Abundance Block 24 : Clearing blocks to welcoming abundance
Cultivate the talents inside that will let you get paid for just being YOU. Highlights include:
Unearth Hidden Talents – dig deep inside yourself to find what hidden talents you’ve been neglecting that could contribute to a higher income and happier days.
Contribution Corralling – Take the talents you’ve unearthed and find out what new ways you can now contribute to the world
Your Money Maxim- finally realize the purpose of money in your life, and see how the combination of income and intention can create powerful results in the world.

And here is what we are covering today, session twenty-four. Today I’ll teach you how to find some new talents and skills, often hidden; we can be blocked because we shot off our talents. So what if you can get paid for being you? Now that’s a great job.
Next we’ll clear the blocks to any future talents showing up for you. You can always open the door to these new skills and it opens up more fun, more evidence that the universe supports you and more play time, opens up more financial success. Multi-universal beings, otherwise called you, have more than one talent. So, we are also going to lift the shred of energy covering your talents and contribution to the planet. What if you sharing you is the greatest gift you can give all of us, and what if you can get paid being that. So let’s begin.
Hey! Welcome, welcome, today is so exciting, day twenty-four. I’m going to miss you guys. So congratulations on hanging in there and doing the work for yourself and opening up to change and all those beautiful things that you guys did.
Today let’s set one more intent for what you hope to achieve today, what do you hope to achieve tonight? What is the final thing that you just really want to shift no matter what it takes? Let’s just put an energy into your future. So over the next three months let’s set one more intent for you guys. So whatever you want to achieve in the next three months, push that energy forward. Wow I can feel that. I love it. You guys are amazing at connecting now.
Okay, so my favorite part of the night inspiring stories and we have a couple of doozies. Okay, so Ann e-mailed us for the very first time and she had a really cool story. She said she’s finally coming out of her financial funk and here are a few positive things that were flowing her way, so she got free VIP tickets to a four-day conference in LA worth $3,995. She also won some free tickets to some shows. I don’t know what that is but she won some tickets to some shows. She’s very impressed at how happy and light she feels; so she feels happier and lighter.
But this is the cool thing that happened she has like these real estate retail centers that she owns and with the economy some things have been left open’ these lease spaces for like 9 months. For her that was digging into the piggy bank and she didn’t want to do that anymore so they were freaking out of what to do; like let go of the properties, keep the properties, what are they going to do? And if they let go of them they lose money. So she began the program with the one intention to get both of these retail spaces filed up with profitable clients. She was guided to change brokers and she just leased two spaces, one being their biggest space, which they had leased at a good price for a ten-year period. So over the space of the contract this will bring in over a million dollars in revenue. So good job Ann.
So I know for some of you you’re like I don’t have Real Estate like that, but the thing is imagine how much she was dipping into her pocket trying to keep them overboard right, they had a really big mortgage.
So, Roman from Seattle wrote to tell me how positive things have been flowing his way since he started Unlimited Abundance Journey. He got a new job, which provided a $5,000 signing bonus and $96,000 a year salary. Good job Roman, I love it. On top of that he has three other offers on the table; so he has an abundance of offers. He’s repaired his strained relationship with his parents. He found a nice apartment in Seattle that he is currently moving into. He realized his relationships with woman hadn’t been serving him and he finally feels free and ready to move past some of the old issues. And he had a break through realization about what’s been holding him back in his development as a guitarist. So good job Roman.
Lena’s husband was diagnosed with cancer three years ago. And all the treatments and surgeries threw them into obviously a financial crisis and she says she was depressed. She said her zest for living has returned. She said that’s priceless to her. De-cluttered her home, which again was priceless because cancer and stuff like that you know basically she’s been in stress mode for three years. When she cleaned out her house she found two hundred-dollar gift certificates that she had forgotten about. Took the time to sit down and work out a financial plan to get them out of debt asked what it would take to get our medical bills lowered. The very next day the hospital called out of the blue offered them a lower payment plan without her even asking and cutting their monthly payment in half with no interest. Signed up for social security and in October she will receive an extra $800 a month. Asked what it would take to receive $5,000 in 30 days and the very next day she got a letter from the social security office informing her of a retirement account in her husband’s name that he had forgotten about and was worth $6,984.50, it was more than the $5,000 she had requested. So good job, Lena.
Let’s connect to a light first. Let’s close your eyes for a minute and if you’re driving obviously do not close your eyes. Connect to a light 300 feet above your head, okay. See, sense or feel your connection to a source energy and know that you are a part of it and it is part of you.
