23 Clearing Fear of Scarcity

Abundance Block 23 : Clearing the fear of scarcity
Smash away fear of scarcity to regain the flow for receiving and giving energy. Highlights include:
Generosity Gifting – explore how the energy of generosity can help you live in a place of ‘enough…’ and start giving the gift of you!
Your Vessel of Light – by filling yourself up with light and life, see how abundance and generosity are a simple matter of turning on your inner light switch.

special 25ab 23

Today is session 23 unlimited abundance journey and it’s an exciting day today. We’re going to talk about sharing a certain kind of energy in the world and with yourself. So grab a journal, a piece of paper, so that you can take some notes about what comes up for you and work on it this week. So let’s open to a lot of abundance. How about that?

​So let’s take a moment and set some intent on what you hope to achieve. Like what would it take for you this week to have more abundance; more generosity; more love than has ever shown up in your life ever? Lots of energy there – love it. Let’s set intent for unlimited abundance journey. So a few more days, so let’s just set up a super duper intent that everything that you wanted to have happen, we’re going so ask that it show up in your life no matter what you think.

We’re going to ask it to exceed your expectations, accelerate beyond belief, move past any of your fears and stuff and just show up in your life. What would it take for that to happen? What would it take for the universe and you to work together to collaborate and make life be generous for you?

We have some exciting news today. Desiree manifested $18,500 and here’s how. So her manifesting is still paying off. She also told us about her ex-husband that she was trying to release. He recently sent her some paperwork for a loan deferment on a car loan that she was a co-signer on. It is not the first time this happened and it upsets her every time he does it.

She decided she has some tools now, and she asked what would it take for her ex to trade in the car and get her off the loan? Less than 72 hours later – ring, ring, ring, she gets a phone call – and he had traded the car in on another new car, and she no longer has to worry about the loan. So this is so amazing, wow. Between the extra income she has brought in with her part-time job, being released from the $8,500 car loan, she has manifested $18,500 since starting the unlimited abundance journey. So good job Desiree, I love it, love it. And what would it take for everybody listening to have something really cool like that happen for you too?

Alright, Theresa has manifested $8,650 in little miracles. Her health insurance was cancelled; when she called to renew it the company said they would waive the $250 renewal fee. She didn’t ask for that fee to be waived, but because she’s vibrating in a different energy level from using all the tools, they just offered.

She received a new mortgage coupon in the mail for the next year. When she checked it they had lowered the amount by $700 a month, so that’s a savings of $8,400 totally out of the blue. The other day she was on the beach with the family, it was gray and overcast. She was on the way, and she said what would it take to get a sunny day at the beach, so guess what happened? As soon as they pulled up, removed the gear the sun came out and stayed out for a full four hours and they enjoyed the beach. I’m loving this change in the weather thing going on.

On the way to the airport, they hit a traffic jam in the Holland Tunnel. She has tools now, so she said what would it take for the traffic to clear and get them to the airport by 8 a.m.? She said normally it takes 45 minutes, but basically within minutes she said what was like a massive traffic jam, it began to clear and soon it was like they were the only ones on the road. So they arrived at the airport five minutes early. So $8,650 and an early airport arrival. So really good job Theresa, I love it.

Okay, Georgia shared some really good news about her latest manifestations. A doctor found a tumor and said there was a reason to be concerned and she needed to have it tested right away. So while all this was going on, she asked what would it take to have the test results come back clear, showing no problem at all?

A few days later the results showed exactly that, no problems or complications, the tumor was benign. Then she was using the secret formula, what would it take for extra income to show up and she’s a jewelry maker and painter. She manifested 120 bucks in jewelry sales right away, $650 from the sale of three paintings and $240 from her garage sale. So that’s $1,010 total, she was thrilled.

She’s also travelled a long distance to attend a family wedding. In the past this would be very uncomfortable, she said and she’d feel out of place, like want to hide. How many of you have felt that? She said what would it take to go and have fun? And she did, she said she felt very welcome for the first time in a very, very, very long time and had a great time catching up with her family. So good job, Georgia, we love that.

What would it take for all of you to manifest loads and loads of abundance for yourself, exceeding all your expectations more than you’ve ever hoped to achieve, bypassing any of your beliefs. And any of you not open to receiving this kind of abundance and quality of life, we ask that all of that stuff be deleted as well.

