Muscle Testing

Tool : Muscle Testing

Make the Right Decisions at All Times

Have you ever wanted a reliable tool to help you get answers to big life questions such as, “Should I take this job?”, and “Is this the best school for my children’s personal growth?”

This technique now allows you to quickly and easily get answers. Muscle testing is based on the fact that our bodies are tapped into a higher intelligence at a subtle level. High energy causes a different response in our muscles than lower energies. By learning to distinguish these responses you can ask yourself a question such as “Is he/she the right partner for me?” and get an intuitive pulse on whether the answer is yes or no. Imagine how this can change the quality of your decisions in life.




Hi, I’m Christie Sheldon and I’m an intuitive medium. I have people asking me questions all day long like:

• “What kind of choices can I make in my life that will be nurturing and rewarding?”
• “What do I need to add to my life so I can manifest a better life?”

And the most important questions, in my opinion, that I hear is: “How do I do this for myself? I want to be able to ask questions and get answers!” And that’s why I’m here. I want to teach you muscle testing.

This is your How-To Guide for Muscle Testing

Muscle Testing is a way to test a:

• YES or a NO
• GOOD or BAD or Positive in your field of energy.

Your body is an electrical system. Your Body conducts electricity. If you have ever walked across the floor and got shocked you know that your body has electricity in it. And what I’m going to teach you is, is a way to use that electrical current that runs through it to get answers. How cool is that?

Here are the basics:

This is the simplest way to do muscle testing. It worked for everyone. I haven’t seen it not work for anybody.


You stand with your feet a little narrow than shoulder width apart, pointing straight. No toes out, no toes in – totally straight. My knees are not blocked however a little bit bent. Just be in a very relaxed standing position with the back straight, aligned – relaxed. I feel like I’m actually floating on my legs.


I’m gonna say to my energy system: “YES, YES, YES” (several times) and the body will naturally move/fall forward. I’m not making it do that. It naturally moves on its own. And watch this…I say to myself “NO, NO, NO” (several times) and my my body moves backwards. I do not do that on my own. My body’s natural force field moved me backwards.
So what is happening?

Have you ever lifted weights and you tell yourself, “Yes, yes, yes, I can do this, YES!” Your energy field becomes strong, the truth is strong, YES is strong. And then you try lifting the same weights and you go, “No, no, no…” and you can’t lift as many weights right? Your muscles and your field of energy are linked. The same is true with your thoughts. We talked about the power of positive intention and our vibrating field of energy. If we’re thinking all day, positive thoughts, your field will be very strong and things will go your way.
If you’re in a negative frame of mind, you will have rough days. You think “Aah…life sucks!” and then life continues to suck. What you need to do is change your energy field. The same thing is true if you say something TRUTHFUL in your energy field. It will be stronger, positive and your body will move forward. If you say something FALSE in your energy field, your body will go backwards and you will feel weak.

Here’s an example…

We’re going to test with water. You can do this at home… I have with me a glass of soda pop. We’re going to take this soda, and what I’m doing to do is ask: “Body, body, body, is this a nurturing and rewarding drink for me today?” [Christie’s body moves backwards] “No”. I didn’t make my body do that. My body actually naturally move backwards. Do you notice when you eat certain foods that make your body go weak, your electro magnetic field won’t be as strong and you won’t be not as happy that day. Energy is everything. So consider that. Now, let’s try the water. It’s filtered water, reverse-osmosis – totally clean water. “Body, is this a nurturing and rewarding drink for me today?” [Christie’s body moves forward] “YES!” I didn’t make it like that, my body naturally move forward by itself. Now when you are muscle testing make sure that you do not cross the circuits. Try not to cross your hands or hold the glass on one hand. It’s a better way. What else can I use it for? Another question that I would like to cover is let’s just say; “The best time to do homework for a child?” When I was growing up I like to get my homework done right after school. Some kids like to do it right after dinner. Well what if there’s a better time that work for your child to enhance their life? So let’s ask that question. So let’s say your son or daughter… (I’m going to pick a little girl I know named Alexandria) Is Alexandria highest and most nurturing choice to do her homework directly when she gets home from school? [Christie’s body moves towards the back] “No” So is Alexandria’s highest and most nurturing choice to do her homework within 1 hour from getting back from school? [Christie’s body moves towards the back] “No” Within 2 hours? [Christie’s body moves towards the back] “No” Before supper? [Christie’s body moves towards the back] “No” After supper? [Christie’s body moves forward] “Yes” Right after supper? [Christie’s body moves forward] “Yes” So in this case, the most nurturing and rewarding choice is to do her homework right after supper. Maybe her brain’s a little overloaded and stressed so she needs to relax and play and then do homework. So let’s do one more. So let’s say your kid taking between two English classes, one from Mr Howard and the other from Mr Smith. Is the highest and most nurturing class for your child Mr Howard? [Christie’s body moves towards the back] “No” Mr Smith? [Christie’s body moves forward] “Yes” So take that class. What happens when you get two “No”s? Then ask a different question. Maybe they need to take geometry lessons that semester instead. Another great question to ask is: “Is it my kid’s highest and best good to visit a friend today?”

Because maybe it’s her highest and best good to stay home. Maybe? Who knows? So for example you ask: “Is it my son John’s highest and best good to visit Mark today?” [Christie’s body moves forward] “Yes” “Is it my son John’s highest and best good to visit Mark on Sunday?” [Christie’s body moves towards the back] “No” You can get many myriad of answers. Another example… “Is it my highest and best good to buy this house?” [Christie’s body moves forward] “Yes” “If I buy this house will I make money?” [Christie’s body moves forward] “Yes” or perhaps [she moves backwards] “No”.

Now Here’s A Bonus for You! I know a person who passed the real-estate exam without studying by 99 percent! He’s dyslexic, reading really wasn’t his thing, he was really good at muscle testing, know the truth about things, have really good common sense and really personable. So here’s how he passed the real-estate exam. He actually muscle-tested the answers. You can choose to show your kids this or not. What he did though because he couldn’t stand up like this at his desk, he had to use his hands – The “O” Ring test.


So take one of your hands and do the “OK” sign.


Then take your other hand and close your little and ring fingers. So you’ll have your other 3 fingers up like below:

And then put your three fingers together as if you are picking up an object:

Now take your three finger put them through the “O” you’ve made on your other hand.

Then try to separate the two fingers that’s making the “O” as you open up the three fingers. Now remember. If it’s true the field is strong. If it’s false the field is weak. So if I say… “I am a Woman” and try to push the “OK” sign fingers apart it holds strong. If I say “I am a Man” the “OK” fingers will part – it is weak. Now I’m not doing this. It’s doing it on its own. When I say the truth I’m pushing with all my might and I still can’t open it. So let’s say you’re taking a test and you’ve studied, you know everything but when you come to question which is like a trick question you’re not sure if it’s C or A. You can go like this: “For questions number three, is the correct answer to this question A?” If “A” holds strong it is, if it’s “B” or “C” it’s weak. And again I ask you to practice this so you become master at it before you can do this. I’m showing you this so you can see the endless possibilities. I’m Christie Sheldon, Thank you for watching this video. Have a gorgeous day!


Love or Above

by Christie Marie Sheldon

25 Bonus Call

How many times a day do you ask, “What would it take? You know that saying about unconsciously competent? It’s like I’ve been doing it so long that all of a sudden I intend for everything to happen, like I really am choosing my life all day long. Consciously choosing it, you know. If I’m working on somebody what I’m choosing is for all their blocks to release, right. If I’m eating food I’m choosing for it to be a nourishing rewarding experience. If I’m calling somebody on the phone I’m choosing for it to be nourishing and rewarding. So everything in my life is pretty much a What Would It Take?

​Maria says, “Do we need to say, ‘what would it take’ out loud and focused?” Well for sure Maria. You have to believe it when you’re saying it. So it feels like if you say it out loud you believe it more. And focused, it feels like you believe it more. So for you I would say definitely. But eventually what’ll happen, I hear, is you won’t have to say it out loud, you’ll just believe it.

​Should we focus on one thing at a time? Here’s the thing, you can’t do too much and you can’t really do it wrong, okay. So I’ll give you an example of a What Would It Take session that I would do for myself in the evening. So let’s just say I was trying to manifest an extra $10,000 this month, okay. So we’ll just focus in on abundance for a minute. But I would just say given how I know what my business is, I would say what would it take for an extra $10,000 to show up by the end of September. I would say “What would it take for me to generate 500 new clients finding my website? What would it take for the 500 clients who find my website to feel the love and light that I wish to impart on them? And what would it take for them to want to share in my Love or Above toolkit, right?” And everything in the way of that, uncreate it all.

​What would it take for everybody who sees me, hears me, looks at me, finds me, feels love, light and blessings from me and wants more blessings in their life from me? I could be specific; I’d say what would it take for a speaking gig to show up that puts me in front of 2000 new people? And everything in the way of that, uncreate it all.

​So I sat down one day and I said, “What would it take for me to reach a million people or over a million people?” And literally within a couple days I got a phone call to be on one of the biggest radio stations in Los Angeles. And I was on the station for about a year every Sunday night. So it could have been 30 million people that I reached, right? Can you see how I’m not really focusing on one thing? I might have an overall theme that I’m focusing on and then when I feel complete with that one item, you know. So I hope that clarifies. You can’t really do it too much.

​Maria wants to know why she’s procrastinating because she’s just afraid to move forward. It’s just this little fear about moving forward. You’re waiting for some big ah-ha instead of just going “Shazam”! Okay, so everywhere you guys are afraid to move forward, uncreate and delete all that. Anywhere you guys are waiting for somebody to hereby inaugurate you or say you’re it or give you permission to go forward. Everything that is, uncreate and delete all that.

​JC’s asking if she’s procrastinating because she’s afraid or just lazy. Actually you’re not lazy. I heard you’re a little angry because you really want to change but you’re afraid to change and you’re angry that you have to change because you still, at the end of the day, wanted everything to happen the way you wanted it and now you’re a little angry that it’s not going to happen the way you want it. So you’re actually kind of a little angry is what I’m hearing. So anything in the way of you guys moving forward because you’re a little angry that you have to change, uncreate and delete it all.

​Yeah how many of you guys are angry because you actually have to change? Everything that is, will you uncreate and delete it all? Everywhere you guys are mad because things in the past didn’t work out the way you wanted them to, everything that is, will you uncreate and delete that across all time, dimension, space and reality.

​What’s the best thing to do when you notice that you’re believing that nothing will change? Well it’s kind of like you’re going to have to do two things. You’re going to have to say, “What will it take for everything in my life to change?” And you’re going to have to say, “Everything in my life that’s stopped or stuck, I uncreate it all. Delete it all. Everything I’m avoiding I uncreate it all.” Because usually if you’re stuck it’s because you’re avoiding something, right. So I would do change, clear changing. Clear what you’re avoiding and clear what you don’t know.

​Ned wants to know, this is the same question I have by the way. Why are some people so against changing themselves? Do they have some intractable belief that keeps them stuck? Do they not have enough desire for a better life or perhaps believe they are not capable of changing? So Ned is asking really the most profound question. And the real truth of the answer is I want you guys to all tap into yourself right now, okay.

So connect to the light, be 300 feet tall. Connect to the heart of the matter, the truth of the matter, the part of you that knows everything. I want you to ask, “Why am I refusing to change?” And what I’m hearing is most people have a conclusion, which is a belief by the way, they’ve made the conclusion that I have no idea how to change, which is not true because if you really think about it, you guys are changing at every moment of every second of every day. You breathe you change, right.

​So any of you guys who taught yourselves, “I have no idea how to change.” Uncreate and delete all that. Anywhere else you guys bought the lie, “I have no idea how to change.” Uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere “I have no idea how to change and I don’t want to change,” uncreate and delete it all. And everywhere your misery is more important than your gratitude for your life, uncreate and delete all that.

​Christina asked a really good question again. When I do muscle testing, the questions for the present are mostly correct and the questions projected into the future are a little more inaccurate. And that is true. Do you know why? This is why I don’t really like reading people’s futures because you’re an infinite being creating multiple futures all at the same time. If you read your future and you don’t choose that future all along the way, then that future won’t show up. So you have to understand in every now moment you are creating your future. So that’s why it’s important to always be present choosing things that you really, really, really want to have versus saying things like, “This doesn’t work and I can’t move forward.”

​So Christina is saying a guide showed up in a dream and was talking but there was no sound. Okay, so everywhere you blocked the message because you were afraid of getting help, uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere having guides would be scary to you, uncreate and delete it all. I hear anywhere you guys shut off your connection to the light and to your guides and your higher self, uncreate and delete all that across all time dimensions, space and reality.

How many of you are depressed? So anybody who’s depressed and suppressed, not willing to be 300 feet tall and be over it, uncreate and delete all that across all time dimensions, space and reality. What if I feel as though I’m not connecting with any level of the light? Well John it’s actually impossible for you to not be connected because you are light, okay. So I want you guys to all get that you are a light-filled, soul-filled being and piece of the light, right, in a way. So you’re always connected to light. But I can answer the question because it feels like you don’t feel at some level that you are worth it.

So John what it really feels like to me is that you somewhere disconnected yourself and just decided life was hard or not easy or not good. And I’m not sure if you remember when you really disconnected from that. But anywhere that is, uncreate and delete that across all time dimensions, space and reality. And it seems like you turned down your feelings. So everything in the way of you feeling life or allowing it in, uncreate and delete that across all time dimensions, space and reality.

If you start to feel down and things are not coming fast enough, what do you do? You know what I do is I just keep doing a What Would It Take. So I went to a seminar. It was a seminar on negotiating and he wanted to prove to us that we are all able to negotiate money things from anywhere at anytime. Even like a normal store, like a Nordstrom’s or a Macy’s or something like that. So what he did as part of the exercise is he sent us to the mall and he told us that we had to negotiate and buy three items at a negotiated price, less than what they were marked.

So you have to imagine there’s 500 people that he just sent to the mall. So I went into a couple of the stores and I was trying to negotiate things. And you have to understand the people have already met 20 people trying to negotiate things. So all these shop owners are going crazy because they’re like, “Why is everybody trying to negotiate things with me?” I decided deep down inside myself that no matter what it takes, I’m going to be a winner in this exercise. And just for my own personal benefit, even when there are obstacles in my way, I’m going to make the choice to make it happen.

So as soon as I made that choice, deep down I was guided to go into the health club. There was a health club there in the mall. And nobody was going into the health club. There was a certain kind of nutrition that I liked to take. And so I went to the back where the store was and I said, “Hey, do you have this brand of nutrition?” And they did. So I basically negotiated and bought three things and I got two free t-shirts on top of it. I got some extra gifts, some bonuses. And so I basically got five things, you know, instead of the three.

I walked outside the mall and I was asking everybody how they did and they said oh I didn’t so well, you know. And they were giving me all their excuses. You know what I mean? Like oh this doesn’t work and there’s too many people and the shop owner’s this and I couldn’t make it happen and blah, blah, blah, blah. For me it was just proof inside my own self. It was like a cellular imprint that just kind of came over me. I was like, “Okay, now I know what it feels to basically exceed my expectations.” And so there’s a certain feeling in my body when I think of that story that I can go to at anytime to kind of create that energy into my future.

Everybody listening, I want you to just think for a minute of sometime when you really made something happen and it totally excited you, okay. So just think of a moment when you made something happen and it completely and totally excited you. Or something you want and it completely and totally thrilled and excited you. Or a gift you got for your birthday or Christmas when you were a kid and it completely and totally thrilled and excited you.

Okay, so the cellular memory of that, what would it take for the cellular memory of that to increase? What would it take for all of that to increase in your life? That moment, that feeling of pure joy and love and all that, that’s the moment that you can go back to at any time and just like really, really create for yourself a generous abundant future, okay. So her question originally was if I start to feel down about things, what do I do? I go into that energy of I’ll do whatever it fricken takes in order to make this thing happen, right. So it’s like a determinism that’s so deep-rooted that I’m going to make it happen. That’s personally what I do and then I take action.

Everywhere you guys are blocked on taking some sort of action or some affirmative stance that I’m going to do whatever it takes in my life, uncreate and delete all that. David wants to know how he can break free from the block that’s holding him back from being his true self. How can I break free from a block that’s holding me back? You know David I’m actually just feeling like you need to move into a higher vibration energy a little bit more. It just feels like you just need to really be joyful and happy. And then everything kind of comes from that. So I would play a little more.

Grace is saying at one point I said the left side of her body was related to mom. Is it cleared? Mostly, yes. But Grace it feels like you just have to say what would it take for me to love my body and for my body to love me. And have a relationship with your body. Like think of your body like a pet and love it everyday. So it feels like you just need to really love your body and talk to it and then ask it to tell you things about what it needs. Because your body will happily show you what it wants for food, what it wants for exercise, what it wants to drink. You know your body will happily show you those things if you ask it questions. That’s generally how I do my life is I ask everything questions and it will tell me.

Anka, okay, so what is the unfinished business that I still have with my family? Why do I get so irritated whenever I talk to them over the phone? Anka it’s because they have a really kind of negative vibe sometimes. It feels like their energy is they don’t like life either. So you’re just going to have to like really get that whenever you talk to them you’re going to have to uncreate and delete everything that makes you mad about it.

Sarah’s asking a question, can our spouses be the blocks? I think I should leave him but I’m still finding it hard to trust myself. He’s very negative. Nobody can block you unless you allow it. But oftentimes people will be blocked by their parents or spouse because they still want their spouse or their parents to love them. And in order to get love you lower your energy to meet where they are instead of getting over them and being bigger than they are and allowing them to catch up to you.

So anywhere you are blocking yourself, okay. So it’s not that he blocks you, it’s that you’re blocking yourself. So you don’t have (break in audio 00:14:09) yourself so you don’t have to make a choice to leave or not leave because then you can remain incompetent and incapable and then it won’t be your fault. So really what you’re doing is you want to be a nice person and you don’t want to be the one that hurts anybody. So everything that is, uncreate and delete all that across all time dimensions, space and reality.

So if I were you I would do what would it take for me to clear all my blocks to believing that he’s more important than me. What would it take that would make me genuinely and truly happy in my life? And then I would focus on growing myself before I left the marriage. So I would focus on myself until I got really strong and then make the decision from a place of strength.

I’m going to say that with a caveat to anybody listening who just heard that. If you’re being abused obviously do not stay in an abusive situation, okay. You know it feels like somebody is going to take what I just said and I don’t know, I just picked up that somebody might be being abused. And you shouldn’t stay in anything that’s abusive. Good question Sarah.

Isabel wants to know how to release the family curse that her sister was told exists in her genetic lines. I would just keep saying, “What would it take for whatever is blocking me and my family from moving forward, uncreate and delete it all.” So any of you guys listening who have genetics blocking you, uncreate and delete all that across all time dimensions, space and reality.

All of you guys who are listening who have no hope for the future because you keep choosing to procrastinate your future and deny that you are the chooser of it, everything that is, uncreate and delete all that across all time dimensions, space and reality.

Okay, how can I get friends when I never had anyone? I do not know what to do. What I’ve been doing is not working. Okay, Sabrina, that’s a really great question. You know and if any of you guys are parents by the way, I would really suggest this. I think confidence can be taught to kids. I remember this shy little girl and I watched her interacting at a friend’s house and I came across this little girl through friends more than one time. And what I noticed is she always hung out by herself because she really didn’t know how to go get friends.

So what I did is one time without the adults around or embarrassing her, I just had a little chat with her and I said, “Hey, do you know how to make friends?” And she’s like, “Well nobody likes me.” And I go, “Oh well why do you think that?” She had an older sister who was always kind of hitting her and doing all those kinds of things. So she thought nobody liked her so she wasn’t going to get new friends.

And so what I told her is I gave her a couple little tips. I said, “Look, it’s easy to play with people if you just kind of compliment them; tell them something that you like about them and then ask if you can play.” So I taught her how to compliment people to kind of open the door. Because she was going to really shut the door. If you say, “Oh I like your dress.” Or “Oh you’re so pretty.” Or oh blah, blah, blah. So I had her practice with me a couple of times. And I like saw this light bulb come back into her eyes and it was like she got the download, you know.

So the reason I’m bringing this up is because I see a lot of kids and they just don’t have the confidence to go talk to people. And I think that’s a skill that you can teach them. So that’s the way it felt like to tell that girl is talk to her about complementing somebody and it opens them up. And so she got really good at complimenting people at first and then it opens people and they can see who she was; that she was a lovely girl, right.

Any of you guys who have problems creating friends, manifesting friends or if you’re blocked by the life skill to create new people to like you, uncreate and delete it all. So let’s just say I don’t know you but I notice something that I really like about you and it’s genuine. You know for girls we love shoes and clothes and handbags right. So I say, “Wow, that’s a really great handbag you have. Where’d you get it? I love it.” Or, “Wow, you have such style.” Or if you’re a guy you could just say something about, “Wow, you’re a bright light.” Or “Wow, you’re kind of glowy today.” So practice complimenting people or being grateful for something.

Like what if you guys practiced giving a couple compliments to your family members? That would seriously change your family life if you complimented your family. So Sabrina, that’s my answer to you. So you’re going to have to put yourself in places where you can meet new people, somehow. You could do coffee shops. You know the book How To Win Friends and Influence People. You know he basically talks about how in any conversation if you just talk about the other person and ask what’s important to them more than talking about yourself, people basically want to be received by other people. And the way to make a lot of friends is to really be open to receiving them.

See the reason people tell me all their problems is because my energy is set to the place where I can receive people. No matter what junk they got going on, I don’t judge them, I just love them right. So that’s what people feel from me; that I don’t do judgment and I just love people.

So Sabrina I would just really try to get out in public a little bit more and go to coffee shops and just start talking to people and something will happen.

Aliah says, “What do I do to get rid of an ex out of my life?” You’re going to have to just keep booting him out for a little while. And the only way to do it is trust it and do it and trust it and do it and trust it and do it and eventually somewhere he’ll go away.

So Aliah, really the most important thing I can tell you right now is you really, really, really just have to do the work and know that it will work, okay. So you might not be there all the way yet but I promise you if you keep just doing the work, eventually it all turns around, okay. Because you’re talking yourself out of doing the work by not trusting yourself. But you should be proud of yourself.

Nicholas, “What can I do to bring more fun to my life?” But I took a comedy class at UCLA because I thought it’d be really funny to be a psychic and a comedian all at the same time. Because I actually still think that would be funny. But then my business picked up so much that I didn’t have time to pursue both.

I was trying to get the download about what fun is or what comedy is or what funny is because there was some block that I had about seeing what was funny. Because what was happening is a lot of people were trying to be funny by the negative way and I didn’t want to be funny the negative way. I wanted to be funny the positive way. Kind of like Ellen DeGeneres; she’s funny in the positive way. And it seemed like everybody in my class was doing funny the negative pessimistic way. And I’m like, “God I can’t do that funny. I don’t want to do that; I don’t want to pick on people.”

I got this download that I realized that fun and funny is actually just an energy field. And if I held this energy field in my field and I told stories, people would laugh for no reason. And I’m thinking, “God this is so not funny. Like why are they laughing?” And it’s because I brought in the energy of funny. So at that point Nicholas what I really, really, really realized is the energy of fun is just an energy. And if you can embody that, you can have fun doing anything.

So now I know the logical part of everybody listening is going, “Well how do I embody fun?” So I would just do over and over again, “What energy of fun can I receive that would change my whole life.” And everything in the way of that, delete it all. What energy of fun can I receive that would improve and upgrade my whole life? And everything in the way of it, delete it all.

And the other thing that I have done in the past, I will go hang out with little kids because little kids have fun energy. And then I will duplicate whatever they’re doing. Kids have fun doing anything. So you know it’s just kind of a certain energy frequency is really what I’m trying to impart upon you. So you know how at the mall they have the place where the little kids are playing? Go play with the little kids.

How can I heal a sick pet? Basically you can bless a person, you can bless a pet, you can bless an animal, you can bless a plant, you can do all those things. But they have to be open to receiving. Now I want you to think about nature. Nature is very open to receiving, usually a lot more than us because we have more points of view. So how do you heal a sick pet? Well it depends. I mean a sick pet can be sick because of either toxins from their emotions that they pick up from other people around them. Or they can be toxic from whatever you fed them or whatever they’ve ingested in their body, right. So you have to either heal it from food and nutrition or from energy, and so I’m just hearing in your case that it’s a little of both. I mean I think the dog’s body has to be cleaned out at some level with nutrition. So you might want to go talk to a vet about that as well.

What do we do to help our society, which seems to be more entitlement driven while not contributing to the growth of society as a whole? That’s a really great question. You know this is really funny, I was reading an article today about the guy who basically was a principal and what he did was gave up his salary. It’s a long story. But let’s just say he basically gave all his salaries and benefits back to the school district, which over his lifetime would be like $820,000 so that it could help balance the budget and keep a lot of the school programs going. They were interviewing him and he does like all this philanthropic things on a very low salary. And people are wondering like how does he do that and there’s not that many people like him. So it just kind of showed me the same energy that you’re talking about, William, which is like why can’t we all be kind to each other and somehow contribute.

You know there’s different levels of contribution. There’s contributing to ourselves. And you can do this. I mean this is kind of how I look at my life. I make a little goal list for my year and I ask what can I do to contribute to myself. That’s question number one. Question number two is “What can I do to contribute to my family? What can I do to contribute to the world? What can I do to contribute to nature and everything that supports me?”

So then I just make a choice every year what that would look like in my life and I kind of break down when I say contribute to society, I have like two pictures. I have my local society where I live and I have like the big picture society like the world. And so I break it down into what I can do to help in all those different levels. But that’s a really great question because when you give you’re also receiving at the same time if your flows are totally opened. So when I’m doing all this unlimited abundance, you guys can probably imagine that I’m also receiving the downloads, right? So my giving creates this flow where I’m also receiving simultaneously. So giving and receiving simultaneously is obviously the ultimately goal. So a really good question William.

I would encourage you guys to really think in the next six months what can I do to contribute to my family? What can I contribute to my society like my town and state, that kind of thing. And then what can I contribute to the world and what can I contribute to nature. Because I think mother earth needs blessings and attention from us. I really do.

Arthur is saying he hit a wall. You know thank you Arthur for phrasing it the way you did. He said, “I hit a wall. What is the shift that needs to happen and can my challenge also contribute to others?” So thank you Arthur for including all of us in your thing. It has to do with your mom; an imprint in your mother that you can’t really receive.

So I would do everywhere my mother doesn’t let me receive things, uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere I’ve lowered myself to fit my mom’s model instead of my own, I uncreate and delete all that too. And everywhere I can’t see what my next step is, I uncreate and delete all that. So I would just keep deleting and un-creating everywhere your mom’s energy blocks you from receiving for a couple of weeks. And then I would say what would it take for me to be an excellent receiver of my good? What would it take for me to be an excellent receiver of my finances? What would it take for me to be richly rewarded? And what would it take for me to reap what I sow?

JC wants to know if there’s some universally mantra. Well you can do, “What would it take for all of my life to be joyful, abundant, happy, loved and kind to myself. Everyday and everyway my life is better and better and better is a good one.

Okay, Sarah Dell, you’re asking a really great question. She’s asking why can’t you just go bam and clear everything all that once. So there’s two sides to that story. So the answer is you could go bam if you’re really, really, really, really willing to let it all go and just go that next level and bump into the next stop. So there’s always a part of yourself that’s totally attuned, totally perfect, totally aligned that you can just go “Shazam!” and just kind of bump into it. And then you might ask, “Well why don’t I?” If you guys go back to the day when we connected to your future self, that would be the best way to probably get into that self, the one that’s happy, alive, well, abundant and already made it.

If you have 3000 thoughts a day and 3000 thoughts a day times 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 years, you can see that’s why you’re a little stuck. But the truth is these energy clearings have changed people way quicker than anything I’ve ever seen, truthfully.

​This is copyrighted material 2011 with Christie Marie Sheldon. All rights reserved. No part of this broadcast and material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, by any means, electronic or mechanic or by any information storage or retrieval system without permission in writing.

24 Clearing Blocks to Welcoming Abundance

Abundance Block 24 : Clearing blocks to welcoming abundance

Cultivate the talents inside that will let you get paid for just being YOU. Highlights include:
Unearth Hidden Talents – dig deep inside yourself to find what hidden talents you’ve been neglecting that could contribute to a higher income and happier days.
Contribution Corralling – Take the talents you’ve unearthed and find out what new ways you can now contribute to the world
Your Money Maxim- finally realize the purpose of money in your life, and see how the combination of income and intention can create powerful results in the world.

special 25ab 24


And here is what we are covering today, session twenty-four. Today I’ll teach you how to find some new talents and skills, often hidden; we can be blocked because we shot off our talents. So what if you can get paid for being you? Now that’s a great job.

​Next we’ll clear the blocks to any future talents showing up for you. You can always open the door to these new skills and it opens up more fun, more evidence that the universe supports you and more play time, opens up more financial success. Multi-universal beings, otherwise called you, have more than one talent. So, we are also going to lift the shred of energy covering your talents and contribution to the planet. What if you sharing you is the greatest gift you can give all of us, and what if you can get paid being that. So let’s begin.

​Hey! Welcome, welcome, today is so exciting, day twenty-four. I’m going to miss you guys. So congratulations on hanging in there and doing the work for yourself and opening up to change and all those beautiful things that you guys did.

​Today let’s set one more intent for what you hope to achieve today, what do you hope to achieve tonight? What is the final thing that you just really want to shift no matter what it takes? Let’s just put an energy into your future. So over the next three months let’s set one more intent for you guys. So whatever you want to achieve in the next three months, push that energy forward. Wow I can feel that. I love it. You guys are amazing at connecting now.

​Okay, so my favorite part of the night inspiring stories and we have a couple of doozies. Okay, so Ann e-mailed us for the very first time and she had a really cool story. She said she’s finally coming out of her financial funk and here are a few positive things that were flowing her way, so she got free VIP tickets to a four-day conference in LA worth $3,995. She also won some free tickets to some shows. I don’t know what that is but she won some tickets to some shows. She’s very impressed at how happy and light she feels; so she feels happier and lighter.

​But this is the cool thing that happened she has like these real estate retail centers that she owns and with the economy some things have been left open’ these lease spaces for like 9 months. For her that was digging into the piggy bank and she didn’t want to do that anymore so they were freaking out of what to do; like let go of the properties, keep the properties, what are they going to do? And if they let go of them they lose money. So she began the program with the one intention to get both of these retail spaces filed up with profitable clients. She was guided to change brokers and she just leased two spaces, one being their biggest space, which they had leased at a good price for a ten-year period. So over the space of the contract this will bring in over a million dollars in revenue. So good job Ann.

​So I know for some of you you’re like I don’t have Real Estate like that, but the thing is imagine how much she was dipping into her pocket trying to keep them overboard right, they had a really big mortgage.

​So, Roman from Seattle wrote to tell me how positive things have been flowing his way since he started Unlimited Abundance Journey. He got a new job, which provided a $5,000 signing bonus and $96,000 a year salary. Good job Roman, I love it. On top of that he has three other offers on the table; so he has an abundance of offers. He’s repaired his strained relationship with his parents. He found a nice apartment in Seattle that he is currently moving into. He realized his relationships with woman hadn’t been serving him and he finally feels free and ready to move past some of the old issues. And he had a break through realization about what’s been holding him back in his development as a guitarist. So good job Roman.
​Lena’s husband was diagnosed with cancer three years ago. And all the treatments and surgeries threw them into obviously a financial crisis and she says she was depressed. She said her zest for living has returned. She said that’s priceless to her. De-cluttered her home, which again was priceless because cancer and stuff like that you know basically she’s been in stress mode for three years. When she cleaned out her house she found two hundred-dollar gift certificates that she had forgotten about. Took the time to sit down and work out a financial plan to get them out of debt asked what it would take to get our medical bills lowered. The very next day the hospital called out of the blue offered them a lower payment plan without her even asking and cutting their monthly payment in half with no interest. Signed up for social security and in October she will receive an extra $800 a month. Asked what it would take to receive $5,000 in 30 days and the very next day she got a letter from the social security office informing her of a retirement account in her husband’s name that he had forgotten about and was worth $6,984.50, it was more than the $5,000 she had requested. So good job, Lena.

​Let’s connect to a light first. Let’s close your eyes for a minute and if you’re driving obviously do not close your eyes. Connect to a light 300 feet above your head, okay. See, sense or feel your connection to a source energy and know that you are a part of it and it is part of you.

​Okay, so let’s open to opening up your talents today. Today we are going to open up your talents. So let the light come into your crown opening up any latent skills and talents that you want to get paid for so that you know what to do, how to do it and how to get paid and are always guided. Ask the light to come in opening up your true awareness, your hearing, your sight, your knowing so that you know where and how to get paid for your talents. Ask the light to come through your voice through your throat so that you speak the truth about who you are, what you are about, what your talents are and how your light can shine in other people’s lives and help them and get paid for it.

​Ask this light to come through your heart, opening up your heart-felt talents, your heart-felt guided actions to take in implementing strategies to make sure you get paid on your talents. Ask the light to come into your solar plexus releasing any nervousness, any disdain for yourself and anything that would block you from moving forward. Ask the light to come into your power center opening up anywhere you feel less than powerful about using your talents and anywhere you just won’t proclaim, “Hey I am an amazing super abundant, completely talented being who can make anything happen.”

​Ask the light to come into your roots so you’re rooted in the knowledge that you can go forward and manifest anything you truly desire and nothing is really blocked; it’s just all an illusion and you can delete and uncreate the illusion and create and generate another one. Ask the light to come through your feet into the center of the ground. Alright so connect to the place in the middle of the planet were it feels really happy, really conscience, really light, really filled with source. Ask this light to bounce back up like a mini trampoline straight up in your heart and ask this light to radiate from your heart 360 degrees all the way around like a great central sunshine, radiating out about 15 feet all the way around your field, filling your field with the ability to know, see and hear and get paid for whatever your talents are.

​Ask this light to expand out past the building you are in, yes. Fill the space that you live and work in with the energy of “I am supper talented. I know how to get paid. I am all that is guided.” Ask this light to fill in all the spaces in your town so radiate out past your city, your town, using this field of light to call in anybody who can happily use your talents and pay you a lot of money for it. Ask this light that you can be of great service; heartfelt service, really, really connecting to peoples’ hearts, giving them what they deserve as well, which is great abundance service, better than they ever expected so that they always want to do business with you again.

​Ask this light to radiate past your state so that you connect to anybody else in the state who wants to know about you, hear about you and use your talents so they can receive your love and you can receive their love. Ask this light to radiate past the country you’re in connecting to everybody that needs your services, uses your talents, recognizes you, gives you energy back and you give them energy back.

​Asking the light to connect to anybody on planet earth radiate the light all the way around planet earth connecting to anybody and anything who needs your services, needs your talents, needs your skills and you can happily and easily receive abundance and payment for it. Alright, awesome.

​How much is your talent worth? So hopefully you have a piece of paper. I want you to write down right now, and share some of these; type them into the control panel. Type in some of your talents, your skills and your know-how and what you can contribute to somebody’s life. For instance maybe some of you know how to heal. Maybe some of you are great advice givers. Maybe you have a great mate, great husband, great wife, you know the love thing you have it down pat. Maybe you can help people with that. Maybe you are an excellent caregiver. Maybe you know how to build structures and business or good customer service or any of those things. Maybe some of you guys are excellent organizers, yeah. How many of you are great at teaching people how to meet a mate or raise incredible kids or get a great body?

​And I am going to ask you to just be a little silly for a minute and I want you to list all the silly little talents that could be like anything from juggling to whatever it is because you know what, who knows you can get You Tube famous right? And get lots of people interested in what you do. Alright so some people are good at calming and reassuring people right? So you’re connecting to their heart and some people are good at teaching.

​Okay, we are going to ask you to dig a little deeper. So everywhere you guys don’t think you have any talents to contribute, so I want you to think what are you really good at? Are you good at being nice to people so you would be excellent in some sort of customer care. Are you good at talking to people? Are you good at seeing what somebody needs before they know they need it? Are you great with animals, writing, painting, creating songs, healing, motivating, and inspiring? Great listener yeah, good organizer, how to be creative? Yeah? So any of you guys who was like your first instinct was, “I don’t have any talent or skills,” so everything that is, leave it all.

​You know anybody listening maybe are you good at dressing? Are you good at fashion? Are you good at makeup? What about the You Tube sensation? I forget her name but she makes six figures because she does all these makeup videos and then people join her and she puts the advertising on You Tube right? So just because of her little makeup skills, I think she’s Asian, she makes six figures.

​Are you good at reading people; knowing what’s up? Any other place where you guys can’t even think of even one talent, everything that is, will you guys uncreate and delete it all. And any of you kind of blocked on this I am going to ask you to go ask five of your friends or maybe your mom and dad what you’re really good at. Wedding planning, yeah, contributes excitement and advice so that they can enjoy their day. Business coaching. Great, listener can read energy. Life coach, teacher, educator, organizer, pet loss, grief counselor, photographer, coaching people, how to negotiate.

​Wow this is a cool talent; brilliant and engaging speaker and presenter, good. Healer, coach, yoga teacher. If any of you are blocked just think back to what was really fun to you when you were a kid. So for instance Grace loves to cook and clean, to be a great wife, a great nurse, love it. Listener, teacher, good at being silly, good at stories, alright. Knowing how to teach, how to use body energy to enhance life, good, a good listener, good physic advice, gardening, can grow any plant, babies adore her, good. Good sense of humor that would go far right? Can do energy healing, and I can also be a singer, good. Awesome at customer service, healer, cook, cleaner, wife and mother, cleaning person. Okay, cool.

​So now I am going to do a couple more clearings here. Karen said she is able to spot the diamond in a pile of junk. I love it. That’s a good trait. It’s like looking at the possibilities in everything right. How many of you are good at seeing the possibilities in everything or seeing how to make money in the mile of anything?

​So know we’re going to the next section. Now all of the talents you listed, how much would somebody pay you for this talent? I am going to force you guys to label it. So break down each talent. Some of you put I’m good at using my imagination and creating things. Alright so think of something you can kind of contribute to somebody. Everybody think of one of the things that you said you were really good at.

​Now I want you to ask just intuitively, if you had to put a price in dollars on that to how much somebody would pay you for that? How much would somebody pay you for that if you could figure out a creative way to market it? Okay, so did any of you guys get a surprising answer? So let’s see. Some of you got $300,000.00 per year with your talent. Therapist, $100 an hour. Healer, $300 an hour. Helping people intuitively. How to listen, truly listen, $500, $60 to $100 per hour, $200,000 a year. Customer service consultant, $150,000 a year. Pet loss grief counselor, $40 an hour to start. Social worker, $40 an hour. Private clients, $1,150 an hour, $50 an hour. These are pretty good numbers an hour. Alright, 20% of the money I am making for them, love it. Yeah that’s great, because that’s incentive right. $395 for the first session, good job, Wanda. $20,000 a month okay, good. $7,000.00 for a three-day session, good. Healing coach, good, $60 an hour, okay. 10 to 30 per real estate sales transaction, good. $500 for teaching a seminar, good. Whole package is worth 1 million bucks, love it.

​Healing, $250 an hour. $1000 each for how to make friends of course, good, that’s good. Yeah how to make friends is an art right. I actually wish somebody would teach little kids how to do that right? I mean think of the confidence you could build if you could teach any little kid how to make friends so they would never have to feel lonely again, right? More than what I am currently charging is what Margaret got, good. How to heal people by start clearing with $30 to $50 an hour, okay, good.

​Surprised by your answers. So Karen why are you surprised by your answer? Gail says by getting project implemented she made $500,000.00 at her last corporate job so she is hoping $200,000.00 is for one client only and that she has 5 of them, good job, okay, cool. Persuading people, raising kids, $20,000 a month. $1000 to $5000, per session. $10,000 for making web sites. Healing sessions, $1000 a week for ecological services, love it. Business consultant, $300,000.00 a year. Writing, $1000,0000 lump sum. Okay, so you guys are going to put these on your vision board somewhere okay.

​Let’s clear anywhere that’s the only amount you can make on that. Okay, so I want you to think of doing that as part of your talent or skill. What would it take for whatever numbers you guys came up with, what would it take to for them to triple? Okay, everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete it all. Okay, everything in the way of you guys going forward taking massive, massive action and connecting the dots to make it happen, uncreate and delete all that across all time dimension, space and reality.

​How many of you are not listening to your guidance and are procrastinating? Everything that is will you uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension, space and reality.