Okay, so let’s open to opening up your talents today. Today we are going to open up your talents. So let the light come into your crown opening up any latent skills and talents that you want to get paid for so that you know what to do, how to do it and how to get paid and are always guided. Ask the light to come in opening up your true awareness, your hearing, your sight, your knowing so that you know where and how to get paid for your talents. Ask the light to come through your voice through your throat so that you speak the truth about who you are, what you are about, what your talents are and how your light can shine in other people’s lives and help them and get paid for it.
Ask this light to come through your heart, opening up your heart-felt talents, your heart-felt guided actions to take in implementing strategies to make sure you get paid on your talents. Ask the light to come into your solar plexus releasing any nervousness, any disdain for yourself and anything that would block you from moving forward. Ask the light to come into your power center opening up anywhere you feel less than powerful about using your talents and anywhere you just won’t proclaim, “Hey I am an amazing super abundant, completely talented being who can make anything happen.”
Ask the light to come into your roots so you’re rooted in the knowledge that you can go forward and manifest anything you truly desire and nothing is really blocked; it’s just all an illusion and you can delete and uncreate the illusion and create and generate another one. Ask the light to come through your feet into the center of the ground. Alright so connect to the place in the middle of the planet were it feels really happy, really conscience, really light, really filled with source. Ask this light to bounce back up like a mini trampoline straight up in your heart and ask this light to radiate from your heart 360 degrees all the way around like a great central sunshine, radiating out about 15 feet all the way around your field, filling your field with the ability to know, see and hear and get paid for whatever your talents are.
Ask this light to expand out past the building you are in, yes. Fill the space that you live and work in with the energy of “I am supper talented. I know how to get paid. I am all that is guided.” Ask this light to fill in all the spaces in your town so radiate out past your city, your town, using this field of light to call in anybody who can happily use your talents and pay you a lot of money for it. Ask this light that you can be of great service; heartfelt service, really, really connecting to peoples’ hearts, giving them what they deserve as well, which is great abundance service, better than they ever expected so that they always want to do business with you again.
Ask this light to radiate past your state so that you connect to anybody else in the state who wants to know about you, hear about you and use your talents so they can receive your love and you can receive their love. Ask this light to radiate past the country you’re in connecting to everybody that needs your services, uses your talents, recognizes you, gives you energy back and you give them energy back.
Asking the light to connect to anybody on planet earth radiate the light all the way around planet earth connecting to anybody and anything who needs your services, needs your talents, needs your skills and you can happily and easily receive abundance and payment for it. Alright, awesome.
How much is your talent worth? So hopefully you have a piece of paper. I want you to write down right now, and share some of these; type them into the control panel. Type in some of your talents, your skills and your know-how and what you can contribute to somebody’s life. For instance maybe some of you know how to heal. Maybe some of you are great advice givers. Maybe you have a great mate, great husband, great wife, you know the love thing you have it down pat. Maybe you can help people with that. Maybe you are an excellent caregiver. Maybe you know how to build structures and business or good customer service or any of those things. Maybe some of you guys are excellent organizers, yeah. How many of you are great at teaching people how to meet a mate or raise incredible kids or get a great body?
And I am going to ask you to just be a little silly for a minute and I want you to list all the silly little talents that could be like anything from juggling to whatever it is because you know what, who knows you can get You Tube famous right? And get lots of people interested in what you do. Alright so some people are good at calming and reassuring people right? So you’re connecting to their heart and some people are good at teaching.
Okay, we are going to ask you to dig a little deeper. So everywhere you guys don’t think you have any talents to contribute, so I want you to think what are you really good at? Are you good at being nice to people so you would be excellent in some sort of customer care. Are you good at talking to people? Are you good at seeing what somebody needs before they know they need it? Are you great with animals, writing, painting, creating songs, healing, motivating, and inspiring? Great listener yeah, good organizer, how to be creative? Yeah? So any of you guys who was like your first instinct was, “I don’t have any talent or skills,” so everything that is, leave it all.
You know anybody listening maybe are you good at dressing? Are you good at fashion? Are you good at makeup? What about the You Tube sensation? I forget her name but she makes six figures because she does all these makeup videos and then people join her and she puts the advertising on You Tube right? So just because of her little makeup skills, I think she’s Asian, she makes six figures.
