πŸ’— 2-01 Blessing Ball of Light

Tool 1: Blessing Ball of Light

Learning the Art of Giving β€˜Blessings’:

Blessing Ball of Light

Imagine if you could hold in your hands a ball of light, and in this ball of light you can put in all the goodness that you can imagine. From happiness to joy, forgiveness to productivity and anything else your heart can imagine, this glowing ball of light will grow bigger and bigger with each blessing. And then β€”whoosh!β€” you can project this radiant energy vibration into your heart, or you could even send this energy to someone else’s heart, like your loved ones or children.

Well, you don’t have to imagine anymore because this is the Blessing Ball of Light. Remember, you are a creator capable of creating your life, and with this tool you can make changes to your day, or someone else’s, ahead of time.


I play with energy for a living. I spend all my time assessing vibration. ItΚΌs just kind of fun for me to notice whatΚΌs up in the world. I like to get creative and see what happens. For instance I ask, “If I add this energy to my life, what comes in? If I add this person to my life, what does my life look like?” I have zero stress on manifesting. I just ask the energy of whatever I desire to show up. And pretty soon it usually shows up in physical form. You can do this, too. Again, youΚΌre the creator. This playful approach keeps you out of the lower vibrations of fear, worry and anxiety.

I had a client who used what I am about to teach you to pull in her mate and get a great love life. She had tried for over a year to call her mate yet she was still worried and anxious about it. I asked her guides how to keep her in her creator self and I was told to give her this exercise. I call this the Κ»blessing ball of lightΚΌ. I have since shown clients how to do this with their families and I have received positive feedback.

So letΚΌs start with blessing your day and your kidsΚΌ day. A blessing is a high vibrational energy that comes from your heart. ItΚΌs about adding love to the mix and seeing things work out. I calibrated the energy of myself giving somebody a blessing and it calibrated as high as 760. It all depended on the words and intent that I used. The lowest frequency was 625 and that was just by me saying, β€œI bless you” to somebody. It didnΚΌt matter who as long as I had that energy in me and really felt it. ItΚΌs not just words, itΚΌs feeling it, Κ»I bless youΚΌ, from my heart. The 760 was me saying, β€œI bless you with pure love and light. I bless you with pure source energy”. Again, I did this with the feeling of it in my heart. I bless you with pure love and light and I bless you with pure source energy.

When I measured it the blessing was higher than peace and joy. I do this as soon as I wake up in the morning. I connect to the light, I allow it to come into my heart, I picture a ball of energy and I call it my day. I pull in it everything I really choose for my day. Then I place it in my heart and I send the energy to my day. Smoothing everything out with ease and joy and abundance.

Because youΚΌre a creator creating your life, you can make changes to your day ahead of time. To do this for another individual like your children, give them another ball of energy. Separate them because they have their own life and their own needs. I measured that the average child of the people who bought this program is ages zero to 11, who did the blessing and energy ball with them, it would raise their kidsΚΌ consciousness 180 percent. If theyΚΌre age 12 to 17, the average was about 85 percent. You see, after age 11 kids really develop their independence and energetically pull away from their parents. ItΚΌs important that you embrace the child around 10 to 11 years old and really help them bridge this gap in development. ItΚΌs one of the most important ages. You can include your interactions with them in the ball of light because theyΚΌre a part of your day; theyΚΌre part of your life. Give them their own ball of light and their own energy field when you are blessing them. Better still of course, teach them how to do it and walk them through it. Kids as young as 4 and 5 can do this.

HereΚΌs how it works. You can play with this but most often I do it this way: Look up and connect to the light. Let the light in, fill your whole body as we did, with your head, your shoulders, your heart, your torso, your hips, your legs. Let a column of light form around you and let the grounding energy move into the center of the earth, connecting to the center of the planet. Picture and get a sense of the ball of light, itΚΌs about 10 inches across in between your hands. Kind of push and pull it. You can feel that thereΚΌs a ball of light in your hands if you push and pull it around a little bit. Just feel this ball of light.