Alright so let’s connect to the light you guys. So close your eyes and obviously if you’re driving please don’t close your eyes. So take your energy up 300 feet above you. See, sense, feel, believe, imagine that you are connected the light and imagine that this light forms a beam of light and just comes straight into your crown and stays about sharing your energy.

So we’re going to ask this beam of light to start helping you feel the energy of generosity, of abundance, of love, of plenty, of more than enough. We’re going to ask this light to come into your crown, opening all the knowing centers up so that you can know, see, believe, feel and heal all your abundance and generosity.

Asking the light to come through your throat so you can communicate the truth of who you are, which is you are an abundant creational being by nature. You are a creative being who creates abundance in your life. Asking the light to come into your hearts, opening you up so you can feel the energy of this abundance and generosity, and more than enough, and power.

Asking this light to come into your solar plexus, opening up any nervousness, fear, anxiety, washing it away so you can feel who you truly are, embodied in the energy of abundance. Asking this light to go into your power centers, opening up all the places we feel a little disempowered, moving you to the place where you can feel abundance, feel the generosity, feel spirit moving through you.

Opening up all your channels to receive all your abundance better than you ever expect, yes, knowing that you deserve it in all ways. Asking this light to come into your roots, so you’re rooted the new reality – the brand new reality, that you are completely different than you were yesterday. You’re completely different than you were five years ago. You’re completely different in your reality field, because now you’re in the reality field called abundance, plenty, more than enough, everything you ask for shows up for you.

Asking the quality of life to increase. Ask this light to connect to the center of the planet where it feels the happiest, the light, the most light, the most loved. Ask this light in the center of the planet to bounce straight back up into your body, moving all the way up into your heart, radiating out your heart, like a great central sun 360º all the way around.

Ask this light to expand ten feet all the way around you filling your whole field with the energy of generosity, abundance, plenty, more than enough, ease, lots of happiness, lots of love, lots of things are taken care of.

Ask this light to get bigger than the building you’re in, filling the space with abundance, generosity, a magnet for more than enough to show up in your life. Ask this light to expand past the city you’re in connecting to all the people in it, asking them to bring you everything it is that you’re asking for, and ask that you can be of service to them bringing your gifts to them as well. They happily and easily will pay you in exchange for that. Ask this light to connect to everybody in your state, asking that anybody in your state who can happily receive service from you will show up, asking that you gift them the gift of abundance back.

Asking this light to expand past the country you’re in, connecting to all the people in it. Asking those that would happily be a part of your abundance creation, your new way of life, your new way of living your happily ever after, whatever that is for you. We’re going to ask those people to show up in your life, and we’re going to ask you to send a lot of blessings to them right now, and ask them to show up now.

Asking the light to expand past the planet earth connecting to everybody on the planet earth, sending them love and light. Asking them to find you and give you love and money and you will happily and easily gift them something in return as well. It could be energy, it could be time, it could be you just being you – whatever that means to you.

Let’s just ask it again that all your expectations increase, that everything shows up this week exactly how you want it, completely and totally aligned, better than you could have ever dreamed of. Connecting you to all the future abundance that you want in the future, we’re going to ask that to just show up now. Let’s ask it to show up now.

Just say abundance come to me, everything on my vision board come to me, everything that I always wanted and dreamed and desired in my life, show up now. Kind of affirm densely that I am an excellent receiver of all my abundance. I am an excellent receiver of all my blessings. I’m an excellent receiver, I can handle it all now, bring it on. Bring it to me with a lot of ease and fun, and laughter and happiness, and joy and celebration.

So today we’re going to fill you guys up a lot today. So today is a filler-up day, okay. I’m just going to ask you to just do an internal check, alright, an internal check. On most days are you more generous or more stingy? And I also mean this with yourself and with others. And then just kind of type in your answers so we can clear everything as it comes up for you. So are you generous or are you sting?