Are you good at reading people; knowing what’s up? Any other place where you guys can’t even think of even one talent, everything that is, will you guys uncreate and delete it all. And any of you kind of blocked on this I am going to ask you to go ask five of your friends or maybe your mom and dad what you’re really good at. Wedding planning, yeah, contributes excitement and advice so that they can enjoy their day. Business coaching. Great, listener can read energy. Life coach, teacher, educator, organizer, pet loss, grief counselor, photographer, coaching people, how to negotiate.
Wow this is a cool talent; brilliant and engaging speaker and presenter, good. Healer, coach, yoga teacher. If any of you are blocked just think back to what was really fun to you when you were a kid. So for instance Grace loves to cook and clean, to be a great wife, a great nurse, love it. Listener, teacher, good at being silly, good at stories, alright. Knowing how to teach, how to use body energy to enhance life, good, a good listener, good physic advice, gardening, can grow any plant, babies adore her, good. Good sense of humor that would go far right? Can do energy healing, and I can also be a singer, good. Awesome at customer service, healer, cook, cleaner, wife and mother, cleaning person. Okay, cool.
So now I am going to do a couple more clearings here. Karen said she is able to spot the diamond in a pile of junk. I love it. That’s a good trait. It’s like looking at the possibilities in everything right. How many of you are good at seeing the possibilities in everything or seeing how to make money in the mile of anything?
So know we’re going to the next section. Now all of the talents you listed, how much would somebody pay you for this talent? I am going to force you guys to label it. So break down each talent. Some of you put I’m good at using my imagination and creating things. Alright so think of something you can kind of contribute to somebody. Everybody think of one of the things that you said you were really good at.
Now I want you to ask just intuitively, if you had to put a price in dollars on that to how much somebody would pay you for that? How much would somebody pay you for that if you could figure out a creative way to market it? Okay, so did any of you guys get a surprising answer? So let’s see. Some of you got $300,000.00 per year with your talent. Therapist, $100 an hour. Healer, $300 an hour. Helping people intuitively. How to listen, truly listen, $500, $60 to $100 per hour, $200,000 a year. Customer service consultant, $150,000 a year. Pet loss grief counselor, $40 an hour to start. Social worker, $40 an hour. Private clients, $1,150 an hour, $50 an hour. These are pretty good numbers an hour. Alright, 20% of the money I am making for them, love it. Yeah that’s great, because that’s incentive right. $395 for the first session, good job, Wanda. $20,000 a month okay, good. $7,000.00 for a three-day session, good. Healing coach, good, $60 an hour, okay. 10 to 30 per real estate sales transaction, good. $500 for teaching a seminar, good. Whole package is worth 1 million bucks, love it.
Healing, $250 an hour. $1000 each for how to make friends of course, good, that’s good. Yeah how to make friends is an art right. I actually wish somebody would teach little kids how to do that right? I mean think of the confidence you could build if you could teach any little kid how to make friends so they would never have to feel lonely again, right? More than what I am currently charging is what Margaret got, good. How to heal people by start clearing with $30 to $50 an hour, okay, good.
Surprised by your answers. So Karen why are you surprised by your answer? Gail says by getting project implemented she made $500,000.00 at her last corporate job so she is hoping $200,000.00 is for one client only and that she has 5 of them, good job, okay, cool. Persuading people, raising kids, $20,000 a month. $1000 to $5000, per session. $10,000 for making web sites. Healing sessions, $1000 a week for ecological services, love it. Business consultant, $300,000.00 a year. Writing, $1000,0000 lump sum. Okay, so you guys are going to put these on your vision board somewhere okay.
Let’s clear anywhere that’s the only amount you can make on that. Okay, so I want you to think of doing that as part of your talent or skill. What would it take for whatever numbers you guys came up with, what would it take to for them to triple? Okay, everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete it all. Okay, everything in the way of you guys going forward taking massive, massive action and connecting the dots to make it happen, uncreate and delete all that across all time dimension, space and reality.
How many of you are not listening to your guidance and are procrastinating? Everything that is will you uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension, space and reality.
How many of you don’t have a clue how you get paid for something you really want to love to do? Okay, everything that is, will you uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension, space and reality? How many of you are pretending that you don’t know how to do it in order to stay stuck? Uncreate and delete all that. Okay, Sheila, how many places are you stopping yourself because you think you have to know it all? So you have a weird belief, let me see what it is, you don’t know it all but you think you know it all, which is blocking any new awareness. I know it sounds really funny.