​How many of you don’t have a clue how you get paid for something you really want to love to do? Okay, everything that is, will you uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension, space and reality? How many of you are pretending that you don’t know how to do it in order to stay stuck? Uncreate and delete all that. Okay, Sheila, how many places are you stopping yourself because you think you have to know it all? So you have a weird belief, let me see what it is, you don’t know it all but you think you know it all, which is blocking any new awareness. I know it sounds really funny.

​Okay, so any of you guys having anything going on where you think that it’s going to sound kind of funny but if you think you know it all, sometimes it doesn’t leave an energy or space for something new to show up okay. So anywhere you’re afraid to know the answer, afraid to know the truth, afraid to hear something different than what you truly want; so you’re blocking it at any level, uncreate and delete it all. And everywhere you grew up and you guys were told that you were so wrong and so pathetic when you grew up like that you are somehow wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, everything that is, will you uncreate all that.

​How many of you feel that you are wrong so you can’t get an answer, uncreate and delete all that. Okay, any other place where you guys are limiting how much money you can connect to. Okay, so Sheila what I’m going to ask you to do is just kind of make it up, just put what you want. If you don’t get a direct answer, just put what you want to make okay. Because you’re an infinite being, you can generate whatever you want okay. So everything in the way of you guys generating what you want, uncreate and delete all that, yeah there.

​Okay, everywhere love is not going to help you or love in the past never helped you. So if you love what you do it won’t work. Okay, so anywhere you guys took a hit on something you loved uncreate and delete it all. Anywhere in the past you were stopped doing something that was really truly your gift and talent and you stopped yourself or somebody stopped you; maybe your parents stopped you. Everything that is will you uncreate and delete it all.

​Any of you guys who wanted to go to school for a certain thing and then your parents told you, you couldn’t or maybe you didn’t have the money to do it and you stopped yourself uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension, space and reality. Any other business idea that a spouse or mate or anyone in particular talked you out of that you knew you should have went and did, uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension, space and reality. Everywhere you think you need like some huge education or you’re not professionally trained, uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension, space and reality.

​What if the fact that you’re not professionally trained actually allows you to see other possibilities that somebody who’s professionally trained might not see? What if you could come up with a better system because you are not bogged into that way that everybody else does it? And maybe because you don’t do it the same way and you approach it differently, maybe people will pay you more. So anywhere you think that because you’re not educated it limits you, uncreate and delete all that. And anywhere it’s truly guided that you need more education and you are stopping yourself, uncreate and delete all that.

​Energy healing, $1000 an hour. Integrated MD, $400 an hour. $200, psychotherapy, love it. Okay, anywhere these prices are way too high for Canadian clients, everything that is uncreate and delete it all. There is always a niche of people, you know I know wealthy people and if something’s good they’ll pay anything for it if they really love it. Okay, everything that is, uncreate and delete all that. Telling my story $500,000.00 or more; alright. Informative articles online $1000 a year or more. Everything in the way of that uncreate it all. Okay, baking cakes, alright. Margaret’s saying I’m already charging $97 an hour but what came up was $1000 an hour so she says I already feel $97 was a lot. How can I ask for $1000? It’s about packaging Margaret; anything is about packaging. You just have to package it so enough people want it at $1000. So it’s about packaging. So start thinking about packaging and not price.

​I had one of these friends who is a business consultant he said the most brilliant thing. He goes, “Decide how much you want to charge and then build the package around that.” Don’t like build the package and then decide how much it’s worth, right.

​So Jon your mom is in the way; your mom’s energy somehow stopped you and misguided you so you don’t trust you all the time. So you got some stuff with woman. Uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension, space and reality.

​Okay, so if you guys feel like there’s an education you know maybe it’s true often to guidance that you need more education. So if that’s true why don’t you think of a plan right know of how long it will take. So if any of you guys really, really, really truly need more education how long will it take you to get it? Okay, so everything in the way of you guys actually just doing it, uncreate and delete all that.

​Okay, everywhere you guys procrastinate because the answer is to simple and you want to complicate it. So Colleen I think you want to complicate it instead of just making it easy. So anywhere you guys want to complicate it and create some confusion and create a little drama in front of you so you don’t have to actually just go for it, uncreate and delete it all. And anywhere that’s what your parents did; they created some drama in front of you so you learned how to be a human being like that, uncreate and delete all that.

​Okay, so anywhere you guys have a self-esteem issue where you are afraid to ask people for how much money you just came up with. So I want you guys to think for a minute at whatever your number is. I want you to imagine like your customer avatar in front of you and/or it’s the ideal client. So if you know you have hundreds of clients I want you to picture the ideal client, so that your customer avatar okay, I want you to ask that avatar, that customer, ask them if you want to make $500,000.00 that year or $20,000.00 or whatever it is from them, $1000 an hour.

​Ask that person for that much money and then see them saying “Yes, I will happily do that.” Okay, so whatever your customer avatar, think of them and say to yourself, “I’m brave enough to ask for this and everything in the way of that I uncreate it all; I’m courageous enough to ask for this.” And everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete it all. “I can deliver how much this is worth to them.” Everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete it all. “I’m powerful enough to generate this in my life,” uncreate and delete it all. And “I’m powerful enough to be guided to see how I have to package myself in order to make this happen,” everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete all that too.

​If you never knew what your good at then what you are going have to do is go find out. You know when I went to the college, I mean seriously, I went to college initially for finance because I thought well if I go to school for finance at least I’ll figure out money and then I’ll figure out how to make it. Along the way it was a little boring to me, you know, I felt like there was some other bigger thing that I was supposed to do in the world, right. But you know I stuck with it I did what I needed to do because sometimes you need foundation that is pretty strong. You know what happened is life guided me to all the people, places, things, ideas and events that opened me up to the next thing in my life which is what I am doing right know which is what I love.

​But if I hadn’t had all those experiences with money and manifesting and abundance and all those things, I don’t think I would have been as in tune with people of how to help them get it, right.

​So it just feels like you sometimes have to live a little. So write down if some of you are blocked at what you are good at, why don’t you just try some things and see what you like about it. So that’s my suggestion, like live a little. You know there are people every day who get paid to play. There are people who get paid to surf. There are people who make a living taking people on hikes. There’s people who get paid a living taking people on adventure tours. So not everything has to be boring you know what I’m saying?

​Okay, so all this stuff that’s coming up for you guys that says, “Oh I can’t do it” including “I don’t know how to market. I don’t know this, I don’t know that, I don’t know this.” Everything that is, uncreate and delete it all. Okay, good job. You guys really let that go. Because the thing is this is just your next step that’s coming up, so now you got a true awareness of oh I can make that much money doing this so now your what would it take is is “What would it take for me to make this and what would it take for me to have the exact know-how?” okay. So everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete it all, what would it take for you guys to have the exact know how?

​Trevor’s asking a question; he’s saying he wants to do a private placement programs, they are invitation only, create huge profits but causes peoples brains to close down and not except. So the first thing I would do is before I actually met with anybody I would always, always, always do what would it take for me to exactly know what this person needs to know or hear from me in order to say yes to this opportunity. So that’s like the first thing I would do. And I would meditate on what they need to hear in the middle of the sales process, right. The same thing if you guys were looking for another job or talking to a client; you have to ask what does that person need from me that I can deliver and then how do I need to communicate it in a way that they can receive it. But if peoples’ brains are closing down then I would keep asking “What’s a better sales process?” So if people don’t understand things, you’re right.

​Have you guys ever noticed that when you use big words or if people don’t really understand what you’re saying they shut down. You know in this energy healing business sometimes peoples’ eyes glaze over right. So I had to learn how to communicate in a way that the average everyday folk could understand right. That’s why newspapers are written in 4th grade language. So think of if you are explaining what you do to a 4th or 5th grader, how would you explain it to them? So even if you think your client is super-über smart, I would still make it really simple okay.

​So Lucy so now that has come up with clients before. She’s saying I live in a place where the incomes are low okay. So you have a couple of choices here; you can take your stuff on-line where you can do it anywhere in the word and you can create an on-line business and then you’re not subject to everybody that lives around you. You can move if you really want a certain kind of financial abundance that you might not be able to get there you can do that. Or you could just keep asking what would it take me to be the wealthiest person in town? What do I have to do in order to do that, right? And then just see what comes up from that.

​Now you don’t have to be the wealthiest person in town but I would just think big and see what shows up. So if you guys are having hard times getting certain clients at a certain price you’re going have to work on what would it take for me to package it different, what would it take for me to explain it different so that people so want what I have to give them? You know when you’re selling people things what they want is an end result right; they want lost weight, they want love, they want money and they want it easy right? So everything that is blocking you guys from deciding that I am an intimate being and I can create enough energy around me to attract the right person, place or thing that gives me the best advice to help me get paid more, everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete it all. Anywhere I am blocked in marketing; let’s just say I asked for a dream, a thought, an idea a something that pushes you over the humps so it makes it easy for you and everything in the way of that will you uncreate it all.

​So Roman, everywhere you think men are more powerful than you; so any of you guys who think that other people are more powerful than you, any of you who have that belief, uncreate and delete it all. Anywhere you think your mom and dad are still more powerful than you, uncreate and delete it all. Or anywhere you guys think a spouse is more powerful than you uncreate and delete all that, okay.

​So I’m going do this again: pick one more of your talents that’s on that list, okay. Anywhere you guys are stuck on the failures and you’re stuck on how much to charge uncreate and delete it all. Pick one more thing alright. So ask if I were to develop this talent and skill and really, really get paid what I’m worth for it, how much would somebody pay me for it? So everything in a way of you guys knowing what to do with this information, uncreate and delete it all. So now I want you to ask one more question while you are here; what are the first eight steps I have to take in order to get paid this amount.

​Okay, some of you guys are freaking out because I said eight steps right? Okay, what are the eight steps? Pick one that you can take to make it happen. Maybe it’s research, maybe it’s putting up a web site, maybe it’s calling two people, maybe it’s raising your prices. Sometimes if somebody’s asking, “Why didn’t I get this job interview?” because maybe there’s a better one for you okay. So I wouldn’t get so hung up on it, just look at it like a numbers game. So everything in a way of you guys getting the job or focusing on the failure, uncreate and delete all that.

​So I am going answer some of the questions that are coming up. Ivan wants to know he feels good at helping people bridge the gap to get them from where they are to where they want to go. How do I know that I actually have the talent to do this? We charge $150 an hour. That’s called coaching Ivan so decide what you want to coach people in. Do you want to coach them in business, health, love, relationship, any of the above? Yep. And then just ask how could you meet new people that would happily pay you? So you can go to self-improvement seminars and meet new people, you can go to meet up groups and meet new people. And when they ask what you do just offer them a free consult and say, “Hey, you know, I help people get what they want in life. I’ll do a free consultation with you and see if it works for you.”

​Terrance what’s blocking you is a decision to not know everything because your mother didn’t want you to know things. So everywhere you guys are blocking yourself from knowing things because your mothers and fathers didn’t want you to really know what was going on with them so they blocked your intuition, uncreate and delete all that.

​Everywhere you refuse to see yourself doing something different that can make you a lot of money, everywhere you guys are stuck on your identities so much, I want you guys to imagine that you are like so rich, I’m talking Bill Gates rich for a minute, okay. So just think of what it would be like to be Oprah rich, Bill Gates rich, Richard Branson rich, Donald Trump rich; any of those people that inspire you. Now try on one of your favorite people and kind of feel what they feel about wealth. So the first thing they feel about wealth is it’s easy.

​Now you have to understand Oprah never had days off really, you know what I’m saying? Like she sort of had some days off but you know for the last however many years she did it, I don’t know, I think it’s 20, 30 years of doing it she had to show up every week at the studio. So it was kind of- I don’t want to say hard work because you loved it but she did have to show up in her life right? Because if she didn’t show up TV shows weren’t going to get shot. So any of you guys here think that, “Oh I just don’t want to do it.” and you know you’re kind of like letting yourself off the hook instead of pushing yourself a little bit, uncreate and delete all that.

​Yeah so if you guys don’t like the phrasing that I am using, I did this about talent and skills because some people don’t think they can get paid on their talent and skill and the thing that they love, use whatever phrasing, Carmen, makes you happy. If it’s get paid for being me, you can do that okay. Everywhere you guys want to get out of this and not do it because now you have an awareness, now you can’t stay stuck anymore right? Because now you have something new and any of you guys that are shooting it all down and going, “Oh I can’t do it, that will never happen, this is crazy, why would my higher self tell me to do this?” Okay, everything that is, uncreate and delete it all.

​So sometimes people get a little overwhelmed because they think they are supposed to be doing something big; and not that you have to do something small but start focusing on what you love Caroline and then maybe the big thing comes out of that.

​How can you charge to write eulogies? Actually I know somebody who has a website that has a list of marriage proposals, full of all the things that people don’t know how to write, and he has figured out a way to make money off of that I think through Google ad words. And I think people then pay him to privately write those things. I don’t think that is a bad idea JC. I know somebody who makes money doing that. Maybe you can expand it not just to eulogies but maybe to weddings and all sorts of other things, write peoples speeches.

​Okay, now Adriana has something that is common; sometimes people have many talents so they don’t know where to focus. I once made a list of all the ways I can make money and it was a pretty big list. I can think of a lot of ways I can go make money. But you just have to pick one that kind of inspires you in the moment I mean and just follow that okay. So Sarah, that is your answer; whatever you feel good about then do that.

​Okay, Margaret’s excited. She sees what her next step is. So Sarah you’re going to have to ask what it will take to make a lot of money doing it okay. So Jamie’s going to write some books. A breeze in the middle of your chest; it probably just feels like your heart is opening to accept the download. A pinch in your chest is you’re trying to stop yourself Sarah. Okay, Amy had a realization she’s been resisting what would it takes because she didn’t want to be like her brother. Okay, everywhere you guys are afraid people won’t love you if you’re really successful, uncreate and delete all that.

​John I answered your question. Weirdly enough your money blocks are about your mother. So somehow your mother talked you out of doing what you wanted to do and you don’t think it is possible to change your situation at some deep level. So there’s a place where you don’t think you can change. Everywhere you guys don’t think you can change, uncreate and delete it all. And any of you guys that have mom and dad karma still, it’s blocking you. So anything unhealed with mom and dad that somehow sabotages you and makes you stop yourself because you still want them to love you even if being small makes them love you, uncreate and delete all that. Anywhere you guys are staying small so you can have your parent love you. Anywhere that’s your foundation, uncreate and delete all that.

​Party clowns, that would be fun. Getting paid for painting, problem solver, love it, Wanda. Channel herself to people personally, love it. Meditation and life coaching, love it. Real estate transactions, 10 a year, love it. So Jennie that means you are going to go out and meet new people right, so people love you and they want to give you their property knowing that you will totally take care of it. Sharon’s saying her intuition is telling her she can make $200,000 a month. Wanda wants you guys to just get out there and just do it.

​Everywhere you guys just won’t take any of those eight steps you still got the download of it. So anywhere you guys are blocking knowingness and download of it, uncreate and delete it all. But basically at the end of the day the next step is usually meet more people who will pay you right. So how can you guys meet more people who will pay you? That is the question; what will it take for you guys to meet a lot of people who will pay you. And everything in the way of that, uncreate it all. And what would it take for you to generate a lot of people coming to pay you? Everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete all that.

​Elizabeth’s energy, your father is blocking you somehow. Age 11, age 6 and age 5. Everywhere you guys don’t think you’re worth enough, uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension, space and reality.

​Okay, Lucy, ask your higher self right now. Just tune in to what would be the one skill you should focus on right now that would make you the most amount of money with the most amount of fun with the most amount of lightness. Everything that is, uncreate it all. Everywhere you feel like you don’t deserve to get paid for your talents, uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you guys think that people oppose you, you know what I mean? Like if your parents were kind of critical then you might think oh people don’t like me. So any of you guys who have the belief, the thought, the feeling, the idea that people don’t like you or that you don’t like people, uncreate and delete all that.

​So Grace is asking a question; “How do you be consistent with showing up and getting it done especially if you’re tired?” Well the first thing you do is take a little vacation when you need it, okay. The second thing you do is “What would it take for my energy to be light and for this to be easy?” and then just focus on one thing a day. Like just say, “What is one thing I can do today that will bring me closer to my goal?” And don’t focus on twenty things because that can be overwhelming and tiring, but just focus on one thing. One thing a day that’s closer to your goal. One thing okay. And everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete it all. So your little motto, your little sticky note is “What is my one thing today that I can do that can improve my life?”

​ So Sarah for some reason you like not knowing things. So everywhere you’re pretending to not know for whatever reason, uncreate and delete all that. Alright so you guys are answering some really cool things like people are rebranding themselves at higher prices, going to galleries, some people are playing in nature, fishing, organizing, love it, solving problems, love it, chronic healing, love it.

​Okay, so Sherim just had an idea. She used to teach a lot of classes at her old job and coached people on workspace and organization. Yeah you can start a blog. Why don’t you start a blog about some really cool workspace organization and maybe people will pay you to organize their whole companies. That would be awesome. And then you could even bring in your whole energy thing, you know. Bring in the whole energy part of it. Wouldn’t it be cool if offices were set up where everybody had good energy? Love it

​Okay, so Deann, I’m going to ask you to just pick something. At the end of day you can ruminate, ruminate, ruminate, but what would it take for you guys to just pick one thing for a little while, get good at that, get some money with that and keep it going and/or pick another thing and get that. And then you don’t have to be bored you can have multiple streams of income.

​So Colleen, I always thought at some level I was supposed to do something big. I mean I kind of actually really did think that when I was a kid. I had this awareness that nothing made sense and I’m supposed to fix it, which is kind of funny. But anyway it feels if you feel that, that would be accurate but you have to start somewhere. See sometimes the bigness of it stops you because you always worry about the bigness of it. So what if you just decide how can I help 100 people right now? And once you figure out to help 100 people then you’ll know from that the one thing you’re doing what works and what doesn’t and then you’ll know how to go help 100,000 people right. So just start with the thing that helps 100 people and then branch out from there.

​Okay, so body twitching is just releasing. Alright raising your rates fills your stomach with butterflies. Amber could that be excitement? What if that’s excitement? Don’t make a wrongness out of it, it feels exciting. Why do I feel tired about money? Because you don’t like having to think about money. So somebody brain washed you to not think about money, like I’m a girl and I want to think about money; everything that is, delete all that.

​Anxiousness is just the energy stirring up so you can clear it. So Grace you don’t have to be in the middle of the physical fitness with them. You could just coach them to lose the weight right.

​So let’s go to the next one. What person or what type of person would happily and easily pay you for the skills? So pick one of the things and ask what type of person would happily and easily pay for your skills. So everywhere you guys would let fear stop you, I mean seriously fear is just a pattern. So everywhere you would let the pattern called fear, which is really just a pattern, it’s like energy, it’s just like nothing, you know what I’m saying? So everywhere you guys would let this silly little nothing energy pattern stop you from being your greatest self, will you uncreate and delta it all.

​Anywhere you guys would rather listen to the monkey mind, your excuses and your patterns, instead of listening to your heart, your higher part of your being and just say “Hey my true awareness is I can go make 1 million dollars this year, that’s my true physic awareness. Everything in the way of that I’m going to delete it all and I’m not going to listen to all the other stuff that’s going to come up and argue with me. I’m just going to delete everything that comes up and argues with me.” So when you guys got these numbers and then you decided oh I can’t do it, okay. Everything that is will you uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you are arguing with yourself which is really just these patterns; it’s just patterns, its nothing okay. Everything that is, uncreate and delete it all.

​Everywhere your illusion and delusion is stopping you from going and creating the big bucks, uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension, space and reality. Anywhere you guys bought anybody else’s point of view that you’re nothing, uncreate and delete it all. Anywhere else you bought anybody else’s point of view that what you do you deserve nothing for, uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension, space and reality.

​How many places are you avoiding the future because you don’t want to get paid, uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you’re stopping your future so you don’t get paid, uncreate and delete all that. You know what’s really funny is I heard some of guys are stopping your future so you don’t get paid and you don’t get laid. That’s what I heard. So anyway you guys are stopping your future so you don’t get paid or you don’t get laid, everything that is, uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you guys are listening to your patterns instead of listening to your higher self, uncreate and delete all that.

​Okay, so here is the real truth; the real truth is you guys actually really do know what you should do. So I want you to just like get really big right now, 300 feet tall, I want you to get out of your mind for a minute and I want you to just end your reality, kind of be above your reality and just go into true awareness, okay. Pretend for a minute that your higher self, god, whatever your word is, your higher self or god was going to deliver you the most profound message you ever had in your life and ask “What am I supposed to do that generates the most amount of money for me right now?” Lydia is saying, “You should see my awesome de-cluttered garage. She healed her blocks from her horrific childhood, love it. So Frank said his music is calling.

​Growing up as a kid told to get a real job. Okay, so screw the real job Frank. Like I know people who get paid for writing songs for people. Or maybe you could do some sort of inspirational meditations and do your music, you know what I mean? So ask how can I get paid doing my music and maybe make a list of 20 ways you can get paid doing music. And then pick one of those things and focus on it a little bit, okay. So some of you guys are teachers and want to teach people how to read. Some of you guys got some insight about dreaming up better clients, finishing some work, love it. So what would it take for you guys to attract the kind of people who would happily buy your services? And everything in the way of that can you uncreate and delete it all.

​What would it take for you guys to happily generate and create the people who would happily pay for your services? And everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete it all. What would it take for you guys to generate money on the web, generate money in your town, generate money anywhere in your life? And everything in the way of that, uncreate it all. What would it take for you guys to be a magnet for opportunity drawing to you the right people, places and things to happily and easily open every door imaginable to you? And everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete it all.

​So Roselyn paid off all her debts, that’s great. So, yes, abundance is opening up.

​Okay, cool. Sarah’s getting an image that since she has not been able to help her husband with his problems then she thinks she’s not good at anything. Actually that’s a good realization because sometimes if you take all your energy helping other people and they don’t change or shift, you can’t take all your energy into one person, you know what I mean? And sometimes those closest to you don’t want to move. So what would it take for you to take all your talents and skills and instead of doing it for free you get paid for helping people. Everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete it all.

​Alright so Trevor is going to help people get paid for telling stories, love it. So Wanda I would not listen to my partner; I would just not care. I would just go charge what I want. So anywhere you guys are letting one person stop you, I mean seriously I want you guys to really, really get this. So you guys are letting a silly fear pattern stop you. You’re letting one person stop you. The thing is you don’t have to tell that person what you’re doing, just go do it. It’s your life right? And if they get mad so what? So what? You know what I mean? That means they’re not supporting you so just keep saying, “What would it take for me to go do this anyway regardless of whatever this other person that I love is trying to stop me?” Because you’re letting their negativity win over your life. So anywhere you guys will let somebody else’s negativity win over your life, uncreate and delete all that.

​This is a really good awareness, Wanda, okay. So everything in the way of you guys getting paid more, uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you’re waiting for somebody’s approval instead of just making it happen, uncreate and delete all that too.

​Oscar says. “Act bold and unforeseen forces will come your way.” I love it. Alright you guys are doing good. So now can you see that anywhere you guys are blocked in any other section of your life that is stopping you from just manifesting the perfect clients and for you to get paid with your talents, uncreate and delete it all.

​So here is your homework for the week. What would it take for you guys to get paid for your talents and know exactly how to make a lot of money? Okay, so Shelly you feel sad about this because there is an energy of anger leaving your body so that you can actually can go do it, okay. So it’s just a processing energy.

​Kay wants to know her husband just received $400 from out of nowhere and he wants to know if she is doing her magic on him, I love it.

​Margaret’s happy because she can see how this little focus can change her energy so she can attract wealthy clients, I love it. Because you just have to be the energy of wealth if you want to get wealthy clients right. So if you just know who you are and feel totally confident, wealthy people will resonate with you. So what would it take for you guys to be just totally confident in who you are and what you offer? Okay, and everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete it all.

​The other part of your homework is asking your energy avatar, like your character, the avatar of your perfect client, you are going to practice asking that person for money. And you’re going to see him or her telling you yes. So anywhere you guys aren’t getting any direction for whatever reason, uncreate and delete it all.

​Glenda it feels like you don’t want to move at some level. So any subconscious attack energy where you feel like if you move you’ll be attacked, uncreate and delete it all. Anywhere you guys have a fear of being attacked so you won’t move forward, uncreate and delete all that across time, dimension, space and reality. What would it take for you guys to get paid for your skills and talents? Everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete it all. What would it take for you guys to generate money with your talents? Everything in the way of that, will you uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension, space and reality.

​What would it take for you guys to do what’s needed to ask people to pay you for your skills? And everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete it all. What would it take the universe to deliver all the courage to be paid more for your talents? And everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete it all. What vibrational energy can you become to have generous benefactors give you things? And everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete it all. What would it take for you to generate wealthy clients who pay you money? Everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete it all. What would it take for you guys to body, mind, soul, emotional body to have everything line up where you take massive action in spite of any pattern or person who comes in the way of it? And everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete it all.

​What vibrational energy can allow you to be paid for your skills generously? Uncreate and delete it all. What vibrational energy can bring you more and more skills and talents? And everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete it all.

​I want to bring up one more thing about being paid, it just kind of popped in my head. So John you would say, “What would it take for anything that I’m allowing from my mother to influence my life?” Uncreate and delete it all. “Anything I’m allowing from my father to influence my life in a way that stops my money.” Uncreate and delete it all. Anywhere I’m allowing myself to influence my life in a way that stops my money, uncreate and delete it all.

​Remember how I had you guys think of your perfect customer? So just call it the perfect customer. You’re going to ask the perfect customer how and you’re going to practice that you’re asking that person for money and they happily give it to you doing your talent and skill.

​Glenda you felt attacked by your mom’s energy because you were thinking she is not happy so she must not be happy with me and that felt like an attack to you. And then somewhere around 17, 18 and 20 you felt like stopped or blocked from moving forward. And then somewhere you had a hubby or a boyfriend or something that kind of stopped you. Okay, so those are all your blocks.

​So I want to talk about this for a minute because Wanda brought up a really great point. If you don’t resonate with how much you’re asking for, there’s two things that are going on. This is going to sound funny but if you’re charging too little you’ll get resentful. If you’re resentful you won’t generate the kind of right clients for you, if that makes sense. So for a long time I was charging like not as much as what I do now. But the thing is that I watched my energy; I was getting drained, I was getting tired, I was getting cranky, I was feeling like out of alignment. And when I raised my prices, because I came into my awareness what was really going on, is I felt like I was worth more but I was charging less so therefore I felt ashamed of myself. And because I felt ashamed of myself it was kind of lowering my vibration, right.

​So if you’re not in alignment; like if you’re charging too little it will actually block your money. So Wanda I’m actually hearing $75 bucks an hour so why don’t you go try that for a little bit because you’ll draw in a different kind of cliental. So any of you guys that are holding yourself back by charging too little instead of moving into the energy of abundance and the free flowing energy of abundance and the joyous energy of abundance, uncreate and delete all that.

​Okay, so anywhere you guys feel sucker-punched in any way, like some sort of energy of like I can’t get paid that much and I’m not worth it, uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension, space and reality. All realities that are coalescing to this moment- so this is the moment you guys can change your life, right here right now this is the moment where you as an infinite being unlock all the doors to your abundance. This is the moment where you let go of your freak-outs, your fear patterns and all the other internal stuff you guys have going on that’s stopping you. So everything that is, person, place, thing, event, idea, thought, feeling, justification, conclusion, evidence, any childhood trauma or anything locked in your energy fields that are stopping you from moving forward and charging what you want using your talents and abilities, uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension, space and reality.

​Alright cool, thank you Sarah. Okay, so 30 to 40 times a day of want vibrational energy can you become to get paid for being you? And you’re still in process so I know you guys are going to make money this year, so I love it love it. I think you guys are amazing. I completely love and adore you and appreciate so much that you guys have showed up for yourself. That’s what I admire about you guys; that you’re willing to just work through your stuff be over it once and for all and never have to have the same complaints in your life again. And then you can go get paid everything you’re worth. I have one little pull.

​If you can label how much you have manifested since the beginning of the journey and put it in dollar amounts like including savings and all those kind of things, what have you generated? You guys have generated some money that’s lovely. And the really cool thing is you’ve changed your foundation. So what I know most of all is that you’ll never be the same, how cool is that. And what I know most of all is that you have tools now that you can change anything in your life.

Alright love you bunches and many blessings.

Please continue to the next Unlimited Abundance Journey session.

23 Clearing Fear of Scarcity

Abundance Block 23 : Clearing the fear of scarcity
Smash away fear of scarcity to regain the flow for receiving and giving energy. Highlights include:
Generosity Gifting – explore how the energy of generosity can help you live in a place of ‘enough…’ and start giving the gift of you!
Your Vessel of Light – by filling yourself up with light and life, see how abundance and generosity are a simple matter of turning on your inner light switch.

special 25ab 23

Today is session 23 unlimited abundance journey and it’s an exciting day today. We’re going to talk about sharing a certain kind of energy in the world and with yourself. So grab a journal, a piece of paper, so that you can take some notes about what comes up for you and work on it this week. So let’s open to a lot of abundance. How about that?

​So let’s take a moment and set some intent on what you hope to achieve. Like what would it take for you this week to have more abundance; more generosity; more love than has ever shown up in your life ever? Lots of energy there – love it. Let’s set intent for unlimited abundance journey. So a few more days, so let’s just set up a super duper intent that everything that you wanted to have happen, we’re going so ask that it show up in your life no matter what you think.

We’re going to ask it to exceed your expectations, accelerate beyond belief, move past any of your fears and stuff and just show up in your life. What would it take for that to happen? What would it take for the universe and you to work together to collaborate and make life be generous for you?

We have some exciting news today. Desiree manifested $18,500 and here’s how. So her manifesting is still paying off. She also told us about her ex-husband that she was trying to release. He recently sent her some paperwork for a loan deferment on a car loan that she was a co-signer on. It is not the first time this happened and it upsets her every time he does it.

She decided she has some tools now, and she asked what would it take for her ex to trade in the car and get her off the loan? Less than 72 hours later – ring, ring, ring, she gets a phone call – and he had traded the car in on another new car, and she no longer has to worry about the loan. So this is so amazing, wow. Between the extra income she has brought in with her part-time job, being released from the $8,500 car loan, she has manifested $18,500 since starting the unlimited abundance journey. So good job Desiree, I love it, love it. And what would it take for everybody listening to have something really cool like that happen for you too?

Alright, Theresa has manifested $8,650 in little miracles. Her health insurance was cancelled; when she called to renew it the company said they would waive the $250 renewal fee. She didn’t ask for that fee to be waived, but because she’s vibrating in a different energy level from using all the tools, they just offered.

She received a new mortgage coupon in the mail for the next year. When she checked it they had lowered the amount by $700 a month, so that’s a savings of $8,400 totally out of the blue. The other day she was on the beach with the family, it was gray and overcast. She was on the way, and she said what would it take to get a sunny day at the beach, so guess what happened? As soon as they pulled up, removed the gear the sun came out and stayed out for a full four hours and they enjoyed the beach. I’m loving this change in the weather thing going on.

On the way to the airport, they hit a traffic jam in the Holland Tunnel. She has tools now, so she said what would it take for the traffic to clear and get them to the airport by 8 a.m.? She said normally it takes 45 minutes, but basically within minutes she said what was like a massive traffic jam, it began to clear and soon it was like they were the only ones on the road. So they arrived at the airport five minutes early. So $8,650 and an early airport arrival. So really good job Theresa, I love it.

Okay, Georgia shared some really good news about her latest manifestations. A doctor found a tumor and said there was a reason to be concerned and she needed to have it tested right away. So while all this was going on, she asked what would it take to have the test results come back clear, showing no problem at all?

A few days later the results showed exactly that, no problems or complications, the tumor was benign. Then she was using the secret formula, what would it take for extra income to show up and she’s a jewelry maker and painter. She manifested 120 bucks in jewelry sales right away, $650 from the sale of three paintings and $240 from her garage sale. So that’s $1,010 total, she was thrilled.

She’s also travelled a long distance to attend a family wedding. In the past this would be very uncomfortable, she said and she’d feel out of place, like want to hide. How many of you have felt that? She said what would it take to go and have fun? And she did, she said she felt very welcome for the first time in a very, very, very long time and had a great time catching up with her family. So good job, Georgia, we love that.

What would it take for all of you to manifest loads and loads of abundance for yourself, exceeding all your expectations more than you’ve ever hoped to achieve, bypassing any of your beliefs. And any of you not open to receiving this kind of abundance and quality of life, we ask that all of that stuff be deleted as well.

Alright so let’s connect to the light you guys. So close your eyes and obviously if you’re driving please don’t close your eyes. So take your energy up 300 feet above you. See, sense, feel, believe, imagine that you are connected the light and imagine that this light forms a beam of light and just comes straight into your crown and stays about sharing your energy.

So we’re going to ask this beam of light to start helping you feel the energy of generosity, of abundance, of love, of plenty, of more than enough. We’re going to ask this light to come into your crown, opening all the knowing centers up so that you can know, see, believe, feel and heal all your abundance and generosity.

Asking the light to come through your throat so you can communicate the truth of who you are, which is you are an abundant creational being by nature. You are a creative being who creates abundance in your life. Asking the light to come into your hearts, opening you up so you can feel the energy of this abundance and generosity, and more than enough, and power.

Asking this light to come into your solar plexus, opening up any nervousness, fear, anxiety, washing it away so you can feel who you truly are, embodied in the energy of abundance. Asking this light to go into your power centers, opening up all the places we feel a little disempowered, moving you to the place where you can feel abundance, feel the generosity, feel spirit moving through you.

Opening up all your channels to receive all your abundance better than you ever expect, yes, knowing that you deserve it in all ways. Asking this light to come into your roots, so you’re rooted the new reality – the brand new reality, that you are completely different than you were yesterday. You’re completely different than you were five years ago. You’re completely different in your reality field, because now you’re in the reality field called abundance, plenty, more than enough, everything you ask for shows up for you.

Asking the quality of life to increase. Ask this light to connect to the center of the planet where it feels the happiest, the light, the most light, the most loved. Ask this light in the center of the planet to bounce straight back up into your body, moving all the way up into your heart, radiating out your heart, like a great central sun 360º all the way around.

Ask this light to expand ten feet all the way around you filling your whole field with the energy of generosity, abundance, plenty, more than enough, ease, lots of happiness, lots of love, lots of things are taken care of.

Ask this light to get bigger than the building you’re in, filling the space with abundance, generosity, a magnet for more than enough to show up in your life. Ask this light to expand past the city you’re in connecting to all the people in it, asking them to bring you everything it is that you’re asking for, and ask that you can be of service to them bringing your gifts to them as well. They happily and easily will pay you in exchange for that. Ask this light to connect to everybody in your state, asking that anybody in your state who can happily receive service from you will show up, asking that you gift them the gift of abundance back.

Asking this light to expand past the country you’re in, connecting to all the people in it. Asking those that would happily be a part of your abundance creation, your new way of life, your new way of living your happily ever after, whatever that is for you. We’re going to ask those people to show up in your life, and we’re going to ask you to send a lot of blessings to them right now, and ask them to show up now.

Asking the light to expand past the planet earth connecting to everybody on the planet earth, sending them love and light. Asking them to find you and give you love and money and you will happily and easily gift them something in return as well. It could be energy, it could be time, it could be you just being you – whatever that means to you.

Let’s just ask it again that all your expectations increase, that everything shows up this week exactly how you want it, completely and totally aligned, better than you could have ever dreamed of. Connecting you to all the future abundance that you want in the future, we’re going to ask that to just show up now. Let’s ask it to show up now.

Just say abundance come to me, everything on my vision board come to me, everything that I always wanted and dreamed and desired in my life, show up now. Kind of affirm densely that I am an excellent receiver of all my abundance. I am an excellent receiver of all my blessings. I’m an excellent receiver, I can handle it all now, bring it on. Bring it to me with a lot of ease and fun, and laughter and happiness, and joy and celebration.

So today we’re going to fill you guys up a lot today. So today is a filler-up day, okay. I’m just going to ask you to just do an internal check, alright, an internal check. On most days are you more generous or more stingy? And I also mean this with yourself and with others. And then just kind of type in your answers so we can clear everything as it comes up for you. So are you generous or are you sting?

So if any of you guys who have some stinginess maybe in treating certain members of your family, certain parts of your life, taking care of your body, taking care of your finances, whatever that is. Anywhere you’re stingy with yourself, will you uncreate and delete that across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

So what are you guys stingy in? Everywhere you’re stingy with your time, everything that is, will you uncreate and delete it all. And the reason I’m bringing this question up, I’ll give you guys a bigger picture. If you’re stingy, that somewhere means that you don’t have enough, or that the universe isn’t generous. So if you have an overriding belief that the universe is generous, you’ll usually be generous. So anywhere you guys think that there’s not enough in the world for you, and there’s only a small portion for you – everything that is, will you uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

How many places are you guys limiting how much time and effort you put into your life and you’re stingy with letting your life be fully in you? Everything that is, uncreate it all. So think about what it would be like if you guys were totally in your power, right? So what would it be like for you guys to be totally in your power radiating generosity, knowing that the universe will happily bring back to you that which you emanate? It’s about filling your body and your being with so much love that you’re like a magnet that attracts more and more to you. Just think about that and everywhere you’re unwilling to do that, will you please uncreate and delete all that across all time, space and reality.

Any of you that are stingy with money, so stingy with money with yourself, with other people, with your kids, with your family – everything that is uncreate and delete all that. Anywhere you like to heckle yourself on a daily basis and talk down to yourself and badger yourself, and make yourself wrong, and beat yourself up? That’s kind of stingy with love, right? You’re not really being very gracious and loving to yourself? So everything that is, will you uncreate and delete all that, across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

So let’s see, everywhere you tend to hold on to grudges, so everywhere you’re holding onto grudges – uncreate and delete all that, across all time, dimensions, space and reality. Everywhere you guys are kind of like holding back in seeing the big picture, you know kind of getting the download here for a minute that, if you’re willing to be bigger than all your problems, and filled with so much life and so much zest and so much celebration, what happens is more, and more, and more of that comes to you. But if you’re filled with kind of negative, whiney, complainey, kind of energy, right, like oh this doesn’t work, I’m such a shit, what’s wrong with me – all those kind of things – then obviously can you see how that energy would bring you back more of the same? So anywhere you guys do the whiney, complainey thing at any level – uncreate and delete all that, across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

What would it take for you guys to always know that just connecting to the light can happen in two seconds? So if you’re in the whiney, crabby thing, in two seconds, what would it take for you to just go uncreate and delete all that? So anywhere you’re unwilling to do that for yourself and you live in the energy of the feeling that you are a flawed human being – will you uncreate and delete all that. How many of you guys think you’re flawed – all things are wrong with you, so everywhere you guys think you’re flawed for whatever reason, just uncreate and delete all that, across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

How many other places you guys think you’re flawed – uncreate and delete all that, across all time, dimensions, space and reality. How many core beliefs do you guys have that align you with the energy of I am flawed – yes, uncreate and delete all that, across all time, dimensions, space and reality. How many of you hate your life at some level, and you might not want to admit it, but you hate your life? So everything that is, will you uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

So how many of you guys are stingy with how much time you spend with other people? Maybe you need some love from people and you’re not letting yourself have it. Everything that is uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

Everywhere you’re stingy with wiring yourself to believe that you can have everything you want? Everything that is will you uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

There’s not really an energy of too generous, Christina, unless it’s taking something away from you. I mean if it’s being unkind to you, like there’s generosity, but at some level it’s not kind how much generosity you do, then yeah, that might be too generous. So anywhere you guys are unkind to yourself by giving more then you receive – uncreate and delete all that.

You know what I do? I would change my belief more that I’m a really excellent receiver and everything that I generously give, I receive a hundred fold back. Let’s everybody think about this for a minute. So what would it take for all of us to receive a hundred fold back, or a million fold back from everything that you give in the world, right? Yes! Everything you give and gift in the world that you give a gift of you, what would it take for you to receive all that energy back a thousand fold? So everywhere you guys worry too much about the little things about how much you spend on clothing, or food, or time – all that stuff – uncreate and delete it all.