So if any of you guys who have some stinginess maybe in treating certain members of your family, certain parts of your life, taking care of your body, taking care of your finances, whatever that is. Anywhere you’re stingy with yourself, will you uncreate and delete that across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

So what are you guys stingy in? Everywhere you’re stingy with your time, everything that is, will you uncreate and delete it all. And the reason I’m bringing this question up, I’ll give you guys a bigger picture. If you’re stingy, that somewhere means that you don’t have enough, or that the universe isn’t generous. So if you have an overriding belief that the universe is generous, you’ll usually be generous. So anywhere you guys think that there’s not enough in the world for you, and there’s only a small portion for you – everything that is, will you uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

How many places are you guys limiting how much time and effort you put into your life and you’re stingy with letting your life be fully in you? Everything that is, uncreate it all. So think about what it would be like if you guys were totally in your power, right? So what would it be like for you guys to be totally in your power radiating generosity, knowing that the universe will happily bring back to you that which you emanate? It’s about filling your body and your being with so much love that you’re like a magnet that attracts more and more to you. Just think about that and everywhere you’re unwilling to do that, will you please uncreate and delete all that across all time, space and reality.

Any of you that are stingy with money, so stingy with money with yourself, with other people, with your kids, with your family – everything that is uncreate and delete all that. Anywhere you like to heckle yourself on a daily basis and talk down to yourself and badger yourself, and make yourself wrong, and beat yourself up? That’s kind of stingy with love, right? You’re not really being very gracious and loving to yourself? So everything that is, will you uncreate and delete all that, across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

So let’s see, everywhere you tend to hold on to grudges, so everywhere you’re holding onto grudges – uncreate and delete all that, across all time, dimensions, space and reality. Everywhere you guys are kind of like holding back in seeing the big picture, you know kind of getting the download here for a minute that, if you’re willing to be bigger than all your problems, and filled with so much life and so much zest and so much celebration, what happens is more, and more, and more of that comes to you. But if you’re filled with kind of negative, whiney, complainey, kind of energy, right, like oh this doesn’t work, I’m such a shit, what’s wrong with me – all those kind of things – then obviously can you see how that energy would bring you back more of the same? So anywhere you guys do the whiney, complainey thing at any level – uncreate and delete all that, across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

What would it take for you guys to always know that just connecting to the light can happen in two seconds? So if you’re in the whiney, crabby thing, in two seconds, what would it take for you to just go uncreate and delete all that? So anywhere you’re unwilling to do that for yourself and you live in the energy of the feeling that you are a flawed human being – will you uncreate and delete all that. How many of you guys think you’re flawed – all things are wrong with you, so everywhere you guys think you’re flawed for whatever reason, just uncreate and delete all that, across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

How many other places you guys think you’re flawed – uncreate and delete all that, across all time, dimensions, space and reality. How many core beliefs do you guys have that align you with the energy of I am flawed – yes, uncreate and delete all that, across all time, dimensions, space and reality. How many of you hate your life at some level, and you might not want to admit it, but you hate your life? So everything that is, will you uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

So how many of you guys are stingy with how much time you spend with other people? Maybe you need some love from people and you’re not letting yourself have it. Everything that is uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

Everywhere you’re stingy with wiring yourself to believe that you can have everything you want? Everything that is will you uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

There’s not really an energy of too generous, Christina, unless it’s taking something away from you. I mean if it’s being unkind to you, like there’s generosity, but at some level it’s not kind how much generosity you do, then yeah, that might be too generous. So anywhere you guys are unkind to yourself by giving more then you receive – uncreate and delete all that.

You know what I do? I would change my belief more that I’m a really excellent receiver and everything that I generously give, I receive a hundred fold back. Let’s everybody think about this for a minute. So what would it take for all of us to receive a hundred fold back, or a million fold back from everything that you give in the world, right? Yes! Everything you give and gift in the world that you give a gift of you, what would it take for you to receive all that energy back a thousand fold? So everywhere you guys worry too much about the little things about how much you spend on clothing, or food, or time – all that stuff – uncreate and delete it all.

Again it goes back to that simple question. Like, when I buy clothes you know what I do? It’s kind of funny, I ask two questions. If I buy this will it make me profit? Because if it makes me happy, it might bring me profit, and then I do a cost per wearing, I measure it in my head. What’s the probability that I’ll wear this over 20 times? And if the answer is no, I probably don’t usually buy it. I do a cost per wearing analysis in my head really quick, so it’s all is kind of fun.