Okay, so any of you guys having anything going on where you think that it’s going to sound kind of funny but if you think you know it all, sometimes it doesn’t leave an energy or space for something new to show up okay. So anywhere you’re afraid to know the answer, afraid to know the truth, afraid to hear something different than what you truly want; so you’re blocking it at any level, uncreate and delete it all. And everywhere you grew up and you guys were told that you were so wrong and so pathetic when you grew up like that you are somehow wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, everything that is, will you uncreate all that.
How many of you feel that you are wrong so you can’t get an answer, uncreate and delete all that. Okay, any other place where you guys are limiting how much money you can connect to. Okay, so Sheila what I’m going to ask you to do is just kind of make it up, just put what you want. If you don’t get a direct answer, just put what you want to make okay. Because you’re an infinite being, you can generate whatever you want okay. So everything in the way of you guys generating what you want, uncreate and delete all that, yeah there.
Okay, everywhere love is not going to help you or love in the past never helped you. So if you love what you do it won’t work. Okay, so anywhere you guys took a hit on something you loved uncreate and delete it all. Anywhere in the past you were stopped doing something that was really truly your gift and talent and you stopped yourself or somebody stopped you; maybe your parents stopped you. Everything that is will you uncreate and delete it all.
Any of you guys who wanted to go to school for a certain thing and then your parents told you, you couldn’t or maybe you didn’t have the money to do it and you stopped yourself uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension, space and reality. Any other business idea that a spouse or mate or anyone in particular talked you out of that you knew you should have went and did, uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension, space and reality. Everywhere you think you need like some huge education or you’re not professionally trained, uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension, space and reality.
What if the fact that you’re not professionally trained actually allows you to see other possibilities that somebody who’s professionally trained might not see? What if you could come up with a better system because you are not bogged into that way that everybody else does it? And maybe because you don’t do it the same way and you approach it differently, maybe people will pay you more. So anywhere you think that because you’re not educated it limits you, uncreate and delete all that. And anywhere it’s truly guided that you need more education and you are stopping yourself, uncreate and delete all that.
Energy healing, $1000 an hour. Integrated MD, $400 an hour. $200, psychotherapy, love it. Okay, anywhere these prices are way too high for Canadian clients, everything that is uncreate and delete it all. There is always a niche of people, you know I know wealthy people and if something’s good they’ll pay anything for it if they really love it. Okay, everything that is, uncreate and delete all that. Telling my story $500,000.00 or more; alright. Informative articles online $1000 a year or more. Everything in the way of that uncreate it all. Okay, baking cakes, alright. Margaret’s saying I’m already charging $97 an hour but what came up was $1000 an hour so she says I already feel $97 was a lot. How can I ask for $1000? It’s about packaging Margaret; anything is about packaging. You just have to package it so enough people want it at $1000. So it’s about packaging. So start thinking about packaging and not price.
I had one of these friends who is a business consultant he said the most brilliant thing. He goes, “Decide how much you want to charge and then build the package around that.” Don’t like build the package and then decide how much it’s worth, right.
So Jon your mom is in the way; your mom’s energy somehow stopped you and misguided you so you don’t trust you all the time. So you got some stuff with woman. Uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension, space and reality.
Okay, so if you guys feel like there’s an education you know maybe it’s true often to guidance that you need more education. So if that’s true why don’t you think of a plan right know of how long it will take. So if any of you guys really, really, really truly need more education how long will it take you to get it? Okay, so everything in the way of you guys actually just doing it, uncreate and delete all that.
Okay, everywhere you guys procrastinate because the answer is to simple and you want to complicate it. So Colleen I think you want to complicate it instead of just making it easy. So anywhere you guys want to complicate it and create some confusion and create a little drama in front of you so you don’t have to actually just go for it, uncreate and delete it all. And anywhere that’s what your parents did; they created some drama in front of you so you learned how to be a human being like that, uncreate and delete all that.
Okay, so anywhere you guys have a self-esteem issue where you are afraid to ask people for how much money you just came up with. So I want you guys to think for a minute at whatever your number is. I want you to imagine like your customer avatar in front of you and/or it’s the ideal client. So if you know you have hundreds of clients I want you to picture the ideal client, so that your customer avatar okay, I want you to ask that avatar, that customer, ask them if you want to make $500,000.00 that year or $20,000.00 or whatever it is from them, $1000 an hour.