Put a mental label on it called: My Day.  If youΚΌre doing it for your child label it your childΚΌs name and their day. Labelling it makes it clear to the universe what youΚΌre creating. Let whatever color it wants to be show up. Some days itΚΌll be different and you can ask your guides what the color means and why did it show up in the color? But some general guidelines are:

β€’ Green is for healing and abundance
β€’ Gold or pink for love
β€’ Gold for your god self
β€’ IΚΌve seen it brown sometimes when somebody needs grounding
β€’ Red for material needs being helped
β€’ White is quite common and all the colors of the rainbow are held in the spectrum of white.

Sometimes IΚΌve seen multi colors or rainbows. Always just ask what it means, never assume anything. They could be different on different days.

You can place your hands together and push and pull and feel the energy of this energy ball in your hands. After a bit youΚΌll probably feel the ball of energy. Most people do. The way to get a visceral feel of the ball and the light is to do it this way.

After youΚΌve labelled it Κ»My DayΚΌ call in your guides and angels and ask for assistance on what to add. Just say, β€œguides and angels, can you help me add whatever would be lovely to my day?” Then just start adding what you desire your day to be like both in energy and quality, so choose things closer to joy, love, celebration, gratitude, blessings. Some ease and nice might be fun. Anything else you wish to show up in your life today; people, places, gifts, friendship, loving comments, compliments, attention. Let all those come into your awareness and as youΚΌre imagining it youΚΌre creating it. ItΚΌs how creation works.

Imagine it long enough and it will show up.  Imagine clients; see the kind of energy you need for them for the day. If you need love, add love. See everyone who thinks of you receive love, gratitude, just by thinking of you or being with you. IΚΌve been putting this in my energy field for the last year or so. A friend of mine from L.A. called one day and said, β€œThe strangest thing happened in meditation this morning. I sent you some energy and you sent it right back to me. It felt great. IΚΌve sent a lot of people energy over the years but nobodyΚΌs ever returned it. It kind of zapped me; it felt good”. Again that was confirmation to me that my spiritual gifts work because IΚΌd been putting in my energy field that everyone who thinks of me receives love, light, peace & gratitude from me. If you need guidance all day maybe see the word Κ»guidanceΚΌ go into your bubble. Or see a specific guide and angel do it. If you need focus for a test if youΚΌre a child, add focus. Got a busy day? Add completion to your project. If you need the phone ringing off the hook bringing you money, add phone ringing with people wanting to bring you money. If you have an issue with a person or longstanding unforgiven things, see kindness and forgiveness going into your bubble. You can add smooth sails, a smooth road ahead. See yourself having fun with your children and your mate. If you need any help on your health ask for a healthy lifestyle. Ask for great health to show up and your body to morph into a happy, healthy size, whatever your body wants to be. Or whatever your body says, a happy, healthy whatever many pounds. You can bless your space, you can bless your office, you can bless your car, your home, fill it up with a rainbow of good vibes kind of energy. You can add extra energy and oomph to your body for the day. So keep filling it with joy, love, consciousness, plenty of abundance and health, wealth and happiness, ease and joy with your family, friends, and co-workers. See people receiving you well, see your mate telling you they love you, see your children joy-filled. Just add whatever your heart desires.

And when it feels full just be with it for a moment and add the energy of : I bless myself with pure love and light. I bless myself with purified source energy. I bless myself with pure love and light. I bless myself with purified source energy. If itΚΌs for your child just say: Your childΚΌs name and: I bless my child with pure love and light. I bless my child with pure source energy. You could even do this while youΚΌre driving. I bless strangers, mailboxes… you name it, I have probably blessed it. Why do I do that? Because I love the vibration in my body and it helps with manifesting and getting your life to look a certain way. When you feel complete, put your blessing ball of light into your heart. See your day radiating out to your heart, projecting whatever you intend all the way around you. ItΚΌs your reality coming into your creator self, emanating from the heart of the matter. YouΚΌre the creator thatΚΌs choosing the matter.