Again it goes back to that simple question. Like, when I buy clothes you know what I do? It’s kind of funny, I ask two questions. If I buy this will it make me profit? Because if it makes me happy, it might bring me profit, and then I do a cost per wearing, I measure it in my head. What’s the probability that I’ll wear this over 20 times? And if the answer is no, I probably don’t usually buy it. I do a cost per wearing analysis in my head really quick, so it’s all is kind of fun.

I’m generous with others with my time and money and then I find I’m not filling myself up and I get drained and I get stingy with them. Yeah, because that’s unloving towards yourself, so you have to be generous with you first to fill up to the brim with you and then give to others. So everywhere the real problem is you’re stingy with yourself – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you’re generous to other people, because maybe you want love and approval and not so generous with yourself and hubby – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you get blamed for everything that goes wrong in the world – uncreate and delete all that.

Stingy is the just an energy field, because I want you guys to get here that abundance is an energetic model so it’s not necessarily about how much you give or don’t give, because you can give time or energy. Literally, I want you to just really think about this. So you’re standing in the grocery line, you’re buying your food; there’s probably the cashier standing there, maybe the bagger person, maybe there’s somebody in front of your line, and there’s somebody behind you. So there’s four people around you. Are you generous, or are you stingy? You know what I mean, like are you emanating life and love, or you hiding and holding back and avoiding? So everywhere you guys are holding a grudge for not getting paid, so that’s going to hold your energy up, Kathleen. So I know it sucks that that happened, I really do, so I acknowledge that, but anywhere you’re holding on to that grudge for any reason.

Everywhere it’s not fair and right, and good, uncreate and delete it all. And any pattern that you created in your life that made that manifest for you, including your mom’s patterns – uncreate and delete all those and your Dad’s patterns – uncreate and delete all those. Anywhere else you guys think you have flaws – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you’ve been told to never expect to receive. You see everything is – remember, your reality is wired how you want it to be wired. So if you have the point of view that you shouldn’t expect anything back, like I never expect anything back from the person that I’m helping. Do you understand? But I expect that it will come in some way for me. Do you understand?

So it doesn’t have to be from the exact person, like if I helped one person I might not get anything back from that one person, but I do know that 150 other people will help me back later somewhere else. So I have this belief that it’s kind of my responsibility to give and share my energy so that other people can have their gifts open too. And in doing that I’m basically generating a lot of energy towards helping the planet, and I expect simultaneously that the planet will take care of me. So it’s like a mutual giving and taking all at the same time, doesn’t have to be with one particular person.

I love being by myself. No, it’s not stingy so much; you have to really, Helen, think about that for yourself. You know what I mean? So it’s kind of a judgment call. Do you feel generous in your life? If you feel generous and open-hearted and you’re full of life, and all your interactions with people are full of life, then that’s great.

So everywhere you let your spouse control how much you give to yourself – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions, space and reality. Well sometimes you guys have to fill up with yourself. See, if you’re filled with life, you won’t be tired. Do you understand? It’s okay to retreat and take care of yourself, so please understand again, this is about being filled with life, is what I’m talking about. So everywhere you guys won’t fill it with life, but you kind of give, but resent it at the same time. Okay any of you doing that, will you uncreate and delete all that.

Okay, so let’s go to the next thing, because you’ll kind of see where I’m going with this in a minute. Do you guys, when you walk out in the world, are you feeling kind about life and people, or are you feeling hurt by life and reacting, and attacking and shielding yourself? So that’s kind of stingy too, right? So it’s like, do you walk out thinking the world is benevolent and going to help you, or do you walk out in the world thinking I’ve got to shield and hide myself, because people are going to want things from me, or they’re going to push my button, or they’re going to be unkind to me and they’re going to voraciously attack me? So any of you guys thinking that the world is going to attack you and you should hide from it? Everything that is will you uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

How many of you think the world is unfair and unkind to you, so you don’t want to show up for it? Everything that is will you uncreate and delete all that, across all time, dimensions, space and reality. Everywhere you’re feeling inadequate, or I am not enough. Oh, I’m going to clear this one. Everywhere you guys are givers and not takers, because again; generosity means you also receive generous energy, right? You give generous energy and you receive generous energy simultaneously.

So anywhere you guys are givers but not takers, because you have to be both. What would it take be for you guys to be an amazing taker, and everything in the way of that will you uncreate and delete all that? What would it take for you guys to be an amazing taker? Yes! Everything in the way of that, will you uncreate and delete all that.

Anywhere being generous with people makes you dependent on them, or they might want more later on. Everything that is, will you uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

My mom says in some ways that the economy is too broke to buy from my website, then they try to counter that reaction with lots of people are still working and still buy gifts for a wedding and stuff. Okay so Marsha, anywhere you bought into the whole thing the economy broken, uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

What would it take for the economy to be generous? I don’t know where I read this, but I just read that if everybody spends an extra – gosh I wish I remember the numbers exactly. Let’s just say ten, twenty bucks – but they only bought things from the country that they live in, they would basically create so many jobs in that country that they live in and it would pretty much change the whole economy.

So they were talking in particular about the United States, but they were saying that if we only buy American products it will basically change the whole economy and basically create a whole bunch more jobs. So anywhere you guys have bought into the reality that you don’t have any control over it, because the point I brought up with that is; you do have control over the economy at some level. If you’re willing to take some sort of action that adds to the economy – so everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete it all.

Everywhere you guys react with your hubby, your kids, and your family – everything that is, will you uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you have a pattern where you give people a lot and then you get imbalanced, because they become dependent on you. Everything that is, will you uncreate and delete all that for yourselves.

So do you guys love people or do you avoid people? Where are you at with this? Are you so filled up with life and so balanced and so harmonious with yourself that you can love people and get plenty back? So any of you guys who are avoiding people, hanging out, hiding your gifts and talents and shielding yourself, because if you’re hiding you’re gifts and talents, and shielding yourselves, you’re not going to get paid as much money. So everything that is will, you uncreate and delete it all.

People usually bring money to you, right? So if you want to create abundance, you have to be willing to be seen and heard at some level. So any of you guys unwilling to be seen and heard at some level and therefore you don’t get paid. Everything that is, will you uncreate and delete all that, across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

Any of you guys who have body aches and pains, will you please just decide right now. Ask your body what it’s trying to show you. So all of you who have body aches and pains that are kind of talking right now, ask your body what is it trying to show you that you’re unwilling to receive. Like maybe you don’t love yourself. So, Nancy, there’s some sort of lack of love that you need to add to your life every day. So you need some more love.

Everywhere you guys don’t love yourselves enough – uncreate and delete all that, across all time, dimensions, space and reality. What would it take for you guys to feel the energy of love? To get myself into this whole feeling of love, I just go I love, I love, I love, I love. Everybody say this out loud, I love, I love, I love. I love myself, I love me, I’m generous to me, I love me. All your energy changed. I love it. Everywhere you guys have a hard time letting other people help you, will you uncreate and delete all that too.

Everywhere you guys are avoiding letting the energy pass through your body and you want it have it stuck in your body. Everything that is, will you uncreate it all. What would it take for you guys to just love the part of your body that’s hurting and ask it to release the energy?

Alright, do you guys know deep down that you can financially provide for yourself? Do you guys know deeply that you can financially provide to yourself? Anyone who doesn’t know deeply that they can financially provide for themselves – will you uncreate and delete all that.

So all those stories, all the indecision that’s amounting to you guys not willing to step forward into your power. This is all about you guys pretending that you’re weak, and I know who you are. You guys aren’t weak; you guys are power houses. So everywhere you guys are playing games with yourselves and creating all these stories and pretending you can’t and going into the flawed part of you, instead of just deciding, you know what – I’m going to just get over this, and I’m going to fix my finances and it’s going to happen no matter what it takes, no matter what training it takes, no matter what education it takes, no matter what I know-how it takes. I’m going to do whatever it takes to make some more cash and know that I’m always truly and totally financially provided for.

So again, we’re not going to go into too much body stuff. I was just being kind of nice there and kind of going into it, but all the stuff that you guys have going on your body that you don’t want to let go of, that you want to label a name and make real and make persistent and keep it, and label it – all that stuff, will you guys uncreate and delete it all across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

The more you label it, the more it wants to stay. Why don’t you just call this interesting thing that wants to go away right now. Everywhere you guys won’t let go of the interesting things in your body because you want to play with them, will you uncreate and delete all those across all time, dimensions, space and reality. So how many of you feel that you cannot provide for yourself financially? Everything that is, will you uncreate and delete all that, across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

I think you guys are distracting from this. I want you to feel inside, okay because if we can get rid of this story, this would be a really good story to get rid of, feel inside and think about going into the future. Do you guys feel a thousand percent comfortable that you can make any amount of money that you would ever truly want to make? Anybody who answered no to that question, or maybe to that question, will you delete and uncreate all the no’s and the maybes across all time, dimensions, space and reality. So anywhere else you guys do not believe that you can know the truth about everything that you venture into – will you uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

How many of you are avoiding looking at your future and your future abundance, and not moving forward because you don’t choose to be financially independent? Everything that is, will you uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

Some of you guys are not letting go of your stories about this whole financially moving forward trusting that you can make anything you want. So, any of you guys who have these stories that I’m blocked and stopped and I can’t really make the kind of living that I want to make. So everything that is, will you uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions, space and reality. Wow it’s a lot of energy.

So any of you guys who are still thinking that you’re poor; still thinking that you’re poverty stricken – everything that is, will you uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions, space and reality. How many of you still believe that you cannot do it on your own? Everything that is will you uncreate and delete all the stories and the reasons why. And at what age did you tell yourself this story that you needed help, that you couldn’t do it on your own? Everything that is, will you uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

So all those ages that kind of popped in your head when I asked that question, whatever was going on in that part of your life, because it’s usually that you believe somebody else. So any of you that believed somebody else that you couldn’t make a living, or that life was hard, or that you can’t go forward, will you uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

How many of you have slowed yourself down on purpose? So, JC, anywhere you slowed yourself down because it feels like you made a decision to slow yourself down – uncreate and delete all that across time, dimensions, space and reality. Anywhere you guys bought into somebody else’s story about making money, making abundance and making a living and then making a life – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

Any of you guys that are waiting for somebody to rescue you, uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions, space and reality. What would it take for you guys to connect to the light and make it happen on your own? Everywhere you guys are waiting to be rescued, will you uncreate and delete all that.

People can have rich parents, or get inherited money, so maybe you don’t have to justify receiving it. It just means you’re an excellent receive who is in the right place at the right time. So will you acknowledge yourself that you did it? Like you did it, right, at some level your energy created that. So any of you that won’t acknowledge that you created financial independence – everything that is uncreate and delete all that.

Everywhere you guys live in the mindset of I don’t have enough – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions, space and reality. Everywhere you guys created a scenario where you don’t think you can pay all your bills for whatever reason – everything that is, will you uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

Anywhere else you guys created that you can’t pay your bills – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions, space and reality. Everywhere you guys get stuck trying to figure out what to do next – uncreate and delete all that.

So I’m going to ask you guys to connect to the light right now, and I want you to think of whatever business you want to have. So just think if you’re having a business and you guys pick a number a hundred thousand, a million, I don’t care what. Okay, think of how much you want. Connect to the light and say. “No matter what I want my answer of what is my next step that leads me to this money? What is my next step that brings me that cash?” Everything that is, will you uncreate and delete all that?

Anywhere you guys are increasing your spending, but not your earning – so everything that is will you uncreate and delete all that? Did any of you get some answers what your next step is? Because sometimes it’s just training; sometimes it’s just calling to people; sometimes it’s just doing something you found on the internet. So everything in the way of you guys knowing what to do next, uncreate and delete all that.

Do you authentically know inside yourself that life is good, safe and right? Any of you who do not think that life is good, safe and right or fair to you, that usually means you have some God belief, or source belief that the universe doesn’t take care of you or God doesn’t take care of you. So any of you guys who have a belief that God doesn’t take care of me, or I don’t take care of me, or my parents don’t take care of me – uncreate and delete it all.

Everywhere you have a fear of failure which is really not feeling safe in the world – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions, space and reality. How many of you are afraid to step forward knowing that you might fail? Uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

Anywhere you guys set yourself up to close off so you don’t have to really, really, really have to go out there. Everything that is will you uncreate and delete it all. How many of you guys want to really move forward? I want you guys to check inside for a minute okay. I want you to really, really, really feel inside.

When we’re were talking about your sub consciousness, check inside with all your subconscious stuff and all your garbage and all your patterns and say, “Am I really willing to move forward and change my life?” Are you really willing to do what’s needed? Because sometimes it’s not a belief, it’s just a choice. A powerful choice can change your life. Everywhere you’re the one that messes up your life where it’s harder than you imagined – uncreate and delete all that.

So what was the answer to that question? Are you guys really willing to go forward? So to go forward without real knowledge and lose is stupid, right, but maybe the forward is learning knowledge, maybe that’s the next step right? So going forward means just doing the next step, and if the next step is learn some skill, then that’s the next step, right? So anything that came up that says no I’m not subconsciously – I’m talking to your subconscious here for a minute; all the hidden things. So all the hidden things that said no, no, no, no, no – uncreate and delete all that.

People usually bring you money, usually, in this world generally speaking. So do you like people, or are you afraid of people? So any of you guys afraid of people, or afraid of taking money from people, or afraid of connecting to people who could have an answer for you; who could have a tool for you; who could have an awareness for you, or could it you be your client. So any of you guy’s afraid of talking to people, or meeting new people to get new clients, and money and ideas, and thoughts and feelings and all sorts of cool stuff – everything that is, will you uncreate and delete all that.

Any of you guys who are blocked by your father. So Roman, you’re blocked by your father – everything that is will you uncreate and delete all that, across all time, dimensions, space and reality. Any of you guys blocked by your mother’s energy – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

So Amy, so she’s got a good point. She’s saying that she likes to support people, but she doesn’t like to be out front. So anywhere you guys are hiding behind the scenes- uncreate and delete all that. Anywhere you think it’s risky to go forward – uncreate and delete all that. Now, you can be behind the scenes for a little while if you need to learn something, or mentor with somebody, right, but yeah, don’t stay stuck there too long. So any of you guys who are afraid to go forward – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

Everywhere you’re afraid to ask for the money, or are afraid to let go of your father or mother’s energy – everything that is, will you uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions, space and reality. Everywhere you only like people if they can help you – uncreate and delete all that.

Now the reason that could be ineffective at some level, JC, is because what if you’re judging that they can’t help you, but maybe they actually really could, right? So it could get in the way because maybe you’re cutting off 70% of the population and maybe 70% of the population could actually really help you, because you’re already judging that they couldn’t before they even show up in your life. So any of you guys blocking people by judging them before they show up in your life – everything that is, will you uncreate and delete all that.

I don’t really judge people; I just hang out with them a little bit, you know, where I feel their energy decide wow, if I hang out with them or can their energy support me in some way and can I support them? You know it’s like a big picture thing again. A big picture of knowing that the universe is generous, and if you exude life, and are full of life, then really good things will happen to you. So again, it’s about filling you guys with life – that’s where I’m really trying to go in this session. Where you think about, you just show up at the world even if you’re in the grocery store, even if you’re at the car wash, even if you’re at your kids’ school, you just show up being generous, kind, loving, a force of love and life. And from that place you attract a lot more good things to you. This is about creating a powerful attraction field that can change your life.

Everywhere you guys are afraid to step forward because you might do something wrong, what would it take for you guys to help people and receive things as a benefit? Well mom and dad’s stuff can sometimes be deep if you don’t get the right thing Louise, so sometimes like you and Roman. Like Roman for sure needs to just start saying; everything that basically wherever your father’s energy didn’t support me is what I’m saying – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere my mother’s energy doesn’t support me – uncreate and delete all that.

Is it possible to be so filled with light that it doesn’t matter what you know or do? You mean in order to make money? The answer is yes. I mean you might have to take some action at some point. You know, I don’t know, I guess yes and no, because you still have a body and you’ve got to move it around to meet people. It’s got to come through some form. Everywhere you think that people will take advantage if you give your energy to them – uncreate and delete all that, because nobody can take anything that you’re not willing to give.

Are you guys willing to take massive action without any outside support? Drago, a little bit mom and dad, and like some girlfriend somewhere before, a female energy that was a lover. You’re blocked on that, so can you guys take massive action without any outside support?

So Amber is saying sometimes she runs out of steam if she doesn’t have somebody’s energy around her as a cheerleader probably or to work with or something like that. So anywhere you would stop no matter what. Like basically what I’m getting here is anywhere you would stop – anything that is will you uncreate and delete it all? Any other actions you would stop yourself from taking – uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you believe you have no outside support – everything that is, will you uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

How many other places do you feel not aided, or that the aide that you’re seeking for will never come in the future? Everything that is, uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you guys distract yourselves so you don’t actually have to finish – so that’s usually a self-worth deserved thing, usually, not all the time, but usually. Any of that, uncreate and delete it all. All the reasons why you guys would distract yourself instead of getting paid -uncreate and delete it all, alright. Everywhere you have unwanted outsiders – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you’re still mad that your family didn’t come to your rescue – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

So Kobe, at somewhere around age 20-ish you should’ve stepped forward in your life and you stopped yourself. So you need to unblock there, and you need to unblock your mom and dad, okay? So I would just say what would it take for me to clear every implanted energy from my parents that has stopped me, and anywhere I have decided to stop myself. So somewhere around age 20 you stopped yourself.

Are you allowing yourself to move forward abundantly in the world? Everywhere you guys are not allowing yourself to move forward abundantly, uncreate and delete all that. And this is where we’re going to go today, but the biggest question is; do you guys feel abundant? Do you know what it’s like to feel abundant?

I want you to close your eyes for a minute, and then obviously if you’re driving do not close your eyes. But I want you to picture yourself when you’re abundant, okay, and hopefully that’s now, but what is your picture, feeling and thought about being abundant? Like what are you wearing? Who are you with? Have you paid off your credit card bills? Do you have a million bucks in the bank? Everybody’s picture is going to be a little different. For you it might be your next step which is maybe getting out of credit card debt, or maybe it’s having a business, or maybe it’s seeing your income increase.

So pick a picture that’s going to be juicy to you. Like really, really juicy that you can feel it, and just feel the energy of abundance. Okay and what feelings are in your body? Are you loving it, are you loving life, are you filled with a lot of joy and spirit, and spunk? Oh wow; you guys just changed energy a lot. What are you guys experiencing inside yourself?

Now this feeling that you’re feeling, I want you to turn it up a little bit make it Technicolor, make it more vibrant. Imagine there’s a dial in front of you and you can make yourself feel it a little more. So this feeling, turn it up a little bit more.

So what would it take for your feeling to be radiated in your field? What would it take for your energy to bring you everything you’re asking for right now? What would it take for this energy that you’re feeling basically, just blow up the other reality and this is your new reality. So your new reality is generosity, abundance, kindness, fun, ease, joy, power, collaboration with others in a way that fits for you. Collaboration with others in the way that’s kind.

So ask that all the people that fit in this part of your life that brings whatever you’re feeling – ask these people to show up in your life now, and ask that you take on an action and show up in their life now too, because you take the action that meets them, collaborative efforts bringing you abundance and cash.

From this space ask what is my next step that I have to do, like what am I doing when I generate this abundance? What am I doing? Cool. What would it take for you guys to live in this space 24/7 as if this is the only space that you need to live in? What would it take for you guys to really, truly live in this space 24/7, just live in this energy and you’ll manifest a lot of things.

Alright, good job. So you are this energy, so some of you might have heard of Dr. Moto’s crystals where he blessed the water, and since you made out of 70%, water, when you bless the water with love and gratitude and this abundance, and this joy and this thankfulness, more good things show up in your life. So I’ll explain the experiment for those of you who don’t know.

Basically a scientist took water, froze it, but before he froze it, he put one bottle of water and had the word anger on it, and one bottle of water had the word love and thanks on it. Blessed the one bottle, put anger in the other bottle, and then he photographed the crystals. And at the end of it all, the anger one had blobby, ugly crystals that didn’t even form, and the one that was blessed and loved formed these gorgeous crystalline structures. When we’re sending out energy of gratitude, thankfulness and feeling this abundance, this love, this fun, this joy, more and more of that is attracted into our lives. So it’s about filling in with the good stuff.

So what would it take for you guys to be graceful and thankful for your abundance? What would it take to create abundance in all of your lives now? What would it take for you guys to do what’s needed to act abundantly in your life? What would it take to deliver all the courage you need to live generously? Live generously means living fully in your body.

What vibrational energy can you become to have generous benefactors give you things? What vibrational energy can make you alive, well and living abundantly? What vibrational energy can bring more and more abundance? 30 to 40 times a day – it can be all at one time – say what vibrational energy can I become to feel love abundantly? Because it’s like really the love in all things it’s what’s going to help you.

You can post some fun things on the lover above fan page, or my Christie Marie Sheldon fan page.

So let’s do a big blessing here into the future so that all of you know. Let’s ask that all of you know that the universe is generous and kind and loving, and supportive. What would it take for you guys to know that the universe is loving, generous, kind, and supportive? What would it take for you guys to know and have something cool happen so you know the universe is loving, kind, generous, and supportive?

So let’s show some cool things up beyond your expectations. Ciao for now, love you.

22 Clearing Financial Illusions

Abundance Block 22 : Clearing financial illusions

Make sure your illusions about money aren’t keeping you from a magical future. Highlights include:

The Monetary Magic Show – are you living in a world of monetary illusion? Discover if money matters have been hiding in the dark, and learn how to uncover them for your audience.

Investigate your Investments – take a look into your approach to investing, and an easy way to uncover the truth of whether your money is in the right places.

Psychic Spending – start spending your money with an eye to the future, and align the outflow of money with future inflows of happiness, riches and fiscal fortitude.

special 25ab 22


Hey, this is Christie Marie Sheldon and you’re listening to a recording I did of a series of twenty-four live group sessions on Clearing Abundance Blocks. Here’s what we’re covering today in Session 22.

First, are you living a life of illusion or monetary delusion? Today, we’ll take you up on your illusions and shatter the fear-based ones.

​Are you money wise? Let’s clear up your wisdom channel so that all of the flows and all of the channels to bringing in your shuckles, which means money, align up so that your money can grow. Next, we’ll take a look at how you’re spending opens up your future. Your fiscal future, your future happiness, your future is an open door with this kind of power at your fingertips.

​Let’s begin. We’re going to talk about if you’re spending aligns with your heart. We’ll talk a little more about that. It’s going to be an exciting day. Grab a journal, a piece of paper because I’m going to have you write some things today for sure, and be open to some new abundance. Today’s going to be really, really exciting. We’re going to get some things in line, get you a plan of action.

​Set intent on what you hope to achieve tonight and set intent on what you hope to achieve by the end of the journey. Let’s begin, today’s exciting. Today, we have your inspiring stories and I got quite a few of them today again, a few really big ones so here we go.

​Big shifts in the energy for Jack. He says his whole approach to money, his feelings about money, everything surrounding money has changed since starting the Unlimited Abundance journey. He says when he started; his family’s finances were a mess. They couldn’t pay their bills, their business wasn’t getting any new clients and his wife started tutoring to help make ends meet and they were barely scraping by.

​A few weeks into the journey, things started to shift. First, Jack forcefully asked, “What would it take to make $2,000 profit by the end of July?” Out of the blue, after months of no activity, a client was interested in some high-end speakers that he sells and he closed a very nice sale. Between that and an unexpected tutoring client for his wife, he ended up with over $2,000 extra at the end of the month.

​Excited about his success, Jack did it again, asking, “What would it take for an extra $5,000 to show up at the end of August?” Suddenly, more sales started coming in and his wife’s tutoring business tripled for the month. It looks like they are ready to close an extra $5,000 for August and August isn’t even over, so congratulations, Jack. That has to be really exciting for you.

​Margaret from Australia says she’s done basically a whole one eighty in her financial life since starting the journey. When she started the journey, she had gone through $125,000 inheritance, sold an investment property and gold shares that valued $100,000, her small business was spending more than it was bringing in and her credit cards were maxed out.

​Here’s what happened since starting the journey: They sold the business which enabled them to pay off most of their debts and buy a second car with cash. Her husband went straight into full-time work making a larger salary than he’d ever, ever done before, they did a vision board together and the next week, her husband was given a week’s paid vacation, they found a great deal for a long weekend at the beach, two nights and three days, for only $60, saved $300.

​Margaret recently did her taxes and found out they’re getting a $5,000 refund. Congratulations, Margaret. She’s also setting up some new business and has clients that she’s already sold for seminars and has people approaching her for new business ventures. She says her life has totally changed.

​What would it take for everybody listening to have the same thing happen for them? That or something greater. Kelly, working with some powerful energy and she’s been doing some healing. Her sister, in the past, was rear-ended in the car eight times. She finally bought a new car, has already been hit twice driving on the 405 in California. Kelly worked on her, clearing her energy and her sister called her, laughing, saying this is really hilarious now because everybody is staying way behind her so she reported that the clearing worked.

​Her brother had broken all the finger bones in November and couldn’t move the last two fingers. She started working on him, saying, “Yes, you can close your hand. It’s easy.” One week later, her mom called and her brother can now close his hand. It only took a week.

​Shelly’s mom had Rheumatoid Arthritis, a lot of pain, and she’d been sending her blessing bottles of light. I talk about this in my Love or Above course, how to send blessings to people. Her mom dropped by the house, asked Shelly if she had done something because she woke up being able to use her hands, full of energy and no pain the very next day.

​Her mom called her from Vegas and asked if she should gamble that day. Shelly said she felt a strong intuition that she would win. She called later and her mom had won $2,800. Her son fell in March, broke his foot and had been in pain since then. I must have said somewhere in one of the clearings that the family will accept a miracle. He did and now his foot feels great.

​These are inspiring stories. Mentally and emotionally, people are different and finances are showing up for people so this is really, really, really amazing. Let’s go back a minute and let’s connect to the light first.

​What would it take for you guys to connect to the light right now? Take your energy 300 feet up. See, sense or feel the light. Open your heart to the light. Imagine a big beam of light’s coming down into your head. Open your crown so that you can receive vital information needed to connect your heart to your spending. Ask this light to come into your third eye, cleaning out so you can see everything that you need to release.

​Ask this light to come in, clearing out everything in your hearing so that you can receive divine advice, divine guidance and know exactly what it is that you guys need to clear for yourself. Ask this light to open up all perspectives. Ask this light to open up all perspectives.

​Ask this light to open up all possibilities. Ask this light to go into your throat, opening up all of your ability to communicate the truth to yourself, communicate the truth into your future, right? The truth is, you’re abundant, healthy, happy, alive and well. Ask your throat to open up and release anything in the way of that.

​Ask your heart to open up so that you can be totally kind to you, loving to you. Ask this light to connect your heart and your throat so you speak love into your money, love into your life, and love into your future. Ask this light to connect into your solarplexes so that any anxiousness can be lifted.

​Ask this light to come into your power center, stirring up and clearing up everything in the way of you living authentically powerful, being a loving, kind, guided, abundant, happy being. Ask the light to come into your ribs so that you’re grounded in this new reality that you have it all, are it all, and can be it all.

​Ask this light to connect into the center of the planet, the place where it’s purely consciousness, the center of the planet. Ask this light to bounce back up. You are now connected above and below. Ask this light to radiate out your heart, 360 degrees, like a great central sunshine.

​Ask this light to open up and radiate unlimited potential, unlimited possibilities, all perspectives within your field so that you can see a new perspective of how to go forward in the world and how to generate your money.

​Ask this light to expand bigger than the building that you’re in, radiating out again all possibility, all perspectives, unlimited abundance. Ask this light to radiate out, past the city you’re in, connecting to all the people, all the places, all the ideas, all the events, everything that can help bring more abundance to you. Ask this light to connect out past the state you’re in, connecting to all the people, places, things, events, ideas and thoughts that can help you.

​Ask this abundance to radiate out past the country you are in, connecting to all the people, places, things, ideas, events, know-how, knowledge, motivation, perspective, potential futures that can bring you exactly what’s on your vision board. Ask the light to come in and opening up all perspectives, yes. Expand this light past the planet Earth so you’re connected to the oneness of all, to the abundance of it all, so that all people, places and things add to your life, add profit to your life and you add profit to them.

​You are an excellent receiver of your true abundance. Let’s just do a general clearing. Any anger, fear, worry, regret, shame, guilt, any of these lower emotions – uncreate and delete them all. Any dark energies that you guys are connected to for whatever reason – uncreate and delete all those, across all time, dimension and space reality.

​Anywhere you guys are connected to anybody that’s holding you back, please cut the cord now – uncreate and delete everything connecting you to anybody holding you back. Uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.

​Anywhere you guys are connected to any event in the past that in any way could block you – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality. Anywhere you guys are limited in your perspective of how you can see a new future, will you uncreate and delete all that, too?

​What would it take for you guys to open up to new perspectives, new ways of looking at things, new money? All the oaths, vows, commitments and visions that you have to stop yourself, block yourself, not do harm to yourself which therefore creates fear that you’re going to do harm to yourself, which makes you not want to change, everything that is, will you uncreate and delete that across all time, dimension and space reality?

​Any other dark dimensional doorways that you guys have open to anything dark or shadowy – uncreate and delete all that, too. Some of you guys are holding onto a lot of anger and frustration. All the anger and frustration that is damning your energy, think of the word mad, it’s damn backwards, so anywhere you guys are madding yourself and damning yourself – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.

​Everywhere you hold perspective on what you can’t do versus what you can do, everything that is – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality. Everywhere you guys are focused on the past and not on the future – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you guys keep limiting what you look at, how much you see in your world – uncreate and delete all that.

​Everywhere you focus all your activity on things with diminishing return and no rewards – uncreate and delete all that. That feels better. You guys feel better. Today, we are going to talk about delusion. Actually, it’s disillusion as defined as free from illusion, which is really delusion. Are you free of the illusion with money?

​I want you guys to think for a minute. Just think about your money because this is all about does your heart’s energy match what you’re spending things on? Are you loving yourself enough to spend your money wisely? Spending it on things that bring you profit or bring you love or align you with your happy future. Right now, I want you to think for a minute.

​Are you spending money on things you align with? Pick a recent day, like probably in the last week, a day that you spent some money and I want you to list some of the things on your piece of paper that you spent money on. Now, of those things that you guys just listed, did you spend this cash on things you align with and match your heart’s desire? Was it something that you really needed and wanted? Did it align and match with your vision board?

​These vision boards have some big targets on them. Did it align with all those things? Have you recently spent some money on something you didn’t want nor will use to fill a hole, to fill a void? You guys should be considering everything in your life as an exchange of some sort and you have to work for that money. You had to take your energy and put it into work to create that money.

​Are you spending it on something that feels good to you? It’s about conscious spending. Let’s go to the next one. Let’s just think in the last three months, okay? Maybe you’re different so don’t go back too far because I want to get more of the current energy, okay? Let’s make a list of some of the other spending you’ve done recently that you created and I want you guys to talk about the feelings that it helped create.

​We’re going to clear all the negative feelings that you guys might have had. For instance, if you can think of a time that you bought some junk food, let’s just say, but you promised yourself that you’re going to save money, be on a budget, pay off credit cards, and this is part of your big target on your vision board and after, you felt self-loathing. I want to go for some of the other things that you’ve spent money on in the last few months that made you feel a little bad and whatever those emotions or patterns are, we’re going to clear them now.

​Everywhere you guys work hard on things but then you don’t feel like you get the exact payoff back, will you please, please, please uncreate, delete and destroy all that across all time, dimension and space reality? Everywhere you spent money on bills that didn’t actually help you or heal you, everything that is – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.

​Everywhere you’re creating illness or creating lack of money as a way to show you something that you refuse to see, everything that is – uncreate and delete it all. Everything that you guys refuse to see that if you would see it, could change all realities, will you please look at that and let it go? Everything that is – uncreate and delete it all.

​Everywhere you buy movies and stop yourself because you realize that it’s basically a distraction. Everywhere you guys buy things in the form of a distraction – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality. All the voids that you guys are trying to fill with spending money on things that aren’t helping you, everything that is – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.

​Everywhere you’re sicker than before or worse off than before or more broke than before, everything that is – uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you guys keep choosing the downward spiral of money for whatever reason – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.

​How many of you guys are actually doing something kind of interesting where what you’re doing is taking all your energy and buying into society? When the market goes down, your energy goes down. Any of you guys who talk about the economy or believe that it’s horrible – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions and space reality.

​Everywhere you guys believe or bought into the economy being horrible, my life sucks – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality. Everywhere you guys believe that you’re broke so therefore your life is broken – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.

​Everywhere you guys are trying to fix something and it keeps staying broken – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality? All genetic imprinting, everywhere your mom and dad felt like they were broken and you mimicked that – uncreate and delete all that.

​Anywhere you bought into your parent’s poverty consciousness – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality. Anywhere you guys bought to fill some sort of need, like a scavenger hunt, will you uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality? How many of you just suck at collecting the data that you need so you spend it on what you truly want and instead you just keep settling for things that you don’t want – uncreate and delete all that.

​How many of you guys are spending money on things because you really don’t know what you really want so you just buy things to fill a need? Uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality. Everywhere you guys are still paying off an old vacation or paying off any sort of a credit card – uncreate and delete all that.

​Anywhere you guys are putting things on credit cards, spending your future basically, because you’re taking your future activity and you’re giving it to the credit card ahead of time because now you’re going to have to work for it, right? Uncreate and delete all that.

​Everywhere you buy things that you need, not for pleasure but just for necessity, and then your pleasure center never gets fulfilled. It has to be a balance, right? You have to have pleasure in your life. Otherwise, what’s the point? Everything that is – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.

​Everywhere you just buy what you need but then you never have any fun – uncreate and delete all that. If you have fun, you feel guilty about it – uncreate and delete all that. How many of you bought things this last couple of months and then felt guilty about it? Uncreate and delete all that.

​How many of you bought things and then just bought it unconsciously? You felt nothing about it because it was totally unconscious. Uncreate and delete all that. How many of you bought things as a way to treat yourself or reward yourself and then afterwards, you felt empty? The real truth is you’re really just looking for an acknowledgement so what if you stood up and clapped for yourself and really owned the acknowledgement? Everything that is, will you uncreate everything in the way of just acknowledging yourself?

​Everywhere you’re struggling with money, everything that is – uncreate and delete it all across all time, dimension and space reality. Everywhere you think you might have gone overboard instead of checking inside and asking with the purchase, “If I buy these, will it make me a profit?” Everywhere you aren’t willing to ask some intuitive questions, “If I buy this, will it make me profit?” that’s both emotional profit, mental profit and profit in the bank account. Everything that is – uncreate and delete all that.

​Everywhere you bought some clothes and then felt naughty about it – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality. Everywhere you bought a silly astrology report and you regret it and then you don’t trust yourself, everything that is – uncreate and delete across all time, dimension and space reality.

​Everywhere you’re worried about not having enough money in the future and that gets ingrained in every transaction you have, everything that is – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality. Everything that is, will you uncreate and delete all that?

​All the places where you don’t trust yourself – uncreate and delete all that. How many places do you guys not even trust your own self with money or your future or your life? Everything that is – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you guys are untrustworthy to yourself – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.

​Everywhere you guys feel like fools about money – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality. How many places are you guys being foolish? Everything that is – uncreate and delete it all across all time, dimension and space reality.

​There is a lot of energy on this one, you guys. Really, really make yourself big, expand, connect to the light and just follow this energy. Everywhere you guys feel foolish about everything that you’ve ever spent or did – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.

​Everywhere you guys feel foolish, stupid, and pathetic, unworthy – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality. Across genetics, anywhere your parents felt foolish – uncreate and delete all that. Anywhere you guys are carrying your mother and father’s karma about feeling foolish, everything that is, will you uncreate and delete all that?

​How many places do you feel foolish because of any action you did? Everything that is, will you uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality? How many energies do you guys have entwined in yourself that make you feel foolish and you won’t ever quit torturing yourself over it? Everything that is, will you uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality?

​Everywhere you guys buy food and then you just waste it, everything that is – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality. I used to do that a lot. I still kind of have a tendency to do that. Let’s clear that one more time. Everywhere you guys buy thing, like buy food, and then waste it, everything that is – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.

​Everywhere you guys buy food and then you waste it, everything that is – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality. Everywhere you guys like procrastinate your paperwork on your money or procrastinate paying your bills. How many of you guys have late payments? Everything that is – uncreate and delete it all.

​How many of you guys hate looking at your bills and you have late payments? Uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality. Everywhere you buy things to get back at your husband because he said “no”, everything that is – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.

​How many of you are buying things to get even with somebody, even if it’s your mother, something from twenty years ago? Everything that is – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality. Everywhere you spent money on some program and you didn’t follow through on it, everything that is – uncreate and delete it all.

​How many things did you guys buy and then you didn’t actually use them? Uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality. Everywhere you just won’t let yourself enjoy the process of buying something, everything that is – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.

​Everywhere you spent things so you could empower the bad economy, even though you shouldn’t, everything that is – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality. Everywhere it makes you feel good to have a reason or justification to spend the money because it doesn’t really matter what the excuse is, how many of you need to have an excuse in order to spend the money so you’ll justify it any way you have to? Uncreate and delete all that.

​Everywhere you’re buying a bunch of programs and feel guilty because you haven’t used them or none of them work or you haven’t taken some sort of massive action, everything that is – uncreate and delete all that. Anywhere you guys are unwilling to go take massive action – uncreate and delete all that.

​What are you not willing to see that’s just bringing up the energy? Some of these things are not specific incidences; they’re just patterns that you’ve imprinted from your mom and dad. How many patterns do you have going that prevent you from moving forward and manifesting anything that you want? Everything in the way of that – uncreate and delete it all.

​Everything that’s preventing you from seeing, feeling, knowing, hearing – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality. Any of you guys who are blocked and seeing or knowing the truth about your life and your future – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.

​Anywhere you guys have these huge denial systems where you really don’t want to see – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality. You know, if I feel like I’m denying something to myself, one thing I’ll do is I’ll say, “What would it take for me to know I deserve it?” What would it take for you guys to know that you deserve abundance in all ways?

​What would it take for you guys to know that you deserve abundance in all ways? What would it take for you guys to really choose to actually go make a choice to go get some abundance, take massive action? Everything in the way of you making a powerful choice – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.

​How many of you are unwilling to change what you do on a daily basis and still expect the same result? Uncreate and delete all that. Lena has some hidden resentments from her kids because she pays for things and then they don’t want her around or respect her. Lena, what I would do is I would work on the family dynamic.

​What would it take for everybody to love each other, for you to be in charge of your kids a little bit more? It seems like somewhere, you give them too much power and they know that so they can kind of step on you. I would just work on the family dynamic a little bit more.

​Everywhere you were called a bitch for wanting things or greedy. How many of you guys are greedy because you want things? Uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you won’t spend the money on things you love, no balance there – uncreate and delete all that.

​Paid off all the credit cards in a month. Love it. Uncreate and delete all that. Uncreate and delete everything in the way of you guys paying off your credit cards. Everywhere you feel guilty buying food and groceries and necessities – uncreate and delete all that.

​Everywhere you guys feel bad about spending money on groceries – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality. Everywhere you guys feel bad about spending money on groceries – uncreate and delete all that.

​Everywhere you guys feel totally alone – uncreate and delete all that. There’s nobody to support you. What would it take for you guys to fill in right now with all the support you need? What would it take for you guys to fill in with all the support you need? What would it take for you guys to have enough money to go forward?

​What would it take for you guys to have more than enough money to fill all your needs? Everywhere you have a belief or a thought that you have too many bills – uncreate and delete all that. If you believe you are not going to invest in your business – uncreate and delete all that.

​Everywhere you don’t want to take a leap of faith because you don’t think that the universe will catch you – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you don’t feel like you’ll get well paid in your field of training – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you did the spiritual thing and you gave away your whole desire to get money – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.

​It’s okay to be spiritual and rich. Everything in the way of that – uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you guys got married but you weren’t really in love and then somewhere, that ended up in divorce and it cost you. Anything that’s costing you, will you uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality?

​I want you guys to think about this for a minute. In your field of energy, your field of energy is created by all your beliefs, thoughts and feelings and the patterns and your points of view. Your reality is created by your points of view and everything that you feel and think about the world. Imagine this reality bubble created by your thoughts and feelings.