Ask that person for that much money and then see them saying “Yes, I will happily do that.” Okay, so whatever your customer avatar, think of them and say to yourself, “I’m brave enough to ask for this and everything in the way of that I uncreate it all; I’m courageous enough to ask for this.” And everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete it all. “I can deliver how much this is worth to them.” Everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete it all. “I’m powerful enough to generate this in my life,” uncreate and delete it all. And “I’m powerful enough to be guided to see how I have to package myself in order to make this happen,” everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete all that too.
If you never knew what your good at then what you are going have to do is go find out. You know when I went to the college, I mean seriously, I went to college initially for finance because I thought well if I go to school for finance at least I’ll figure out money and then I’ll figure out how to make it. Along the way it was a little boring to me, you know, I felt like there was some other bigger thing that I was supposed to do in the world, right. But you know I stuck with it I did what I needed to do because sometimes you need foundation that is pretty strong. You know what happened is life guided me to all the people, places, things, ideas and events that opened me up to the next thing in my life which is what I am doing right know which is what I love.
But if I hadn’t had all those experiences with money and manifesting and abundance and all those things, I don’t think I would have been as in tune with people of how to help them get it, right.
So it just feels like you sometimes have to live a little. So write down if some of you are blocked at what you are good at, why don’t you just try some things and see what you like about it. So that’s my suggestion, like live a little. You know there are people every day who get paid to play. There are people who get paid to surf. There are people who make a living taking people on hikes. There’s people who get paid a living taking people on adventure tours. So not everything has to be boring you know what I’m saying?
Okay, so all this stuff that’s coming up for you guys that says, “Oh I can’t do it” including “I don’t know how to market. I don’t know this, I don’t know that, I don’t know this.” Everything that is, uncreate and delete it all. Okay, good job. You guys really let that go. Because the thing is this is just your next step that’s coming up, so now you got a true awareness of oh I can make that much money doing this so now your what would it take is is “What would it take for me to make this and what would it take for me to have the exact know-how?” okay. So everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete it all, what would it take for you guys to have the exact know how?
Trevor’s asking a question; he’s saying he wants to do a private placement programs, they are invitation only, create huge profits but causes peoples brains to close down and not except. So the first thing I would do is before I actually met with anybody I would always, always, always do what would it take for me to exactly know what this person needs to know or hear from me in order to say yes to this opportunity. So that’s like the first thing I would do. And I would meditate on what they need to hear in the middle of the sales process, right. The same thing if you guys were looking for another job or talking to a client; you have to ask what does that person need from me that I can deliver and then how do I need to communicate it in a way that they can receive it. But if peoples’ brains are closing down then I would keep asking “What’s a better sales process?” So if people don’t understand things, you’re right.
Have you guys ever noticed that when you use big words or if people don’t really understand what you’re saying they shut down. You know in this energy healing business sometimes peoples’ eyes glaze over right. So I had to learn how to communicate in a way that the average everyday folk could understand right. That’s why newspapers are written in 4th grade language. So think of if you are explaining what you do to a 4th or 5th grader, how would you explain it to them? So even if you think your client is super-über smart, I would still make it really simple okay.
So Lucy so now that has come up with clients before. She’s saying I live in a place where the incomes are low okay. So you have a couple of choices here; you can take your stuff on-line where you can do it anywhere in the word and you can create an on-line business and then you’re not subject to everybody that lives around you. You can move if you really want a certain kind of financial abundance that you might not be able to get there you can do that. Or you could just keep asking what would it take me to be the wealthiest person in town? What do I have to do in order to do that, right? And then just see what comes up from that.
Now you don’t have to be the wealthiest person in town but I would just think big and see what shows up. So if you guys are having hard times getting certain clients at a certain price you’re going have to work on what would it take for me to package it different, what would it take for me to explain it different so that people so want what I have to give them? You know when you’re selling people things what they want is an end result right; they want lost weight, they want love, they want money and they want it easy right? So everything that is blocking you guys from deciding that I am an intimate being and I can create enough energy around me to attract the right person, place or thing that gives me the best advice to help me get paid more, everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete it all. Anywhere I am blocked in marketing; let’s just say I asked for a dream, a thought, an idea a something that pushes you over the humps so it makes it easy for you and everything in the way of that will you uncreate it all.
So Roman, everywhere you think men are more powerful than you; so any of you guys who think that other people are more powerful than you, any of you who have that belief, uncreate and delete it all. Anywhere you think your mom and dad are still more powerful than you, uncreate and delete it all. Or anywhere you guys think a spouse is more powerful than you uncreate and delete all that, okay.
