10/08/22 (Saturday): Manifesting Your Greatest Self
A. Day 7 Challenge: Adding New Tools
Add the two R’s to your toolbox. Create a daily ritual around Tapping, even if it’s just for 5 minutes a day!
B. Day 7: Ritual and Repetition
Day 7: Ritual and Repetition
C. Day 7: Ritual and Repetition Tapping Meditation ~ Peace & Patience
This is a great meditation to use when you’re struggling to feel peace around the pace of change and transformation. Tap and feel more at peace with how, and how quickly, you are your life are transforming.
Day 7: Ritual and Repetition Tapping Meditation ~ Peace & Patience
Look at how the body communicates with us, and use Tapping to begin tuning in to what it’s saying.
We also look at limiting beliefs about the body and begin to practice cultivating positive beliefs and emotions about the body.
A. Day 6 Challenge: Tuning in to the Body
Bring your body into your journey. From today onward, open to the possibility of attuning to your body. Whenever possible, listen and notice what your body is saying.
Practice “talking to” your body and listen to what it’s saying. Notice what your body is saying, to be a little more willing to hear its messages.
In the morning or at bedtime, before you begin tapping, check in with your body. Mentally scan your body and simply notice what you feel.
This journey isn’t actually about becoming your greatest self. This journey will guide you in ways that allow you to shed the layers of “stuff” that have kept you from accessing your greatest self. Because, the truth is, you already are your greatest self.
Through this journey, you’ll manifest your greatest self by clearing and releasing those layers of “stuff” that are keeping your greatest self stuck deep down inside.
And you’re making great progress, so keep it up!
B. Day 6: What’s It Saying? Listening to the Body
Day 6: What’s It Saying? Listening to the Body
C. Day 6: What’s It Saying? Listening to the Body Tapping Meditation ~ Body Attunement in the Appendix on page 260.
This is a great meditation to use to get back in touch with your physical body. If you’re feeling disconnected, numb, or struggling with physical symptoms, this can be a good way to begin hearing what your body is trying to tell you.
Day 6: What’s It Saying? Listening to the Body Tapping Meditation ~ Body Attunement
10/06/22 (Thursday): Manifesting Your Greatest Self
Begin to pay more attention to how much joy we let into our lives. Celebrate your progress, big or small.
A. Day 5 Challenge: Celebrating Your Wins
Have simple everyday celebrating for yourself at least twice per day from now forward.
Stop and notice – did you recently have a breakthrough while tapping?
Did you notice your brain’s negativity bias taking over at any point during your day?
Did you feel more relaxed in situations that usually stress you out?
Those all count as wins! They mean you’re making progress, and each step forward counts. When possible, give yourself the gift of one minute of positive tapping for each win you notice.
Over time that simple daily habit will retrain your brain to see and feel more authentically positive.
Notice simple ways of helping people, and then notice how helping them makes you feel.
Call, email, or text friends who make you feel good.
Gather a group of like-minded people who all want to read this book and go through this journey together.
And last but not least, join the greatest self-online readers group!
Make sure to use the Day 5: Practicing Peace, Welcoming Joy Tapping Meditation ~ Positive Tapping to practice instilling joy and seeing more “light” on page 257 of the Appendix.
B. Day 5: Practicing Peace, Welcoming Joy
Day 5: Practicing Peace, Welcoming Joy
C. Day 5: Practicing Peace, Welcoming Joy Tapping Meditation ~ Positive Tapping ~ to practice instilling joy and seeing more “light”. You’ll find it on page 257 of the Appendix.
This meditation will support you in feeling more joy. It’s a great one to use when you’re starting to feel more positive and want to magnify that feeling.
Day 5: Practicing Peace, Welcoming Joy Tapping Meditation ~ Positive Tapping
Take an honest look at our lives, to see the “dirt” we need to see in order to clean it and begin moving into our greatest selves.
A. Day 4 Challenge: Telling Your Truth
Congratulations on beginning to tell your truth! Let’s keep that momentum going.
Starting today, select just One part of your life where you’d like to make progress. You can include the one area of your life you just tapped on, or not, as long as you’re focusing on just One Area of your life.
Once per day, practice telling yourself the truth about that area of your life. It can be as simple as saying, “I feel discouraged about my health and don’t think it will ever improve,” or “My finances are a mess, and I’m ready to give up on them”.
Keep in mind that it’s normal to fear and/or resist your truth(s). Our truths can get buried over time, and excavating them may take time and patience. If this process feels overwhelming at any point, pause to tap on those feelings of overwhelm. If there are bigger truths that feel like too much, put them aside or seek out a certified EFT practitioner to guide you.
You may also want to turn to the “All Is Well” Tapping Meditation script, which is at the end of the Appendix on page 308. Tap through it at any time to regain a sense of safety and calm.
Remember, there’s no need to pressure yourself to “fix” anything. Your goal here is to get comfortable with telling the truth.
Just see your truth, tell it and accept it, and then watch, over time, as it transforms.
Complete the Day 4 Tapping Meditation: Accepting Your Truth before moving forward. You’ll find it on page 254 of the Appendix.
B. Day 4: Tell the Truth: Accepting What Is
Day 4: Tell the Truth: Accepting What Is
C. Day 4: Tell the Truth: Accepting What Is Tapping Meditation ~ Accepting Your Truth
This is a great meditation to use when you’re struggling with the truth, such as a realization that you have had, but prefer to resist because looking away from it feels easier. By tapping through this , you’ll feel better equipped to see this truth and also feel more peace around it.
Day 4: Tell the Truth: Accepting What Is Tapping Meditation ~ Accepting Your Truth
D. All is Well Tapping Meditation
This is an extra meditation that’s especially useful when you’re feeling really overwhelmed, whether from looking at the past or tapping through other issues. This Tapping Meditation will help you return to your center by providing a peaceful and safe emotional landing pad. Use it anytime, as often as you like.