​You’re an infinite being and you have choice. If you’re blocked, it’s either a point of view or a belief or a thought or it could be that you’re not making a powerful choice. I want you guys to try it on right now for a minute. Truth, truth, truth. I want you guys to think, “Am I mostly blocked because I’m not willing to make a powerful choice, to really shift my reality?”

​”Am I mostly blocked because I have some belief or feeling in my reality?” What did you guys when you asked that question? I’m going to ask this question again because you guys got it. Truth. If it’s a belief that’s blocking you, what is one of your beliefs? Every time you guys are unwilling to make a choice because of a belief – uncreate and delete all that.

​All the beliefs, thoughts and feelings that you guys aren’t willing to make that prevent you from making a powerful choice – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality. Willingness. People won’t want you. Everything that is – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.

​Everywhere you’re not sure but you got kind of the download, whatever that is – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you guys aren’t sure, just go along with the feeling that you can know that you can blow it up right now. Uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.

​Anywhere it’s karmic, anywhere it’s past life, anywhere it’s a soul choice, anywhere it’s genetics, anywhere it’s your parent’s crap, anywhere it’s your spouse’s crap, anywhere it’s a past lover’s crap, any of that stuff – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimensions and space reality. Anywhere you don’t deserve it or aren’t good enough – uncreate and delete all that.

​Anywhere you are bad or not worthy – uncreate and delete all that. Any other thing it might be that we haven’t said the words of but we know can clear right now, will you uncreate and delete it all now, across all time, dimension and space reality? Everywhere you guys have to see it to believe it – uncreate and delete all that instead of just believe it and then you’ll see it.

​Everywhere you believe it then you’ll see it and everything where you guys won’t let that happen – uncreate and delete it all across all time, dimension and space reality. Everywhere you have to stay small – uncreate and delete all that because if you stay small, you get love. Everywhere, if you stay small, you got love – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.

​Everywhere you’re basically screwed and doomed, no matter what you do, no matter which way you go. Everywhere that’s your conclusion in life – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality. Everywhere you have fear and you don’t want to be loved and you can’t be loved and if you are loved, it’s never enough love because your parents didn’t know how to love you, everything that is – uncreate and delete all that.

​Everywhere you guys are still waiting around, still waiting for your mom and dad’s love – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you’re still waiting for God’s love – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you don’t want to get rich because you don’t want to be in conflict with anybody, so you just bend yourself into everybody else’s world – uncreate and delete all that.

​Everywhere that as soon as you step into your power, the darkness that you’ve unacknowledged shows up. All the darkness that will come in as soon as you guys step into your power, will you just blow it up now? Uncreate and delete all that. That’s just the part of you that wants to heal.

​Everywhere when you step into your power, darkness shows up, everything that is – uncreate and delete all the darkness that will show up ahead of time. Uncreate and delete all that. Those are just lower emotions that want to heal.

​Let’s try this one, see what happens with this: How do you spend your money? What’s your whole story? I want you guys to connect up and really check inside, okay? What’s your whole story about money? Is it that you’re a spend thrift? Is it that you don’t have enough? Do you buy things and save them for later?

​Are you cheap? There’s good cheap and not-so-good cheap, it depends on how you feel about it. Are you balanced? Do you give yourself treats? What’s your whole story about money? I want you to just really check inside. Connect up to the light. What is your belief or feeling in your story about money that’s blocking you?

​Everywhere you save, and if you have any weird feelings about saving, delete all that. Everywhere you’re saving for a rainy day – delete all that. This has a fear-based agenda. Anywhere you buy things and regret them – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.

​Everywhere you don’t have money to spend – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality. Anywhere you guys don’t deserve to earn more because you’re somehow bad or unworthy – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.

​Everywhere you have these income limits. Every limit that you have put into your future of how much money you can earn – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality. Everywhere you have to work hard and then you hit a wall – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.

​Everywhere you’re scared it runs out. You’re basically creating the energy that it’s going to run out – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality. Everywhere you don’t need money to be happy so therefore, money won’t come to you because you don’t love it – uncreate and delete all that.

​What would it take for you guys to totally love money? Everywhere there’s never enough – uncreate and delete all that. There’s not enough – uncreate and delete all that. Whenever you’re broke and scared – uncreate and delete all that.

​Everywhere you get rid of all your money. If the universe gave you a million dollars, you’d spend it all because you can’t have it. That’s a havingness problem, okay? That means you can’t have money, you have to give it away. Everything that is – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.

​Every can’t have it. Everywhere you don’t think it’s easy to earn – uncreate and delete all that. You tip very well, even when you’re broke. You’re generous and sincere. What would it take for you to be generous for yourself? Everywhere you feel stupid and guilty about buying something and then you return it. Everything that is – uncreate and delete it all.

​Everywhere you avoid doing the actual work, so you spend the money and then you won’t do the work or you spend the money and you won’t do the program so you really have a problem with work – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality. You think it won’t work so therefore, you won’t even do it. Uncreate and delete all that.

​Immediate need, immediate gratification, you buy it now and you pay for it for twenty years – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you buy unnecessary things and if you’d had a plan or budget, it would be easier – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you buy other people things so they like you – uncreate and delete all that.

​Everywhere you are small with your thinking about money – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere it’s not easy to get, hard to come by – uncreate and delete all that. You have to work really hard for it – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere money will be taken away from you – uncreate and delete all that.

​You can’t be you and make money – uncreate and delete all that. I want you guys to connect one more time. What’s the main belief that you guys have and the feeling, because it’s the feeling that’s attached to the belief, so what’s the main belief and feeling that you have that blocks you from your money?

​Everywhere you work and you’re willing to fail – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you buy things and you never use them – uncreate and delete all that. You must work hard to get some money – delete all that. I grew up on an ultra-rich side of town and you were poor so you felt like you were on the outside looking in, so it’s like you’re looking at fish inside the fish bowl and you can’t get in. Everything that is – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.

​Everywhere you’re poor and you can never have it all – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality. Everywhere you can never have it all, ever – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you do binge and purge – uncreate and delete all that.

​Everywhere you have your needs but not your wants met – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you guys can’t get what you want – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you guys are blocked on just adoring money. I think somebody sent in a little note to me that they sleep with their money that was what they were guided to do – sleep with their money.

​Everywhere you can’t get more than enough – uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere you don’t care about money because you have to handle bigger issues like women – uncreate and delete all that. Where ever you guys are blocked, where ever you are blocked on the next level of money, where it’s not important, you don’t care, you don’t want to work that hard, you shut off the flow, you stop yourself – uncreate and delete all that.

​Everywhere you were laid off and then fear happened – uncreate and delete all that. Shock happened, anywhere you guys are shocked about money, fearful about money, anywhere you had a negative incident where all of a sudden, you were shocked that you don’t have money – uncreate and delete all that.

​Everywhere you’re saving your life by not having money – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you think you’ll be killed if you have money – uncreate and delete all that. Anywhere if you work hard, they’ll kill you and then you’ll still never have any money – uncreate and delete all that.

​Everywhere the bank account runs dry – uncreate and delete all that. Everything like food, money and love is bad for you – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you can’t follow your gut and all the good opportunities have passed you by, everywhere you’re too young, too old, too this or that to make any money – uncreate and delete all that.

​Anywhere you’re too close to retirement and you can’t make any more money – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you’re too tired and it’s not worth it to make any money – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you need your parents to give you the go-ahead, that permission slip, to make money – uncreate and delete all that.

​Everywhere you’re just waiting for something, even if you don’t know what it is – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you’re afraid you’re going to lose it and you’re not going to keep it – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you feel like you’re going to mistreat it – uncreate and delete all that.

​Everywhere you can’t control it, the sky has to bring it to you – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you can’t hold on to money, everywhere you can’t believe that you can make money easily – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you guys will amount to nothing – uncreate and delete all that. Uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.

​Everywhere your parents told you guys you’ll never amount to anything – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere it’s not worth it because you won’t amount to anything – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.

​Everywhere you’re around jealous people and they want to bring you down. Who are you to have so much money? Everything those two things are – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you lose in relationships the moment you have money so you can’t have it all. Whenever you can’t have it all – uncreate and delete all that.

​Everywhere you have more and you have to give it all away to them. Everywhere it’s shameful to accumulate a lot of wealth. Everywhere it’s a struggle. Everywhere you’re not unique enough to get rich – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.

​Everywhere you don’t have money mentally – uncreate and delete all that. What do I mean by loving money? Well, I want you to think of the energy of something you love. A pet, a child, something you totally adore and love more than anything in the world. Whatever that kind of energy is, I want you to think of having a stack of a hundred dollar bills in front of you and this is your money.

​I want you to take that energy of loving a pet or animal or a kid or something you love more than anything. That same kind of energy that’s all soft and gooey, I want you to just love money. Say, “Money, I love you. What would it take for more of you to just show up in my life? Money, I am so excited and grateful and happy that you are in my life. How do I get more of you? Money, that’s the best thing to ever happen to me, to have so much of you. How do I get some more of you?”

​That kind of energy is how you love money. I want you guys to think for a minute about this energy. Can you get into a little more of the loving? What if you loved your body that much? Your body is like a little pet and you have to take care of it. If you love your body that much, you’ll actually feel emotionally better.

​Everywhere your parents or you were a failure – uncreate and delete all that. How many of you guys have a plan about your money? People don’t look negatively sometimes about budget. I’m not talking about negative energy about budget, I’m talking about an action plan. What would it take for you guys to have an action plan that would allow you to follow through on creating more money?

​You guys can be millionaires. It depends on what you want to do. The way to be a millionaire is to start a business and generate a lot of money. In the book “The Millionaire Next Door”, they talk about how most millionaires live pretty cheaply. They save or reinvest all their money in their businesses.

​Doctors and lawyers might spend all their money because people think they have a lot of money and they have to keep up with the Jones’. “The Millionaires Next Door” made an average of $100,000 and they were just really good at saving and budgeting their money. They had a plan. They had an action plan.

​If you want to have a million dollars, at 10% interest in 10 years, you have to put $5,000 away. 20 years, $1,400 away. You can go generate a business. What “The Millionaires Next Door” did is, they lived conservatively and when they got a boost in their income or their raise, they didn’t change where they lived and increased their budget. That’s what a common thing is that people do. They get more money and instead of saving more, they buy bigger things and spend more money.

​Look at Warren Buffet. How long has Warren Buffet lived in the same house? I don’t know how old Warren Buffet is but I’m assuming he’s in his 80’s so he’s had to have lived in his house for about 50 or 60 years with his wife and he’s a billionaire but he didn’t change and get more toys and bigger cars and all that stuff.

​Are you guys willing to have a plan? That’s what I’m saying. Do you actually know that they did this poll that most people who are poor, what they think they retirement is going to be is the lottery?

​Now, there’s nothing wrong with the lottery but can you acknowledge within yourself that if you have to win the lottery, there’s some part of you that feels a little powerless over your ability to go start a business or go do something and make a lot of money?

​Let’s acknowledge that part of you for a minute. The part of you that doesn’t think that you’re strong enough, more powerful or capable to go just create a business and generate a lot of money – uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension and space reality.

​Everywhere you guys are afraid to actually just go do something different, take some massive action and just do whatever it takes to make a bunch of money – uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere you’re afraid you’re going to lose something or it won’t work – uncreate and delete all that.

​I want you guys to connect up for a minute. I want you to think for a minute, “If I was going to go make a million dollars, and it’s not from the lottery, what is one industry I could do it in?” Everywhere you guys have a plan for the money coming in but you don’t have a plan for how to get it – delete all that.

​It seems like you guys have a plan. All you guys that think that something will stop you and you won’t take action – connect up again. What is the belief, thought, feeling or idea that is stopping you guys from moving forward? Everywhere, they’ll take your money and steal your secret formula, everything that is – uncreate and delete it all.

​Everywhere they’ll steal your secrets – uncreate it all so you can’t tell anybody about it. Everywhere you have a plan but don’t want to act – uncreate and delete all that. Can’t afford it – uncreate it all. It will work in time. Okay, screw that, it will work now. Everything in the way of it working now – uncreate and delete all that.

​Powerless, which is I choose not to. Everywhere you choose not to at some level – uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you don’t think you can find an investor – uncreate and delete it all. What if you guys just anointed yourself “expert”?

​You know, Muhammad Ali, one of the greatest marketers ever, basically brainwashed himself of going around over and over and over again, saying he’s the greatest. Everybody believed it and when everybody believes that he’s the greatest, he won. He kind of just went around telling everybody he’s the greatest and eventually, it stuck.

​People just give themselves their own label and it just kind of sticks. What would it take for you guys to just label yourself the best at it and then people will just believe you? Everything that is – uncreate it all. Everywhere you can’t make the time up – uncreate and delete it all.

​Everywhere it takes money to make money – uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere there’s not enough hours in the day – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you guys are depressed – uncreate and delete all that.

​Why bother? Because, because, because, because. Uncreate and delete all those. Honestly, people just kind of make up their own thing. About this whole expert thing, nobody’s really an expert. I don’t know what your area of life is but seriously, people just decide that they’re an expert. If you show up with that energy, people will believe you.

​Everywhere you guys need permission, we hereby give you permission to go forward. Everything in the way of that – uncreate it and delete it all. Everywhere you guys are too old – uncreate and delete all that.

​Your homework is loving, loving, and loving yourself enough to have a plan. I’m going to ask you guys to just have a complete plan of how you’re going to number one, create money and number two, in the meantime, what are you going to do as far as a budget?

​I don’t want to use the word budget because it’s really an action plan, right? Are you going to save some? Are you going to give yourself some for pleasure? Are you going to give yourself a little spending cash? At the same time, are you going to pay off your debts and do all those things?

​This is going to be exciting. What would it take for you guys to be financially savvy and to follow a plan? What would it take for you guys to create a plan in your financial life now? What would it take for you guys to be bold in your life and call in a wise, effective and profitable to you financial planner?

​Maybe you need a financial planner to help. What would it take for you guys to go after abundance and love it? What would it take for your vibrational energy to be fearless and unlimited in resources? What would it take for your vibrational energy to hit all your vision board targets and what would it take for your vibrational energy to bring you more and more abundance?

​Thirty to forty times a day. What vibrational energy can I become to be financially savvy? Have a plan and follow it. Any other fear that you guys have going on – uncreate and delete it all across all time, dimension and space reality.

​Post some fun stories and love or above. You guys did a good job today. This is a lot of heavy energy. All the things that came up for you guys today when you were asking what was in your way, that’s also part of your homework. What’s in your way and then clear it.

So many blessings. I really love you guys. Ciao for now. Bye.

21 Clearing Your Financial Mess

Abundance Block 21 : Clearing your financial mess

Stop fearing the potential of messing up and use change as a way to create blessings in life. Highlights include:

  • Facing ‘Messy’ Fears – the fear of “Messing Up” can be blocking energy that is putting you in a negative energy loop. Learn the changes that will allow you to move beyond your “Mess ups” to start experiencing “Bless Ups”.
  • Giveth & Taketh – accessing the prefect balancing point between giving and taking that will open a fire-hose of abundance inside you.
  • ‘Tall Poppy Syndrome’ – find that little person inside and tell it to hit the road. By keeping yourself small to consider other peoples confront zone, you are actually messing things up for yourself and others.

special 25ab 21

                           Hey welcome, welcome. Today is day 21 in the Unlimited Abundance Journey. And today we’re going to talk about some of your messes and everywhere you’re avoiding being messy in your life, which could be a block.

                           So grab a piece of paper so you can write down all your “Ah-has!” and your “What to dos?” later on. Be open to new abundance and let’s set out intents for what you hope to achieve today. So what would you love, love, love to happen today for you? And what would you love, love, love to happen for the week? And what would you love, love, love to happen before the end of the Unlimited Abundance Journey?

                           Alright, set your intent on what you hope to achieve. Cool, cool, cool. Alright so let’s bring the energy that you want to release to the forefront and let’s begin. Alright what is your story? We’ve got some fun inspirational stories today. And the whole time you’re listening, what I would love for you to do is just think what would it take for something like that to happen for me, right. That or something greater.

                           Alright, Carmil, a financial planner set a very specific goal when she started her Unlimited Abundance Journey. One of the first goals was to make $15,000 a month and the second goal was to pay off her line of credit. Last year things were tough and she only wrote about $1,000,000 in new investments in the entire 12 months. Well she just wrote $500,000, half a million dollars, for the month of August alone and it’s only 21 days. And she sent this to me a few days ago, okay. So in less than 20 days she wrote half a million dollars of business in the month of August. And remember she only wrote a million dollars in the whole 12 months last year. And that was her goal. So she made her goal, yay!

                           And then she’s been asking “What would it take to make another $15,000 this month?” Love it. So she didn’t stop. She says there is a potential for another half a million dollars in investments and so when this happens she’ll be able to pay off her line of credit. So keep us posted. That was a great story.

                           Oscar, an amazing tale of abundance. His day was really, really s uprising and just filled, lit up with abundance. Oscar started his day preparing for a long trial ride on his bicycle. Got to the parking lot, totally packed, no spot in sight, long line of vehicles, all of them looking for a space, thinking, “Oh my god, we’re not going to get a space.” He just said “What would it take to find a parking spot now?” Next thing you know a guy was walking out and said, “Hey you want my spot? I’m leaving right here.” And it was right where he was. So he’s at the perfect place at the perfect time.

                           Feeling great he took off on his bike, rode 20 miles, turned around. He was really hot and tired so he asked “What would it take to find a shady spot to rest and some cold water?”  He rode around the next bend and there was a community group handing out ice water for free and under the shade of a big tree. So viola! He took a break, sipped some water, was thinking about work. Now notice he’s doing this all the time, right. It’s like a daily mantra like a prayer. What would it take to get some new client who could really use my services and buy my products now? At that very moment one of the volunteers handing out water walked over, started chatting and asked him what he does. Oscar told him that he did financial planning for small businesses. The guy immediately said, “You should approach my industry. It’s a gold mine.  And I’m surprised that nobody has yet.” So by asking that very moment what would it take to get some new client who could pay me now, he got an inside scoop and a tip.

                           But he said it kept happening all day, this whole experience. He continued on his ride back home. Oscar got hungry and asked “What would it take to get some food?” A few miles down the trail he decided to take a break in an area with two benches. One bench was in the shade, and remember he’s hot, so that would be the “logical choice” to go sit in the shade. He felt driven to sit on the bench in the sun. While he was sitting there, two kids stopped, sat on the other bench and when they got up to leave they said, “Hey mister, you dropped your energy bar.” Oscar was like, “What?” He looked under the bench and there was a fully wrapped energy bar just waiting for him.

                           So you know this is about being in the flow. I mean how Oscar is living is pretty much how I live my life. I mean that’s just how my life goes. And what would it take for your life to be so much in the flow like that? See, sense or feel the light. Take your energy up 300 feet above your head. Okay connect to pure source energy that totally loves you, totally aligns with your wishes and desires, completely wants everything to happen for you no matter what it takes.

                           Okay allow the light to come through your crown, opening up for a new awareness and also opening up all the files of anything that you don’t want to change that is still a block to you, okay. So all the things that are hidden from you that you don’t want to change, let’s open up those files and clear them.

                           Let’s allow the light to come into your third eye; opening things you don’t want to see. Your ears opening up things you don’t want to hear. Your throat opening up things you don’t want to speak. Opening. Allow this light to come through your heart opening up things that you might hate or don’t love. Things that you don’t maybe want to look at. Maybe even places where you’re not very nice to yourself.

                           Okay allow the light to come into your solar plexus opening up anywhere you feel anxious afraid or weary. Allow the light to come into your abdomen, your power center, what you’re rooted in, opening up anything where you feel powerless, deflated, not enough, undeserving or blocked.

                           Allow the light to come through your legs all the way into the center of the planet connecting to the part of the planet in the center that’s purely conscious, loving life. You are now supported from above and below.

                           Ask this light from below to kind of bounce right back up into your heart and radiate out 360 degrees like a great central sunshine all the way around your body. Ask this light to open and expand all parts of you that are blocked. Ask this light to open and expand all parts of you that are avoiding things. And ask this light to open and expand all the parts of you that are in denial.

                           Open and expand all parts of you that lie to yourself at any level. And ask this light to open up all parts of the darkness in you. Allow this light to radiate past the building you’re in. Allow this light to expand past the city you’re in. Allow this light to expand past the country you’re in. Allow this light to expand past the planet.

                           Okay. What would it take for every one of you hearing any of these stories of unlimited abundance? If you haven’t had your rock star moment yet, what would it take for you to have your breakthrough today? And everything in the way of that, uncreate it all.

                           What would it take for you guys to not be so hypercritical of yourself and what’s blocking you and everything in the way of that. Uncreate and delete it all. What would it take for you guys to open up any part of you that’s avoiding the potential for a positive future? Yes, what would it take for anything in the way of your positive future to be deleted?

                           So Amber’s asking a good question; how long does our communication to the light last? Okay so here’s the truth Amber. Let’s just say you’re at home and you don’t have a moment to connect to the light the way we just did. If you just imagine yourself expanded 300 feet tall, connected to all things, radiating a lot of light, in two seconds you’re connected, okay.

                           But the real truth, if you really think about it, is you’re always connected. When you make yourself larger you’re a little bit more in command of your reality. When you make yourself shrink or contract you’re being a little victim if you can kind of see that.

                           See most people have given up their right to like freewill. They don’t think they can change their future. So any of you guys who are sitting in a place where you think you can’t really change your future, for some reason, even if it’s not conscious to you, maybe it’s subconscious, maybe it’s a parent thing, maybe it’s a spouse thing, maybe it’s like I’m afraid to be too big for my britches thing, whatever that is. Okay delete all that.

                           Anywhere else you guys are afraid to be the creator of your whole world, uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you think it’s sacrilegious to be the creator of your own world and join forces with the creative energy, delete all that.

                           Everywhere you guys are weary and tired because you’re contracted and pretending that you’re human and that you can’t change things, delete all that.

                           Yeah, so Amber or any of you guys that are working with a lot of clients; like for instance if I work with a client that connects to the light, I connect them to the light. See it takes more oomph if people connect to my light instead of connecting to the light, right. So if a client is connected to the light and I’m connected to the light, there’s double the power, right; instead of trying to connect through me.

                           So if you’re working with clients you ask them to connect to the light, you connect to the light and then there’s a lot more energy that can shift. And then after the session’s done then you just close all the doors to the client, they have their energy, you have your energy, do a little blessing and a prayer and then you just make sure that they’re not attached to you anymore.

                           So one of the reasons why people won’t change, some people, is because- I love that word; BE-CAUSE, be the cause. Some people won’t change because it messes with your life. Some people aren’t willing for their life to be a little messy. Now what’s really hilarious about this if you think about it, see the ultimate contradiction? People won’t change because it messes with their life but then they don’t really like parts of their life. So you might need different habits, new self-talk, new ideas, new thoughts, a new way of being and new actions that go along with this new version of yourself, right.

                           And some people are afraid to mess up their life that much, okay. So anything that’s stirred up in you guys where you’re afraid to mess up your life that much and actually be what you proclaim you want to be, will you uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you guys are stopped, blocked, unsatisfied and unhappy with your life but yet you refuse to let it get messy so you can transform it, transmute it into the next place you want to go with it, uncreate and delete all that across all time dimensions, space and reality.

                           Anywhere you guys keep proclaiming my life is a mess so then you keep creating messes that you don’t want, yeah everything that is, uncreate and delete all that across all time dimensions, space and reality. Everywhere you’ve judged any part of your life as a mess, will you uncreate and delete all that across all time dimensions, space and reality.

                           Alright so you guys showed up with your blocks today so this is good. So I’m going to ask you this, what are you afraid to do because it will mess up your life? What are you afraid to do because it might mess up your life? And then type me some of your responses. And I have a couple questions here that I’m going to answer. If you showed up and you felt a little blocked it’s probably because it was for this session. Usually your energy for this session will get stirred up a day or two ahead of time.

                           And Galena’s asking if somebody can be blocked from being rooted in problems at birth? Yes. Because sometimes what happens is in the birth of us coming into the body, think of it unlimited being crunched into a little body. And you know some people have these stories about they didn’t want to come out or they came out too early and all these things. Those things can be blocks because it could be your overall point of view about life down here. Like some of you loved coming down here to earth and some people might not so much, right.

                           Okay so everywhere you guys are afraid. So Javier typed in, everywhere you’re afraid to decide on things quickly, uncreate and delete all that across all time dimensions, space and reality. And Javier I’m wondering if you’re afraid to make a decision quickly because are you really, really, really clear on your end result?

                           So I’m asking you guys if you have a clear vision board, if you have a clear what do you want in your life, that will help you make decisions more quickly because you’ll find out if it’s in alignment, right. Okay so everywhere you guys don’t make decisions quickly because you don’t’ know if it’s in alignment or not, uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you’re overwhelmed and confused uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you’re afraid to change jobs for whatever reason, uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you guys are afraid to start a new business; everywhere you guys are afraid to get rich, uncreate and delete all that across all time dimensions, space and reality.

                           Everywhere you’re afraid to share your past with others or share your story or open your heart and be vulnerable and open to people, will you uncreate and delete that across all time dimensions, space and realities.

                           Everywhere you’re afraid of being vulnerable which is who you are as a spirit. Remember being vulnerable and opening your heart means you don’t have any guards and blocks around you. And because you don’t have any blocks around you your energy system is open and people can feel you.

                           So everywhere you’re afraid to be how people feel you, uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you’re afraid to leave the safety of the current job, uncreate and delete all that.

                           Now what if you guys were thinking about job-hunting maybe the wrong way. Like what if you guys wanted to start a business or something, what if you started it while you have a job? Like if you need to get clients and things like that, what would it take for you guys to get clients, increase your income and then quit your job? Okay so everything in the way of you thinking you can do that, uncreate and delete all that.

                           Or what would it take for you guys if you want a new job to literally just send out 30 resumes every couple weeks? Everything in the way of that, will you uncreate and delete all that.

                           Everywhere you guys are afraid to lose control. Afraid to lose control means afraid to lose your reality, right. So everywhere you guys are afraid to lose your reality, uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you guys are afraid to lose your safety and your security blanket, yes, uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you guys are afraid to lose your security blanket that you worked so hard for and that you hold in place everyday.

                           Because remember that whole thing I went into in the beginning of Unlimited Abundance Journey? It’s like you guys are an infinite being and everything in it is changing every two seconds anyway. I mean less that that right, because every molecule in your body just changed. Every breath you just took just changed some energy in your body. Every molecule of your life, every molecule holding your money together is moving. So everything is changing. So think of how much power it takes an infinite being to keep their life the same day in and day out. When in truth everything is changing. Yeah right? A lot of power. Uncreate and delete all that power you’re using against yourself. Toiling away at the same thing over and over again.

                           Everywhere you’re afraid to be too good and too competent at managing your life, because there might be repercussions for that for you. So whatever the secret fear is that you’re afraid of, like maybe people won’t like you, uncreate and delete all that. Or maybe it will be too hard work, uncreate and delete all that.

                           Everywhere you’re afraid to get into a serious relationship, stand up for yourself because people might look at you like you’re crazy. So everywhere you’re tired of your families all looking at you like you’re nuts, okay. Uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you’re so tired of people looking at you like you’re crazy, uncreate and delete all that.

                           I’m going to say this because some of you guys are sick and tired. How many of you guys are sick and tired of things not working out for you? Everything that is, will you uncreate and delete it across all time dimensions, space and realities.

                           Okay Margaret’s saying she’s doing it. Everything about her life is new and different. I love that Margaret. I love the email that says, “My before picture was this and my after picture is this.” I love it.

                           Change my work. Everywhere Cheri goes afraid to change her work, okay uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you guys have all this energy that you invested in something and even though it’s not working, because you invested so much energy in it you don’t want to change it. You want to make what’s not working work in order to prove that you didn’t waste your time putting your energy in it. So you’re afraid to let it go just basically because you put so much energy in it. So everywhere you’re afraid to just cut your ties, uncreate and delete all that.

                           How many of you guys are hanging on to people like that? Relationships right? Where they weren’t good for you, they haven’t been good for you, they’re non-supportive but yet because you invested so much time with them you still need to keep them around. Uncreate and delete all that.

                           Everywhere you’re afraid to get clear, afraid to have success uncreate and delete all that. Anywhere your parents did not want you to have success because it might- now some people were asking in the last session why would your parents not want you to have success. Unfortunately some parents are not happy and they don’t want anybody else to be around happy. Have you ever noticed a person’s who’s always complaining trying to make everybody miserable around them? Yeah they’re unhappy and they want everybody else to be miserable. So if you actually go get happy, then you would make your mother or father miserable and then they wouldn’t love you right?

                           Okay so everywhere you guys are afraid to go get happy because you might still need love from mom and dad. Now I understand that some of this might be subconscious to you but one of the more powerful things is the little kid parts of us that are still wanting or seeking something; admiration from our family, love from our family that we might not have ever received. Some of that stuff can hold us back. So anywhere there’s parts of you guys that still don’t want to get rich; don’t want to make more money than mom and dad; don’t want to get happy because they’re going to pick on you.

                           How many of you guys live in the critical families where if you go get happy they pick on you the whole way. If you lose weight they pick on you. If you get happy they pick on you. If you have love they pick on you. If you have more money then them they pick on you. And if you basically suck at life and you do life the way they do then they leave you alone. So any of you guys living that kind of life, uncreate and delete all that.

                           Everywhere you guys might start receiving admiration, recognition and love and you’re not used to it, so somehow because you’re not used to it you would turn away from it, uncreate and delete all that.

                           Anywhere you guys are not willing to love yourself enough or love yourself more than you need love from any other person on the planet, uncreate and delete all that.

                           Everywhere you’re surrounded by so many negative people, uncreate and delete all that. Anywhere you don’t think you can get out of it, uncreate and delete all that.

                           Alright so Nicholas is asking me to speak about fairness. See some people think I did all my good stuff in this world therefore I deserve to be rewarded. A lot of people have that belief but what can happen is at the end of the day it’s not about fairness, unfortunately. At the end of the day it’s how you wired your reality, okay. And most people have a receiving problem. So usually the do-gooders, the ones that give and give and give and give, they usually have a receiving problem. And then they are stuck in this whole rut where they think the universe isn’t fair because the universe doesn’t bring to them when in truth the real reality is they aren’t good receivers because they think that they get love by giving. And they forget to love themselves by receiving.

                           We make it a polarity of give and take but the universe is give and take all at the same time. Ultimately if you’re wired the correct way, as soon as you ask, you’re given. Because basically when you ask you open up your energy field and say, “Hey, show it up for me.” But if you set your energy to always give and give and give and give but you don’t open up the receiving channels then life might appear not fair to you. Now that’s one angle.

                           The other angle is if you have your parents’ imprints in you, you can do all the good things in the world and do all the right things in the world but everything you imprinted before the age of seven to ten years old, subconsciously, that you downloaded from you parents could be blocking you. That’s a whole other subject but that’s the other block that could probably be blocking you.

                           So I want you guys to check inside for a minute. This is a good awareness. So I’m going to ask it this way; on a scale of one to ten, ten being you can totally receive everything including judgment from people. How much can you receive? Yeah, some of you are like a five, a six, three and a half. So that’s your homework for this week so write that down; you’re going to work on being an excellent receiver.

                           Okay now how many of you, on a scale of one to ten, ten being you totally give; you can give freely knowing that the universe always supports whatever you give. Okay on a scale of one to ten, ten being totally give, where are you guys at with that? It feels about the same to me; a lot of fives and sixes. So I am curious what numbers did you guys get? A lot of eights and sevens and fives and threes, a few nines, good; a one. Okay so that’s your homework right there okay.

                           So that’s why I ask a lot of those kinds of questions in my head everyday to just kind of discern where I’m at. Marsha’s an eleven. I used to be a giver and not a receiver so I had to really change that. I was doing a little bit of victim myself at one point in my life. I’m like, “Why am I not receiving?”

                           Everywhere that you guys are afraid that you’ll create enemies by going forward, uncreate and delete all that – afraid to go to the bank and ask to refinance your home. So anywhere you guys are afraid to look at your finances, balance your books, look at your credit reports, get insurance, look at your insurance policies, all those things uncreate and delete them all. They’re really not fun to look at, uncreate and delete them all. Everywhere you’re afraid to be humiliated if you go forward, uncreate and delete all that.

                           Thank you, Jane, for being honest. She has a common belief that a lot of people have that they’re too old, too young, too this, too that, right. So everywhere you’re too old, too much of a failure, too much in despair, yes uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you guys are too young, too fat, too anything, too thin, not smart enough, everything that is, will you uncreate and delete all that.

                           Everywhere you guys think that you have these continuing loops that play over and over and over and over again that are called your stories. So Jane your homework is to really rewrite your story even if you think you’re making it up and even if it irritates you. Because I think you’re going to work through some anger when you’re doing that. So you’re just going to have to say everything that’s my story that I’m 62, uncreate and delete it all because that’s just a story. Some people would say, “Oh that’s not a story.” I want you to think about this. If I say I’m 20 years old, what picture do you have in your head of me? If I say I’m 50 years old, what picture do you have in your head of me? And that’s because the universe mirrors back. You know if you’re 50 you’re able to do this, this and this.

                           Have you guys ever heard the story- and I don’t remember the book this is in so I would love to give credit but I can’t remember where I read this… It was a story about this tribe in some indigenous community and the tribe had a belief that the older somebody was, the faster they ran. So the reality that became real in this community is the old folks who are like 60, 70, 80, like what we would consider old folks, ran faster than the kids who were young; that were in their 20s. So they created this reality bubble of a group community agreement that the older people ran faster than the younger people and then that’s what happened.

                           So can you guys see that our beliefs are really what’s creating our field of energy. So anywhere you guys think, “Oh because I’m female I can’t do it.” Delete all that. And “I’m male, therefore I can’t do it.” So all these rules that you guys have about what an age looks like, delete all that. Everywhere you’re afraid to be seen and heard and loved and cared for, delete all that.

                           Everywhere you guys are afraid to be celebrated, delete all that. Wow you guys have a lot of energy on that. Okay so what would it take for you guys to look yourself in the mirror and literally celebrate you? Like clap for you, go crazy and go, “You look amazing.  You are so amazing.” And say that to yourself in the mirror over and over and over again until you believe how amazing you are.

                           So everything that doesn’t let you guys celebrate every little thing in your life, uncreate and delete it all. That’s really why honestly I do the inspiring stories. It’s just because it’s like when’s the last time you guys were celebrated? I mean seriously. Yeah we get our birthdays celebrated but just something for no reason; celebrated for no reason. I mean the last time for most people is in like high school and school right; school, college, graduations, those things.

                           Everywhere you guys are afraid to celebrate your life, uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you guys are afraid to receive acknowledgement for no reason. You know because the truth is because you are you, you is the most important thing in your own life so why shouldn’t you be celebrated, right? Okay delete all that.

                           Everywhere you guys are afraid to go forward because you will lose what you know and you’re afraid you won’t find anything better. Uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you have to work super long hours to make ends meet, uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you guys are afraid to take bold action and try something new, uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you guys are afraid to take responsibility and still do victim, uncreate and delete all that.

                           Everywhere you guys are afraid to lose what is left of your inheritance, oh Sarah. Uncreate and delete all that. Any of you guys sitting around afraid of losing the last parts of the money you have? Remember that whole 10% savings thing I said where you have to save until you get a certain amount of money? Because the real truth is, this is why lottery winners lose their money. There’s usually a certain set point in everybody that once you have that set point then you will be able to receive; keep your money. And if you go below that set point then you go into this whole afraid to lose it. That’s one part of it.

                           And then as you know if you’re mentality of how much you think you’re worth is lower than how much you have, you will figure out a way to spend it, blow it or lose it. So any of you guys afraid to spend it or to blow it? Basically because you can’t have a net worth more than what you think you’re currently valued at, uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you’re afraid to lose your money, uncreate and delete all that.

                           So Christie if you have an abusive ex, there’s a couple of things. I would keep putting him in a bubble of love and light and just really keep talking to his higher self asking for something to change. Sometimes that will work. Now sometimes it won’t. If in that case it doesn’t work then I would just keep asking, you connect to the source energy, asking that you and your child be protected can stop a lot of things ahead of time. And then just keep disconnecting your energy from him everyday and release any karma with him. Uncreate and delete any karma with him for four to seven days.

                           Everywhere you’re afraid to ask the universe for help or your higher self for help, uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you don’t want a job, don’t have a job and don’t want to look for a job. Gabriella sometimes you just have to do whatever it takes to bring in some sort of cash because once you bring in the cash it changes all your points of view.

                           Have you ever noticed that when you just get over yourself and make a decision and just do something that would bring in cash, like at least you’re not as stressed. And once you’re not as stressed then starting your own business is easier. I mean sometimes it might not be exactly how you want it to be but I’ve just noticed that usually if you get money coming in from somewhere then you feel better about it. And sometimes you have to take logical steps like getting a job to do that in order to just stop the other flow. And then at the same time you can work on your own business. It sounds like probably not what you want to do but I would check inside and ask is that your problem. Is part of your problem that you’re just stuck in this, “I don’t know what to do and therefore nothing is manifesting.”

                           So Ilim, ask the universe to show you more than one profitable business solution, not just one but more than one. Because you’re asking for the most, I would ask for a top ten list of profitable- and when I say profitable, just say over whatever your number is; over $10,000 a month, over $100,000 a month. I think when you’re saying “the most” profitable business idea, it’s asking for one thing. I would ask for more than one thing, okay. And I would be a little bit different in my clarity. I would say that would generate me over X-amount of dollars per month.” And then get a top ten list and then see which one you love the most.

                           Okay Gabriella, everywhere you guys are sick and tired of waiting for people to do things instead of just doing it yourself or finding new people to do it, right. What would it take for you to find new people who will actually do it instead of waiting for the same people who aren’t doing it?

                           Everywhere you’re afraid to raise your rates for fear of losing clients. So what would it take, Angela, for you to generate a bunch of new clients at the new rate and then you could gradually segue. You could do that as well, just another option. Okay everywhere you’re still hanging on to some toxic things, uncreate and delete all that.

                           Louise is asking if she should be- I asked you guys to pick four targets and the second one feels heavy. Does the second one feel heavy because it doesn’t feel easy or do you still have blocks Louise? It feels like the second one feels uneasy because there’s a block to it because somewhere you don’t think it’s possible. So I would keep working on what would it take for this to be possible and then I would look at the phrasing of how I’m asking it to show up because maybe you’re looking at it to only show up one way instead of multiple ways, okay. So I would look at that. But be open to change. You don’t have to keep sticking to something if it’s not working right. Just kind of changing things around a little bit unsticks it.

                           I knew a rich guy. You know what he did? When everybody kept asking him for money he had his assistant tell everybody, “I am not a bank but I can happily make some recommendations for a bank for you.” You know what I mean? So he just didn’t want to be a bank, right. That wasn’t his business. Now some people didn’t like it right, because he’s a rich buy. But you know what? Self-love goes a long way. Okay everywhere you guys are the greatest toxin to your own life, everything that is, uncreate it all.

                           Natalie also had a breakthrough. She realized she had X amount on the hand she put out to receive money. Interesting. Alright, good job, Natalie, on the realization.

                           Javier had a realization that he used to work hard at the age of 14 through 18 to make money and give it all to his family. Yeah. Good job. I love it Javier. So I think that’s it. Those young money issues, like those things that come to us when we were young usually get programmed in the deepest. Okay so Javier, everywhere your money is going to your family now, delete all that. Any of you guys that’s giving all your money and energy away to you family, uncreate and delete all that. Anywhere you guys are generating money for your family but not for you, uncreate and delete all that. What would it take for you guys to generate money for you which can support the family, but wouldn’t it be cool if you just let the energy come into you first and then you can give it out however you want instead of letting the family pull on your money.

                           How many of you have the whole family connected to your money? Uncreate and delete all that. Javier everywhere you have to give money to your family to pay the bills, uncreate and delete all that. Javier, everywhere you can’t work for your own money, like you don’t own your money. Any of you guys who are not owning your own money, uncreate and delete all that. There’s a few other people. Wow that’s a lot of energy there.

                           Okay everywhere you guys are givers and not takers, uncreate and delete it all. I want you guys to say out loud, “I’m a taker. I’m a taker. I’m a taker.” And everywhere you guys have judgment on “I’m a taker,” uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you guys think it’s not nice to be a taker, uncreate and delete all that. Well who are the givers giving it to?