I’m generous with others with my time and money and then I find I’m not filling myself up and I get drained and I get stingy with them. Yeah, because that’s unloving towards yourself, so you have to be generous with you first to fill up to the brim with you and then give to others. So everywhere the real problem is you’re stingy with yourself – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you’re generous to other people, because maybe you want love and approval and not so generous with yourself and hubby – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you get blamed for everything that goes wrong in the world – uncreate and delete all that.

Stingy is the just an energy field, because I want you guys to get here that abundance is an energetic model so it’s not necessarily about how much you give or don’t give, because you can give time or energy. Literally, I want you to just really think about this. So you’re standing in the grocery line, you’re buying your food; there’s probably the cashier standing there, maybe the bagger person, maybe there’s somebody in front of your line, and there’s somebody behind you. So there’s four people around you. Are you generous, or are you stingy? You know what I mean, like are you emanating life and love, or you hiding and holding back and avoiding? So everywhere you guys are holding a grudge for not getting paid, so that’s going to hold your energy up, Kathleen. So I know it sucks that that happened, I really do, so I acknowledge that, but anywhere you’re holding on to that grudge for any reason.

Everywhere it’s not fair and right, and good, uncreate and delete it all. And any pattern that you created in your life that made that manifest for you, including your mom’s patterns – uncreate and delete all those and your Dad’s patterns – uncreate and delete all those. Anywhere else you guys think you have flaws – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you’ve been told to never expect to receive. You see everything is – remember, your reality is wired how you want it to be wired. So if you have the point of view that you shouldn’t expect anything back, like I never expect anything back from the person that I’m helping. Do you understand? But I expect that it will come in some way for me. Do you understand?

So it doesn’t have to be from the exact person, like if I helped one person I might not get anything back from that one person, but I do know that 150 other people will help me back later somewhere else. So I have this belief that it’s kind of my responsibility to give and share my energy so that other people can have their gifts open too. And in doing that I’m basically generating a lot of energy towards helping the planet, and I expect simultaneously that the planet will take care of me. So it’s like a mutual giving and taking all at the same time, doesn’t have to be with one particular person.

I love being by myself. No, it’s not stingy so much; you have to really, Helen, think about that for yourself. You know what I mean? So it’s kind of a judgment call. Do you feel generous in your life? If you feel generous and open-hearted and you’re full of life, and all your interactions with people are full of life, then that’s great.

So everywhere you let your spouse control how much you give to yourself – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions, space and reality. Well sometimes you guys have to fill up with yourself. See, if you’re filled with life, you won’t be tired. Do you understand? It’s okay to retreat and take care of yourself, so please understand again, this is about being filled with life, is what I’m talking about. So everywhere you guys won’t fill it with life, but you kind of give, but resent it at the same time. Okay any of you doing that, will you uncreate and delete all that.

Okay, so let’s go to the next thing, because you’ll kind of see where I’m going with this in a minute. Do you guys, when you walk out in the world, are you feeling kind about life and people, or are you feeling hurt by life and reacting, and attacking and shielding yourself? So that’s kind of stingy too, right? So it’s like, do you walk out thinking the world is benevolent and going to help you, or do you walk out in the world thinking I’ve got to shield and hide myself, because people are going to want things from me, or they’re going to push my button, or they’re going to be unkind to me and they’re going to voraciously attack me? So any of you guys thinking that the world is going to attack you and you should hide from it? Everything that is will you uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

How many of you think the world is unfair and unkind to you, so you don’t want to show up for it? Everything that is will you uncreate and delete all that, across all time, dimensions, space and reality. Everywhere you’re feeling inadequate, or I am not enough. Oh, I’m going to clear this one. Everywhere you guys are givers and not takers, because again; generosity means you also receive generous energy, right? You give generous energy and you receive generous energy simultaneously.

So anywhere you guys are givers but not takers, because you have to be both. What would it take be for you guys to be an amazing taker, and everything in the way of that will you uncreate and delete all that? What would it take for you guys to be an amazing taker? Yes! Everything in the way of that, will you uncreate and delete all that.

Anywhere being generous with people makes you dependent on them, or they might want more later on. Everything that is, will you uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

My mom says in some ways that the economy is too broke to buy from my website, then they try to counter that reaction with lots of people are still working and still buy gifts for a wedding and stuff. Okay so Marsha, anywhere you bought into the whole thing the economy broken, uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

What would it take for the economy to be generous? I don’t know where I read this, but I just read that if everybody spends an extra – gosh I wish I remember the numbers exactly. Let’s just say ten, twenty bucks – but they only bought things from the country that they live in, they would basically create so many jobs in that country that they live in and it would pretty much change the whole economy.

