom and dad’s love – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you’re still waiting for God’s love – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you don’t want to get rich because you don’t want to be in conflict with anybody, so you just bend yourself into everybody else’s world – uncreate and delete all that.
Everywhere that as soon as you step into your power, the darkness that you’ve unacknowledged shows up. All the darkness that will come in as soon as you guys step into your power, will you just blow it up now? Uncreate and delete all that. That’s just the part of you that wants to heal.
Everywhere when you step into your power, darkness shows up, everything that is – uncreate and delete all the darkness that will show up ahead of time. Uncreate and delete all that. Those are just lower emotions that want to heal.
Let’s try this one, see what happens with this: How do you spend your money? What’s your whole story? I want you guys to connect up and really check inside, okay? What’s your whole story about money? Is it that you’re a spend thrift? Is it that you don’t have enough? Do you buy things and save them for later?
Are you cheap? There’s good cheap and not-so-good cheap, it depends on how you feel about it. Are you balanced? Do you give yourself treats? What’s your whole story about money? I want you to just really check inside. Connect up to the light. What is your belief or feeling in your story about money that’s blocking you?
Everywhere you save, and if you have any weird feelings about saving, delete all that. Everywhere you’re saving for a rainy day – delete all that. This has a fear-based agenda. Anywhere you buy things and regret them – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.
Everywhere you don’t have money to spend – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality. Anywhere you guys don’t deserve to earn more because you’re somehow bad or unworthy – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.
Everywhere you have these income limits. Every limit that you have put into your future of how much money you can earn – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality. Everywhere you have to work hard and then you hit a wall – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.
Everywhere you’re scared it runs out. You’re basically creating the energy that it’s going to run out – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality. Everywhere you don’t need money to be happy so therefore, money won’t come to you because you don’t love it – uncreate and delete all that.
What would it take for you guys to totally love money? Everywhere there’s never enough – uncreate and delete all that. There’s not enough – uncreate and delete all that. Whenever you’re broke and scared – uncreate and delete all that.
Everywhere you get rid of all your money. If the universe gave you a million dollars, you’d spend it all because you can’t have it. That’s a havingness problem, okay? That means you can’t have money, you have to give it away. Everything that is – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.
Every can’t have it. Everywhere you don’t think it’s easy to earn – uncreate and delete all that. You tip very well, even when you’re broke. You’re generous and sincere. What would it take for you to be generous for yourself? Everywhere you feel stupid and guilty about buying something and then you return it. Everything that is – uncreate and delete it all.
Everywhere you avoid doing the actual work, so you spend the money and then you won’t do the work or you spend the money and you won’t do the program so you really have a problem with work – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality. You think it won’t work so therefore, you won’t even do it. Uncreate and delete all that.
Immediate need, immediate gratification, you buy it now and you pay for it for twenty years – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you buy unnecessary things and if you’d had a plan or budget, it would be easier – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you buy other people things so they like you – uncreate and delete all that.
Everywhere you are small with your thinking about money – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere it’s not easy to get, hard to come by – uncreate and delete all that. You have to work really hard for it – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere money will be taken away from you – uncreate and delete all that.
You can’t be you and make money – uncreate and delete all that. I want you guys to connect one more time. What’s the main belief that you guys have and the feeling, because it’s the feeling that’s attached to the belief, so what’s the main belief and feeling that you have that blocks you from your money?
Everywhere you work and you’re willing to fail – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you buy things and you never use them – uncreate and delete all that. You must work hard to get some money – delete all that. I grew up on an ultra-rich side of town and you were poor so you felt like you were on the outside looking in, so it’s like you’re looking at fish inside the fish bowl and you can’t get in. Everything that is – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.
Everywhere you’re poor and you can never have it all – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality. Everywhere you can never have it all, ever – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you do binge and purge – uncreate and delete all that.
Everywhere you have your needs but not your wants met – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you guys can’t get what you want – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you guys are blocked on just adoring money. I think somebody sent in a little note to me that they sleep with their money that was what they were guided to do – sleep with their money.
Everywhere you can’t get more than enough – uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere you don’t care about money because you have to handle bigger issues like women – uncreate and delete all that. Where ever you guys are blocked, where ever you are blocked on the next level of money, where it’s not important, you don’t care, you don’t want to work that hard, you shut off the flow, you stop yourself – uncreate and delete all that.