                           Okay everywhere it’s not fair if you’re a taker. It’s not nice if you’re a taker. It’s not good if you’re a receiver. Uncreate and delete all that. Anywhere you guys aren’t a taker, uncreate and delete all that. Anywhere you guys love to take but you pretend that you don’t love to take, uncreate and delete all that.

                           Sarah you can create some new babies, like meaning new businesses, new energies. You can play with kids for a living, you could take care of kids for a living, any of those things – whatever feels right to you.

                           Okay everywhere you guys are married to conventional methods, uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you ask for £5000. Everywhere you feel like when you ask for money you get it and it came from your parents and you feel like you owe them something, uncreate and delete all that.

                           Irene, everywhere you’re afraid to show up in the world and speak your truth, uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you guys are afraid to show up because you’re afraid you’ll be judged, uncreate and delete all that.

                           Okay so we’ll do another one here. What are you guys afraid to become because it will mess up your life? It’s not the doing now, it’s the becoming. Everywhere you guys are afraid that you won’t find honest people, uncreate and delete all that.

                           Yes Marsha. So I’m curious, she’s asking if asking for more than $4000 in profit from my website be, okay?  Yeah, for sure. But I would also ask for the $4000 idea to come every month and I would ask for any other idea that would generate. If it was me, what I would do is I would ask, “What would it take for my website to generate $4000, $5000, $6000, $10,000” and everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete it all. I would ask for multiple amounts of numbers; not just the $4000. For some reason it feels like asking for one number kind of blocks is.

                           Okay Jocelyn, everywhere you feel stuck in this low paying job and you’ve decided that that’s how much you’re worth, uncreate and delete all that. So Jocelyn what would it take for you to either (A) create your own business or (B) get some other education of some form that would create your own business, even if it’s writing an eBook or doing a web blog. It doesn’t have to be formal education but it’s money-making education. So everything in the way of that, uncreate it all. Everywhere you think you can’t do it, uncreate and delete it all.

                           Everywhere you guys have grief, anger and toxicity uncreate and delete it all. Yes, Trevor, I’ve heard of the Tall Poppy Syndrome, especially in the UK too where if you get really popular and famous then they want to attack you. So everything that is, will you uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you guys are afraid to receive judgments on being famous, uncreate and delete all that.

                           See you guys have to realize that part of the game of being popular is there’s negativity that come with it. And what would it take for you guys to just ride above it, laugh about it and not really care about it, okay? So what would it take for you guys to just not care, you know what I mean? Instead of growing all these hedges around you so nobody knocks your poppies off, okay. So everything that is, uncreate and delete it all. Anywhere else you guys believe in the Tall Poppy Syndrome.

                           So Christina, everywhere you guys are giving all your energy to your family instead of just taking it for yourself- like what if the universe is calling upon you right now to just take care of you for a little bit, okay. It’s like what if you just take care of you and let everybody do their own thing because maybe you’re enabling them and maybe when you quit enabling them, then maybe they take care of themselves for a little bit. So just check inside, are you enabling anybody? And you’re giving them energy that you could be using for your own growth and happiness. Now there’s- of course you have to take care of your kids and things like that, okay, normal things. But you understand what I mean, right? So just are you enabling somebody when they could be doing it for themselves? Everything in the way of that, uncreate it all.

                           Everywhere you guys have reverse snobbery; no money so better than rich kids who had it handed to them, right. Uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere hard work is more noble, uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you’re afraid to touch some money, uncreate and delete all that. Notice that wording. Everywhere you guys are afraid to touch your money, uncreate all that. Everywhere you guys are afraid to make money, uncreate all that. Everywhere you have to make money, which means you always have to make it instead of having it. What would it take for you guys to have money instead of needing it?

                           Every time you guys say, “I have to go make money.” What would it take for you guys to say, “I have money and money comes to me generously.”

                           So Sarah if you married somebody who’s a taker, you’re going to have to visualize him everyday in his own pillar of light. Visualize you in your own pillar of light and just say no. Like you’re probably going to have to clear four or five times a day everywhere you allowed him, because you allowed him, to take all your energy. And everywhere you gave all your energy. Now remember you’re an unlimited being; nobody can take all your energy unless you shut off from the flow. And if you’re around a needy person, if you just open up your flows and imagine like a fire house coming straight out your heart and just fill them with energy, they’ll usually go away because you just filled them up with light and then they’ll usually kind of let go of your energy for a little bit.

                           So everywhere you’re saving pennies to travel and your mom told you that wouldn’t work. Everywhere you’re confused that you could save your pennies and get what you wanted. Everything that is, uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you’re afraid to be powerful and visible, uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you guys are afraid to be passionate, uncreate it all. Everywhere you guys are afraid to be take-charge, totally responsible, make all the decisions and generally just kick ass; everything that is, uncreate and delete it all.

                           Everywhere you feel totally invisible, uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you’re afraid of becoming rich because it would mess up your life, uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you’re afraid to be strong and energized, uncreate and delete all that; afraid to be happy and abundant, uncreate and delete all that; afraid to be more successful than colleagues. Wealthier than my friends and family, vibrantly living and fabulously glamorous, I love that. Everything that is, uncreate and delete it all.

                           Somebody is asking me that they had to live a lie because they were in an emotionally abusive relationship. Is it possible to feel clean and honest? Well I don’t know what the thing is but sometimes you can’t tell emotionally dysfunctional people the truth because it will cause harm to you. If that is the case then I would love myself enough and probably not tell them the truth, which might sound contradicting to some of you but safety is probably the most important thing. And then number two I would ask why do I allow any of this to happen in my life and I would uncreate and delete all that. And then what I would do is I would get clean and honest with myself, which should shift it. So if you learned the lesson, you’re not going to do it again then be cool with that. But because you said emotionally abusive, that’s the only reason why I’m saying you have to decide if it will create more harm to you then good.

                           So for some of you listening, that’s probably confusing because I know I’m going to get emails saying, “She said it’s okay to lie.” But I want you guys to really hear what I’m saying, okay. So the truth at the end of the day is if somebody is emotionally abusive then you’re dealing with a crazy person. And why would you give ammunition to the crazy person who has a loaded gun in front of you? You know what I’m saying? So I just want to be clear what I’m saying.

                           And again let’s all bless Sarah and ask that whatever it takes for her to get out of her situation so that she can move to something better, whatever help she needs or support around her so that somebody can help and support her so that she can move to the place where she can get really, really happy. Okay whatever it takes for her to do that, we all bless you, we give you tons of love, tons of mojo, tons of powers so you can really, really get the help. And is there anybody around you like a therapist or somebody that could help you? That would be awesome if you could look that up and try to figure that out.

                           So what would it take for Sarah to get some support, some therapy, some something around you to help and support you? So if you have more than one thing to concentrate on, just pick four things that you really want to manifest and just work on those things. You can only do one task at a time, generally speaking, so I would set a priority list. The easiest way I’ve ever gotten organized is by setting a priority list.

                           Everywhere you guys are afraid to be too well known, uncreate and delete all that. So I want you guys to think what’s the most important thing you could ever manifest for yourself? Okay so whatever came up for you, that’s the thing you should go for right away.

                           So Irene, somewhere you’re giving away your power and/or you’re surrounded by takers, or both. So everywhere you’re surrounded by takers, uncreate and delete all that. And everywhere you’re surrounded by stealers and thieves, uncreate and delete all that. And everywhere you’re fear of it is generating more of it, uncreate and delete all that.

                           Okay what do I do about financial disasters? Christina, it’s a hard question because the thing is if you guys are living with somebody who has a lot of money woes, at some level you guys have to really decide not to take on their energy but still love them and help them. Like you know if you love them enough to help them with tools, give them tools. If they refuse the tools then you have to understand they’re refusing change. And if they’re refusing change, it’s not going to be so easy for you guys to be happy together, right. It’s going to be a little hard. So you’re going to have to keep really working on what would it take for him or her to change. And what would it take for me to not slow my progress down and still get or stay happy?

                           Everywhere you’re afraid to be healthy and love your body exactly how it is, uncreate and delete all that. So anyone else who’s dealing with a partner or a spouse or a lover who’s really their block and in their way in some way, let’s just send a lot of love and light to them so that they find a solution that they love themselves enough to take care of themselves and they love themselves enough to find a solution to not be emotionally blackmailed by that person or controlled by that person, okay.

                           So everywhere you have a colleague. I hear the colleague is jealous. So anywhere you guys have jealous people around you wanting to steal your light, uncreate and delete all that. You have to understand when you get a little bigger some people might test the boundaries and see if you’re still the same or if you really are that new person. So anywhere you guys aren’t willing to put up with jealousy even if it gets you what you want, uncreate and delete all that.

                           Ellen maybe you could just be- you know sometimes with jealous people there’s a couple different tactics. You can be really super nice to them but then if they stomp on you more, you can’t be nice to them. But one of the ways to make jealous people feel bad is just be really nice to them because then they have nothing to say to you. And then if they’re a little whacky maybe you could ask him if he’s a little out of sorts because he doesn’t seem like himself, you know. Maybe that co-worker is kind of nasty, say, “Wow, you don’t seem like yourself. You’re so much nicer normally. What’s your problem?” You know what I mean? Just kind of call it out like that and see what happens.

                           So Ellen I just hearing jealous for some reason, I’m not sure why. But I would just say something like that to him like, “Hey we used to pal around, I really love you brother.” Just say something kind of cool that’s a little vulnerable and catches him off guard and then just ask if he’s stressed or what’s going on. Maybe if you just say you love him or care for him then you want to help him or you know what I mean? Maybe he’ll just change his energy a little bit with you.

                           Gabrielle it feels like your energy is set on, “I expect bad things to happen to me.” So any of you guys who have a belief that you expect really bad things to happen to you no matter what, everything that is, uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you guys have a belief that bad things are going to happen to you no matter what you do or try, uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you think you’re bad, everywhere you guys think you’re evil, everywhere you guys think you’re unloved, uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension, space and reality. Any other part of you that doesn’t want to change because you think you’re bad, evil or not nice to people, uncreate and delete all that.

                           So Illim, I’m hearing he’ll probably change within a month if you just keep sending some love to him. Zabrina, if people are abusive to you, stay away from them if you can. And if you can’t then you’re going to have to deal with it in the moment. I can’t really answer because I don’t know specifically. You’re going to have to just take it as each moment shows up.

                           Alright what are you guys afraid to do, be or have because your spouse, mate, family, bosses or parents won’t like it? So everywhere you guys are afraid to be you and afraid that something bad is going to happen to you, everything that is, uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you guys are afraid negative, malfunctioning versions of you are going to keep giving birth to themselves into perpetuity and you will never get your other future self to show up. Uncreate and delete all that. You guys are making little babies of yourselves over and over and over again, stuck in time. Everything you’re doing to create all that, delete all that.

                           How do I manage immediate family, spouse, always thinking something bad is going to happen when you’re happy? Every time they put that thought around me Basil, I would just keep un-creating and deleting it. Another technique is you can ask them to make a list of all the worse case scenarios they think will happen to you and then kind of just talk to them about it and say, “Well have any of these things ever happened?” and the answer will be no. And then say, “Is there anyway you can give that up since none of these things have ever happened?”

                           Usually if a spouse is like that, they might have had a childhood where they always had to learn how to worry ahead of time so that bad things wouldn’t happen. So you can check inside and see if that’s the case. And if that’s the case with your partner then clearing out all the childhood trauma where they always have to worry about something bad happening that creates the worry in the future is probably where to go with fixing it.

                           Can you clear your partner’s blocks and abundance? Yes, if they want it. That’s the answer. Everywhere you guys are afraid to be rich, wealthy or hear your guidance, uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you guys are afraid to know the truth, be the truth, have the truth and love the truth, uncreate and delete it all.

                           Julie, I would do the, “What would it take for me to be a know-it-all?” That’s what I would do. So anywhere you guys are blocked in your intuition, what would it take for you guys to be a know-it-all, super aware, super healthy, uncreate and delete it all.

                           So Christina, Paul has to choose to be successful for himself. There is some part of him that’s locked in the battle with who he wants to be and who he was. So he’s got a lot of clearing to do. A lot more then you might want to hear about. So he’s got to work on his dad issues too.

                           So everywhere you guys are afraid to go be so successful that you might lose all your friends and family, uncreate and delete all that. Anywhere you guys care more about them then you care about yourself so you let them stop you, uncreate and delete all that. Give them the tools. Let them listen to this. That’s what I would do.

                           Let’s do one more big clearing you guys. What actions are you now willing to start, okay? So what’s one action you guys can do in the next couple days that will bring you your abundance? What is one action that you guys can do? Re-listen to the session, yes. Everywhere you don’t value yourself, uncreate and delete all that. What would it take for you guys to be millionaires and know that you are worth it? Everywhere you don’t want to wake up in the morning. Everywhere you don’t want to have a life. Everywhere you don’t want to be here. All those blocks, delete it all. Everywhere you don’t want to deal with life and you’re resistant to life. Everywhere you’re resistant to living and being, uncreate and delete all that. Taking one hour to write a book, uncreate 50 times a day. Let go of anything that stops me. Believe to receive. All of those are excellent.

                           Okay so what would it take for you guys to be the future happy version of yourself? Everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete it all. What would it take for you guys to totally believe and honor that you are worth it? Everything in the way of that, delete it all. What would it take for you guys to be willing to mess up your life and move it into the next reality where you’re being your future self? Everything in the way of that, uncreate it all. What would it take for you guys to let go of your stories that keep you stuck? Uncreate and delete it all. How many stories are you guys living? Uncreate and delete all those.

                           Anything else in the way of you guys living your life to the fullness of you, uncreate and delete it all. Okay what would it take for everybody this week to have some huge miracle breakthrough? What would it take for you guys to shift into the energy of your future self and love yourself enough to have true abundance? What would it take for you guys to have so much abundance that everything in your life just works for you? What would it take for you guys to just quit second guessing, quit thinking too much and just go take some massive action that generates a lot of money? And everything in the way of that, uncreate it all.

                           What would it take for you guys to just quit thinking and go take some action? And everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete all that. What vibrational energy can you guys become to be willing to mess with your life and change it into the life you love, deleting all excuses along the way. And everything in the way of that, will you uncreate and delete it all?

                           What would it take for you guys to speed up all your clearing and just go take action and live your life and be happy? Everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete it all.

                           Okay you can post some cools things on Love or Above. You can post some things in the library area. Love you guys. I think you’re awesome. I know you can have an amazing week and chow for now.

                           Please continue to the next Unlimited Abundance Journey session.

20 Clearing Lack of Self Worth

Abundance Block 20 : Clearing lack of self worth

Let the love flow into your life, and learn how the love you received as a child is impacting your current bank account. Highlights include:

  • A Mothers Hug – the biggest impact to your current financial state could go back to when you were hugged as a kid. Learn how love, or lack there of it, from your parent can be influencing you today.
  • Love Gaps – a tool to fill in the empty areas of yourself that we’re lacking love as a child. This technique will turn those voided spaces, into powerful new channels for money to flow.
  • Soul Showering – use source energy to fill your body with love that you may not have been able to receive throughout your life.

special 25ab 20

Hey this is Christie Marie Sheldon and you’re listening to a recording I did of a series of 24 live group sessions on clearing abundance blocks. Here is what we’re covering today in session number 20

To start things off we’ll take a good look at how you received the energy of love in childhood. As strange as it might seem to you this influences how you handle money now. IN childhood if you internalize not enough love from either your mother or you father or the main caretakers this can actually influence you money issues.

I’m going to teach you a tool to fill up that empty area of your soul and help you become a money magnet. Next I’ll help you reencounter the highest energy level possible that brings you into alignment with the most powerful forces to uplift your drive from manifesting loving, kind things into your life. In fact, if you don’t have this energy running through your body, you’re operating on half empty.  Let’s begin.

Hey, welcome, welcome. This is Christie. How are you? Today is so exciting. Today is session 20 and we’re going to talk about my favorite subject, love. We’re going to get some more love and higher vibrations in you so that you can really, really amp up everything that you’re working on manifesting. If you guys haven’t already, please grab a piece of paper because any awareness that shows up today you can work on a little bit later on for yourself as well.

Again, be open to change. Any of you guys stuck in a rut we’re going to have to get you out of there. Everybody take a moment and set your intent on what you hope to achieve tonight. If you could have anything shift in your life, whatever that would be, choose that. Then I want you to take a moment, we have only a certain amount of sessions. What do you hope to achieve before the end of the 25 days?

I’m just going to clear this really quickly. Everything that came up for you guys that says “Oh, I can’t get this completed. It’s not working. Oh my god, it’s almost to the end and I still haven’t done XYZ.” Everything that came up for you guys, will you uncreate it all and delete it all. Love it. Remember, the rock star overnight success, they had to practice, practice, practice. You guys are basically reinventing your foundation. Be gentle on yourself. At the same time that doesn’t mean “gentle on yourself means lazy.” That means have some intent to push yourself. Bring whatever energy you want to release up and let’s go.

We had some really amazing, inspiring stories today. Jane has made great strides since starting Unlimited Abundance Journey. She says that when she began ten weeks ago she was financially devastated. Had spent all of her inheritance money and was moving into the equity of her home to live. She was living off her home. In fact, she had to rent out her home and live with friends to make ends meet.

Within four weeks a miracle happened. She got a call out of the blue from a woman who wanted to work with Jane and since then she’s made $20,000. She used part of it to pay off her credit card. Put the rest in her savings account and moved back into her home. They money kept flowing after a former client called and wanted her to come to Canada to work with her. The client paid for the rental car, half that gas and $2,500.

She went through customs, realized she had an expired passport. She grabbed the wrong one. Kept saying “What would it take to get through customs hassle free?” and that’s exactly what happened. She got through no trouble. When returning to the US they didn’t even pull her over they just let her through. Now she’s asking what would it take to make money doing what she loves and what would it take to fall in love with the man of her dreams? I love it.

Ivan in Hawaii dropped me an email to let me know, a few days ago in the Abundance Journey I had you take a look at your profit and loss statements for the last five years. Awareness can change a lot of things in your future. After doing the homework he realized he had enough to pay off the mortgage and still enough to live on. That’s what he did and then we calculated how much that saved him versus living in the house and paying all the interest he save d $100,000. Now he can label himself debt free.

That’s really, really cool. Then he just wanted to have a backup plan for whatever reason, it was his security blanket. So he got approved for a $250,000 home equity loan, no expenses or fees. Good job, Ivan.

Janet shared some of the wins she has had since starting her Unlimited Abundance Journey. Her husband literally found $1,500 cash tightly rolled in a spare tire of an abandoned car on its way to be crushed. He said it was tucked inconspicuously in the tire. Something made him take a second look at the wad of money fell out. How fun is that?

Jane’s rent increased by $400 but she manifested an additional $400 doing some work for her mother. She got that covered. She received with no stress. She also received a letter from an insurance company saying they owed her $112 for over payment in 2007. She manifested some money from five years ago. Her neighbor of 20 years was moving, gave her a treadmill that they didn’t want anymore. She put it on Craigslist and sold it for $145. Her mom gave her $100 for no reason. That’s $2,257 in total. Good job, Janet. I love that, a wad money out of a tire of a car and he felt compelled to look at it.

Everybody listening, everywhere you guys feel, sense, believe at any level, cellularly or anywhere else that you can’t have the same and/or better achievements in your own life, everything that is would you uncreate and delete it all? What would it take for everybody listening to have a really cool, astonishing, and amazing, over the top miracle happen that chose you for sure—you are an abundance manifesting King and/or Queen? Everything in the way of that, will you delete all of that?

We’re going to connect to the light. Everybody close your eyes for a minute. If you’re driving obviously do not close your eyes. See, sense or feel the light 300 feet above your head. Open the doorway to all of the source energy, all of true abundance. Allow this true abundance to trickle into your head, your crown, opening up all the divine knowledge. All of the wherewithal and the what-withal, everything you need to do in order to grab it, find it, keep it, attract it and receive it.

Asking that everywhere in your third eye and your ears, you’re connected again to true divine guidance; asking that the universe always be abundant and work in your favor. Ask this source energy to in through your throat, opening up your throat to communicate your true desires and have them be met. Ask this light to come into your heart, opening up your heart to receive that you are valued and loved enough to have all of your dreams and manifestations come true.

Ask this light to come into your torso, anything that makes you nervous about moving forward, ask that to release. Ask this light to completely support you so you feel strong, confident, fearless, able to take massive action. Ask this light to infuse you with a sense of power and confidence knowing that all is well and it is only up to you to just ask and receive.

Ask this light to have you grounded in the trust that you are a creator and that you yourself can create and manifest the life that you truly desire. Ask this light to ground that energy into the ground, find the happy place in the center of the planet. The happy place in the center of the planet, ask this light to bounce straight back up right into your heart, radiating out all the way around your field.

Ask this light to radiate out in your whole field of influence, past the building you’re in, filling the building you’re in with this pure source energy and your happy intent that all of abundance is attracted to you. Ask this light to expand past the city you’re in. Ask this light to expand past the state you’re in. Ask this light to expand past the country you’re in. Ask this light to expand past planet Earth, infusing the whole planet with love knowing that you are always connected to the oneness of it all.

I’m going to do a couple of clearings just really quickly before we begin. Everybody here is a totally aware being. At some level you know everything. You are the only person who can see all parts of your reality. Just look around your field or feel inside your field and just whatever this block is that’s making anything in your life going the opposite of what you want; let’s just ask that all across purposes, known or unknown, seen or unseen to be deleted from your entire reality field. Across all dimensions, time and space and realities ask that all of these cross purposes that we covered in one of the earlier weeks; we’re going to ask that all the cross purposes to you actually really getting happy, uncreate and delete all of that.

Anywhere you guys shrink from the idea of going forward, uncreate and delete it all. Anywhere you guys shrink from taking massive action, delete all of that. Anywhere you guys shrink from being happy, delete all of that.

Today is going to be a great day. We’re going to fill you up with a lot of love and really monitor where you guys disconnect yourself from the energy of love. I want you to make a little checklist, a scale of one to ten for yourself in these little categories. On a piece of paper write this down, whatever comes to your awareness first, before you think too much. On a daily basis, regarding your wealth how much love; ten being totally filled, how much love do you put into your wealth? When you think about wealth do you get cranky or do you think “Oh I love it.”?

The energy of you family, because you’re surrounded by people in your life— if you don’t have a family look at it as the people who are around you loving you every day. On a scale of one to ten how much love is in those relationships? You can look at each individual if you want or you can just kind of look at the group. That’s sort of included with the people in your life. On a scale of one to ten how much love is in the energy field with the people in your life? Including coworkers, people you might hang out with, friends. Do you have a whiny, complainy friend and it is about whining, complaining and gossip instead of love.

How much love do you guys surround yourself regarding the energy at work? We’re just going to say you walk into work; if it’s your home office, then it’s your home office. That’s work. Think of your clients, think of the people you work with, think of the whole energy of work, which we’re trying to make play, right? How much love do you surround yourself in that?

The energy in your home, you walk in and it doesn’t really matter—it’s the vibe, you walk in and you hate it. You walk in and you’re neutral about it. You walk in and you feel love. And about health, when you think of your health you think “Oh my god. I hate my body. I’ve got to lose 40 pounds.” Or “I love my body. It’s amazing that I get to be here on the planet.”

Then how much love do you surround yourself with in focusing and creating the upgraded you? When you have to show up on these calls or do some of your mantras, what are you thinking? Are you thinking “Oh, I’ve got to do it?” Or are you thinking “Oh I can’t wait to do it?”

People are asking “What love do we give or receive?” To me it’s all of it because the deal is this; all of it. You are a constantly giving and receiving love thing. Some people love to give and that fills them up. So the energy and quality of the relationships is totally loving. But if you have resentment or anger or anguish because you’re always the one giving and not receiving, can you see how that would put a lower vibration in there?

The whole point of this is this—my one product is called “Love or Above” and the reason it’s “Love or Above” is because the vibration of love, joy, happiness are higher vibrations that act like a magnet to attract that which you want. When I think of my business or helping you all, there is nowhere in my energy field that I think “Oh god, I’ve got to help these people again.” Instead I think “Wow, I get to completely help facilitate you guys so that you guys can go live the life of your dreams. Truthfully there is nothing more exciting for me than that.”

I get to wake up every day and love what I do. Or I get to wake up every day and love where I live. I love my beautiful orange mountain in the back of my house that turns salmon color every morning. But when you’re in that field that field of influence it’s going to help be the WD-40, the extra gas power that fuels you to get through any things that might come up when you’re creating your new self.

Gratitude is also another form of loving yourself. I think that when we’re grateful we’re actually being the truest part of our self because we’re vibing at the vibe where if we can be so grateful that means we’re so filled with love, compassion, kindness, vulnerability, honesty, truth. These vibrations are really what pure source energy is. That will catapult you forward.

Where most people get kind of whacked in the love place is in the energy of families. That’s the first place that you learn love. If that was happy for you you probably imprinted “I know what love feels like. I love love.” If it wasn’t so happy for you, you probably imprinted these contrary beliefs, false information. If you grow up with your parents always fighting then love equals fighting, which is not love but inside you is a little kid soaking in your family’s environment, you probably imprinted “I have to fight in order to get love” which isn’t really true. But that’s probably in you so every time you go to manifest something you think “Oh my god, I love this thing that I really, really want.” So then you automatically as a pattern think “I have to fight for it” instead of letting it from through with ease.

That’s why we’re going to focus for a minute on the family imprinting of how you took in love. I see you guys are already sending me some love notes. Just focus for a minute; when your family grew up did they have abundance and if not I want you to just list some of the messages that you got from that. We’ll start clearing some of the things I’m seeing from you guys.

Grace is saying “If your family environment was stingy or there was not enough money we can absorb that by default?” The answer is “yes” Grace and if you have enough other beliefs that can pull you up the other way, there are some people who grow up in a poor family and they use that as the impedes to create wealth. You can group up in a middle income family and think “I am going to be a millionaire.” That will drive you. You can for sure be impacted dramatically by what your family was thinking.

You know what I clear most when clients come to me? What I mostly have to clear is everything that happened to them before the age of seven to ten. It depends on the person. Most of the stuff we absorb then. Everywhere your parents loved money more than you, which has got to suck. Uncreate and delete all of that. Anywhere your parents loved fighting about money more than they loved caring for you, uncreate and delete all of that across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

If your family was stingy, uncreate and delete all of that. So if they were stingy with money they might have been stingy with love or you might have interpreted they won’t get you things so therefore they’re stingy with love. Everything that is uncreate and delete all of that. If your parents always fought or were critical about money or how the other person spent money, anywhere you absorbed any of that so now you’re critical with your money—you could either rebel against their criticism and blow all of your money or you could just duplicate what they are doing. Any of you who are fighting with your spouse exactly like your parents fought about money, uncreate and delete all of that stuff.

Galena, I’m not sure what you mean all the way. Whatever that means anything in the way of you getting rich, uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you guys are blocking the whole receiving of money, at the end of the day if you can receive money you’ll get money. If you love money enough you’ll receive it. Everything that is delete it all. Anything contrary to you guys receiving millions of dollars, hundred thousands of dollars, hundreds of dollars, thousands of dollars; everything that is uncreate and delete it all.

Anywhere you guys need love from your family because they weren’t giving it to you. You just became the kind of person they needed so that you could get love from your family and maybe that was a miserable person. I’ve seen that happen, where you grow up in a family and they’re miserable. In order to get love you have to complain and be miserable. Everything that is uncreate and delete all of that.

Jenny is asking “How can I be grateful for a seller who used foul language today? I have been understanding.” You don’t have to necessarily be grateful but maybe you can be grateful that you yourself are not in that vibration. If you can find something positive about it like “Wow, how cool is it that I am not in that vibration?” Or “Wow, isn’t it so cool that I don’t have the stress level she does?” Or “Wow, isn’t it so cool that I don’t have to live with her?” Any of those things will move it up into gratefulness. Instead of worrying about why she did it.

Everywhere money doesn’t grow on trees and you don’t have enough, uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere you have to save and pinch every penny and money is always a struggle, uncreate and delete all of that across all time, dimensions, space and reality. Let’s see, a family that prays together stays together. I know where she’s coming from because in some families that means you’re ultimately linked forever and ever and ever and then you never get your own life.  Anywhere a family that prays together stays together then therefore you never get your own life; uncreate and delete all of that.

Everywhere you have to work 24/7, seven days a week and then only then will you make ends meet—I’m going to ask you guys to push this on your wish list. I’m going to ask you guy, what would it take for you to make the same amount of money or whatever your projection is?  If you want to ten times it and work only 30 hours a week, pick a number. That would be kind of cool, right? Just see what happens. What would it take for you guys to not have to work hard for your money and everything in the way of that, uncreate all of that.

What would it take for money to show up easy? Maybe you are one of the middle kids or younger kids and you always got the hand-me-downs so basically you weren’t number one. You were always number two, three, four, five, six or last. Any of you guys living from the vibe of I have to be middle or last and I’m not first; my poor sister who is in the middle. There are three of us. I’m the oldest. I got kind of lucky because I got the imprint of “I was number one.” But my poor sister, we tried to clear a lot of stuff on her about being the middle child. It was just because she was number two.

Everywhere a lot of great abundance was the cause of fighting, so there for you don’t want it because why would I want something that made me fight? Everywhere your parents fought about money as the normal way to do love. Any of you guys whoever did any of those things with your own spouse or mate, duplicated from your parents or any previous spouse or mate; uncreate and delete all of that.

There was never enough money coming in and you never knew where more was coming everything that is, uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere love is transactional, withdrawal of love used as a behavior modification. Anywhere you couldn’t get love—you were naughty, you didn’t do what mommy wanted or what daddy wanted or any of those kinds of things; delete all of that.

Anywhere you guys didn’t get the energy of love, delete all of that. Anywhere you felt unimportant or unvalued, delete all of that. If you never felt the vibration of love you’re going to have to walk around saying “What would it take for me to feel gratitude? What would it take for me to feel love? What would it take for me to feel joy?” You’re going to have to really imprint yourself with those energies.

Everywhere money doesn’t grow on trees, delete all of that. Too many children, not so much money, never enough; all of that stuff, uncreate it all. Everywhere you guys are the whole problem as kids, you were the whole problem to why your parents were poor. Your parents were rich until you came along and then you took all of their money, all of their life, and you were the source of their whole problems. Any of you guys who took that in, uncreate and delete all of that.

Everywhere your whole life is “I’m a problem” not “I’m a thing to be loved.” Uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere you were the advice giver in the family because your parents were really not parents, they were basically the kids and you were basically the parent. And everywhere you’re tired of being the parent to everybody on the planet instead of getting a life for yourself; uncreate and delete all of that.

Some of you might love it, so there is nothing wrong with that except some people feel a little resentful because they don’t get filled up themselves. Any of you guys who are the givers, what would it take for you guys to be excellent receivers? There delete all of that.  Lots of kids, lots of work; uncreate and delete all of that. “I can relate to the fighting love or wealth.” Anywhere you guys struggle with love and money, uncreate and delete all of that.

Everywhere your dad made really bad choices so now you don’t even know what to do with money because you’re stuck in limbo. You’re stuck in confusion. Anywhere you got stuck in limbo or confusion because you don’t know what to do with money, you didn’t get the download. Delete all of that. Everywhere you had to starve, uncreate and delete all of that. Feast of famine, uncreate and delete all of that.

Any of your parents who were gambling kind of, where you make a lot of money and then lose a lot of money. Make a lot of money, lose a lot of money, all of that. Delete all of that. Everywhere work is exhausting, uncreate all of that. Work equals no time for your kids therefore you’re unimportant, delete all of that. Everywhere you wasted all of your time and all of your money and all of your efforts. Everywhere you waste. Everywhere I’m not made of money and I don’t have enough. One more time, delete all of that across all time, dimensions, space, reality.

Everywhere you should not be a burden to your family, like you really asked to be born, right? It’s all your fault you were born. You didn’t have anything to do with it. Everything that is, uncreate and delete all of that. Anywhere you guys have a vibe of burden or the thing of anger, where your parents had to deal with you and you are now the angry thing that they have to deal with, they’re mad about it. Uncreate and delete all of that.

Everywhere people lied about money. Maybe your mom lied to your dad about money. Your dad lied to your mom about money and you knew everything. You’re this poor kid in the middle of watching your parents lie about money. Delete all of that. How confusing would that be, right? Everywhere love isn’t given easy, everywhere love is lacking; delete all of that. Everywhere you’re sad about how much love you received, uncreate and delete all of that.

Everywhere love was never enough for you. Any of you guys who are needy, some people grow up needy because they never got love and they kind of need people and then they feel disempowered because they never get love for themselves. How many people here are needy? Uncreate and delete all of the need and just fill up with source as if you’ve always had love your whole life.

Source can fill you up with all the love that you never received from your parents. You can literally ask, like right now, all the love that you never got from your dad that you really, truly wanted, what would it take for you to receive that right now? Just fill up with that, soak that in. Just imagine it coming from the light above, into your body, filling you with the whole template that I had so much love for my father.

Some people are going “Why would I do that?” Because the energy of father is kind of imprinted here that we need a father and a mother; if you feel like you didn’t get it you’re getting it from pure divine source energy. You can get the equivalent as a source energy father, source energy loved you enough to give you the energy and mother source energy loves you enough to give you all the love that you never had that you really want. Open up to the energy of mother’s source energy, pure mother love filling you as if you had love your whole life.

Everywhere your dad didn’t pay child support and money should not be saved. Everything that is uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere money didn’t stick, uncreate it all. Everywhere deals fell through when you grew up, delete all of that. Everywhere you never saw your dad because he was always working, delete all of that.

Any other karma that you have with your mother that’s linking you to money and love, all karma with your mother—karma is unhealed stuff, this life or any other past lives. Any karma with your mother that is sticking in your energy field not deleting, delete all of that. Any other unhealed karma with your father, uncreate and delete all of that. If you had stepfathers do those too or stepmothers, you can do those too. Any other karma with people who raised you if they were not your biological family delete all of that.

Everywhere you got ripped off because your birthday was too close to Christmas. Everything that is uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you feel ripped off about how much lack of love and nourishment and genuine nourishment your mother and dad gave you, delete all of that. Everywhere you had to do something in order to earn love, delete all of that. Everywhere, if your mom got pregnant or something like this, therefore she got money so anywhere you’re the fruit of any monetary transaction, or the fulfillment of your mother’s monetary need; delete all of the places where you feel a lack of love about that.

Any other place, never enough; delete all of that. Everywhere your father was injured or hurt or out of work, or mother out of work and you guys had a period of life where you had no money coming in, delete all of that. Anywhere in this lifetime where you had a period of no money coming in and felt deserted by source and love. Everywhere you had to be literally tied up or abused in any form and that was the only version of love you had. Everything that is uncreate and delete it all.

Anybody else who was abused emotionally, verbally, physically and that is linked to your love energy, delete all of that. Everywhere love is abusive and unkind and unfit, delete all of that. Everywhere your parents got married and you had to eat scraps, uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere you grew up always wanting parents’ approval and never receiving it so now you’re waiting for approval in the form of manifestations to show up to prove that you’re worthy instead of knowing you’re worthy and then asking for everything to show up from that place. Everything that is, delete all of that.

Any other fear, guilt and emotional stuff that is coming up, whatever the label is that you can feel that you might not know what it means, that’s just coming up right now regarding the subject of not getting love, uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere you can’t hang on to money and need to get sick to get some attention from your family, uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere you guys had to get sick or have a problem happen in order to get attention. Everywhere one of your siblings always got everything and you didn’t. Any other unhealed karma with any of the siblings that you have, asking for the deletion and uncreation of all karma with siblings that’s holding you back.

Since we’re doing the love, any mates that there is still some karma, unhealed stuff with, with any past mate or current mate that is blocking your love and abundance from showing up, delete all of that.  Everywhere your parents had a lot of money but you decided somewhere that you couldn’t be like them or they made you feel like you weren’t like them. Or you could have imprinted that “mommy and daddy take care of me” and you never learned how to get the energy of taking care of yourself. Everything that is, delete all of that.

All decisions that you guys made that keep money away from you, delete all of those. Anywhere you only had the basic needs met but not anything more than that, uncreate and delete all of that. Irene is saying “Who do you think you are Onassis’s daughter?” Wow, everything that is, uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere you have to go without, that’s the norm; delete all of that. Everywhere you have to be totally thrilled and happy that we love you, forget that we can’t feed you; delete all of that.

Rosalynn just had a breakthrough; she said her mom almost took her birthday money away from her “to buy me what she thought I needed or put away.” That’s one of the greatest wounding I’ve seen. When you give a kid money and then you have to teach them to be responsible with their money. You can’t really control their money because they think it’s their money. Maybe have a rule that 30% gets put away, the rest you can do for yourself. I know some parents as soon as the kid got money they’d make them put it all away and then the kid never learned how to handle money. It’s crazy. Everything that is, uncreate and delete all of that.

Everywhere there is more than one kid and you guys were always in competition for money and love. Everywhere it wasn’t fair so everywhere it really wasn’t fair in the end. One of the siblings got more than you. Can’t hold on to it, you have to do an emergency. And emergency is always created every time you get extra, delete all of that. Everywhere you guys are saving for a rainy day because that creates a rainy day. Delete all of that.

Everywhere it’s affecting your current relationship where you don’t like to talk about money with your spouse because really ideally you and your spouse would be on the same kind of plan. You guys would have a plan. You can keep your money separate but at least have a plan or something so you guys are creating some group energy towards abundance. Everywhere you guys can’t talk about money, nobody can talk about money. Everywhere you guys don’t have wills and all of the financial details in order because nobody wants to talk about any of that. Or my mate won’t talk about that or I don’t want to talk about that. Delete all of that stuff.

A penny saved is a penny earned and disposable money for nothing, money for fun is not around. Uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere your sibling, one more time, got more than you. Everywhere you guys have to have some degree and then you’ll get paid more money. Anywhere you think degrees equal money versus street smarts equal money. Anything that is delete all of that. You guys think you’re dumb. Everywhere you guys think you’re dumb with money or dumb or dumb luck or can’t be that smart or can’t be that smart to have that kind of like. Everything that is uncreate and delete all of that.

A lot of energy on that; I would work on that. If any of you guys have anything about feeling dumb or not enough about your smarts delete all of that. Anywhere you guys have the whole family is fighting against each other for money and people get divorced and they fight for money. Parents dying and all of the kids fight over their money. Any of that stuff, everywhere the family screws each other for money, basically. Everywhere the family becomes their own worse nightmare, delete all of that.

Everywhere you’re attracting men or women who want to spend all of your money, that’s got to suck. Everything that is delete all of that. Everywhere you are a sucker and give it to them. Everything that is uncreate and delete all of that. Anywhere you feel badly about any of those transactions. Any money transaction that you still feel badly about and you still ruminate about or it’s still stuck in your consciousness, uncreate and delete all of that. Any love transactions that you’ve ever had, like “I married that person. I dated that person.” Any love transaction that you still feel regret over. Delete all of that.

Everywhere you guys never said “I love you” or meant it at home. Suppressed feelings are everywhere you said “I can’t believe it” or you went into shock. Everywhere you guys have all of these suppressed emotions like “I can’t deal with it. I don’t know. I can’t believe it. I can’t believe this just happened. I don’t know what to do. I can’t handle this.” Any of those things are suppressed emotions behind the scenes. Uncreate and delete all of those.

Everywhere love is not enough; I want to really get this main belief here. Uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere love is not enough, uncreate and delete all of that. I want you to think for a minute, how do you communicate your desire to grow? If you want to grow in your life, if I say “You have to change every part of your life.” Is the first response that you guys get angry or is the first response frustration? Is the first response what?

Karen had a light bulb moment “I was angry and mean to my mother when she wouldn’t buy me clothes. She gave in and wrote a bad check and having to deal with consequences of her dad. As an adult I find myself spending for others even if I don’t have it.” Good job, Karen. Good job.

Anybody who is crying, that’s just realizing. Good job, you guys. You guys are doing a lot. Everywhere you go into all of these lower dimensions in order to create something different, uncreate and delete all of those. Wow, a lot of energy on this. Everything that is, uncreate and delete all of that. All of the despair, fear, anger, worry, shame and ambivalence, apathy, depression, suppression, core beliefs attached to it, no desire, everywhere you talk yourself out of thing. All of the funny things that happen uncreate and delete them all across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

Why is it usually apathy? If you ask why do I want to do it? Why bother? Why, why, why?” There is usually some apathetic suppression or depression that happened somewhere. Are you living, being and dreaming your abundance as if you have it? You know how they say that the amount of money you make is the equivalent of the five people you hang out with the most.  Any of you guys who don’t think you can just step in that whole dimension where you try it on. You guys hopefully have things on your dream board or you wrote out your story of how you want it to happen.