So they were talking in particular about the United States, but they were saying that if we only buy American products it will basically change the whole economy and basically create a whole bunch more jobs. So anywhere you guys have bought into the reality that you don’t have any control over it, because the point I brought up with that is; you do have control over the economy at some level. If you’re willing to take some sort of action that adds to the economy – so everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete it all.

Everywhere you guys react with your hubby, your kids, and your family – everything that is, will you uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you have a pattern where you give people a lot and then you get imbalanced, because they become dependent on you. Everything that is, will you uncreate and delete all that for yourselves.

So do you guys love people or do you avoid people? Where are you at with this? Are you so filled up with life and so balanced and so harmonious with yourself that you can love people and get plenty back? So any of you guys who are avoiding people, hanging out, hiding your gifts and talents and shielding yourself, because if you’re hiding you’re gifts and talents, and shielding yourselves, you’re not going to get paid as much money. So everything that is will, you uncreate and delete it all.

People usually bring money to you, right? So if you want to create abundance, you have to be willing to be seen and heard at some level. So any of you guys unwilling to be seen and heard at some level and therefore you don’t get paid. Everything that is, will you uncreate and delete all that, across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

Any of you guys who have body aches and pains, will you please just decide right now. Ask your body what it’s trying to show you. So all of you who have body aches and pains that are kind of talking right now, ask your body what is it trying to show you that you’re unwilling to receive. Like maybe you don’t love yourself. So, Nancy, there’s some sort of lack of love that you need to add to your life every day. So you need some more love.

Everywhere you guys don’t love yourselves enough – uncreate and delete all that, across all time, dimensions, space and reality. What would it take for you guys to feel the energy of love? To get myself into this whole feeling of love, I just go I love, I love, I love, I love. Everybody say this out loud, I love, I love, I love. I love myself, I love me, I’m generous to me, I love me. All your energy changed. I love it. Everywhere you guys have a hard time letting other people help you, will you uncreate and delete all that too.

Everywhere you guys are avoiding letting the energy pass through your body and you want it have it stuck in your body. Everything that is, will you uncreate it all. What would it take for you guys to just love the part of your body that’s hurting and ask it to release the energy?

Alright, do you guys know deep down that you can financially provide for yourself? Do you guys know deeply that you can financially provide to yourself? Anyone who doesn’t know deeply that they can financially provide for themselves – will you uncreate and delete all that.

So all those stories, all the indecision that’s amounting to you guys not willing to step forward into your power. This is all about you guys pretending that you’re weak, and I know who you are. You guys aren’t weak; you guys are power houses. So everywhere you guys are playing games with yourselves and creating all these stories and pretending you can’t and going into the flawed part of you, instead of just deciding, you know what – I’m going to just get over this, and I’m going to fix my finances and it’s going to happen no matter what it takes, no matter what training it takes, no matter what education it takes, no matter what I know-how it takes. I’m going to do whatever it takes to make some more cash and know that I’m always truly and totally financially provided for.

So again, we’re not going to go into too much body stuff. I was just being kind of nice there and kind of going into it, but all the stuff that you guys have going on your body that you don’t want to let go of, that you want to label a name and make real and make persistent and keep it, and label it – all that stuff, will you guys uncreate and delete it all across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

The more you label it, the more it wants to stay. Why don’t you just call this interesting thing that wants to go away right now. Everywhere you guys won’t let go of the interesting things in your body because you want to play with them, will you uncreate and delete all those across all time, dimensions, space and reality. So how many of you feel that you cannot provide for yourself financially? Everything that is, will you uncreate and delete all that, across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

I think you guys are distracting from this. I want you to feel inside, okay because if we can get rid of this story, this would be a really good story to get rid of, feel inside and think about going into the future. Do you guys feel a thousand percent comfortable that you can make any amount of money that you would ever truly want to make? Anybody who answered no to that question, or maybe to that question, will you delete and uncreate all the no’s and the maybes across all time, dimensions, space and reality. So anywhere else you guys do not believe that you can know the truth about everything that you venture into – will you uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

How many of you are avoiding looking at your future and your future abundance, and not moving forward because you don’t choose to be financially independent? Everything that is, will you uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

Some of you guys are not letting go of your stories about this whole financially moving forward trusting that you can make anything you want. So, any of you guys who have these stories that I’m blocked and stopped and I can’t really make the kind of living that I want to make. So everything that is, will you uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions, space and reality. Wow it’s a lot of energy.