Everywhere you were laid off and then fear happened – uncreate and delete all that. Shock happened, anywhere you guys are shocked about money, fearful about money, anywhere you had a negative incident where all of a sudden, you were shocked that you don’t have money – uncreate and delete all that.
Everywhere you’re saving your life by not having money – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you think you’ll be killed if you have money – uncreate and delete all that. Anywhere if you work hard, they’ll kill you and then you’ll still never have any money – uncreate and delete all that.
Everywhere the bank account runs dry – uncreate and delete all that. Everything like food, money and love is bad for you – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you can’t follow your gut and all the good opportunities have passed you by, everywhere you’re too young, too old, too this or that to make any money – uncreate and delete all that.
Anywhere you’re too close to retirement and you can’t make any more money – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you’re too tired and it’s not worth it to make any money – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you need your parents to give you the go-ahead, that permission slip, to make money – uncreate and delete all that.
Everywhere you’re just waiting for something, even if you don’t know what it is – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you’re afraid you’re going to lose it and you’re not going to keep it – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you feel like you’re going to mistreat it – uncreate and delete all that.
Everywhere you can’t control it, the sky has to bring it to you – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you can’t hold on to money, everywhere you can’t believe that you can make money easily – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you guys will amount to nothing – uncreate and delete all that. Uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.
Everywhere your parents told you guys you’ll never amount to anything – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere it’s not worth it because you won’t amount to anything – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.
Everywhere you’re around jealous people and they want to bring you down. Who are you to have so much money? Everything those two things are – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you lose in relationships the moment you have money so you can’t have it all. Whenever you can’t have it all – uncreate and delete all that.
Everywhere you have more and you have to give it all away to them. Everywhere it’s shameful to accumulate a lot of wealth. Everywhere it’s a struggle. Everywhere you’re not unique enough to get rich – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.
Everywhere you don’t have money mentally – uncreate and delete all that. What do I mean by loving money? Well, I want you to think of the energy of something you love. A pet, a child, something you totally adore and love more than anything in the world. Whatever that kind of energy is, I want you to think of having a stack of a hundred dollar bills in front of you and this is your money.
I want you to take that energy of loving a pet or animal or a kid or something you love more than anything. That same kind of energy that’s all soft and gooey, I want you to just love money. Say, “Money, I love you. What would it take for more of you to just show up in my life? Money, I am so excited and grateful and happy that you are in my life. How do I get more of you? Money, that’s the best thing to ever happen to me, to have so much of you. How do I get some more of you?”
That kind of energy is how you love money. I want you guys to think for a minute about this energy. Can you get into a little more of the loving? What if you loved your body that much? Your body is like a little pet and you have to take care of it. If you love your body that much, you’ll actually feel emotionally better.
Everywhere your parents or you were a failure – uncreate and delete all that. How many of you guys have a plan about your money? People don’t look negatively sometimes about budget. I’m not talking about negative energy about budget, I’m talking about an action plan. What would it take for you guys to have an action plan that would allow you to follow through on creating more money?
You guys can be millionaires. It depends on what you want to do. The way to be a millionaire is to start a business and generate a lot of money. In the book “The Millionaire Next Door”, they talk about how most millionaires live pretty cheaply. They save or reinvest all their money in their businesses.
Doctors and lawyers might spend all their money because people think they have a lot of money and they have to keep up with the Jones’. “The Millionaires Next Door” made an average of $100,000 and they were just really good at saving and budgeting their money. They had a plan. They had an action plan.
If you want to have a million dollars, at 10% interest in 10 years, you have to put $5,000 away. 20 years, $1,400 away. You can go generate a business. What “The Millionaires Next Door” did is, they lived conservatively and when they got a boost in their income or their raise, they didn’t change where they lived and increased their budget. That’s what a common thing is that people do. They get more money and instead of saving more, they buy bigger things and spend more money.
Look at Warren Buffet. How long has Warren Buffet lived in the same house? I don’t know how old Warren Buffet is but I’m assuming he’s in his 80’s so he’s had to have lived in his house for about 50 or 60 years with his wife and he’s a billionaire but he didn’t change and get more toys and bigger cars and all that stuff.