If you want a Mercedes—I’m going to pick on material things here for a minute. If you want a Mercedes why don’t you go drive a Mercedes and check it out? Make it real. If you want to have extra wealth and you want to dress a certain way, why don’t you try on clothes like that. There is no reason why you can’t dress like that in less expensive clothes. We’ve had success stories of people finding clothes on sale that were nice clothes. What if you could live it, be it and dream it as if you have it?

Anything that is preventing you guys from trying on the reality and acting it out for yourself, uncreate and delete all of that. That’s your homework assignment. I don’t want to call it homework, your play at home, home play. What would it take for you guys to go try on some part of your reality that you haven’t tried on yet that you really want to try on? What would it take for you guys to do that? Go home shopping, whatever that is.

Do you guys laugh at your situations easily? If I have something weird happen, honestly, I really don’t do emotional melt down. I usually pretty much laugh at things. Anywhere you guys have an emotional melt down as your first, second and third reaction. Everything that is will you uncreate and delete it all. I’m going to ask you to monitor where you do that and every time you do a reaction—notice that, reaction. That means you’re acting on some pattern. Uncreate and delete it all.

Think of the last reaction, the last really weird situation you had and then ask yourself what was your reaction. Everything that is delete all of those. That’s a lot of energy right there. Everything that is across all time, dimensions, space, reality; delete it all. Chris is asking “Why do I feel numb about love and wealth?” Because somewhere you decided you couldn’t receive it. Your numbness is an inability to receive.

I would work on “What would it take for me to receive it and value myself enough to get it and care about it enough to have it? And care about myself enough to have it?” You’re going to have to link it to something positive like freedom, fun, and travel. Something that you really love to do and then it will be a little easier for you, Chris.

The other Chris, “I recently learned that many of the things we pass up because of fear were actually miracle opportunities that the universe brought us.” Yes, that is true. The universe is always giving to us. It’s either A. giving us the chance to correct a program or pattern by showing us what we don’t want. And/or it’s bringing us what we do want and often times you might not know why it brought it in that form. But if you follow the path you’ll understand exactly. It could be through a person who connects you to a person who connects you to a person.

How do you try on a soul mate? Make sure you sign up for Match or EHarmony or you go hang out where guys hang out, Monica. Try on and imagine, do a lot of visualization being with a guy. Margaret, all of you guys are still stuck in something where you don’t think you can change your abundance and money show up. Uncreate and delete it all.

I am curious if you’re blocked in love I wonder if you’re blocked in money. Any of you guys who are blocked in both manifesting a mate or happy relationship and/or manifesting money, uncreate and delete all of the places those are tied together. Everywhere you guys have the “it’s too good to be true” as soon as a manifestation shows up and everywhere you guys think the universe is like Santa Clause—it will show up but then at the end he just gives you a lump of coal or something. Whatever that is uncreate and delete it all.

Christy was asking “How do we handle debt collectors and empty bank accounts?” I would focus it on “I have a clean slate.” I wouldn’t look at it like I’m broke. I would be like “I have clean slate.” Because in truth you do, you get to start from scratch. If you’re starting from scratch how do you want it to look? And then I would also look into the laws because debt collectors can’t collect things after a certain amount of years and things like that.

Okay, feeling tightness after we did a clearing. All of the places where you guys have linked love and money so you can’ manifest abundance and you can’t manifest a loving mate, delete all of that. Everywhere you feel unworthy to receive love and unworthy to receive kindness and are not valued. Everywhere you guys are not valued at the end of the day or don’t feel loved.

It is safe, right and good to receive love. It is safe, right and good to receive love in the form of abundance. It is safe, right and good for love to show up in all parts of your life. It is safe, right and good for love to show up in the form of everything on your vision board. It is safe, right and good for love to the natural emotion that you have every day.

Here is your homework a little bit, what would it take for you to feel love and joy? That would be a really big deal one. What would it take for you to love life in all of its incarnations as you move forward? When you’re changing things you laugh at the things that show up. Instead of going “Oh god, I still suck, blah, blah.” Everywhere you guys think you still suck and you can’t get over it, uncreate and delete all of that.

What would it take for you guys to love life in all of its incarnations as you move forward? What would it take for you guys to live, dream, be your abundance as if you already have it? What would it take for you guys to laugh at your situations easily?  Everything in the way of that delete it all. Any other karma or karmic imprint you guys have with your parents that does not allow you to love yourself more than they loved you.

What would it take for you guys to believe you can live as you, the real you, whatever version that is? Uncreate and delete all of that. What would it take for you guys to see you, yourself as abundance personified? What would it take for you guys to be abundance personified? If you’re personified in it you’re acting abundantly as a natural talent. What would it take for you guys to create multiple strings of income? It’s really unlimited streams of income.

What would it take for you guys to create unlimited funding? What would it take for you guys to amaze yourself with how quickly everything shows up for you? What would it take for you guys to achieve supernatural incoming income and money? I’m saying “super natural” because above natural. Super natural, incoming money.

What would it take for you to make all things easy? Uncreate all of that. What would it take for you guys to make your life easy? What would it take for you guys to look at life like—Grace energy is like W-40. It kind of slips through the universe and opens doors. What would it take for you guys to grace and bless your whole life so that all parts of your life, all of the doors open and everything becomes easy? What would it take for you guys to be the lover of everything?

Winnie, thank you for connecting. She said in all of the other sessions she was calm. This session she is restless and agitated. That’s usually an energy that wants to leave. Go inside a little bit and ask “What awareness am I not willing to receive? What awareness a, I not willing to receive that could change my life?” Then you’ll kind of get a picture of maybe, mom? It feels like it’s attached to mom.

What would it take for you guys to be the lover of everything? Trevor or anybody from a different country who doesn’t know—Google “WD 40” It’s like this lubricant that makes things that squeak or stick, like door jams and things like this, it opens them up. That’s a good question. I keep forgetting that I’m American and not everybody knows what I am talking about.

What if you experience anger or rage after the sessions? Christy, it’s probably energy and emotions coming out of you. I would take a bath. Water usually calms your emotional body. Salt water is good. If you need to scream it out for two seconds, 20 seconds, two hours just get it out of you. Don’t suppress it. Just get it out. And don’t judge however it comes out.

Julia, that’s yourself by the way. It’s not your mom, it’s you. It’s you suppressing you. It’s you suppressing you. Grace, your thing has to do with your mother. What would it take for you guys to be the emotional level of love and above all of the time? What would it take for you guys to do what is needed to be the energy of love? What would it take universe to deliver all of the love you guys desire with no restrictions? What would it take for the vibrational energy of you to become unlimited resources and love? What would it take for the vibrational energy of you to become all the dreams that you desire?

What would it take for the vibrational energy that love brings you all the money and flow of abundance? Awesome, you guys did great. What vibrational energy can you be love personified in all of your life? You guys did really, really amazing. I hope that you can listen to this one again because there is a lot of energy on the subject of love. All week it feels like for you guys, about a week and a half all of you love issues, where you don’t feel loved enough to receive, is going to show up in your life. You’re going to have to keep letting it clear.

19 Clearing Self Sabotage

Abundance Block 19 : Clearing self sabotage

Destroy those doubts about Secrets and Lies so you can just take empowered action. Highlights include:

  • The Truth Behind Truth – guide your soul to a vibration of truth where you will know for sure that whatever you face in life is authentic, empowering and real for your heart.
  • Karmic Kommand – grab a hold of your karmic debt and learn how you can start reshaping it to pave a more positive path for your future.
  • Debriefed Beliefs – clear beliefs that may have been programmed around Secrets and Lies, and uncover the real gold hiding under feelings of skepticism.

special 25ab 19  

Hey, this is Christie Marie Sheldon and you’re listening to a recording I did of a series of 24 live group sessions on Clearing Abundance Blocks.  And here’s what we’re covering today in Session Number 9 – I’m going to walk you through an exercise to learn the truth and uncover the lies that you’ve been living.

                           And these lies, known to you or unknown to you have been creating untold havoc on your daily manifesting of money.  And I’m also going to teach you a simple way to use your intuition to know truth, love truth and be truth.  And you can even know if a future choice will make you money.

                           This is the key, because knowing truth will let you take incredible, easy guided action.  So let’s begin.

                           Hey there, welcome, welcome.  Today is Session 19 of Unlimited Abundance.  And today is one of the sessions that’s near and dear to my heart, so it’s all about intuition today.  We’re going to be working on all the places where you can’t or won’t or shouldn’t or couldn’t perceive the truth about things.

                           So it’s going to be an exciting day.  Be open to some change; have a journal or piece of paper so you can take some notes.  Set your intent on what you hope to achieve.  So take a moment right now and in this session what do you hoe to achieve.  Alright?  And what do you guys hope to achieve in the next few weeks.

                           Alright, love it, love it.  So let’s journey together.  It’s an exciting day today.  The first one is a really cool story from Susan C.  She has been asking the universe “What would it take for more abundance than ever before to show up in her life,” and “What would it take to win prizes and drawings.”  And I love this story; it’s a really cool story.

                           This week she received a letter from the Chief Financial Officer from the State of Florida informing her she has an unclaimed premium refund from an insurance company amounting to $4,291.

Alright, Lori shared a great story with me.  She’d been practicing “What would it take,” asking for $1000.  The other day she was really focused, asked the universe for help with this and the next day she got a check in the mail, basically saying the FTC had sued and won and this was her portion against a mortgage company.  It was completely unexpected.

Then she checked her bank account and $231 in back child support had been deposited.  And later that evening, she got a check in the mail for $100 commission she’d made.  So that was $934 manifested in one day.  She said “Not quite $1000.”

But the next day, she was taking her daughter to an amusement park.  She went to go purchase a ticket, a random stranger had a free ticket, gave them passes good for entry and a free meal and extras just by her showing up right?

What would it take for you guys to get paid just for you being you?  She got her $1000 goal; probably over that actually.  Now she’s working on manifesting $5,000 to $10,000.  So good luck Lori and keep us posted.

So is the truth in you or is it out there?  Where is it?  And I’m going to say this, everywhere you guys think that you can’t have those kind of wins or miracles in a very short amount of time, uncreate all that.  And everybody listening, wouldn’t it be cool if you double, triple or quadruple your income and manifest a miracle this week?

In some 3D form that shows you’re totally guided.  Okay, so let’s connect to the light so that when we get into this whole subject that we can clear things along the way.  So, close your eye, and of course if you’re driving, please don’t close your eyes and just pay attention and look up.

See, sense or feel the light. Take your energy 300 feet up where you can see, feel or sense the dimension where the light shows up.  Ask this light to come into your heart, connecting your heart.  Okay, cool.  Now imagine this light comes through your crown, opening your crown to true divine knowledge; knowing the truth about everything.

Asking this light to connect to your third eye, opening that you can see it all, yes.  And everything in the way of that, delete all that.  And ask the light to come in so you can hear it all and clear out your ears.  Ask the light to come in, clear out your throat so you can speak the truth, be creative, generate your world by saying and being what you know you should be.

Ask the light to come in, opening up your heart.  Ask he light to come in, opening up your torso.  Ask the light to come in, opening up all your power sensors and the energy that you’re rooted in so that you can firmly be in the truth.

Ask the light to come through your legs, into the center of the planet; right in the sweet spot in the center of the planet where it feels really luscious and lovely.  Ask that light to bounce straight back up into your heart.  You are now connected above and below.

Ask the light from your heart to radiate out 360 degrees all the way around you.  Ask this light to expand past your body.  Ask this light to expand past the building you’re in.  Ask this light to expand past the city you’re in. Ask this light to expand past the sate you’re in.

Ask this light to expand past the country you’re in.  Ask this light to expand past the planet. Okay.  Now, today is a really cool day.  The reason I picked the subject we’re working on, is that in order to be abundant wouldn’t it be cool if you could know the truth about things and always take guided action.

And I want to talk, somebody asked me this question in email and I want to address it.  Somebody was asking “Do I always have to connect to the light?”  So the answer is eventually you don’t really have to and you can still walk around or drive doing the “What would it takes” and just imagine that you’re connected from above and below and you’ll always be connected.

Okay, so that’s one.  Number two, somebody was saying “I don’t have time to do 30 to 40 “What would it takes” in a day.  And the things is, I think you guys can see that if you don’t do them don’t you kind of miss them?  Okay?

So I catch myself in the middle of every thought and if I don’t really like what I’m thinking I just think “Oh weird. Uncreate and delete all that.”  You know what I mean?  So it becomes like a walking prayer and doing it 30 to 40 times isn’t really a big deal because it’s become such a part of your life.

Okay, so I just wanted to clear that up.  How do you make your energy bigger?  Well Maria, when you expand past the planet you have no bounds.  You could expand past Pluto, which is no longer a planet, which is kind of sacrilegious to me given that I am a Scorpio.  They took away my planet.

Anyway, so you can expand your energy past Pluto.  You can expand your energy past the sun.  Right, so if you take your energy Maria, and everybody listening and go past Pluto.  Take your energy and go past the sun, you can literally kind of imagine and take your energy there.

So you’re unlimited by truth and that’s who you are.  The bigger you make your energy, the more you can change.  Mark is a Scorpio too.  I know. They took away our planet; the planet of transformation, are you kidding me.

So, “Is it really just an intention?”  Yeah it is really an intention Maria.  It’s just imaging yourself there.  Franks saying “Can we muscle test to know whether or not our desires are ego based or from our heart?”  Of course you can, but Frank, I want to clear up the word ego for a minute, okay.

Can you guys trust that the universe at some level is so abundant and it wants you to have everything?  See, we as human beings were taught by certain folks on the planet to judge things like money, or power, or all those things right?  But if your intention behind it all is filled with love, like truthfully do I want to be powerful?  Well of course I do.

Why do I want to be powerful?  Because it truly proves who I am to myself.  I have no need to prove it to other people, I really don’t, but for myself I want to know that all my mojo works.  Okay?  So, is that ego based?  Do you understand?

So some people might say “Oh that’s ego based.  You want to have power.”  I think that certain societies want us to believe that it’s our ego so that we don’t have power so that we don’t show up as we are and therefore we can be controlled as a population.

So, I kind of bring that up so you guys really check in when you say the word “ego,” because make sure you don’t have a spiritual belief around that.  Because the universe doesn’t judge us, totally loves us, and actually wants us to have what we really want.

It wants us to be abundant.  It wants us to be loved.  It wants us to have our kids be happy.  It wants us to have our future generations easy.  It wants us to make a lot of money for whatever we need or want, okay.

So you don’t have to justify it.  So I see what you’re saying Frank, but I would check is just ask “Is the vibration of my desire, is there any energy attached that comes from fear, anger, worry, judgment, false information, right, because it could be false information that’s making you feel bad or guilty.

Okay, but that’s a really good question because you just brought up this whole file.  So I’m really glad that you asked that question Frank, so thank you.

So Ghanna is saying “How do we integrate this light and love in our body?”  You’re doing it now.  The answer is being aware.  How do you integrate it, you just be willing to be so much truth and love that nothing else is there.  Okay?  So that means you purposely manifest your life the way you really choose it all the time.

Somebody is saying “What’s the story about Pluto?”  They de-classified it as a planet Sabrina.  Alright, everywhere money and spirituality don’t mix, uncreate and delete it all.  Churches have a lot of money, so they mixed it up themselves.  And there’s a little power in there too Javier.  Money, power and spirituality all mixed in with the church.  So everything that is, uncreate and delete it all.

So we’re going to go into the finer points of intuition okay.  So if you’re aligned with truth it will feel light, giggly, happy or kind of spacious.  If you’re aligned with thinking it kind of feels like in between. If you’re aligned with untruth or lower vibrations, density, that’s heavy.

So all of you guys, let’s jut do one clearing here.  So everywhere you guys are unwilling to know the truth and feel the lightness of truth, uncreate and delete it all.  Everywhere you guys are stuck in some past thing where you can’t be truthful, uncreate and delete it all.

Everywhere you guys have no idea ho w to be light and truthful to yourself, uncreate and delete it all.  So we’re going to practice for a minute.  I want you to think “I am female.”  Okay, now if you’re a male that would be untrue.  Just think “I am female.” “I am female.”  So the females will feel truth in a certain way and the males will feel falsehood in a certain way.

So just think “I am female” and just kind of check in, where do you feel that in your body.  Now I’m going to switch it.  “I am male.”  So if you say “I am male” and you’re male, you’ll feel truth.  And if you say “I am male” and you’re female then you will feel false.  So where do you feel that?  “I am male.”

So Amber, if you don’t feel it in your body, I think you do, but you might not be aware of it.  Check inside, where does it feel a little heavier somewhere?  Where does it feel a little tight, a little heavy, a little present?
I am male.”

Okay, I’m going to say it this way “I am a female body.”  “I have a female body.”  We’ll just tie it to your body.  “I have a female body.”  “I have a male body.”  Okay now, just say your name and when you say your name do you feel a lightness to it or a heaviness?  Your name should feel pretty light because that’s what you call yourself.

So I want you guys to hear in my voice so you can see that this will happen.  You can even do it in your voice if you want.  If I say “My name is Christie.” Notice how my energy changed when I said “Christie?”  It does like three times.  “My name is Christie.”

Now, I’m not purposely doing that, that’s just the energy that runs through my name.  Now if I say “My name is Ed,” “My name is Ed.”  Can you notice how my voice cracks?  You can sometimes hear it in your voice as well.  There will be an energy that changes.

Okay so everywhere you guys are confused about truth and falsehood, uncreate and delete it all.  That’s why we’re doing this today, so you guys can get really, really, really good at knowing the truth about things.  Okay?  So everybody don’t check out, stay connected to the light and make your energy bigger.

And I did this with the last group; some people got it, some people didn’t it.  It’s okay, because I want you guys to practice.  So I’m going to think of a question, I’m going to say it out loud and then I want you guys to feel if that feels like a true statement or a false statement.

Okay, feel the energy of this.  “I am in a house that has three bedrooms.”  “I am in a house currently that has three bedrooms.”  Like my body, where I’m visiting, I’m visiting somebody’s house; I’m not in my own house.  So I’m visiting a house, so the house that I’m visiting currently has three bedrooms; true or false.

Okay, so most of you are getting true, a few of you got false.  Okay, so the answer to that question is true.  So everybody who got a false read, uncreate it all.  And now I want you to notice there’s a little filter, when you do intuition, the first thing that pops into your head, like boom, is a subtle awareness.

Truth is usually kind of subtle unfortunately.  It’s usually it just feels kind of subtle and light and truthful.  And if you if you have to think longer than a few seconds, you went to your mind probably to find the “answer,” instead of being just connected to light and knowing the truth.

So think of the energy of thinking and figuring it out, it’s like, think, think, think, think, think, think, figure, figure, figure, figure, figure, figure, figure versus truth, truth, truth, truth, truth.  See it’s a different energy?  Okay.

So I’ll give you one more.  Here’s a statement and I want you to guys to feel the truth or the falsehood of it.  “I am currently on the East Coast of the United States.”  “I am currently on the East Coast of the United States.”  True or false?

Okay, so most of you got this one right.  It’s true I am not on the East Coast.  I am in the Midwest.  Okay, perfect.  You guys are great.  Okay, so I just had you guys do this.  I want you to practice.  Like you can take a deck of cards and say “The next card that I turn over is red,” or “The next card I turn over is black.”

And then just get really good at knowing the truth of things.  And you have to be willing to know the truth no matter what.  Okay?  So a lot of people have blocks on “no matter what.”  So everywhere it’s not safe, right, or good to know the truth no matter what, uncreate and delete it all.

And everywhere your parents had all these secrets and lies and secret agendas and all these things that they hid from you so that you can’t trust your truth and your falsehood, uncreate and delete all that.  Everywhere you’re scared to know the truth about your abundance, uncreate and delete all that.

Everywhere you’re scared to know the truth about how to create your future, uncreate all that.  Everywhere you’re scared to know how to create your future knowing exactly what steps to take to make a lot of money, uncreate and delete all that.

So here, we’re going to de a lot of clearing tonight.  So you guys just tell me what’s coming up for you alright.  So Katia is saying she doubled how much she gets from her private practice; will ask for a further raise this week.  Okay, so Katia send us a story I love it.  And I’ve upped he rent for my renters.  Send us a story so we can put you in the drawing.

I’m going to just clear this one for us that’s coming up.  So everywhere you guys are confused, like literally all confusion about knowing he truth about everything, uncreate and delete it all times a gazillion.

Everywhere you cannot know the truth no matter what you think or say, uncreate and delete it. All the places truth is totally hidden from you uncreate and delete all this.

So we’re going to start with what truth are you guys unwilling to see, hear, feel, know and perceive?  Everything that is, uncreate and delete it all.  All the truths that you guys are unwilling to see, hear, know, feel and perceive, uncreate and delete all that.

All the other truths that you guys are unwilling to see, hear, know, and perceive, uncreate and delete all that.  Okay.  Any other thing that you’re unwilling to perceive and know and hear and feel and see uncreate and delete across all time, dimension, space and realities.

Yes, across all holographic fields, across all morphic fields, across all places where you hold lots of indecision, lots of places where you hold indecision is probably the place where you’re unwilling to know the truth.  Uncreate and delete all that.

Okay, how may false promises have you guys made to yourself about knowing the truth and then you really don’t want the truth?  So you say you want the truth but you don’t really want the truth, uncreate and delete all that.

Okay, what vibration of truth are you unwilling to perceive?  All the vibrations of truth that you are unwilling to perceive uncreate and delete all those across all time, dimension, space and reality.  Across the holographic field, across your morphic field, across your genetic field, across your mom and dad’s energies; uncreate and delete all that.

Anywhere you brought in your mom and dad’s vibration of untruth and lies, uncreate and delete all that.  Anywhere you’re holding onto your mom and dad’s stories of untruth, yes, uncreate and delete all that.

Everywhere it wasn’t fair or right to perceive and know the truth, uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension, space and realities; across all holographic fields.  Yes, love it.  All the vibrations of truth that you’re unwilling to perceive, uncreate and delete all those.

All the elements of intuition that you have shut off for all eternity, will you uncreate and delete all those.  Everywhere you guys are locked in a battle of knowing the truth and hiding the truth all at the same time, will you please uncreate and delete all those across all time, dimension, space and reality.

All of those elements of intuition that you shut off uncreate and delete them all.  Everything creating you shutting off the elements of intuition, uncreate them across all time, dimension, space and reality.  Across all genetic fields, across all holographic fields and all morphic fields.

Everywhere you have the elements of intuition shut off in your body, uncreate and delete all that.  Everywhere you had to shut off your intuition in order to be here, uncreate and delete all that.  Whatever time during the day that you shut off your intuition will you uncreate and delete all that, across all genetic fields, across all morphic fields.

How any times do you guys in a day shut off your intuition, your psychicness and your super powers?  Yes, your super powers to perceive everything, uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension, space and reality.

Yes, across all genetic, morphic and holographic fields.  All the timelines where you guys are shutting off your intuition, every trigger or button that you have that shuts off your awareness, your knowing and your intuition, uncreate and delete all that.

Everywhere you’re unwilling to be totally in the truth and totally aware, uncreate and delete all that.  Everywhere you look you see something you need to know, how many places do you shut off your perception?  Everything that is, uncreate and delete it all.  I love it.

Okay, all the other places where you guys have shut off your perception of knowing everything about everything that you see, uncreate and delete all that.  All the places that you don’t want to know the truth which creates doubt, because like think about it, if you really knew the truth and lived in the truth you would absolutely have no doubt and then you could make any decision and go forward.

So everywhere you’re unwilling to perceive at that depth, uncreate and delete all that.  A few of you guys have this big karmic thing going on, so all the karma that’s going on making you guys stuck from knowing the truth, uncreate and delete it all.

Everywhere you don’t want to know the truth of who you are at some level because you have some karma going on, everything that is uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension, space and reality.

Karma just means some unhealed thing, it could be this life or past life, that’s blocking you from knowing the truth because as many people as I’ve looked at, we’ve all done something that’s from the shadow and we’ve all done things that are from the light. So anywhere you guys have some karma that came from the shadow side, will you uncreate and delete all that.

Anywhere you’re not wanting to be known or seen because you have some karma attached to the shadow side that you don’t want to look at the truth of it, everything that is will you uncreate and delete all that.

There, that’s awesome. Everywhere you’re not allowed the truth or say the truth or speak the truth in your family because they want to be in denial, uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension, space and reality.

All the core choices to never, ever, ever be happy, uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you want to be miserable and unaware, uncreate all that.  Everywhere you want to make stupid choices from unawareness because it’s easier to fit in your family, uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension, space and reality.

Everywhere it’s easier to be stupid and in denial and not know the truth so I can get along with everybody around me including my mate, including yourself, uncreate and delete all that.

Everywhere the family karma is based in lies and nobody wants anybody to find out the truth, uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension, space and reality.  So whenever your parents had secret affairs, secret money things, secret job things, secret vices, secret addictions, and they learned how to hide the truth and you can’t trust the truth; everything that is, across all time, dimension, space and reality.

Any of you guys who did any of the same things, had affairs, hid the money, any like hidden things so now you’re hiding things still from yourself, everything that is will you uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension, space and reality.

There.  That will be a block that gets in your future.  So any other secrets that you guys are hiding that you feel bad about, will you let yourselves off the hook, so all the guilt, fear, shame, worry, all that stuff, uncreate and delete if all across all time, dimension, space and realities.

Everywhere you guys are stuck in religious quandaries over should I be psychic and intuitive and know the truth or is that of the devil?  Any religious quandaries that keep you from being aware, knowing everything about everything; uncreate and delete that all across all time, dimension, space and reality.

All the core beliefs that keep you stuck in boxes, living a spirituality that is based in falseness and unawareness; everything that is, uncreate and delete it all.  Because if you really think about it, prayer is really just about connecting to the light, letting love in and being aware from that place.  So being intuitive, being psychic and being religious or spiritual really are all the same thing.

So anybody who gave you a lie or an implant that said that’s false or wrong, uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension, space and reality.  Anywhere your mother and father don’t want you knowing the truth because then they will be found out, uncreate and delete all that.

Anywhere you guys have tried to do things in the past and they don’t work for you, about knowing the truth; everything that is, will you uncreate and delete it all.  If that is the case, it just means that you had some barrier to knowing the truth that was going.  It wasn’t that it wasn’t working, it was that you had a cross-purpose.  Okay?

So anything that doesn’t work in your life, can you guys really get that there’s some cross-purpose that needs to be clear? So all the cross-purpose that’s keeping your intuition blocked and stopped, uncreate and delete all that.

So the cool thing is, about knowing the truth, is you can change any future you have.  So you can go into your future and you can go “hmm, does it seem like in my future I’m going to get married and have kids?”  And if the answer is no, then cool.

Then what you do is you uncreate and delete all of that because that’s just a belief.  See the truth is the future is malleable, you can change it.  So if you go into the future and you don’t feel it or see it and it’s not linked up, it doesn’t mean you’re bad or wrong or pathetic or any of those, it just means that you need to work on it by saying “What would it take for this to happen” and then clear anything in the way of that.  Okay?  So that’s really what it is.

So, what would it take right now for everywhere you guys to be in denial if what you see, know and hear, uncreate and delete it all.  What would it take for all the choices you guys made to shut off your internal knowing, yes, to be deleted, uncreated, yes, across all time, dimension, space and reality.

All the convictions that you have to make yourself not feel what you know, uncreate and delete that.  What inner truths are you guys not allowing no matter what shows up for you, uncreate and delete all that.  What inner game are you using to shut off your awareness; everything that is, will you uncreate and delete all that.

What inner truth are you avoiding so you can stay normal and fit in?  Yes, because normal people are unaware, are in denial and they don’t want to change.  Like if you really, really honestly look at the truth of “normal” people, a lot of people don’t want to change or be aware.  So anywhere you’re striving to be normal, so that means you have to shut off your awareness uncreate and delete all that.

All the choices that you’re aligning with to shut off your awareness and the truth uncreate and delete all that.  Anywhere your subconscious belief is keeping you from not knowing your future, will you uncreate and delete all that.  Any of your subconscious beliefs, including “I can’t know,” “shouldn’t know,” “don’t want to know,” “could never know,” and “will be in trouble for knowing”; uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension, space and reality.

All the truths that you’re hiding from yourself so you can stay hidden uncreate and delete all that.  Any other truth that you’re hiding from yourself to keep you safe, uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension, space and reality.  Any other truth that you guys are hiding, will you uncreate and delete it all?  Any other core belief that says “I have to hide the truth from myself and other people so people don’t look at me,” uncreate and delete it all across all time, dimension, space and realities.

All the incidences where you shut off the truth of your true nature, will you uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension, space and reality.  All the secrets that you won’t allow yourself to remember uncreate and delete it all.  How many secrets are you justifying keeping when they keep you stuck?  Like, it could be a secret addiction, secret money things, anything; all those things uncreate and delete them all.

All the secret guilts uncreate and delete all those.  All the secret fears uncreate and delete all those.   All the secret angers uncreate and delete all those.  All the secret shames uncreate and delete all those. All the secret decisions that you’ve made to keep everything from coming to you, including love, money, miracles, abundance; uncreate and delete all that.

Any other secrets that you’re hiding from yourself uncreate and delete all those.  All the secrets your family hid from you uncreate and delete all those. All the secrets that keep you tethered to the past instead of creating a future uncreate and delete all those.

Everywhere you’re not allowed to know the truth, okay, everything that is uncreate and delete all that.  Everywhere you were told that I can’t have the truth and you can’t handle the truth, just like Jack Nicholson right, “You can’t handle the truth”; everything that is, uncreate and delete all that.

Everywhere you can’t handle the truth uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you’re shy about knowing the truth because then maybe people won’t like you, uncreate and delete all that.  So as I said in the first group, you can know the truth about things.  It doesn’t mean you have to tell everybody what you know.  It’s okay to just know things and act from awareness.  What would it take for you guys to see it all, hear it all, know it all, be it all; uncreate and delete all that.

Okay, everywhere else you don’t know how to be a know it all uncreate and delete all that.  Everywhere your choices are aligned with bad choices, so therefore you don’t want to know the future because it’s too scary to know, uncreate and delete all that.

Everywhere you guys are hiding the future, uncreate and delete all that.  Everywhere you guys are afraid of the future, uncreate and delete all that.  Everywhere you guys are afraid to know the truth, uncreate and delete all that.  Everywhere you guys are afraid to perceive the entire reality around you and in you and then make changes, because the truth is you can make changes to anything that you are being.  So anywhere you’re being like whatever, angry, fearful, unhappy, miserable, and stuck; anywhere you’re unwilling to perceive what’s needed in order to change it, uncreate and delete all that.

I’m going to clear this because some of you guys don’t really want the truth.  So everywhere you guys don’t even want the truth, even if it would set you free, uncreate and delete all of that.  So Ivan is asking, “How do I know if I know the truth.”  If it feels light and it makes you happy that’s really truth.

So truth feels light.  Now, I should take that back, it won’t always make you happy.  Eventually from the soul level it will make you happy, but truth is truth.  So feel this out.  You’re an aware being who makes choices; that’s true.  You’re a limited being who is human; not true.  Okay?  So everywhere you guys are refusing to be the unlimited being who has a body, uncreate and delete all that.

“If we look at it and feel ashamed of ourselves is it permanently imprinted?”  No Karen, because then what you do is you just look at it, “You go okay, wow that might really suck in that moment,” and then just uncreate and delete everything you feel about it and then let it go.    So you look at it, you say  “Oh that’s interesting,” and then you uncreate and delete everything that created it and everything that created the pattern and everything you feel about it.

And eventually you’ll get to a neutral and once it’s neutral, then you’re not attached or controlled by it.  So unawareness doesn’t let you fix things.  If you’re not willing to be in the truth you could be so stuck, because lies will stick you; lies will make the energy stick.  Truth will set the energy free.

Having to hide to survive, everything that is uncreate and delete it all.  How many of you guys are hiding your know-it-all-ness?  Your super powers; your extreme sense of knowing, kind of like Wonder Woman, Superman.  Everywhere you can’t teleport or telepath to any of those super human powers and you’re pretending that you’re limited, uncreate and delete all that.

Everywhere you guys bear an uncanny resemblance to a human instead of a super human, uncreate and delete all that.  There, you guys let go of a lot of energy right there.  Okay, anywhere else you’re unwilling to perceive through all dimensions, uncreate and delete all that.

Anywhere somebody is just talking to you right in front of you, you’re unwilling to just know if they’re telling you the truth, not their truth but the truth, because people will have a truth which creates their reality, but everything that’s true for you that’s not really true that means it’s a lie, everything that is, will you uncreate and delete it all.

How many places are you guys limiting yourself by living in this reality instead of choosing the reality where you can know it all and be it all?  Uncreate and delete everything in the way of that.  Everywhere you guys are afraid to take massive action based on truth and would rather be in denial and then take action and then wonder why it fails; everything that is, will you uncreate and delete it all.

Everywhere it’s safer to be a failure because then you can fit in with your family and then you can get love; everything that is, will you uncreate and delete it all.  So Karen, everything that you’re ashamed of, so any of you guys, any of your secret shames, secret addictions, secret things and all the things that attach to the other person, uncreate and delete it all.

Any secret shames attached to any other person, something they did to you, something you did to hem, uncreate and delete all those.  All the secret shames, secret angers, secrets that you wanted to kill them after they did blah, blah, blah to you; so all those secret things where you just wanted to kill them and get rid of them and you’re ashamed to admit that, uncreate and delete it all.

Everywhere it’s licked in your body energy system to be ashamed, be guilty or be fearful, uncreate and delete all that.  Karen, anywhere you guys are stuck to your mom and dad’s heritage and that’s what’s making you feel guilty or ashamed; everything that is, uncreate it all.

Any past lives that you guys are connected to that are stopping you from knowing your truth, uncreate and delete all that.  It has something to do with your mother Karen.  So Ivan you asked a question, like you have to pick it apart a little bit.  So let’s just say a situation is, “Is this person telling me the truth?”  You could say “What percentage is this person telling me the truth?” And you could get 70%, 80%.

“If I do this deal, will it make me $30,000 worth of profit, yes or no?”  If I do this will it make me happy?”  So you have to ask little questions in the middle of all of it Ivan to kind of break it down.  If I’m going to do something I really want to know all the angles of it.  That’s how much truth I’m willing to perceive.

I want to know what they need.  I want to know what I need.  I want to know if it fits.  I want to know if they’re going to judge me.  I want to know if I’m going to judge them.  Do you understand?  I want to know all the angles.  Well, if you don’t want people to know the truth about you, the way you hide truth is you actually clear yourself so much that you’re a see-thru system.

It’s very hard for psychics to read me and it’s not really what I’m putting out, I’m not doing it on purpose, but it’s because my energy is so expansive most people can’t read me.  I have like literally in the last two years of my life, I can’t find anybody who can read me.  And it’s because my energy is so expansive that I’m choosing the truth for myself in the moment.  Clear yourself out so much that your energy is so big then nobody can read anything.

So everywhere Frank, you’re unwilling to be that big and hide things, and everywhere you guys are afraid that once you know the truth about things, people know who you are; you know if you’re afraid if they know the truth they won’t like you, uncreate and delete all that.

Any other truth that you guys have going on that you don’t want anybody to see or know about, uncreate and delete all that.  It’s attached to your mother’s genetics Karen.  It’s somehow your mother’s genetic lineage.  So, it even says in the Bible, we bear the sins of our brothers seven generations back.  I’ve seen it up to 10.

So somewhere in your mother’s side of the family it’s stuck.  So anywhere you don’t think it will be fixed, uncreate and delete it all.  I know, some of those things are kind of sticky, but just keep saying “Anywhere this happened anywhere in the genetic lineage and I’m carrying it in my body, uncreate and delete it all.”

Okay, everywhere, what would it take for you guys to be a know it all who does it all; uncreate and delete all that.  So everywhere Amber, you’re afraid to just tell people “no”; I mean there’s nice ways to tell people “No.”  I will say to somebody, if they ask me something and I don’t want to do it, I will say “I am not guided to do that,” because that’s the truth.  I’m not guided to do that.

And I’ve never had anybody argue with my guidance.  Or you can just say “That doesn’t fit for me right now.”  Nobody usually argues with that too much either.  But when you create excuses people can kind of feel those and that you feel guilty and then they can emotionally kind of blackmail you a little bit.

So just say the truth – “I get that you want this, that doesn’t fit me right now.  I know that might hurt your feelings, but I would hope that you could honor my choice in this situation because I just feel like I have to do what I have to do.”  So just use those kind of words.

So everywhere you guys are afraid to know the truth and tell people “no,” uncreate and delete all that.  So Shareen, a numerologist told you you weren’t ever going to get married and have kids.  “I believe that the future is mine to make but that he knew something I didn’t know.”

So this is what I don’t like about intuitive even though I’ve been in that profession.  See, when people came to me what I would say is “It seems like you’re choosing this in your life, let me help you fix that if you want something different.”  SO Shareen, everywhere you gave somebody else the power to control your future, uncreate and delete it all.

So some of the psychics or a numerologist, what they’re reading is a potential future.  You do not have to agree with them.  Okay?  So what I would do is I would say “Everywhere I agreed and aligned with the numerologist or the psychic, anywhere I gave away my power of choice to him or her uncreate and delete it all.”  Okay?

Everywhere you shut off your intuition to be loved, uncreate and delete all that.  Everywhere you’re staying hidden so you can live, uncreate and delete all the places where you still have to hide because you are now safe.  So anywhere you still think you have to hide, uncreate all that.

Right, so Katia that means that you just have to change and your husband and your daughter, what you just do is you just change and get happy and you don’t have to force any of your change on them.  Okay?  You really don’t.  See that’s what people think.  They think “Oh I’m changing; I’ve got to change everybody around me.”  Uh, just change the people that want to be changed and let everyone else be. And then just go be happy. Okay?

Because eventually what will happen is you’ll be happy and they’ll come around to your happiness.  Okay?  Everywhere you guys are in denial that your energy, just your energy without saying anything changes the whole family; everywhere you’re in denial of that, uncreate all that.

Everywhere your body is aching, it means you’ve stuck a lot of emotion in there about not knowing the truth, so your body is trying to tell you the truth right now Galina, so ask “What truth is in my liver.”  “What truth is right here in my liver?”  I just hear that you’re mad about something, so everything that you’re mad about, uncreate and delete all that.

And if you’re mad about it, it means you’re just empowered about it which means that you were unwilling to see some truth about some situation and that’s what’s wanting to come out.  So what truth are you avoiding looking at in your liver that wants to get handled?

So any of you with body aches right now, or in your life, what truth are you avoiding that’s stuck in your body?  Or what shock, what painful shock in the past happened that’s stuck in your body that wants to come out?  You have cross-purposes JC.  You want to let go of some things and there’s some things you don’t want to let go of, because somewhere you like being angry at people a little bit because it makes you feel a little more powerful.

Okay?  So there’s some things you don’t want to let go of.  So all the cross-purposes keeping you feeling nauseous or sick, any of that, uncreate all that.  Everywhere you don’t want to know the truth, uncreate and delete all that.  Yes, you can ask for a clearing.  So Katia, every time your husband and daughter go off on you, you could just under your breath, you don’t have to say it to them, jus say “Everything creating this negative energy towards me right now I uncreate it all.”

“Everything that’s keeping my daughter hurt and in pain that she needs to gain 100 pounds, I uncreate and delete it all.”  You can do that for them.  So everywhere it’s useless and impossible to know it all, uncreate and delete all that.  Everywhere you guys don’t see the whole point, which is if you know it all, you can know how to talk to people and have them pay you.  You can know how to go into a bank and I don’t know, get a deal done, because you know what the other person needs to hear in order to get the deal done.

You could do many myriads of things with knowing the truth right?  You can know the truth of how to orchestrate your life in order to make things happen.  You can know the truth about which person is going to help you get to the next level.  You can know the truth about any business deal, any investment.  You can know the truth is gold going to go up more or is it going to go down.

So everywhere you guys are afraid to know that much truth because it could change your whole life, uncreate and delete it all.  Alright.  So everywhere you guys are afraid to let go of anything, so just ask your bodies right now, because this is a really big subject and you guys shoved a lot of untruth into your tissues.