So any of you guys who are still thinking that you’re poor; still thinking that you’re poverty stricken – everything that is, will you uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions, space and reality. How many of you still believe that you cannot do it on your own? Everything that is will you uncreate and delete all the stories and the reasons why. And at what age did you tell yourself this story that you needed help, that you couldn’t do it on your own? Everything that is, will you uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

So all those ages that kind of popped in your head when I asked that question, whatever was going on in that part of your life, because it’s usually that you believe somebody else. So any of you that believed somebody else that you couldn’t make a living, or that life was hard, or that you can’t go forward, will you uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

How many of you have slowed yourself down on purpose? So, JC, anywhere you slowed yourself down because it feels like you made a decision to slow yourself down – uncreate and delete all that across time, dimensions, space and reality. Anywhere you guys bought into somebody else’s story about making money, making abundance and making a living and then making a life – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

Any of you guys that are waiting for somebody to rescue you, uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions, space and reality. What would it take for you guys to connect to the light and make it happen on your own? Everywhere you guys are waiting to be rescued, will you uncreate and delete all that.

People can have rich parents, or get inherited money, so maybe you don’t have to justify receiving it. It just means you’re an excellent receive who is in the right place at the right time. So will you acknowledge yourself that you did it? Like you did it, right, at some level your energy created that. So any of you that won’t acknowledge that you created financial independence – everything that is uncreate and delete all that.

Everywhere you guys live in the mindset of I don’t have enough – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions, space and reality. Everywhere you guys created a scenario where you don’t think you can pay all your bills for whatever reason – everything that is, will you uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

Anywhere else you guys created that you can’t pay your bills – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions, space and reality. Everywhere you guys get stuck trying to figure out what to do next – uncreate and delete all that.

So I’m going to ask you guys to connect to the light right now, and I want you to think of whatever business you want to have. So just think if you’re having a business and you guys pick a number a hundred thousand, a million, I don’t care what. Okay, think of how much you want. Connect to the light and say. “No matter what I want my answer of what is my next step that leads me to this money? What is my next step that brings me that cash?” Everything that is, will you uncreate and delete all that?

Anywhere you guys are increasing your spending, but not your earning – so everything that is will you uncreate and delete all that? Did any of you get some answers what your next step is? Because sometimes it’s just training; sometimes it’s just calling to people; sometimes it’s just doing something you found on the internet. So everything in the way of you guys knowing what to do next, uncreate and delete all that.

Do you authentically know inside yourself that life is good, safe and right? Any of you who do not think that life is good, safe and right or fair to you, that usually means you have some God belief, or source belief that the universe doesn’t take care of you or God doesn’t take care of you. So any of you guys who have a belief that God doesn’t take care of me, or I don’t take care of me, or my parents don’t take care of me – uncreate and delete it all.

Everywhere you have a fear of failure which is really not feeling safe in the world – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions, space and reality. How many of you are afraid to step forward knowing that you might fail? Uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

Anywhere you guys set yourself up to close off so you don’t have to really, really, really have to go out there. Everything that is will you uncreate and delete it all. How many of you guys want to really move forward? I want you guys to check inside for a minute okay. I want you to really, really, really feel inside.

When we’re were talking about your sub consciousness, check inside with all your subconscious stuff and all your garbage and all your patterns and say, “Am I really willing to move forward and change my life?” Are you really willing to do what’s needed? Because sometimes it’s not a belief, it’s just a choice. A powerful choice can change your life. Everywhere you’re the one that messes up your life where it’s harder than you imagined – uncreate and delete all that.

So what was the answer to that question? Are you guys really willing to go forward? So to go forward without real knowledge and lose is stupid, right, but maybe the forward is learning knowledge, maybe that’s the next step right? So going forward means just doing the next step, and if the next step is learn some skill, then that’s the next step, right? So anything that came up that says no I’m not subconsciously – I’m talking to your subconscious here for a minute; all the hidden things. So all the hidden things that said no, no, no, no, no – uncreate and delete all that.