Are you guys willing to have a plan? That’s what I’m saying. Do you actually know that they did this poll that most people who are poor, what they think they retirement is going to be is the lottery?
Now, there’s nothing wrong with the lottery but can you acknowledge within yourself that if you have to win the lottery, there’s some part of you that feels a little powerless over your ability to go start a business or go do something and make a lot of money?
Let’s acknowledge that part of you for a minute. The part of you that doesn’t think that you’re strong enough, more powerful or capable to go just create a business and generate a lot of money – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.
Everywhere you guys are afraid to actually just go do something different, take some massive action and just do whatever it takes to make a bunch of money – uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere you’re afraid you’re going to lose something or it won’t work – uncreate and delete all that.
I want you guys to connect up for a minute. I want you to think for a minute, “If I was going to go make a million dollars, and it’s not from the lottery, what is one industry I could do it in?” Everywhere you guys have a plan for the money coming in but you don’t have a plan for how to get it – delete all that.
It seems like you guys have a plan. All you guys that think that something will stop you and you won’t take action – connect up again. What is the belief, thought, feeling or idea that is stopping you guys from moving forward? Everywhere, they’ll take your money and steal your secret formula, everything that is – uncreate and delete it all.
Everywhere they’ll steal your secrets – uncreate it all so you can’t tell anybody about it. Everywhere you have a plan but don’t want to act – uncreate and delete all that. Can’t afford it – uncreate it all. It will work in time. Okay, screw that, it will work now. Everything in the way of it working now – uncreate and delete all that.
Powerless, which is I choose not to. Everywhere you choose not to at some level – uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you don’t think you can find an investor – uncreate and delete it all. What if you guys just anointed yourself “expert”?
You know, Muhammad Ali, one of the greatest marketers ever, basically brainwashed himself of going around over and over and over again, saying he’s the greatest. Everybody believed it and when everybody believes that he’s the greatest, he won. He kind of just went around telling everybody he’s the greatest and eventually, it stuck.
People just give themselves their own label and it just kind of sticks. What would it take for you guys to just label yourself the best at it and then people will just believe you? Everything that is – uncreate it all. Everywhere you can’t make the time up – uncreate and delete it all.
Everywhere it takes money to make money – uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere there’s not enough hours in the day – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you guys are depressed – uncreate and delete all that.
Why bother? Because, because, because, because. Uncreate and delete all those. Honestly, people just kind of make up their own thing. About this whole expert thing, nobody’s really an expert. I don’t know what your area of life is but seriously, people just decide that they’re an expert. If you show up with that energy, people will believe you.
Everywhere you guys need permission, we hereby give you permission to go forward. Everything in the way of that – uncreate it and delete it all. Everywhere you guys are too old – uncreate and delete all that.
Your homework is loving, loving, and loving yourself enough to have a plan. I’m going to ask you guys to just have a complete plan of how you’re going to number one, create money and number two, in the meantime, what are you going to do as far as a budget?
I don’t want to use the word budget because it’s really an action plan, right? Are you going to save some? Are you going to give yourself some for pleasure? Are you going to give yourself a little spending cash? At the same time, are you going to pay off your debts and do all those things?
This is going to be exciting. What would it take for you guys to be financially savvy and to follow a plan? What would it take for you guys to create a plan in your financial life now? What would it take for you guys to be bold in your life and call in a wise, effective and profitable to you financial planner?
Maybe you need a financial planner to help. What would it take for you guys to go after abundance and love it? What would it take for your vibrational energy to be fearless and unlimited in resources? What would it take for your vibrational energy to hit all your vision board targets and what would it take for your vibrational energy to bring you more and more abundance?
Thirty to forty times a day. What vibrational energy can I become to be financially savvy? Have a plan and follow it. Any other fear that you guys have going on – uncreate and delete it all across all time, dimension and space reality.
Post some fun stories and love or above. You guys did a good job today. This is a lot of heavy energy. All the things that came up for you guys today when you were asking what was in your way, that’s also part of your homework. What’s in your way and then clear it.
So many blessings. I really love you guys. Ciao for now. Bye.