So connect to the light, be connected and then let’s ask that the energy of truth run through your body.  We’re going to tell your body “I’m willing to perceive the truth.  Thank you for showing it to me in the form of aches and pains, but I’m now willing to know so much truth that you do not have to show it to me.”

Because your body will love you enough to have an ache and pain so that you will ask the ache and pain what’s wrong instead of just perceiving what’s wrong before it gets into your body.   So everywhere you guys are just afraid to ask your body what it needs and give it to it, uncreate all that.

Everywhere you guys have tortured your body by using a lot of force against it, so you can close down and not know the truth; so all the force fields that you guys are putting into your bodies so that you can’t feel or know, uncreate all that.  Everywhere you guys shut off all your perception and feeling because it was too painful, uncreate and delete all that.

Anywhere that’s reality has been too painful and you shut off all your knowing and your feeling and your believing and your truth and your heart and you went into your head; everything that is, uncreate all that.  Everywhere you guys are afraid to emote and feel, uncreate all that.

Amy, it’s just because you have some counter-intentions to knowing the truth.  It happened somehow with your father.  Somehow your father’s energy made you now trust yourself.  So, any of you guys who don’t trust yourself, uncreate it all.  And your mother didn’t somehow trust your father.  So anywhere your mother didn’t trust your father and then you mimicked her energy.

Alright, everybody’s families who want a healing right now; so all the families and family members who want a healing, we’ll send them a healing; uncreate and delete anything in the way of the healing.  Uncreate and delete any miracle that anybody is willing to take right now through you or your family.  All the untruths that all your family members are living in, uncreate and delete it all.

All the untruth that you have to deal with in your workplace, uncreate and delete all that.  All the lies that you guys are sitting in that you think you’re not powerful enough to do this on your own, uncreate and delete all that.

So, I know what you’re saying Sylvana, but here’s the deal – I’ll tell you how I go about my life.  I’m willing to be so aware that I know what everything everybody is up to.  And I’m willing to not judge it.  Because I see that they are a loving child of God and that they chose that path and who am I to get in the way of that path, right.

Do you understand?  So I love people where they’re at and ask for a different energy field to kind of go around them, so I’ll send a blessing to people. And if they want to take the energy they can take it and if they don’t, they don’t have to.  Okay?  But you can perceive it all and not really care about it in the same way.  Does that make sense?

Because you have to understand, and I don’t mean this as a judgment thing, just as an awareness thing – there’s a lot of miserable people because they don’t know how to create their lives.  So are you going to let your energy go down to their level or are you going to be a beacon of light and raise them all up just by being you?

Because if you go down to their level you don’t help you and they’re just where they’re at.  It doesn’t make them bad, it just makes them unknowing.  Do you understand?  So they just don’t know any different until you radiate a lot of light and love and you just show them something different.  Or they read a book and they see something different.  Or they watch TV and they see something different, right.

So I’m willing to see everything, including a mass murderer.  I’m willing to love that person anyway and know every reason why they chose those choices and still not judge them and still bless them so that they make another choice.  Do you understand?  But I don’t let that energy affect me because it’s their thing, but I’m still willing to perceive it all.

Does that make sense?  And let the energy pass through me; I don’t have a need to hold on to their energy or fix them, unless they ask for help.  And if they ask for help I’ll happily help them.  Do you understand?

So what would it take Sylvana, and everybody listening, if you just look at everything as it is, it’s a choice their making, and you can send them a blessing and you can love them where they’re at without needing to force all your agendas on them.

Roman, it’s your father.  You’ve got male issues.  It’s not safe, right or good to move into your maleness; whatever that is for you.  So you’re going to have to work on clearing anything you have with your father, any guilt, shame about being a man and being your version of a man instead of anybody else’s version of a man.

So you will know that you released everything from your mother and father when you ask the question and it reads true.  Everywhere you’re afraid to speak the truth because you’ll get punished – it’s true, your parents didn’t want to know the truth.

They wanted to be in denial.  They wanted you guys to be good girls and good boys so they could look like good parents.  They didn’t want the truth.  They didn’t want you speaking up.  They didn’t want you telling them the truth because they might have to change.

So anywhere that’s true but you made that wrong, because you’re now an adult and you can tell them the truth and it doesn’t really matter right.  So everywhere you just won’t tell people the truth, uncreate and delete all that.

So Ivan, when I say I clear myself, what I’m saying is I’m doing all these things that you guys are doing right now; I just uncreate and delete everything that’s false about me.  And then what’s happened is my vibrations gotten so high that people can’t really read me.  They have to have kind of a higher vibration in order to read me, so that’s what I mean.

So I’m just doing everything that I’m teaching you guys.  When I say “clear” I just uncreate and delete all my fear, worry, anger, shame, guilt, like all those lower energies, and I raise my vibration up.  So, “What if it’s true for someone and I don’t feel it’s the truth?”  Well, you just be aware of that.  You’re like “Oh that’s kind of interesting and it feels kind of true for them, but I don’t feel it.”  SO unless they ask for your advice and then you can choose to tell them the truth at that point.

Like, “I get what you’re saying, but I don’t feel it.  But it doesn’t mean you’re wrong, it just means I don’t feel it.”  You know what I mean?  So just because somebody tells you something doesn’t mean you have to correct them.  Gabriel, you’re really going to have to start working on “Everywhere I’m abused and victimized” and uncreate and delete all that until you don’t feel that anymore.

So everywhere you’re abused, any of you guys, abused and victimized and vandalized by people you loved, uncreate and delete it all.  Everywhere you’re waiting for them to be different but they really don’t want to and you’re disappointed, uncreate and delete all that.  Okay, I loved it.

So Rosietta is having a realization that she’s been closing something she used to be able to see.  Everything that is, uncreate it all.  So your knee is telling you that you don’t want to move forward Roman; so somewhere you don’t want to move forward.  Somewhere cutting off at the knees, victim, done want to move forward.

Alright, so all the stuff that you guys have in your body, uncreate and delete it all.  It’s basically a bunch of untruth.  Okay, so Kathleen, everything you decided about saving your child that’s still stuck in your energy field, uncreate it all.  And I would run, for you I would run “Everywhere I’m still traumatized in 1986”; so everywhere you’re traumatized and still stuck in 1986, I would uncreate and delete the whole, everything that happened before during and after the event, over and over again until it feels light.

Alright you guys, so you guys are talking about body stuff; there’s so much body stuff.  Uncreate and delete it all.  You’re going to have to just keep sending in light and just saying “Body, it’s really safe to release all this falsehood.”  So right now you guys say “Body, body, body, body, body, body it’s really safe for you right now to let go of everything false, traumatic, guilty, shameful, anger, fear, worry.  It’s really okay for you to let go of the lies in my body.  It’s really okay for you to change my whole molecular structure and delete everything that is a lie that’s stuck in my body, and shock, lies and shock.”

So all the lies and shock in your body.  Roman, I keep saying it’s your father, how many times, father, father, father.   Roman, father.  So Roman, you’re going to have to listen to this again, because I keep telling you what I keep saying and it’s like you can’t hear me.  So there’s an unconsciousness in you that doesn’t want to hear what I’m saying.

It’s something about not wanting to move forward and feeling like something with your father and not feeling like a man.  Okay?  So how you want to feel like a man in the world is not showing up for you.  So you’re going to have to clear all that places where you don’t feel like a man, you don’t want to feel like a man, you’re doing your fathers version of a man, everywhere you don’t like your father, everywhere you felt like your father doesn’t like you; all those things.

Now, that will happen for you guys.  Sometimes you guys don’t hear things because you have an energy there.  So all the parents and authority figure stuff uncreate and delete it all.  All the worthy of knowing it all and changing what you don’t prefer because this is what it is, know it all and then change it if you don’t like it; uncreate all that.

It’s safe to know your future; everything in the way, uncreate all that.  You’re worthy of the truth; everything in the way of that, uncreate all that.  And be willing to know it all and see it all in the future; uncreate and delete everything in the way of that.

What would it take for you guys to be the knower of everything about everything; everything in the way of that, uncreate all that.  What would it take for you guys to know the truth now; everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete all that.

Okay, Frank wants to send blessings to political leaders.  I would love that.  So all the political leaders that just honor untruth and the falsehood that they can’t make a change, uncreate and delete all that.  Everyone that is in control of the economy and making the choices that keep us stuck and going down; uncreate and delete all that.

All the untruth that is stuck in the economy making everything stuck and going down; uncreate all that.  Everywhere in the economy the energy is lost, uncreate and delete all that.  Everything in the economy with the political leaders with the banking system, with the stock market, S&P rating that’s making everything stuck in the world, uncreate all that.

Any country that is going bankrupt; uncreate all that.  All the debts in the countries; uncreate and delete all that.  Everything creating debt and debt mentality for all eternity uncreate all that.  Everywhere we as citizens go along with this instead of stopping it, uncreate and delete all that.  Everywhere we’re avoiding the truth and letting the political people do whatever they want and lie to us, uncreate and delete all that.

Everywhere you’re letting your politician lie to you and you’re unwilling to perceive the truth, uncreate and delete all that.  Anywhere you’re letting the politicians lie to you and you’re not willing to speak up and do anything about it, uncreate and delete all that.

What would it take for the truth of the financial situation and how to fix it, what would it take for that to show up in the world and work and change?  Everything in the way of that, uncreate all that.  All the people that want to create war in the world, all the war thoughts, uncreate and delete all that.

Everything in the world that creates war, uncreate and delete all that.  All the power and control attached to war and warmongering, uncreate and delete all that.  Everywhere that victims keep choosing to be a victim, because as soon as the victims quit being victims, then all the wars would stop, do you see.  You can’t take control of a population if the population does not allow it.  So everywhere there are people playing victim and letting themselves be controlled, uncreate and delete all that.

Anywhere they feel like they have no choice, which again is an untruth, uncreate all that.  Anywhere you guys are playing victim, uncreate and delete all that.  Anywhere you guys aren’t willing to take a stand in the political nature and make something different happen, uncreate and delete all that.

Okay, everywhere nobody on the planet wants to deal with the finances of the world because it’s a lose-lose battle, uncreate and delete all that.  Everywhere the politicians have given up on fixing it, because they don’t even think they can, uncreate and delete all that.

What would it take for the politicians to know that they can fix it and actually make choices that do that?  And everything in the way of that, uncreate it all.  Yes, alright, that was a good one.

Alright, ciao for now.

18 Turning Blocks into Profits

Abundance Block 18 : Turning Blocks into profits

Investigate the blocks that are convincing you to stay away from opportunities every time they show up. Highlights include:

  • Personal Profit and Loss – start being an accountant with the personal business that is YOU and get a gauge of where you’re excelling and where you need serious work.
  • Number Crushing – learn how knowing the numbers of your financial map can be used to completely crush energy blocks and unlock the bank.
  • Millionaire Make-up – based on where energy blocks lay, see what type of Millionaire you will manifest in your being, one with tons of cash or tons of toys!

special 25ab 18

 Hey, this is Christie Marie Sheldon and you’re listening to a recording I did of a series of 24 live group sessions on Clearing your Abundance Blocks. Here is what we’re covering today in Session Number 18.

                           First up today: your personal profit and loss statement. We’re going to figure out if you’re making a profit in your personal business—the business of you. This is an amazing tool to figure out where you’re excelling and what areas need some work.

                           Then I’m going to teach you to know your numbers because if you do they can provide a map to your financial blocks. Once we know those we can blast them right out of your energy field.

                           We’re also going to find out what kind of millionaire are you? Are you the kind with lots of stuff to take care of or are you the kind with lots of money in the bank? Let’s begin.

                           Hey welcome, how are you guys today? It is a gorgeous day today and we are Unlimited Abundance Journey session 18. I am so happy to be here today with you guys. As you guys know, grab a piece of paper so you can jot down some notes, anything that you learn new or you want to clear later. It’s always good to write those things down. Be open to change. You can take that two ways, right? Changing your life and/or bringing in more cash in the form of change.

                           Set your intent; let’s set your intent a little bit on what you hope to achieve tonight. Just take a moment, what you hope to achieve tonight. And what do you hope to achieve in the next couple of weeks? Let’s journey together.

                           Favorite part of the night, inspiring stories; let’s see what we have here today. Galena has said she is experiencing lots of lightness is her life. Something clicked in week nine and the other day she woke up feeling light as a feather. She said she doesn’t know what makes this feel better. She just woke up feeling different.

                           Sometimes why happens is you never know when that week will show up. It could be week five, two, three, ten, whatever week it is for you where all of a sudden this new reality kind of pops over your whole world.

                           Amber wanted to improve her ability to manifest and to receive and totally upgrade her life. She noticed that she gets down on herself. That is one of her patterns. During one other session when we were talking about—when I said in the session if you’re getting down on yourself then you’re probably stopping the energy of all the good work. Basically if you say “Oh this isn’t working. This isn’t working for me.” That slows the energy down. The universe loves you enough to do what you ask it to.

                           She’s started clearing all of those things that made her think that it wasn’t working and things aren’t going to work. Now she has a great new car. Her partner bought her a used BMW convertible, awesome. Then she got herself monthly parking at work so she didn’t have to rush around each morning searching for street parking. She said she is now completing her billing in a timely manner rather than waiting for everything to pile up, so she’s not stressed about bills. She’s changing her outlook about money and paying things.

                           She started saving 10% of whatever she makes and not touching it. She now has a goal to pay off all of her credit cards in a year. She’s been attracting new networking contacts. She says she feels shy in large groups but now all of a sudden people are randomly inviting her out for coffee. She trusts her intuition more and it’s working. She couldn’t find an old vehicle title the other day and she kept doing “What would it take for me to find it? What would it take for me to find it?” Then she walked out to the storage shed and there it was clearly visible in one of her storage bins.

                           She’s not procrastinating anymore. She’s more productive, more relaxed. People keep commenting on how relaxed she is. That’s really great. Awesome.

                           Today we are going to work on what is your worth. Are you getting paid what you are worth? It’s a lot about net worth today. Hopefully you guys have pieces of paper or hopefully if you don’t have pieces of paper, you’re really good at doing math in your head. I’m going to ask you to take a total of what your income was for the last five years. Here is how I want you to do it.

                           For instance, we already know it’s August. If you generally know that you make about $10,000 a month in 2011, then you know that your take home at the end of the year will probably be 120. I want you to fill these all in. I’ll give you a minute. And divide everything by five.

                           Amber, basically how much income do you generate before taxes or any of those things because that’s how much you’re willing to receive? Susan says she is a stay at home mom and she didn’t generate money itself. Let me ask, how to do this for you. If you had to pay somebody to do what you were doing at home, however much that was. Let’s say you were with your husband, you could say “I did $200,000 worth of work but your husband only brought in $30,000 a year.” You know what I mean? You’re going to have to really look at it from the point of view of in your household how much could you have afforded to pay somebody to do what you did.

                           We’re talking about income in the past five years. We’re going to do income not private loss shed or assets. Just do your income. Let’s say in the year 2010 you brought in $98,000 and in the year 2009 you brought in $72,000, the year 2008 you, yourself brought in $88,000. If you didn’t work and you’re a stay at home mom, if you would have had to go to work and pay somebody to do what you were doing, how much would that be?

                           After you have that number– just do the best you can. You’ll see where I’m going with this in a minute. Gabriella, then I would put zero. We’ll just work from there. Don’t’ get too judgmental about the number yet. It’s true, sometimes you have to invest in yourself but Gabriella, you’ve been going to school for two years. What did you make in the last three years prior to that?

We’re writing down five years and there is a total that happens. Add up your 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007; divide that by five, whatever that number is. Get as close as you can to the average income that you energetically allow to come into your life. Now we’re going to do some clearings on that number. The reason I took an average over five years is because you’re right, some people went to school. Some people some things.

Oscar is saying “the last five to eight years have been bad can I go to ten to twelve years?” The answer is “no” and here is why. We’re going to clear whatever is coming up for you now that only allowed you to bring in X amount of money in the last few years. Your energy must be different than 10, 12 years ago. We want to clear whatever is blocking you right now, that energetically keeps you only allowing that much to show up in your world.

Irene is saying she has somebody that hasn’t been paid for two years because he was in an accident. Just calculate that in as if he received nothing. I get that it’s because of an accident but he must be blocked if the insurance company and things like that aren’t paying as well. We’re going to include that in the number. I know it’s kind of hard. Isn’t it interesting all of the confusions or justifications that come up a little bit?

Let’s just do one random clearing right now. Everywhere you guys are stopping the flow of income into your life in the form of cash, money, benefits, all of those things. Everything that is—oh, I forgot to connect to the light but uncreate, delete and destroy it all.

Okay, so close your eyes, look up, see sense or feel the light and it’s pure source energy. That is what you’re made of. It is the most loving, supportive, kind, caring, happy, gorgeous thing. Ask the light to come through your head, come through your throat, opening up in your crown all of your knowing. Opening up in your crown the ability to receive true define knowledge. Opening up in your throat the ability to receive any information you need to unblock your communication.

Ask the light to come through into your heart so that you can have true guidance, true commitment to yourself, true kindness to yourself and increasing yourself worth and your worth. Asking the light to come into your solar plexus opening up all nervous energy, feeling sucker punched. We’re going to ask that to clear.

Ask the light to come into your root so that you’re grounded and fully happy in the energy of the power that you are, feeling supported, feeling grounded, feeling rooted, feeling supported always. Allow the light to come into the center of the planet. See, sense or feel the connection in the center of the planet. Allow this connection to rebound and basically come straight back up into your legs, your hips, your stomach, your heart. Radiating out 360 degrees like a great central sun.

Asking this light to expand past your body. Asking this light to expand past the building you’re in. Asking this light to expand past your town. Asking this light to form a big bubble and expand past the state you’re in, past the country you’re in, and past planet Earth.

Everywhere you guys have limited your income for any reason—so all the justifications, all the reasons, all the energy that created something to happen in your life that blocked it, all of those something’s, will you please uncreate, delete and destroy it all – everywhere; because income energy has to be asked for and received. Everywhere you’re unwilling to ask for the energy to show up, will you uncreated and delete it all.

Everywhere you’re unwilling to receive the energy of new income, new sources of income, new insight, new ideas, new follow-through, uncreate and delete it all. If somebody currently owes you money, anywhere you’re not allowing that money to show up for yourself; including insurance companies, settlements, exes, parents, any legal ramifications that are holding money up for you, uncreate and delete it all.

Anywhere you have the point of view that you don’t have time to create extra income, uncreate and delete all that. So you don’t have time to call people or ask for help or start a business or anywhere you guys have time constraints that are blocking you from creating extra income, uncreate and delete it all.

What I  would do, I would ask—if you want to increase your income and you want to do that through the form of a business, new job, etc, etc I would focus on “What would it take for me to manifest that and have it show up really, really easy?” I think there was a testimony earlier in the part of the Unlimited Abundance Journey where somebody got somebody else to write her resume for her.

Any of you guys that are blocking the income from showing up somehow, uncreate, delete and destroy. Any of you guys who are out of work, you have this energy of “can’t work” which then generates more “can’t work” or it might generate your body not working; any of those things that are generated where you can’t work, uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

I had a guy who came to me and his body wouldn’t heal and I said that’s because, it felt about 15 years ago he hated his boss and he wanted to get out of working. What happened is it manifested his body having a degenerative disease happening that created where he didn’t have to work. His body interpreted that “I don’t work.” Any of you guys who don’t think you have what it takes to make your life work or make profit work or increase your income and make that work, will you uncreate, delete and destroy it all.

Everywhere you hate work, uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, dimensions, space and reality. Across all sole decisions to never work, uncreate, delete all time, dimensions, space, and reality. Uncreate and delete all the core places where you feel ashamed of your inability to manifest the income you desire. Everything that is, uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

Anywhere you have a problem following through with that which you know will increase your income. It might be making a phone call, getting a product out, sending resumes out. Whatever that is for you, uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, dimensions, space and reality. Everywhere you guys believe that the world can interfere with you instead of you taking control of the energy field and fixing it, uncreate, delete and destroy.

Anywhere your income is hampered by your inability to process the truth that you are the creator of your world and you have the choice to go forward creating it. Everywhere you give away power and don’t have the power to do that, uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, dimensions, space and reality. Some heavy stuff right there.

I want you to think of the amount of money that—it’s going to sound funny what I’m going to do but I went through and I cleared all of the various limits that I ever put on every amount of money that I could ever bring in. I want you guys to think of—however much was the lowest amount you made in the last four years. Everything that you did to limit it to that amount of money will you uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

Whatever you are thinking, doing, being that are generating that much money, uncreate, delete and destroy it all. Anywhere you don’t feel like you fit in so therefore you won’t make life work for you, you instead try to fit you into the world instead you making the world fit into you. Uncreate, delete and destroy across all times, dimensions, space and reality. That’s a big one.

How many of you guys are basically being contortionists? Contorting yourself into the world instead of just choosing how you want the world and having it contorted into you? Everything that is, uncreate, delete and destroy. All the justifications, excuses, bypass systems where you keep thinking over and over and over again “I can’t make my life work. I can’t work. I can’t get more money. I can’t, I can’t, I can’t.” Uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

Everywhere you think somebody screwed you over money and that’s holding you up, uncreate, delete all of that. Anywhere you haven’t forgiven yourself over money, uncreate, delete all of that. I’m going to just clear this. Everywhere you guys think the lottery is the only way, that you can’t generate an income on your own, uncreate, delete all of that. Again, you can go ahead and win the lottery but wouldn’t it be cool to know you can generate money in ten different ways and have it be no big deal? Everywhere you’re limiting that, uncreate, delete all of that.

Everywhere it takes money to make money so therefore you need money before you can get money, uncreate, delete all of that. Everywhere you’re afraid to step out and be different than who you are currently being, uncreate, delete all of that. All of the limits that you currently put on the second greatest number think of the last five years, whatever that number is. The fourth in order, second lowest uncreate; delete everything that created that limit in your life.

Everywhere you’re afraid to ask people for money or sell product, even if you’re the product—everything that is uncreate, delete it all times a gazillion. Everywhere you’re afraid to ask people for money, influence people to give you money, influence the world to give you money, influence people into buying products which give you money—everything that is, uncreate, delete it all across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

Everywhere you still have pain in your body regarding work, anywhere you have emotional resistance to work, uncreate, and delete all of that across all time, dimensions, space, and reality. Everywhere you heart is not happy, uncreate, and delete it all. Everywhere your heart can’t get happy enough for you to go generate extra income, uncreate, delete it all. Everywhere you’re down yourself, ashamed of yourself, stopped yourself, blocked yourself, uncreate and delete all of that too.

Everywhere your heart is weary of who you are being and you want let yourself off the hook and move into the higher generating income earner, everything that is uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere when you generate opportunities you think it’s too good to be true so therefore it doesn’t work out and it falls through, everything that is uncreate and delete it all

Everywhere you’re so used to failing that when it shows up you can’t believe it therefore you can’t believe it out of your reality—so anytime you guys say “I can’t believe it.” You hide things from yourself. If something shows up in your world you really have to say “How do I get more than this? How do I get it follow through? What will it take for this to follow through easy? How do I get more of these kinds of deals?” Everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete it all.

                           That’s a lot of energy right there. How many of you are programmed for despair regarding money? Any of your parents’ genetic energies, anywhere you can’t make more than your parents made or more than your last mate made or more than your current mate makes. Uncreate, delete all of that.

                           Take the third amount of money in order. Everything creating that limit uncreate and delete all of that. How many other contradictions in your world do you have limiting the amount of money you can bring in? Everything that is, uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere it has to be hard to make money, uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you’re scared to make more money because you might have to change, uncreate and delete all of that.

                           Anywhere you’re blocking yourself from taking whatever the right divine action is to get more money, uncreate and delete all of that. What would it take for your heart to love you enough, to let you off the hook and just go forward? Everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete it all.

                           Take the fourth amount of money, everything creating that limit in your life, uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere there is a limit to how much money you could have earned that year and you limited it, uncreate, and delete all of that. All of the reasons why you limited it—you didn’t have a enough time. It wasn’t working. Even when you say “It was the best year I ever had.” That can be a limit because then it will never be a better year than the best year. Do you understand?

                           Anywhere you guys have already had the best year you’ve ever had therefore you can’t have anything better, uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you’re afraid and tired so therefore nothing works in your world, uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you have no idea why your life doesn’t work so you’re stuck in this whole identity of “I have no idea.” Uncreate and delete all of that.

                           Everywhere you’re unwilling to support yourself, uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere you’re waiting for somebody else to support you, uncreate and delete all of that. Think of your income being quadrupled. Everything in the way of that occurring in your life, uncreate and delete it all. Think of it being multiplied times ten. Anything in the way of creating that in your life, uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere you can’t accept the flow of particles called money, uncreate and delete all of that.

                           How many of you have been watching the news in the last few days and you believed it? Anywhere you guys believed everything that’s been in the news about the SMP and about America’s credit rating, any of you guys who aligned and agreed with it and took it in and made it real and judge it, kept it close to you—anything that is uncreate and delete it all. All of the judgments that you guys had which said the world is going to doo-doo, everything that is uncreate and delete it all.

                           Let’s just say you are a business, because the truth is you are a business. Jacquelyn, everywhere you’re holding anger in your throat because you don’t want to say what you really think, uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you guys don’t want to be responsible for making more money or responsible for more people—you don’t want to get a raise because you don’t want to have to be in charge of 30 or 40 people instead of two people. Anywhere you guys don’t want to be responsible, uncreate and delete it all.

                           Anywhere you guys can’t be responsible for huge amounts of energy because really what it is at the end of the day, the more energy you’re willing to hold, the more income you can bring it. Higher income earners are willing to hold a lot of energy. Uncreate and delete all of that. If you’re paid more you’re ripping people off, so therefore you’re a thief and a loser and negative and bad and evil. Everything that is uncreate and delete it all.

                           Everywhere, Jack you’re in the ebb and the flow of life instead of just being the creator of your world, everything that is uncreate, delete it all. Everywhere you hold yourself back right when you’re about to make it big, uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere your whole belief is that you’ll never make it big, uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you guys think it’s wrong if you’re spiritual in nature to make it big or big time, uncreate and delete all of that too.

                           Everywhere you have no idea why you’re here on the planet so why bother with income, uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere you’re afraid to handle a lot of money because you don’t know what you’re going to do with it, uncreate and delete it all. Anybody who has that objection, what I’m going to ask you to do is find a financial planner that you can talk to and get some information. Like how much money do you need to generate and how does it have to be in order for you to retire pretty comfortably, have a good life. Maureen, your homework is find a financial planner and talk to them a little bit so you can get through all of your fears and lack of knowledge.

                           Beth, everywhere you’re heavy with your life, uncreate and delete it all. Kathleen, everywhere you guys decided in, it doesn’t matter, the 80s, the 90s, the 70s, the 2000s. Anywhere you decide that that’s enough money; somewhere you guys decided “Oh, that’s enough money. I don’t need anymore.” Everything that is uncreate, delete it all. Everywhere you’re “Oh, it’s enough money. I don’t need anymore.” And everywhere you thought “Oh, if I make this much money I’ve made it.” then once you’ve made that much money you’ve never gotten above it, uncreate and delete it all.

                           Every one of you who thinks “I’m not allowed to have more money than God.” Uncreate and delete all of that. I had to clear that for a few spiritual people, it’s okay. Everywhere you’re afraid you’re going to do the same thing over and over and over again, uncreate and delete all of that.

                           Everywhere when you make a lot of money you don’t pull in the right people to help and support you; you have to basically in any business that you have, have people who can also hold the energy of bringing in money, otherwise your staff will cause you problems. They’ll basically bankrupt you, cause things to break, spend your money. You have to have staff that are willing to think consciously about “How do we focus on profit for the company?” Everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete it all. That’s a lot of money right there.

                           Everywhere you guys are stuck going forwarded, which is the right side of your body or stuck in receiving more money, the left side of your body, everything that is uncreate and delete it all. Any of your heart that’s blocking your future uncreate and delete all of that too. Anywhere you guys are staying in jobs that are abusive and accepting less than what you are worth, uncreate and delete it all.

                           Everywhere you guys are working for people who don’t have—basically if you’re working for a company that doesn’t like money or is cheap or not abundant or any of those things, it’s not going to fit for you so much. Everything that is uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you guys don’t like money; Chris, everywhere you don’t really like money and don’t understand it, don’t understand why you need it. Everywhere you guys are in limbo, uncreate and delete all of that.

                           Everywhere you can’t visualize the big money. Whoever said that, I think it was Lucy. Lucy, I’m going to ask you to really, really work on that this week, where you visualize your future self having a lot of money. Everywhere you guys don’t want money because it’s going to be a problem or a hassle, uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere you don’t want money because you don’t want to pay the government taxes; what if your belief was ‘I make so much money and I give half of it away but I still have way more than I could ever need anyway.” Everything in the way of that uncreate and delete all of that.

                           Everywhere you can’t make the big money, uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere you guys are not willing to see where your blocks are in this whole thing, uncreate and delete all of that. I want you guys—I would really love if you did this a little bit on your own because we obviously can’t do it here. But if you really wrote up a profit loss for your like, like in the last year, really know in the last five years what your profit and loss was. Now, why would you do that? Not to torture yourself but just to do an awareness and then clear everything.

                           Everywhere you guys loss confidence, declare bankruptcy, feel bankrupt, been working hard and never, ever, ever make it; uncreate and  delete it all times a gazillion. I want you guys to get bigger. If any of you guys are having weird body stuff show up with this, I’m going to ask you to make your energy a lot bigger, think of expanding it. And think everything in the way of me making a whole bunch of money in the next 12 months, uncreate and delete it all.

                           All of my excuses, all of my stops, all of my stories, all of my problems; uncreate and delete it all across all time, dimensions, space and reality. You guys let go of a lot of stuff. Dirk, do we do the statements for everything that pops up in our mind and repeat it 30 times or do we only do one of the most important ones and repeat it over and over?

                           I would clear the ones that pop in my mind because they’re probably attached to the big one. You’re probably doing the big one and the other ones will show up. Let’s just say you have a belief “I can’t get money.” Then you’ll have all of these other weird little thoughts will pop up. I would do those maybe five, ten, 12 times until it feels like it’s gone. Then go back to the main one you were doing. Those were probably just little ancillary beliefs attached to the main one, little pathways. I would clear all of them. That’s how I do it.

                           Nanette, what I’m saying is you have a business because at the end of the day, you yourself are a business. I want all of you guys to think for a moment, you go to work, you bring in income. What do businesses do? Businesses bring in income and then you have expenses. You pay out expenses. When you pay out expenses at the end of the year you have a profit loss. You either made more than you spent or you spent more than you made. What I’m asking you guys to do is really, really look at your life a little bit, kind of push yourself. I know it’s not fun what I’m asking you to do. It could be fun if you look at the clearing part of it as fun. But awareness can change a lot of stuff.

                           Everywhere you guys don’t see your own life as you are a business and everything in the world should profit for you. I go about my life and everything profits me. I get profit in the form of cash. I get profit in the form of love. I get profit in the form of I help people but I also feel good about it. That’s an emotional profit. Everything in my life profits me. That’s how I do my world.

                           I want you to just take a moment. We’re going to work on profit for a minute. What was your profit after expenses to the best of your knowledge for the past five years? Just kind of throw out the numbers to the best of your knowledge. IF you knew two years ago you put lots of things on a credit card, the profit might be zero. Maybe four years ago you saved a lot of money. Do the best you can here because I know you guys might now know all of the numbers. Let’s just do the best you can so we can work on clearing profit.

                           Jenny, when you make your energy bigger, for you I would focus more in your heart and to see it expanding out – the energy radiating out your heart, bigger than the planet. Gabriella, there is ebb and flow. Sometimes we have to love ourselves enough to get education so we can make more money later on. Here is what we’re going to do for a minute let’s just say—I’m getting a few typings here where some of you guys had no profit.

                           Everywhere you guys don’t allow yourself to keep anything at the end of the year and profit from something, uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you guys won’t let yourself get ahead, uncreate and delete all of that across time, dimension, space and reality. Everywhere you’re not allowed to have profit because if you keep it you might have to pay taxes on it, uncreate and delete all of that.

                           Everywhere that you guys feel like you have no time to create profit, uncreate and delete all of that times a gazillion. Wow, you guys had a lot of energy here on profit. Christy says she profited over $500,000. I love it. Yes, there would be no profit if there were more losses. So anywhere you guys had more losses instead of profit uncreate and delete all of the stories. Somewhere along the line—I want you to think about those years. Somehow you justified, you told yourself stories, you didn’t pay attention to your numbers. You justified all of the reasons why you couldn’t have any profit those years or why you over spent. There are a lot of justifications and stories going on.

                           All of those justifications and stories; because at the end of the day it just means you weren’t willing to balance your numbers. It could be because you didn’t have the knowledge or whatever reason but that’s still a story. Anywhere you’re not willing to be aware enough in the energy of money and finances uncreate and delete all of that. Anywhere you’re unwilling to take responsibility for the fact that you spent more money than you kept, uncreate and delete all of that.

                           Everywhere you have no idea why you let yourself get talked out of your money uncreate and delete all of that times a gazillion. All of the financial revenue that you stop yourself and screw yourself out of because you’re not willing to pay attention to your guidance and how to keep it; uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere it’s more fun to blow it instead of keep it, uncreate and delete it all.

                           Everywhere it’s more fun to spend it on things that you think will give you temporary happiness, kind of like an addiction; uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere you have no clue what your monetary status is, uncreate and delete all of that. Any of you that are listening that aren’t going to go and do your profit loss statements so you can kind of have a clue or an awareness of your life, uncreate and delete all of that.

                           Everywhere you have no idea if you’ve made profit, uncreate and delete all of that. Anywhere you guys are a loser in the profit game, uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere you see money as something that you spend but not something that you keep, uncreate and delete all of that. Margaret never understood the reason to profit; everywhere you don’t understand the reason for profit; uncreate and delete all of that.

                           Julia is saying “What about my profits are better but I’m behind in savings and buying what I need?” Is the profit giving you some sort of security? I don’t know the answer to that. What would it take for you to save more money than you’ve ever saved, invest more money than you’ve ever invested? Michelle just ran a quick P and L in QuickBooks. I love it. I love it that you have it in QuickBooks. That’s amazing. 2009 she profited 2830 and 2010 she netted 78 bucks.

                           Even if it’s because of investments or stock, stocks and options; I’m still going to hold you guys accountable to profit. Anywhere you guys did investments but you lost, uncreate and delete all of that. Anywhere you guys are doing losing investments, uncreate, and delete all of that. Everywhere you guys are trading things and it’s a loss; uncreate and delete all of the reasons why that happens. Everywhere you feel limited by living with your means; uncreate and delete all of that.

                           Michelle, the one who just ran the QuickBooks and everybody listening, I’m going to encourage you guys—when I started saying that I create profit in my life. That is one thing that really changed my life. I made a little game to see if I could just live; even though my income rose I did not increase my expenses. I had to sort of increase some expenses because I had to hire some employees and things like that but I didn’t go out and blow a bunch of money. I didn’t go out and buy a bigger house. I didn’t go out and buy four cars. I didn’t go out and do any of those things because I’d rather have the cash at the end of the day. Me personally I didn’t want to take care of all those things. I was kind of tired of taking care of things.

                           If any of that fits for anybody listening I’m going to encourage you, if you run your profit losses make it a game of how could I live comfortably and increase your income but don’t change your lifestyle. In “The Millionaires Next Door” it’s kind of an interesting book but that’s pretty much what the millionaires next door did, they lived pretty frugally. They didn’t really over spend. They kind of had nice things but they didn’t blow a lot of money when they increased their income.

                           Galena has needles in her chest. All of the places you guys are heartbroken over this whole quandary over “Now what I do? I’m not profitable.” Uncreate and delete it all. I want you to just think for a moment, what would it be like for you guys to live off of half of your money or a quarter of your money and all of it just goes into savings or some sort of investment that you can technically right off so therefore you don’t have to pay any taxes, which saves you money but later on you’ll make money on it. That’s called having a good accountant. Everywhere you guys are unwilling to think like that, uncreate and delete it all.

                           I’m going to go into the Millionaire Next Door for a minute. There was basically two kinds of millionaires he found. There was the millionaires like the doctors, lawyers who lived in big houses but they blew all of their money. The reason they blew all of their money is because they had to keep up with the Joneses because they were doctors and lawyers. They’re professional people; people expected them to have big money. At the end of the year they blew all of their money.

                           Then there was the other millionaires who basically were working class millionaires, had their own business. They had their own business, generally speaking and they lived below their means and stocked all of their money away. Pretty much through the energy of increasing their income, running their business and compound interest and investments they became millionaires. Whereas the doctor and lawyer, even though they brought in a large amount of money, at the end of it they didn’t have anything to show for it.

                           It’s a really good book to read, by the way. They even have one called “The Millionaire Women Next Door.” There is something very fascinating with the women. What happened with the women is if the women didn’t date a lot of men before they got married and then they ended up getting divorced they’d lose their money. He found there are two different kinds of millionaire women, there are the ones that were happily married, who stayed married and kept all their money and the ones that got divorced and lost their money. There were also other factors in that.

                           Everywhere when you think of the subject of money you can’t see it, uncreate and delete it all. Anywhere you guys think of the energy of numbers, doing the math, doing the numbers, uncreate and delete all of that. Anywhere you don’t think you could live below your means and have enough left over, uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere you guys don’t think you have the stick-to-itiveness to follow good common sense about saving money, uncreate and delete all of that.

                           Anywhere you guys don’t think you can get rich; if you make $120,000 a year, there are stories of people who just save the money over 20, 30 years. I can’t remember the exact statistic but if you only live off of half that you’ll have plenty of money in 10, 15, 20 years through investments, interests, things like that. Anywhere you guys are unwilling to be that conservative and make a bigger choice for yourself in keeping the cash; uncreate and delete all of that.

                           Everywhere your whole game with money is about spending it versus keeping it; uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere you don’t have the confidence to keep it or the confidence to repair your idea about it, uncreate and delete all of that. Any of you guys who are going to unconsciousness at this very subject uncreate and delete all of that. Love it.

                           Margaret, I would do a profit and a loss just so you can—then I would just sit there for a week and say “Everything that created this is my life; uncreate and delete it all.” That’s really going to be your homework is look at some of these numbers that you’ve generated for yourself and just say “Every story that I have that created this in my life, every point of view, every justification that created this in my life; uncreate and delete it all.”

                           Everywhere hanging on to profit makes you a miser, like you’re some cripple old man who is miserable; uncreate and delete all of that. Do I think people from certain cultures are very good at making money, negotiating and saving? Yeah, if it’s been passed through their lineage, yes. But I’ve also had Jewish people who lost a lot of things in the holocaust and they have this energy of “Well, we’re going to loss it all.” Generally speaking if it’s been passed on traditionally in the family, yeah.

                           Anywhere this topic is making you guys sick or unconscious; uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you don’t want to let go of all your barriers to going forward and creating more cash; uncreate and delete it all. Grace, if you’re going to make investments in a business you have to ask is it really fear or is it awareness? Anything you do, that ideal would be to be so aware you know exactly who you are and you can look into the future and see if it will make you money. Everywhere you don’t think you can be aware enough to see if something will pay off, uncreate and delete all of that.

                           Everywhere you guys are set in this whole despair where you’re struggling to survive, you’re in survival instinct instead of thrive instinct; uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere you guys are stuck in despair instead of thriving you’re crashing, uncreate and delete all of that. Chris, anywhere your family’s energy is somehow tied into this whole destruction cycle you have going on; uncreate and delete all this.

                           Any of your families that are stuck in this whole destroying your life kind of energy, uncreate and delete all of this. Everywhere your family wasn’t a really excellent support so they weren’t your cheerleader; uncreate and delete all of that. Anywhere anybody took money away from you, uncreate and delete all of that. Anywhere your family took away your happiness; uncreate and delete all of that. Anywhere you never knew what happiness love and money were in the family you grew up in; uncreate and delete all of that.

                           Anywhere you’re sick and tired of being made fun of or teased or even if you do this to yourself about your situation; uncreate and delete all of that. Remember how I told you guys about paying yourself first? Out of every check that comes to you, you should pay yourself 10%, just put it somewhere and never touch it. Any of you unwilling to do that; uncreate and delete all of that. Any of you who are only willing to get paid by the hour instead of getting paid by sales, commissions, something like that that would earn you more money; uncreate and delete all of that.