People usually bring you money, usually, in this world generally speaking. So do you like people, or are you afraid of people? So any of you guys afraid of people, or afraid of taking money from people, or afraid of connecting to people who could have an answer for you; who could have a tool for you; who could have an awareness for you, or could it you be your client. So any of you guy’s afraid of talking to people, or meeting new people to get new clients, and money and ideas, and thoughts and feelings and all sorts of cool stuff – everything that is, will you uncreate and delete all that.

Any of you guys who are blocked by your father. So Roman, you’re blocked by your father – everything that is will you uncreate and delete all that, across all time, dimensions, space and reality. Any of you guys blocked by your mother’s energy – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

So Amy, so she’s got a good point. She’s saying that she likes to support people, but she doesn’t like to be out front. So anywhere you guys are hiding behind the scenes- uncreate and delete all that. Anywhere you think it’s risky to go forward – uncreate and delete all that. Now, you can be behind the scenes for a little while if you need to learn something, or mentor with somebody, right, but yeah, don’t stay stuck there too long. So any of you guys who are afraid to go forward – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

Everywhere you’re afraid to ask for the money, or are afraid to let go of your father or mother’s energy – everything that is, will you uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions, space and reality. Everywhere you only like people if they can help you – uncreate and delete all that.

Now the reason that could be ineffective at some level, JC, is because what if you’re judging that they can’t help you, but maybe they actually really could, right? So it could get in the way because maybe you’re cutting off 70% of the population and maybe 70% of the population could actually really help you, because you’re already judging that they couldn’t before they even show up in your life. So any of you guys blocking people by judging them before they show up in your life – everything that is, will you uncreate and delete all that.

I don’t really judge people; I just hang out with them a little bit, you know, where I feel their energy decide wow, if I hang out with them or can their energy support me in some way and can I support them? You know it’s like a big picture thing again. A big picture of knowing that the universe is generous, and if you exude life, and are full of life, then really good things will happen to you. So again, it’s about filling you guys with life – that’s where I’m really trying to go in this session. Where you think about, you just show up at the world even if you’re in the grocery store, even if you’re at the car wash, even if you’re at your kids’ school, you just show up being generous, kind, loving, a force of love and life. And from that place you attract a lot more good things to you. This is about creating a powerful attraction field that can change your life.

Everywhere you guys are afraid to step forward because you might do something wrong, what would it take for you guys to help people and receive things as a benefit? Well mom and dad’s stuff can sometimes be deep if you don’t get the right thing Louise, so sometimes like you and Roman. Like Roman for sure needs to just start saying; everything that basically wherever your father’s energy didn’t support me is what I’m saying – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere my mother’s energy doesn’t support me – uncreate and delete all that.

Is it possible to be so filled with light that it doesn’t matter what you know or do? You mean in order to make money? The answer is yes. I mean you might have to take some action at some point. You know, I don’t know, I guess yes and no, because you still have a body and you’ve got to move it around to meet people. It’s got to come through some form. Everywhere you think that people will take advantage if you give your energy to them – uncreate and delete all that, because nobody can take anything that you’re not willing to give.

Are you guys willing to take massive action without any outside support? Drago, a little bit mom and dad, and like some girlfriend somewhere before, a female energy that was a lover. You’re blocked on that, so can you guys take massive action without any outside support?

So Amber is saying sometimes she runs out of steam if she doesn’t have somebody’s energy around her as a cheerleader probably or to work with or something like that. So anywhere you would stop no matter what. Like basically what I’m getting here is anywhere you would stop – anything that is will you uncreate and delete it all? Any other actions you would stop yourself from taking – uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you believe you have no outside support – everything that is, will you uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

How many other places do you feel not aided, or that the aide that you’re seeking for will never come in the future? Everything that is, uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you guys distract yourselves so you don’t actually have to finish – so that’s usually a self-worth deserved thing, usually, not all the time, but usually. Any of that, uncreate and delete it all. All the reasons why you guys would distract yourself instead of getting paid -uncreate and delete it all, alright. Everywhere you have unwanted outsiders – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you’re still mad that your family didn’t come to your rescue – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

So Kobe, at somewhere around age 20-ish you should’ve stepped forward in your life and you stopped yourself. So you need to unblock there, and you need to unblock your mom and dad, okay? So I would just say what would it take for me to clear every implanted energy from my parents that has stopped me, and anywhere I have decided to stop myself. So somewhere around age 20 you stopped yourself.