IΚΌll give you some other examples for the future of things you can ask for. If you know your child has a particular thing they need help on, like being grounded in the world, have that. If they need super confidence, add that. Just see it into the ball of light and filling your childΚΌs body with the elixir of super confidence and everything goes well. If your kids need new friends see these friends coming into their lives. I had a mom call me; her child had ADD and could not sit still in class. She started using this and in a few days she noticed the difference in her kid. She put a ball of light around the child so the child feels focused and peaceful. She was guided that he needed to exercise for half an hour, so she saw him doing that as well. I hear reports that it works for people. I was out of the country teaching a class and we did this blessing. This woman found her lost passport and her lost necklace in a bag and sheΚΌs looked there five times earlier that day. It wasnΚΌt there earlier and after she did this it was there. What she did was she added finding her passport and her necklace in the blessing ball of light and then she found it. If you have a mate, be guided in how to bless their day. I believe you can do this for people. Just keep it on the side of: what is the happiest and good for them. You could just have a ball of light that says happiness, ease and joy, happy travels, fun with the family, ease with the boss. Obviously the best thing to do is to ask your mate to start blessing their own day.

I had a client who told me there was no way her husband would do this. I just laughed and had her ask him if he was opposed to using the light in his life. He said no. So she got him to push and pull his hands until he could feel the energy of the ball of light. Then she asked him to fill it in with whatever he needed. He did it. He thought it was funny but he went along with it. She called on her angels and said, β€œPlease! Let him know this works”. So he went to work and he had a boss who was always hard on him actually compliment him that day. He called to tell her about it. He thought it was very interesting that the boss did that. She reminded him to do it for a while and to visualize his day a success.

One day I went to play Bingo with friends. I like to do it just to practice manifesting. I usually win. Try that some time. So we bless this space and we use the energy of grace. Grace is like WD40 and it adds to whatever youΚΌre doing. Right after I finished doing this a man working for the Bingo parlor walks over to me and hands me a bouquet of flowers. All he said was, β€œThese are for you.” I kind of looked and said, β€œThanks!” and I started laughing. And he went back to work handing out tickets to everyone. I asked why and he said, β€œWell, you just deserve these.” Read into it whatever you will but out of 50 other people in the room, right after I sent out grace and blessings, why did he come over and hand me flowers? I bless my purse and wallet and more money seems to show up. Right after I did it one time I walked into my closet, put on my jacket to go to the movies; I had not worn in a year. I put my hand in the pocket and I pulled out $20. It worked that quickly. That is my wish for you. That you do the blessing ball of light, you get more and more blessings and higher vibrations come into your life.


Love or Above

by Christie Marie Sheldon


πŸ’— Love or Above Indices

1. Main Program:

2. Meditations:

πŸ’— 2-01 Blessing Ball of Light: 83 – 88
2-02 Clearing a Space: 64
2-03 Wisdom Meditation (Connecting with Your Guides): 43 – 48 (64 – 76)
2-04 Cutting Cords Meditation: 67 – 69
2-05 Divinely Wise-Self: 49 – 51
2-06 Embodying Gratitude: 12 – 14
2-07 Life Path Optimizer: 28 – 30
2-08 Energy Radar: 60
2-09 Energy Detox: 60 – 64
2-10 Questions Open Doors: 26
2-11 Who is Draining You: 65 – 66
2-12 Your Questions Answered: 31 – 33
2-13 Heart Center Awakening: 104 – 105
Meditation – Visualizing Your Perfect Family Life: 105 – 108
Muscle Testing:

3. Bonuses:

A. πŸ’— Love or Above Meditations 🧘: Link

Source(s): https://www.mindvalley.com/christie-marie-sheldon/love-or-above

πŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈ Physical Therapy Exercises from December 2022 πŸ˜ƒ

1. Initial Consultation – 12/27/22:

A. Evaluation Tests for Both Knees, Left Neck, and Right Shoulder:

B. Exercises:

a. Sleeper Stretch: 2 reps of 30 secs each.