Belonging to a like-minded community can support us in our life journey and help us feel more fulfilled in our daily lives.
8 Hugs per day.
A. Day 3 Challenge: Come, Join Us!
Ready to feel more supported and connected? It’s time to take action! For today, and in the days to come, begin noticing little ways that you can meaningfully connect with people.
Since relationships (which we’ll get into later in this journey) can feel like “work”, start with easy, everyday ways of connecting. e.g.
Notice simple ways of helping people, and then notice how helping them makes you feel.
Call, email, or text friends who make you feel good.
Gather a group of like-minded people who all want to read this book and go through this journey together.
And last but not least, join the greatest self-online readers group!
Make sure to use the Day 3 Tapping Meditation: Letting Go of Loneliness before moving on. You’ll find it on page 251 of the Appendix.
B. Day 3: The Upsides of Us: Harnessing the Power of Community
Day 3: The Upsides of Us: Harnessing the Power of Community
C. Day 3: The Upsides of Us: Harnessing the Power of Community Tapping Meditation ~ Letting Go of Loneliness
This meditation will help you release feelings of loneliness that can arise even when you’re surrounded by people. In doing so, it will also support you in opening up to more and deeper connections.
Day 3: The Upsides of Us: Harnessing the Power of Community Tapping Meditation ~ Letting Go of Loneliness
Tapping communicates with the body and primitive brain to balance our negativity bias.
A. Day 2 Challenge: Redirecting Your Brain
So how do we actually bring positivity practice into our lives?
On a day-to-day, week-to-week basis, how can we reprogram our brains to recognize and accept positivity without becoming so detached from our surroundings that, like Thor, we’re prematurely devoured?
Start by simply Noticing when you default to the negative.
Start with the little things, like that email or text that feels unclear. Your brain’s natural bias will lead you to assume the worse. Your brain’s innate negativity bias will Support you in feeling judged, accused, and so on.
Starting today, make a point of simply noticing when your brain’s “negativity bias” is being activated.
Remember, it’s a hardwired response that we all experience, so there’s no need to blame or shame yourself for it. Don’t stress or worry about it. Just notice it.
And once you see your brain’s negativity bias at work, pause and ask yourself:
Could this be my brain’s negativity bias talking?
That’s it – just notice it, for now, say hello, maybe introduce yourself, and we’ll use that awareness to build from in the coming days.
Make sure to take time to use the Day 2 Tapping Meditation: Turning Toward the Positive to being reorienting your primitive brain to notice and value the positive. You’ll find it on page 248 of the Appendix.
You’re beginning to create an important foundation for choosing peace!
B. Day 2: Negativity, Hardwired: A Look at the Primitive Brain
Day 2 ~ Negativity, Hardwired: A Look at the Primitive Brain
C. Day 2: Negativity, Hardwired: A Look at the Primitive Brain Tapping Meditation
This is a great meditation to use when you’re struggling to feel and see the positive. With repeated use, it can help your brain be more balanced, and less prone to always resorting to the negativity bias.
Day 2 ~ Negativity, Hardwired: A Look at the Primitive Brain Tapping Meditation ~ Turning Toward the Positive
By clearing out the stress, fear, and other negative emotions that we all naturally experience, you can more quickly clear that mental and emotional “dirt” and create more space for authentic positivity to grow and thrive.
Every morning, notice if you’re beginning your day from a place of peace or a place of panic. Whether it’s in your first five minutes or your first hour, make a point of pausing to notice where you are mentally, and how you’re feeling emotionally as well as physically.
Then take 5 minutes to tap on releasing any panic you’re feeling.
As the day progress, see how this simple process changes your experience. Do you feel calmer? Do you feel more patient with your kids? More Productive? Less anxious as you’re sitting in morning traffic? Are you having creative ideas that might turn around your financial situation? Are you making healthier food choices? Notice these shifts in your daily experience.
B. Watch / Listen:
a. Masterclass Video/Audio Week 1 of 2:
Manifesting Your Greatest Self Masterclass Audio Week 1 of 2
10/04/22 (Tuesday):
What does my heart really desire? Love
What resistance comes up? Any fear, pain, anxiety, or overwhelm? Pick one and give it a number.
Pain. 9 out of 10.
What does my heart desire? Love and Acceptance.
What do I want to feel? Self-Empowered.
What does my heart desire? Peace and Happiness.
To manifest your heart’s desire, you have to feel Safe.
b. Masterclass Video Week 1 of 4:
i. Constricted 3/10. Feelings of sadness.
ii. Changed to 5 (more expansive) after tapping. Why is my breath constricted? I’m not sure…
iii. Open your breath, and feel Safe in opening your breath, and opening your heart, without the fear of being hurt.
C. Day 1: Peace or Panic?
Look at how we feel on any given day. Are we going through our days from a place of peace or a place of panic?
IntroDay 1 ~ Peace or Panic?
D. Day 1: Peace or Panic Tapping Meditation:
This is a great tapping meditation to use when you’re feeling the negative effects of stress, like when you’re struggling to relax and slow down at the start or end of a busy day. It’s also great when you feel stressed or anxious but aren’t exactly sure why.
Day 1 ~ Peace or Panic Tapping Meditation
Tapping is also a great self-discovery tool. If, while tapping, you have an AHA! moment about something specific that’s bothering you, tap on releasing that. Whether’s is an emotion, memory, or something else, your fastest path to peace is always by releasing the weight of your present-moment experience.
By clearing out the stress, fear, and other negative emotions that we all naturally experience, you can more quickly clear that mental and emotional “dirt” and create more space for authentic positivity to grow and thrive.