                           Amber, I would pay yourself maybe 3%, 5%, 10%.  While you’re paying down your debt, I’d also put a little in savings so you feel like you’re paying yourself something. I would look at it like I’m getting myself out of jail so I’m paying for my future. Anywhere you guys are locked in jail, paying down debt; uncreate and delete it all because what you’re really doing is you’re paying for your future. You’re paying for a pathway to open up your future so you can have a future of zero debt and no obligations to anyone.

                           Everywhere you guys are afraid to move forward and ask questions; somebody is asking about real estate profit. What would it take for you to literally go find a mentor and ask a bunch of questions so you’re totally aware before you actually go do something? Everything in the way of that; uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you guys are unwilling to ask for help, uncreate and delete all of that. Anything and everything that keeps you guys stuck from manifesting great fortunes uncreate and delete it all.

                           Any energy you have on divorce or getting divorced that somehow stopped your flow of money, uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere money is depressing; uncreate and delete it all. Chris, who in your life or when did you decide money is the root of all evil? Everywhere money is the root of all evil; uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere money is not worth it; uncreate and delete all of that. Karvida, that was a strategy, if you’re trying to sell short that was a strategy. Let’s just clear anything that came up, any negative thing in the whole story about what you’re, uncreate and delete all of that?

                           Everywhere your father and your parents were miserable about your money; uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere money was the only thing your parents ever fought about; uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere you have all these thoughts, emotions, feelings. Energetically tied into your body about money and manifesting; uncreate and delete all of that.

                           Let’s look at some of this. Let’s look at some of your expenses. If you had a profit loss you guys know what you spend every month, right? Divide that by five. Everywhere you guys create a lot of expenses so that you can feel good in your life, if you have a lot of expenses and you spend a lot of money you feel better than if you don’t. Everything that is uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere your expenses are killing you, uncreate and delete all of that.

                           All these body things, what if money is killing you? What if that is your problem, money is killing you? Uncreate and delete all of that. What if your whole energy is about money is killing you? Uncreate and delete all of that. What if your whole problem in the world is money is killing you? For some of you that reads really strong and really true. Everywhere money is killing you; uncreate and delete all of that.

                           Everywhere you have no clue how to manage the thing that you touch every day probably, money; uncreate and delete all of that. Anywhere money controls you instead of you controlling your money; uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere you have no clue how to manage your expenses or call up the cable company and ask for a cheaper rate, or do a little Google search on the best phone rate. Everywhere you guys won’t research or spend the time to figure out if you’re over paying so therefore you’re letting companies control you instead of you controlling your money, basically you’re letting outside authorities called companies, control you. Everything that is, uncreate and delete that.

                           Everywhere you guys are caught in credit card debt, uncreate all that. Anywhere you guys have to put it on credit so you can pretend you’re the big spender—basically then what you’re doing is pretending that you have a lot of money. Everywhere your whole secret desire is to have a lot of money and at the same time you think “Oh, I can’t have a lot of money.” Uncreate and delete all of that.

                           Anywhere your expenses exceed your profit so you won’t ever look at that, so all of the reasons why you go unconscious and won’t even look at it. Uncreate and delete all of that. Anywhere you’re unwilling to be an excellent money manager, uncreate and delete all of that. What would it take for you guys to be an excellent money manager? What would it take for you guys to be an excellent money manager? What would it take for you guys to be the best money manager in your whole life, ever, now? What would it take for you and your family to be the greatest money managers, the money creators, the money manifesters? Everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete all of that.

                           Everywhere you guys are unwilling to use the power of compound interest to make yourself rich, uncreate and delete all of that. Anywhere else you guys are unwilling to use compound interest, uncreate and delete all of that. Sheila, it feels like you have an underlying point of view that it’s not going to help. Everywhere you guys have this whole feeling, theory thought like “I’ve tried everything else in my life and nothing works” so it create nothing working. Uncreate and delete it all.

                           Everywhere else you think nothing will work, uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you won’t work, uncreate and delete it all. All the lies that you tell yourself about why something won’t work for you or that you can’t save money or you can’t, you can’t, and you can’t. Uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere energy healing doesn’t work for you uncreate and delete all of that. Any of you who think that energy healing works for everybody else but not me, uncreate and delete all of that.

                           Everywhere if you get too powerful and do this energy work you’ll stand out too much and you don’t want to stand out that much, uncreate and delete all of that. Gabriella, you can pay back your old debt. Just pay yourself a little bit even if it’s just a couple bucks. Do something that pays yourself a little bit. Otherwise you’re saying “I can’t pay myself.” You basically typed in what your belief is “I can’t pay myself.” You’re basically putting an energy there that you can’t do it. Everywhere you can’t pay yourself, uncreate and delete all of that.

                           I would do “What would it take for me to pay off my debt and pay myself?” What would it take for you guys to pay off your debt, pay yourself, have more profit than loss, be totally in charge of you income and be the most amazing money manager ever? Everywhere you guys are still blocked because you got divorced, so when you got divorced he kept the money, he screwed you with the money. She screwed you with the money. She took all my money. She took half of my money and now I’m left with nothing. I have to pay for the kids and I have nothing. Any of those beliefs about money that came with divorce, uncreate and delete them all

                           Everywhere you’re fighting over the money. Everywhere you guys got divorced because you were fighting over the money. How many of you guys got divorced because you were fighting over the money? Everywhere you’re letting yourself be controlled by the money of spouse. Everywhere you guys aren’t willing to step up the plate and take control of your own cash even if it’s shared. Anywhere you guys aren’t willing to know the numbers; uncreate and delete all of that.

                           I would do “What would it take for me and my husband or me and my wife to be excellent money managers and work on the cash together?” Tara, there are other kinds of investments, like bonds and things like that that generally speaking right now are still paying 10, 12%. Denny, every time you spend your commission money I would put more away, is what I would do. I would change the energy somehow. Change what you do somehow.

                           Everywhere, Katia, you can’t figure out how to sell it, rent it, buy it, upgrade it or make 80,000 somehow else, uncreate and delete all of that. Anywhere you guys feel like you’re limited by your real estate decisions; uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere you feel weak or controlled by money, uncreate all of that. Anywhere you guys are controlled by credit cards, bankers, your employees, your employers; uncreate and delete all of that.

                           Anywhere you have no idea why you’re stuck with no money, uncreate and delete all of that. Anywhere you guy are stuck with no money and you have no idea why, so all of those unconscious things that you hide from yourself uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere debt is the American way; uncreate and delete all of that. All of your limits on how much money you can make in one shot; uncreate and delete all of that.

                           There was an interesting article in USA Today about a couple of weeks ago. It said there were five stocks. If you bought these stocks over the last five years, you basically, I can’t even remember but you would have 100 times your money or something. It was a huge amount of money that you would have made. I think actually thousands of percent increase. You would have made a million bucks if you started with 10,000 or something like that.

                           Anything that is preventing you guys from being that psychic, that aware to just do that; uncreate and delete all of that. Anywhere else you guys are afraid to make that much money in a few years, uncreate and delete all of that. Anywhere you guys are afraid to stick to a plan, uncreate and delete all of that.

                           Obviously there is a lot of energy here still for some of you, Kavida, instead of working on degrees and courses and stuff, I would work on taking action. I would start working on “What would it take to go out in the world and ask people for money?” Deliver a service and ask people for money in exchange for your service. That’s what I would focus on for the next couple of weeks. That’s your homework Kavida.

                           Trevor is saying he has some bonds that are making 10% but they bring him some problems in when selling. Everywhere, Trevor, you’re blocked with whatever strategy you need to do in order to create the most amount of income; uncreate and delete all of that. Any other place that you’re blocked on creating a strategy that’s better than any anybody has ever figured out, that would give you a lot of money when you go to sell them; uncreate and delete it all.

                           What would it take for you to deliver to you somebody, some website, email, advice from a friend, somebody or something that can help you or just have it pop in your head, a way that you can sell them and make a lot of money, and keep a lot of money? Chris, everywhere your life is too easy, if you know everything; uncreate and delete it all.

                           I’ve done that. I’ve went on radio shows and predicted the Super Bowl scores. It’s kind of scary. You’re listening to a million people and you’re telling them the Super Bowl scores and you hope you’re right. I was. Everything in the way of you guys doing that, uncreate and delete all of that. Amber, all of your blocks come mostly from your mother’s side of the family. All of the genetic links to your mother uncreate and delete it all.

It feels like you’re blocking yourself and doing something new that would bring in more money. Everything that is, uncreate and delete it all. Lucy, “My money manager doesn’t get this thinking.” I don’t know where you’re at with this money manager so I would work on their thinking and or find a new one. All of the money you guys have lost in businesses so you don’t want to do it again uncreate and delete all of that. Jean, your blocks are about your family, all of your imprinting from your mom and dad, clear that.

You guys obviously this is one those days where it’s really good if you listen to this one again. For some reason I see that my slide did not save correctly. But I had in here “What would it take for you guys to make more profit than loss? What would it take for you guys to create more income than you’ve ever created? What would it take for you guys to clear all limits to manifesting the amount of money that you want to manifest? What would it take for all of you guys that have aches and pains to let go of all of your aches and pains?”

All the mixed emotions, implants that you have in your body regarding the subject of money, all these limits that you have locked in your bodies; uncreate and delete all of that. Anywhere you have your mother and father’s genetic lineage imprinted in your body regarding money and blocks; uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere you’re not willing to be married and have a happy family with money; uncreate and delete all of that.

Everywhere family and money don’t go together, uncreate and delete all of that. That’s a lot of stuff right there. Family and money don’t go together, uncreate and delete all of that. I would make a list of everything my mom and dad ever said about money and I’d clear it, if I were you guys. What vibrational energy can I become to allow my income and profit to quadruple? Uncreate and delete everything in the way of that.

Some you guys are sending to me, “What are my blocks?” It feels like the majority of you go back to what your mom and dad said. The other ones are you’re just going to have to work on clearing all the stories that say “I don’t really know how to make more money.” For some reason you guys have a lot of “I don’t knows” about that. Everything that is uncreate and delete it all.

I’m expecting big things from you guys. I love you, love you. I want all of you to exceed beyond all the expectations you set for yourself. What would it take for that to happen? And what would it take for you guys to say “Oh my god, I’m so different” tomorrow and manifest a bunch of money?

Many blessings, you guys.

17 Generate Your Future Self

Abundance Block 17 : Generate your future self

Establish yourself as an infinite being with infinite potentials ahead, so you can move forwards confidently and powerfully. Highlights include:

  • Vibrational Shift – connect to the light and enter a high energy place, making it easier to manifest your heart’s desires by raising your vibrations to the levels of Love or Above and Unlimited Abundance.
  • Imagine Generator – be guided through the process of using your Imagine Generator to help your Future Self see what incredible things are in store for you.

special 25ab 17




Hey this is Christie Marie Sheldon and you’re listening to a recording I did of a series of 24 live group sessions on clearing abundance blocks.  And here’s what we’re covering today in Session 17.

                           I’m going to guide you through a process of using your image machine, to help your future self see what awesome things are in store for you.  You get to look at what your ideologies, your thoughts, and your ideas are betraying your manifesting power.  Also, we’re going to ask your future self what options you have to open the doorways to new opportunities.  Tune in and make excellent future options show up for you.  So let’s get your future self onboard and let’s begin.

                           Hey, welcome, welcome.  How are you guys?  It is really lovely to be here.  Let’s see, it’s session 17, and so we’re going to connect some more to your future self, and ask your future self to bring you some gifts, some insight, and some tips and tools on manifesting.

                           So today is going to be really exciting.  If you guys have a piece of paper, so in case you jot some notes down of some things that you want to clear later on as well, or some new awarenesses.  Be open for some change, so what would it take for everybody today to invite and change, positive change, uplifting change, more abundance than you’ve ever had before.

                           So let’s take a moment and set your intents on what you hope to achieve today.  For some of you it might be clearing just this block that you just keep hitting, right?  For others of you it might be that, “Ooh, I already achieved what I hoped to manifest, now I’m going to manifest something else.”

                           Today inspiring stories and these are really cool today.  Can I just say I’m so proud of you guys just for being here number one, for choosing more for yourself and for really taking some action and caring enough about yourself to, you know, want something different, to show up all the time, to do the work.

                           It’s not every day that people will love themselves enough to really just take some positive action, and say, “Hey, whatever it’s going to take for me to get over this and move to the next level, I’m going to do it,”  You know I’m, really, really, really proud of you guys.

                           So George had a really cool story.  He said his manifestations all of a sudden exploded this week.  So remember how I said at the beginning, like some people will have things happen in two seconds right away, and some of you, you know, it’s okay where you’re at though, okay.

                           So don’t make yourself wrong about it, but some of you maybe had a little bit more of a foundation that was a little more entrenched, I guess we should say, and you had to do a little bit more work.  And then all of a sudden, kind of like the overnight success, it would just go kaboom and then all of a sudden all your new manifestations would show up in your world.  Well this is what happened for George.

                           He wrote to tell me that he’s had tenants who have not been able to pay their rent for a while, but last week they were finally able to give him $800 in cash, so that was different – something new showed up in his world.  Then he heard from a lawyer who told him that he’s going to get $7,500 grand from an insurance settlement, and this is after being told that he wouldn’t get much, maybe even nothing, manifesting $8,300 in total.  Good job, George.

                           Arista – she and her husband were going on a Mediterranean cruise, had some trouble with their flight.  The night before they were leaving, they got an email saying the flight was cancelled the night before, but they had been rescheduled in the afternoon.  That flight was delayed due to thunder storms, so they missed the connecting flight.  They rebooked on a later flight, but ended up getting upgraded to first class.  She said they were wined and dined all the way to their destination.

                           But now to top it all off, you know some people would say, “Oh that’s horrible, they got bumped, and cancelled, blah, blah, blah.”  So upgraded to the first class, but later on they found out the flight they’d missed had to turn around after being in the air an hour because of engine trouble.  The universe conspired to completely and totally help them, even if it wasn’t logical to them in the first place.

                           Kimberly had been having trouble manifesting and got a little resentful and then she got behind listening to the sessions.  The funny thing is now, she’s trying to get her caught up, and she’s finding that what we’re covering was exactly what she needed – clearing out past resentments and clutter.

                           So she did those, is getting caught up, took some action and she said she runs several home businesses.  She felt she was really blocked because she had two broken coaches, felt uncomfortable having people over, so it was cutting down on her flow of love from other people.

                           She and her husband decided to buy some nice leather coaches, went on Craig’s List, found them for 1/3 the price and the seller threw in a few freebies.  Manifest the family’s first vacation in four years.  So Kimberly, with a little block, a little behind, but she found once she cleared her resentment, the very thing that was blocking her in the first place from taking action and doing the course, she cleared that and then all of a sudden everything just kind of opened up for her, so good job, Kimberly.

                           You know I want to comment on that, because a lot of times, the reason we don’t want to do something is because of the exact block blocking us and we don’t even know that.  So sometimes you really do just have to take massive action, even though you don’t feel like it.  Because it could be your block that’s making you not feel like it.

                           So, today is going to be an interesting day, because we’re going to talk to your future self, but I wanted to like lay this out a little bit more clearly of what the rules are, really for generating your future.  And before we get into this, let’s connect to the light a little bit so they’re all just sort of connected.

                           So close your eyes and take your energy up 300 feet; see sense or feel the light.  See sense, or feel consciousness itself.  Allow the source conscious energy to come into your crown, opening up all of your intuitive awareness, all your knowing; releasing anywhere you prejudged the future, and lock it away like as if it could never happen.  So anywhere you prejudge the future delete all that.

                           Allow this light to come into your third eye, so you can see your future.  Allow the light to come into your ear so you can hear about your future and then to be blindly guided away.  Ask the light to come into your throat so you can communicate and talk positively as if the future is already manifested now.

                           Often times I will just talk as if I’m living my future self.  Allow the light to come into your heart creating a gateway for new abundance, showing up in your life this week now.  Allow this light to come into your solar plexus.  Allow the light to come into your, yes, your root.  Clearing out your abdomen area, clearing out anywhere you’re blocked on your power, anywhere you’re blocked on your root.

                           Allow the light to come into the ground, into the center of the planet, a beam of light connecting to the part of the planet that’s totally conscious right in the center.  Allow this light to reflect back straight up into the middle of your heart, radiating out 360º all the way around, like a great central sun, moving you into a bubble of light.

                           Ask this light to get bigger than your body.  Ask this light to get bigger than the building you’re in.  Ask this light to get bigger than the city you’re in.  See this light around you expand past the city, expand past the state, expand past the country, expand past the earth.  You are now connected to the oneness of it all, bigger than the problems, able to correct them, yes, and bring in your new future.

                           Alright and I had a couple of questions here so I’ll just answer them.  “Am I right to realize that I have hurt others and become toxic because I have over-extended myself?”  Yes, when you’re moving through things you’ll naturally see things that you might not like, but you have to just see them and don’t judge yourself; love yourself and just move to the next story.

                           Alright, so you guys, set the intents that everything that’s blocking is going to get cleared today, okay?  Let’s go through this and let’s see what comes up.  So I’m just going to do this, so everything you guys that are asking about, or think that you’re blocked with, connect it to the light.  What would it take for you to delete it all right now?  What would it take for all of it to leave?  Everywhere you feel you can’t be the future self and you’re stuck in the story, uncreate, delete all stories across all time dimensions, space reality, core soul, history and genetic.

What would it take for all of your stories to be dismantled right now – everywhere you can’t, shouldn’t, wouldn’t, couldn’t.  Anywhere in your genetic lineage, you can’t, shouldn’t, wouldn’t, couldn’t – uncreate, delete, de-story across all time, dimension, space and reality.  Everywhere you feel frightened about moving forward – uncreate and delete it all.

Everywhere you’re having a hard time being of a positive vibration – uncreate and delete it all.  Everywhere you think you can’t manifest things – uncreate and delete it all.  Everywhere you guys are whatever got stirred up, whatever that is for you guys – uncreate, delete it all.

So have you guys noticed that we’re doing the unlimited abundance journey, but it’s affecting other parts of your life?  So somebody was asking me, “Can I do the relationship course, while I’m doing unlimited abundance?”  The answer is yes.  Like they all overlap other parts of your life.  So, me, personally – I work on all parts of my life all the time; I don’t really segment myself.  So the answer would be if you guys want to take other courses at the same time, the answer is yes, you can do that.

So I’m just going to go through this and then we’re going to connect to your future self, which is going to have a lot of clearing and answers.  So remember the rules to generating your conscious future.  And consciousness is defined by me as if you’re making a conscious future or a contribution to your life, you’re making choices from awareness of who you are as an infinite being with infinite potentials versus choices from past programs and ideologies, ideas, thoughts, feelings, right?

So one of the rules of creating your conscious future is to be in the positive field of energy so lever above vibrations, which are joy, peace, love, gratitude and source energy, which is what you guys are doing when you connect to the light and do your what would it takes.  As long as you’re connected and feel full of love and joy doing it.  Those will have a higher vibrational field versus doing what would it takes feeling a little bit lower.

Remember be bigger than your future so when you’re connected to the light you’re connected into the oneness of it all, you’re bigger than you’re future and you can create your future from a much easier place there.  Now we’re going to play out the rules of how it can be in your – I call it your imagination, but it’s like your image machine.  It’s where you make images, right.

So we’re going to connect right now to your future self, okay?  So let’s just stay connected.  Everybody close your eyes, if you’re driving obviously do not close your eyes, keep them wide awake and open.  So I want you guys to get a picture and I’m going to just go one year from now, okay?

So get a picture one year from now, and I want you to imagine yourself in some part of your everyday life in that year.  I want to tie it to your normal way of living.  I want you to just think for a minute, like if you were living your ideal self, from your vision board, what kind of house would you be living in?  Okay, so just go for it a minute and I want you to just start filling in the details, even if you think you’re making it up.  Now let’s just say you get an image of your house, and it’s your current house, but you don’t really want that, or you get an image of a house and it’s a little smaller than you want.

I’m going to ask you to work with your future self-right now and start creating a picture or a feeling, or something that you just kind of sense – one story or two-story?  Is it a ranch or is it a mansion?  Is it a condo in a high-rise in New York City?  So whatever it is for you, just get a picture of what that would be and upgrade it to what you really truly desire is what I’m asking you to do.  Now, I’m going to ask you to walk into the kitchen and I’m going to ask you to open up your computer.

So find where your computer is, this is one year from now.  And I want you to open up the calendar on your computer – the calendar/contact area of your computer.  I’m going to ask you to look at your week, and what kind of activities are you going to be doing this week, one year from now?  What kind of people are you around and what are you actually doing?  Because if you’ve manifested a more abundant future, you might be doing something different than what you currently are.

So just go through your calendar and notice what you’re doing something different, and if you don’t know for sure, just pretend you do know, and just kind of make it up.  Just allow the flow of the made-up story to sort of show up.  What you’re doing is shifting into that world, and by shifting into that world you’re actually creating it.

Now imagine in this day in your home in your kitchen – imagine this a day when you have your family around, or if you’re in the middle of manifesting a mate, get a picture of your future mate, and then picture everybody just really, really happy.  Some of you might notice there is new people around you, and some people might notice there’s some people not there, and some of you might just notice that everybody’s around you happy.

Now let’s go back to your computer for a minute and imagine you’re going on and you’re doing some online banking.  So go in your online banking, and pull up the balance of your checking account, and if you don’t like the number, I’m going to ask you to change it.  Now that’s just your bank account, so let’s just say you have a profit loss statement and let’s just say on that you have a list of maybe some investments that you did.  So I want you to take the profit part of it, the investments, profits coming in every month – just notice how much profit is coming in every month, and if you don’t like the number change it, and if you’re having any thoughts coming in trying to distract you right now, I want you to just uncreate and delete them all right now.  This is just some blocks, so uncreate and delete anything that tells you “You can’t be this powerful and change it” – delete all that.

Now fill it in.  If some of you are like really big into stock investing, or things like that, and portfolios and all that, I want you to see your portfolio very big.  Some of you might not be into that right now, but just for imagination sake, just add that you’re doing that and it’s profitable.  You have investments that are earning you money.

So open your heart a little bit more and just ask that you can really, really feel what it would be like to be in this house, have everything in your life working, have plenty of money in the bank, have your family around that loves and cares for you.

I’m going to take you now to a different moment.  It’s about one year from now, and I’m going to ask if you were working, like right now if you were doing the thing that brings in the profit, what are you doing?  Just allow that to pop into your mind.  Are you working with new clients?  Are you creating a bigger job?  Are you retired?  Think of what you really want to be doing one year from now.  If you don’t know, just kind of fill it in, but see yourself happy, maybe connecting to people, or going online and seeing that money is just rolling in from maybe some internet programs you’re doing.  Just kind of fill it in with something that could be possible for you.  If you want to be a speaker, see yourself speaking.

Okay, once you got a clear picture in your head…  Now make it more clear, if you can, a little more technicolor, a little brighter, a little larger.  See yourself calling on the phone if that’s how you make money, or people calling you and your phone’s ringing off the hook and they want to give you money.

So now I want you that think to yourself if you’re your future self is one year from now.  I want you to ask what month did this finally really, really, really kick in for you?  Is it three months earlier, six months earlier, twelve months earlier?  Where did it really kick in for you?  Now your future self already knows what’s happened a year earlier, right, to get this picture?  So your future self already knows the timeline.

Ask your future self, if you could give yourself advice right now today, what would be one of the massive action steps that you would take?  It could be more training; it could be cleaning out the closet.  What would another action step be that your future self would tell you to do currently?  She or he might even be saying, “Wow, I’m so grateful that that happened a year ago,” or, “Wow, I’m so grateful that I met somebody three months ago.”  So what are you grateful for, this future self of yours, what is she grateful for that happened in the last year, or he?

And what other piece of advice does your future self-that’s already made the money – what does he or she want to tell you that you could do right now?  So take this future self and go back, and so this future self that we’re connected to is twelve months from now.

So let’s go back nine months from now, nine months from now.  Do you still see yourself in the same house or are you in a different house?  What action steps are you taking nine months from now that create the shift in your life?  Now if some of you are having a hard time, just imagine it, because when you imagine it, you’re putting it in place.  Even if you sort of don’t know, just think of, “Well, what would I do or not be doing in nine months that would get me all the money, get me all the abundance, get me all the happy lifestyle, get me my dream home?”

Alright, so let’s go to six months from now.  What kind of house are you in?  Take a look, open up your computer and look at your calendar.  What actions are you taking on a daily basis in your six month version of yourself?  If you could picture it more vibrantly, and if you don’t like the picture change it.   So make him or her – the six month self – really, really abundant, happy, wealthy, wise, prosperous, on track.

Maybe look at your investments and see a profit/loss statement, and see that like a really high profit.  See your bank book full of money.  Ask the six month version of him or herself what they would like to change in your life that could make everything happen sooner.

So we’re going to clear any blocks that are coming up, but some of you are just downloading, but just kind of make it up even if you don’t see it or sense it.  Just kind of sense, wow, okay, maybe I’m in a two-story.  Maybe it’s like really big, maybe I got my book written.

Now let’s go into your three month version of yourself.  I want you to see your family members all supporting you in all this, picture, even if they’re currently not, just see them supporting you anyway.  So three months in the future.  See he or she like so happy that you took the unlimited abundance journey because your life is really on track now.  And if you want to picture the house that you saw one year from now in the three months time period, it’s really okay.  It’s okay to push it a little bit and see what happens.

See your family support you thinking wow, it is so great that you’re working on yourself even if that’s not the normal thing that they’re doing now.  I want you to visualize that anyway.  If you want to invite in some new people, some new friends who are like your soul group, your soul friends, friends who really care and honor you, invite in some new friends and see yourself with a full social calendar getting love from lots of people.

Plenty of time to do the social thing, get some love, and then open up your computer, look at your calendar and just see what action steps you’re taking to generate this.  For some of you, you might be starting to see some increase in your investments.  So look at your profit/loss statement.  See how much profit’s coming in per month.  Now I would make it a little more real, if you guys have a like a client based business, see yourself having lots of people pay you lot of money, like to see client, client, client paying me money.

If you guys have an online business, see yourself getting paid a lot of money, and if you have normal job, see yourself getting a huge bonus, or a huge raise or working at a different company, getting a lot more money.

Now I’m throwing you guys in imagining things is kind of a muscle.  So if you haven’t worked on the muscle, this is why I’m really having you guys do this today, so that you can really, really start working with this.  If you haven’t used the muscle you might have to play with it a little bit.

Okay and the intent is more important than the imagining, believe it or not.  If you keep intending that this is going to happen no matter what and you can kind of feel it, that’s way more powerful intention.

Now we’re going take yourself and we’re going to go five years into the future.  So let’s go five years into the future – that’ll be five years from now.  Again, I want you to get a picture of your family around you happy.  I want you to ask how many new people are in your life that are really close friends, and whatever the number is, you can increase it.

Alright, picture whatever kind of house you’re in and you’re standing in the kitchen again looking at your computer.  And look down at yourself, and see yourself as healthy and happy, and nicely dressed, kind of thin, you know whatever that is for you that you associate healthy, whatever healthy and young looking is.

Open up your profit/loss for the month.  See a huge amount of profit coming in, and I’m going to ask you to notice any other detail about what you’re doing.  Like if you open up your calendar, what are you doing to make the money?  You notice how happy you are, thrilled that in the last five years of your life you’ve changed it, upgraded it, you’re different, you’re alive, you’re well.  The family’s alive and well, everything is great, better than you could ever expect.

Its okay for your business to be whatever you want your business to be, but even if it’s a not-for-profit.  I had to help a friend, she labeled her business a not for profit and she started losing money, as funny as that sounds.  So I said “Why don’t you just call your happy new adventure where you generate a lot of money through it and you’re able to give it all away?” You know, because when she started calling it a not-for-profit, it started affecting the other part of her business.  Even if it’s a not-for-profit, label it inside yourself a for-profit.  Okay, see yourself profitable, happy, alive, well.

Now go ten years into the future.  See yourself as looking happy, alive, well, surrounded by family and friends who love and adore you.  See yourself in that house that you really want to live in; see that all your plans have gone the way you wanted them to.  See loving caring friends and mates, you feeling happy.  See your profit and loss statement generating profit every month.  No matter what you’re doing your investments have paid off.

So now ask that future self if he or she would tell you something, like if they could give you some advice right now, what would the advice be?  How could you generate more profit?  And when you’re ready just open your eyes knowing all is well, and that it’s easy to create this.

I want you guys to tell me kind of what happened for you.  Could you get yourselves connected?  Okay and I’m going to do a couple of clearing statements, so for anybody who couldn’t vision very well, or think they have blocks in their intuition visioning their life, we’re going to ask that anywhere you shut down you’re awareness or your creation, or you had parents or teachers say, “Oh I can’t imagine things,” – uncreate, and delete it all.

Anywhere imagination’s not good for you – uncreate and delete it all.  Everywhere you’re too tired to make things happen – uncreate and delete it all.  Anywhere you blocked your knowing, you’re seeing, you’re visualizing; everywhere you don’t think you’re a visual person – uncreate and delete it all.

Okay so for some of you, you might not have gotten some practical stuff, and it might just be symbolic energy, but later on you go live your life and like shazam it’ll kind of show up.  So I’m going to do this, everywhere you guys are like blocking everything that we just got a vision of from showing up the next three months instead of ten years.  So anywhere you don’t think you’re going to show it up in three months – uncreate and delete it all.  Everywhere you don’t think you’re ready to take some massive action and change your life – uncreate and delete it all that.  Anywhere you’re not willing to live in the truth of your future high, happy version of yourself – uncreate and delete all that.

Anywhere you’re not willing to generate massive amounts of income in the next one year – uncreate and delete it all that.  Many of you who had your mom and dad, who didn’t want you to look into the future – uncreate and delete all that.  Anywhere looking into the future is not right, or witchy, or evil, or any of that kind of stuff – uncreate and delete all that too.

If you guys are willing to ask your future self what you need to do today, that might make it really clear.  So I would always ask my future self, what action can I take today that would get me to this thing that I’m imagining, and then see if you get a download of what to do that day.

I’m going to tell you guys this story.  I don’t know if I told it on the unlimited abundance journey, but I learned how to visualize things, and I’m standing in the el tracks, and freezing my tush off.  I’m in Chicago, it is like so cold, and I said I need to get out of here, so I just visioned myself in a warm place.  It felt like Florida, and I envisioned myself with a condo in Florida, a red Mercedes convertible and a guy who totally adored and loved me, and I visualized myself rich.

So I saw myself well dressed, red Mercedes convertible, condo in Florida.  I actually didn’t know that condos could be cheap.  I actually thought from that my 20-year-old version of myself, because my neighbors had a condo in Florida and a home in Illinois.  So I thought they were rich, because they had two houses, right?  So I thought a condo was rich.  Anyway I just visualized it and shortly thereafter I pretty much had that life.

And the way it worked out, I didn’t picture that, I didn’t know that in the moment when I’m doing the vision, do you understand?  So I didn’t know that, but I literally have a picture with me in my red Mercedes convertible.  I’m living in Florida.  I totally forgot I had asked about it.  I wrote it in a diary, and I later on found my diary that I’d totally visualized it and asked for it.

So just because you’re not getting specific how-tos in this two seconds does not mean that you’re doing anything wrong.  In my case, it happened within a year and I probably would have never been able to picture how it happened.  It was just really serendipitous, but I just had a knowing that it would happen.

Everywhere you’re avoiding the future because you don’t like it – uncreate and delete it all.  Everywhere you think the future is going to have more worries in it – uncreate and delete it all.  Everywhere that you think the future is I can’t live now, so why would the future be possible – uncreate and delete all that.

Everywhere you think your whole life is blocked – uncreate and delete all that.  Everywhere you have no idea how to believe in yourself – uncreate and delete all that.  Any of you who have a hard time going into the future – uncreate and delete all that.  Anywhere your mothers and fathers didn’t want you to see the future – delete all that.

So everywhere you guys are trying so hard instead of just being relaxed and allowing yourself to be in the flow – uncreate and delete all that.  Everywhere you think everything in your life is hard work, including visualization – uncreate and delete all that.  Okay, everywhere it’s not safe, right, or good to go to school – delete all that.  Everywhere you hate school – delete all that.  Everywhere you guys hate learning something new – delete all that.  Everywhere learning is hard – uncreate and delete all that.  Any teacher or authority figure, who told you you were stupid – uncreate and delete all that.  Anywhere you think you’re stupid – uncreate and delete all that.

So basically you’re making a new history, and you know at the end of the day it really is small steps, it really is.  Now you guys brought in a big download of your future self, so it might not have all processed for some of you.  That’s okay, so if you’re having any little processing glitches, anywhere it’s hard for you to see your future, know your future, or trust your future – uncreate and delete all that.  Anywhere you guys have blocks on being spiritual and making money – uncreate and delete all that.  Anywhere else you guys feel blocked from getting any awareness or answers directly from your future self – uncreate and delete all that.

And your body is basically the structure through its energy flows, and if you drink lots of water, eat lighter foods, don’t fill yourself up with so much stuff, it allows the energy to move more easily.  Everywhere tests are hard – delete all that.  Everywhere you guys can’t be happy, healthy, alive and well – uncreate and delete all that.

Anywhere your soul is showing you some of the negative energy that you have in you – uncreate and delete all that.  Everywhere you don’t think this couldn’t be in your future – uncreate and delete all that.

One step at a time, so I would make it practical.  Ask your future self what is one step I can take today to manifest my abundant future?  Anywhere it’s hard for you to go back and make it real – uncreate and delete all that.  Anywhere you’re unclear about your future – uncreate and delete all that.  Anywhere you got scared about your future – uncreate and delete all that.  Anywhere you got stuck in the “I don’t know” – uncreate and delete all that.  Anywhere you’ll make it harder than it is for yourself in your life – uncreate and delete all that.  Anywhere you kind of over think things, and talk yourself out of it and prejudge things – uncreate and delete all that.

So what would it take for you to just take some action and care less about mistakes – uncreate and delete all that?  Yeah, so everywhere you guys are avoiding miracles – uncreate and delete all that.  Basically when you’re thinking about it, you’re creating it.  Like if somebody is manifesting something now, what are they doing different?  Well, the real truth is they’re connected to the light so deeply, and they allow it to come in and then they have no fear about change.

Like see, here’s the deal.  I am so willing for my life to be totally different tomorrow, I don’t really care if I blow up my whole entire life and it looks totally different tomorrow.  And because I have no fear of it being completely and totally different …  I really don’t; if you guys can feel the energy when I’m talking about it, like I have no fear of it being different tomorrow.  I will happily delete the whole thing and show up tomorrow different, and because I’m willing to do that, things show up pretty quickly.

So that’s the difference; the difference is I don’t really care if everything leaves my life and a whole new life replaces it.  That’s just me, but I would picture what you really want so if you want some of the old loves in your life, keep them there, but if you want a higher upgraded life, really just don’t care what you’re going to have to do.

And the other thing is I don’t really care what I have to do.  If you told me I had to call 100 cold calls tomorrow and conjure up business and get people to pay me money for being me, I could do that, no problem.  Do you understand?  You could drop me off, I don’t know in the Antarctica and I’d figure it out.  Hopefully I’d have a jacket, but you know besides that.

That’s the difference.  Are you guys willing to do whatever it takes to make cash?  Making cash is not that hard.  Are you willing to talk to enough people and talk them into giving you money and you giving something in exchange – that’s really the game, that’s it.  So you provide a service, offer to do something somebody gives you money.  And if you talk to enough people, are you guys willing to talk to 100 people and have fifty of them say yeah, or 20 of them say yeah, or 10 of them say yeah – that’s basically all manifesting is.

Any past life that you are stuck in, anybody listening here, any past life that you guys are stuck in – uncreate and delete, de-story the whole thing.  All agendas that keep you guys stuck – uncreate and delete all that.  All decisions that you guys have to keep you stuck forever – uncreate and delete all that.

Anywhere you guys did something bad in some past life and you won’t let yourself off the hook forever and ever and ever, for all eternity, and you’re going to punish yourself till death do you part – uncreate and delete all that.  Any other past life, or this life where you’re so deeply ashamed and guilty that you won’t let yourself of the hook, and you have to keep ruining your life forever and ever – uncreate and delete all that.

So anywhere you guys goddamned yourselves so much that you will never let yourself off the hook – uncreate and delete all that.  Anywhere you’re still trying to make your mom and dad happy by playing small – so any of you guys that are playing small, being like little kids, let your mommy and daddy be better than you – uncreate and delete all that.  Anywhere you’re doing that for your mate or your partner, you’re playing small and staying the same so they still love you, and you are not willing to change, because you’re afraid that you might lose love – uncreate and delete all that.  Anywhere else you guys don’t want to change because you’re afraid you might lose some loved ones.  It’s kind of emotionally blackmailing if you think about it, because if it’s true love they’ll just love you anyway right?  Why do they really, you know what I mean?

If you’re better and you’re happy, they’ll love you anyway, and if they don’t it’s really their problem.  So don’t let somebody emotionally blackmail you into staying the same.  So anywhere you guys are unconsciously letting people control your future so you get love – uncreate and delete all that.

What about your husband and kids?  Just visualize them happy, coming along with you.  So anywhere you guys are fearful – uncreate and delete it all.  Anywhere you guys are afraid of change – uncreate and delete it all.  Everywhere it’s safer to not change than to change – uncreate and delete all that.  Any anger that you’re still holding on to, resentment, even if it’s unconscious to you – uncreate and delete all that.

If anybody’s tried to shut you down – uncreate and delete it all across all time, dimensions, space, reality, across all genetic family.  Anybody listening who feels shut down by people, places and things – uncreate and delete it all.

So we’re going to go back to this list for one minute.  So grateful – just work on being grateful for everything that shows up in your life, joyful and peaceful.  Alright, and you can do that, so just think of something you’re grateful for, like grateful that you’re on the call, grateful that you’ve connected to your future self, grateful that something’s new in your life, grateful that you can breathe.  Be bigger than your future.  That means you’re connected to the light, so your energy is more expanded.  You’re going to play out the roles of how you want it to be, and then be bolder than you’re being.

Remember how I said I’m willing to let my life be totally different tomorrow?  I don’t have to be stuck in the same program, the same pattern.  I’m willing to just blow it all up.  So what if guys are willing to be just completely different tomorrow, and start acting like an actor right?  We did the actor thing the last time.  What if you were willing to just act out as if you’re healthy, vibrant, manifesting god and goddess kind of self, just making everything work in your world, right?  So just pretend for a little bit being that version of yourself.  What can you invite into your life that is that version?

Now we’re going to talk about staying safe.  If you play small, because somewhere subconsciously, or unconsciously you think that’s safer, or if you’re doing some of these things.  Like are saying this isn’t working, why is this not working.  So of all you guys who say that – uncreate and delete all that.  Anywhere you put into your past and your future that this isn’t working, so it keeps not working – uncreate and delete all that.  Anywhere else you’re going, oh I’m still blocked – uncreate and delete all that.  Anywhere you’re going oh I’m still blocked and I’m always blocked – uncreate and delete all that.

Instead of saying I’m always blocked or this isn’t working, which stops the energy of all the good work that you’ve been doing, I would just say what would it take for everything to speed up and all my blocks to reveal themselves now? What would it take for any block I have to be deleted, uncreated, and de-storied, across all time dimensions, space and reality, across all genetic fields, all holographic fields, all morphic fields.  What would it take for any block you think you have to be instantly and easily removed?  What would it take for you guys to quit being your mother and father’s versions of life and love – uncreate and delete all that.

Alright so massive action – always asking for help from your future self.  I want you guys to like be completely rational for one minute.  If I had just be logical okay, if you wanted to go make a ton of money, what would you go do?  If you just wanted to have tons of abundance, what would you go do?

So what if you could just go do that thing or whatever popped in your mind when I asked that question.  What would it take for you to be the qualities of your future self?  What would it take for you guys to be abundant now?  What would it take for you to move forward intentionally?  What would it take for you to deliver the new lifestyle now?  And 30 to 40 times a day – can be all at one time – what vibrational energy can I become to allow my future life to bringing abundance into my life now?

I’m going to really acknowledge this, because I can see you guys before and after.  You guys really did kind of bring in a lot more energy today than you might have fully acknowledged or processed, okay?  So even though it seemed kind of simple because you were imagining things, you are imagining things connected to the light, which means you have the power.

So love you bunches.