Shoulder Internal Rotation Sleeper Stretch ~ Dr Jo

b. Lacrosse Ball for Right Shoulder at the Back:

c. Terminal Knee Extension (Ball on Wall Squeeze): 10 reps of 5 secs each.

Terminal Knee Extension Strengthening Exercise ~ Pleasantview Physiotherapy Edmonton
i. Using Pillow Behind Knee: @ 0.58s.

2. Second Session – 01/17/23 (Tues):

A. Exercises:

a. Cat Cow:

Cat Cow Pose ~ Howcast

b. Thread the Needle – Mid Back Mobility Exercise:

3. Third Session – 02/17/23 (Tues):

A. Went through my Strengthening and Stretching Exercises:

a. Standing Up:

i. Gastrocnemius/ Soleus Stretch: Calf extended/Calf flexed. One leg forward, one leg backward.
Gastrocnemius and Soleus (1:04 mins) Stretch – Podiatry Professionals
ii. Standing Quad Stretch:
How to Do the Standing Quad Stretch – Livestrong.com
iii. Side lunge: to strengthen (tone) the inner thighs. (or Ball Squeeze Bridges while lying down).
Side Lunges – Whats Up Dude
iv. Standing Glute Stretch: Stretching of hip, glutes, and to improve balance.
Hip and glute muscle stretches (standing)
v. Hamstring Stretch with foot on an elevated surface:
Elevated Hamstring Stretch – Benjamin Boudro
Hamstring Stretch – Bupa Health UK
vi. Shoulder Cross Body Stretch:
Cross Body Stretch

vii. Tricep Stretch:

Tricep Stretch – www.sportsinjuryclinic.net
xiii. Upper Trapezius Stretch: for my right shoulder pain (3 stretches for this).
Upper Trapezius Stretch – EmergeOrtho-Triangle Region
Trapezius Stretch
ix. Strap Internal Rotation Stretch: Right hand behind back, strap over left shoulder pulling right hand upwards.
Improve shoulder motion and internal rotation with strap
x. Corner Pec Stretch: for my right shoulder pain.
Pec Corner Stretch

b. Lying Down:

i. Sleeper Stretch (Session 2):
ii. Terminal Knee Extension (Session 2):
iii. Cat Cow (Session 2):
iv. Thread the Needle (Session 2):
v. Lacrosse Ball (Session 2):
vi. Ball Squeeze Bridges: to strengthen (tone) the inner thighs. (or Side lunge while standing up). Squeeze the ball first, then lift up and do the bridge.
vii. Foam Rolling the Hamstring / Calf / IT Band:

4. Fourth Session (03/02/23):

  • Hamstring Foam Roller
  • Hamstring Strap
  • Split Squats

5. Fifth Session (03/09/23):

  • Incline Press
  • 3-way Biceps Curls (Palm Up, Palm Down, and Hammer).

🌺 Auld Lang Syne πŸŽ†

It’s hard to believe that 2022 will be over in two weeks. This has been a year mixed with lots of joy, laughter, hurt, and tears. This is my first year toward independence after 14 years of marriage, learning to let go of the past, and keeping an open mind about my future. I’ve had to learn to let go of what does not serve me over and over again, as much as I may want to cling to it and as painful as that may be.

Auld Lang Syne ~ The Tenors

I am grateful to my soon-to-be ex-husband for the “Dark Night of the Soul” he has brought upon me for the past two years. I have shed so many tears, had my heart pierced by a hundred arrows, and my soul dripping blood continuously. I’m being forced to be thrown back into society, to start interacting with strangers; to form meaningful connections with some, to be lied to and feel that I am undeserving and unloved by others, and then having to pick up the pieces and slowly put myself back together again ~ piece by piece.