Are you allowing yourself to move forward abundantly in the world? Everywhere you guys are not allowing yourself to move forward abundantly, uncreate and delete all that. And this is where we’re going to go today, but the biggest question is; do you guys feel abundant? Do you know what it’s like to feel abundant?

I want you to close your eyes for a minute, and then obviously if you’re driving do not close your eyes. But I want you to picture yourself when you’re abundant, okay, and hopefully that’s now, but what is your picture, feeling and thought about being abundant? Like what are you wearing? Who are you with? Have you paid off your credit card bills? Do you have a million bucks in the bank? Everybody’s picture is going to be a little different. For you it might be your next step which is maybe getting out of credit card debt, or maybe it’s having a business, or maybe it’s seeing your income increase.

So pick a picture that’s going to be juicy to you. Like really, really juicy that you can feel it, and just feel the energy of abundance. Okay and what feelings are in your body? Are you loving it, are you loving life, are you filled with a lot of joy and spirit, and spunk? Oh wow; you guys just changed energy a lot. What are you guys experiencing inside yourself?

Now this feeling that you’re feeling, I want you to turn it up a little bit make it Technicolor, make it more vibrant. Imagine there’s a dial in front of you and you can make yourself feel it a little more. So this feeling, turn it up a little bit more.

So what would it take for your feeling to be radiated in your field? What would it take for your energy to bring you everything you’re asking for right now? What would it take for this energy that you’re feeling basically, just blow up the other reality and this is your new reality. So your new reality is generosity, abundance, kindness, fun, ease, joy, power, collaboration with others in a way that fits for you. Collaboration with others in the way that’s kind.

So ask that all the people that fit in this part of your life that brings whatever you’re feeling – ask these people to show up in your life now, and ask that you take on an action and show up in their life now too, because you take the action that meets them, collaborative efforts bringing you abundance and cash.

From this space ask what is my next step that I have to do, like what am I doing when I generate this abundance? What am I doing? Cool. What would it take for you guys to live in this space 24/7 as if this is the only space that you need to live in? What would it take for you guys to really, truly live in this space 24/7, just live in this energy and you’ll manifest a lot of things.

Alright, good job. So you are this energy, so some of you might have heard of Dr. Moto’s crystals where he blessed the water, and since you made out of 70%, water, when you bless the water with love and gratitude and this abundance, and this joy and this thankfulness, more good things show up in your life. So I’ll explain the experiment for those of you who don’t know.

Basically a scientist took water, froze it, but before he froze it, he put one bottle of water and had the word anger on it, and one bottle of water had the word love and thanks on it. Blessed the one bottle, put anger in the other bottle, and then he photographed the crystals. And at the end of it all, the anger one had blobby, ugly crystals that didn’t even form, and the one that was blessed and loved formed these gorgeous crystalline structures. When we’re sending out energy of gratitude, thankfulness and feeling this abundance, this love, this fun, this joy, more and more of that is attracted into our lives. So it’s about filling in with the good stuff.

So what would it take for you guys to be graceful and thankful for your abundance? What would it take to create abundance in all of your lives now? What would it take for you guys to do what’s needed to act abundantly in your life? What would it take to deliver all the courage you need to live generously? Live generously means living fully in your body.

What vibrational energy can you become to have generous benefactors give you things? What vibrational energy can make you alive, well and living abundantly? What vibrational energy can bring more and more abundance? 30 to 40 times a day – it can be all at one time – say what vibrational energy can I become to feel love abundantly? Because it’s like really the love in all things it’s what’s going to help you.

You can post some fun things on the lover above fan page, or my Christie Marie Sheldon fan page.

So let’s do a big blessing here into the future so that all of you know. Let’s ask that all of you know that the universe is generous and kind and loving, and supportive. What would it take for you guys to know that the universe is loving, generous, kind, and supportive? What would it take for you guys to know and have something cool happen so you know the universe is loving, kind, generous, and supportive?

So let’s show some cool things up beyond your expectations. Ciao for now, love you.

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