I’ve started learning stories of people similar to my situation, whether they’re considering going through a divorce, are in the middle of one, or are still trying to heal from one. I attended the 13-week Divorce Care support group twice this year, and the same story keeps coming into play in the divorce ~ Addictions.

I still have such a long journey to go. I need to unlearn all the unhealthy patterns I was taught since childhood. I need to let go of all my codependent tendencies after being married to someone with an addictive personality for so long. I still worry about my ex, worried that he’ll be drinking and driving and end up in an accident or worse… I still worry about others and attend to their needs more than for myself.

I will allow myself to mourn for my past for the rest of 2022, the good and the bad, and then I will pick myself back up again.

🌹 Auld Lang Syne…

Auld Lang Syne

~ Robert Burns

Should old acquaintance be forgot
And never brought to mind
Should old acquaintance be forgot
And auld lang syne
For auld lang syne, my dear
For auld lang syne
We’ll take a cup of kindness yet
For auld lang syne

We two have paddled in the brook
From morning sun till dine
But seas between us broad have roared
Since auld lang syne
For auld lang syne, my dear
For auld lang syne
We’ll take a cup of kindness yet
For auld lang syne

And here’s a hand my trusty friend
And give a hand o’ thine
We’ll take a cup of kindness yet
For auld lang syne
For auld lang syne, my dear
For auld lang syne
We’ll take a cup of kindness yet
For auld lang syne

🌹 Never Looking Back

I’m slowly trying to heal from all of my past hurts, betrayals and heartbreaks. Some days are tougher than others, but I’m finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I’ve been in two shorter-term relationships in the past where after we broke up, they asked me to go back to them and marry them. Incidentally, they’re both of the Scorpio Sun sign.

Never Looking Back ~ Elizabeth South

I am a firm believer in giving all my best in a relationship, and sometimes it may take months, or even years before I finally decide to let go. They may have even taken a piece of my heart with them and left me bleeding raw for a very long time. However, once I’m finally able to let it go, I never look back because I know that there was nothing more I could have done to save the relationship, and I can leave with no regrets. I also know that if I take that person back, then he may fall back into his old ways and we’ll just be forever entangled in this drama/trauma type of relationship. If we weren’t able to work things out while we were together, then it just wasn’t meant to be.

I may still love him for the rest of my life. However, the love has been transformed into a familial type of love, where I just wish him all the best and pray that he will always be happy, healthy, safe, and well-loved. If we had connected on a very deep level while we were together, then I’m even able to be good friends with them for the rest of our lives. However, I draw very clear lines between friendship and a romantic relationship, and I make sure we don’t ever cross that line, like with my ex-boyfriend, for instance. I hope that I will be able to maintain a good friendship with my soon-to-be ex-husband as well, as I will always care for him as a family member.

I’ve learned to start loving myself more as well. I deserve the best in life, just as everyone else does. If you truly love someone that you’re unable to work things out with, then set them free to be with their perfect mate. There is a brighter future ahead for all of us.

🌹 Love With No Regrets ~ Never Looking Back… 🌹

Never Looking Back

~ Elizabeth South

Sometimes I look back and
Hold on to regrets
When all the signs say time to move on
Sometimes the steps I take
And all decisions I make
Unravel and just come undone

Sometimes the troubles I face
And all I can’t erase
But at the end I have to move on
Sometimes the way I feel is
Stronger than what is real
And all I want to do is run
But I am not alone
And I will find my way home

Never gonna let my heart break
Open up a world that I make on my own
Gonna feel the wind in my face
Gonna start to live again
And I will be strong
I’m never looking back

Sometimes I look back at
Mistakes and I’ve lost track
And I don’t know how to let go
Sometimes I can’t hide
From all the doubting inside
I’m so afraid to let me show
The one I think I see
Is the one who has been set free

As time moves on
I’ll live in the moment of this song
As the rain falls round
I’ll let the walls come tumbling down
Fall down, Oh down