So I’m going do this again: pick one more of your talents that’s on that list, okay. Anywhere you guys are stuck on the failures and you’re stuck on how much to charge uncreate and delete it all. Pick one more thing alright. So ask if I were to develop this talent and skill and really, really get paid what I’m worth for it, how much would somebody pay me for it? So everything in a way of you guys knowing what to do with this information, uncreate and delete it all. So now I want you to ask one more question while you are here; what are the first eight steps I have to take in order to get paid this amount.
Okay, some of you guys are freaking out because I said eight steps right? Okay, what are the eight steps? Pick one that you can take to make it happen. Maybe it’s research, maybe it’s putting up a web site, maybe it’s calling two people, maybe it’s raising your prices. Sometimes if somebody’s asking, “Why didn’t I get this job interview?” because maybe there’s a better one for you okay. So I wouldn’t get so hung up on it, just look at it like a numbers game. So everything in a way of you guys getting the job or focusing on the failure, uncreate and delete all that.
So I am going answer some of the questions that are coming up. Ivan wants to know he feels good at helping people bridge the gap to get them from where they are to where they want to go. How do I know that I actually have the talent to do this? We charge $150 an hour. That’s called coaching Ivan so decide what you want to coach people in. Do you want to coach them in business, health, love, relationship, any of the above? Yep. And then just ask how could you meet new people that would happily pay you? So you can go to self-improvement seminars and meet new people, you can go to meet up groups and meet new people. And when they ask what you do just offer them a free consult and say, “Hey, you know, I help people get what they want in life. I’ll do a free consultation with you and see if it works for you.”
Terrance what’s blocking you is a decision to not know everything because your mother didn’t want you to know things. So everywhere you guys are blocking yourself from knowing things because your mothers and fathers didn’t want you to really know what was going on with them so they blocked your intuition, uncreate and delete all that.
Everywhere you refuse to see yourself doing something different that can make you a lot of money, everywhere you guys are stuck on your identities so much, I want you guys to imagine that you are like so rich, I’m talking Bill Gates rich for a minute, okay. So just think of what it would be like to be Oprah rich, Bill Gates rich, Richard Branson rich, Donald Trump rich; any of those people that inspire you. Now try on one of your favorite people and kind of feel what they feel about wealth. So the first thing they feel about wealth is it’s easy.
Now you have to understand Oprah never had days off really, you know what I’m saying? Like she sort of had some days off but you know for the last however many years she did it, I don’t know, I think it’s 20, 30 years of doing it she had to show up every week at the studio. So it was kind of- I don’t want to say hard work because you loved it but she did have to show up in her life right? Because if she didn’t show up TV shows weren’t going to get shot. So any of you guys here think that, “Oh I just don’t want to do it.” and you know you’re kind of like letting yourself off the hook instead of pushing yourself a little bit, uncreate and delete all that.
Yeah so if you guys don’t like the phrasing that I am using, I did this about talent and skills because some people don’t think they can get paid on their talent and skill and the thing that they love, use whatever phrasing, Carmen, makes you happy. If it’s get paid for being me, you can do that okay. Everywhere you guys want to get out of this and not do it because now you have an awareness, now you can’t stay stuck anymore right? Because now you have something new and any of you guys that are shooting it all down and going, “Oh I can’t do it, that will never happen, this is crazy, why would my higher self tell me to do this?” Okay, everything that is, uncreate and delete it all.
So sometimes people get a little overwhelmed because they think they are supposed to be doing something big; and not that you have to do something small but start focusing on what you love Caroline and then maybe the big thing comes out of that.
How can you charge to write eulogies? Actually I know somebody who has a website that has a list of marriage proposals, full of all the things that people don’t know how to write, and he has figured out a way to make money off of that I think through Google ad words. And I think people then pay him to privately write those things. I don’t think that is a bad idea JC. I know somebody who makes money doing that. Maybe you can expand it not just to eulogies but maybe to weddings and all sorts of other things, write peoples speeches.
Okay, now Adriana has something that is common; sometimes people have many talents so they don’t know where to focus. I once made a list of all the ways I can make money and it was a pretty big list. I can think of a lot of ways I can go make money. But you just have to pick one that kind of inspires you in the moment I mean and just follow that okay. So Sarah, that is your answer; whatever you feel good about then do that.
Okay, Margaret’s excited. She sees what her next step is. So Sarah you’re going to have to ask what it will take to make a lot of money doing it okay. So Jamie’s going to write some books. A breeze in the middle of your chest; it probably just feels like your heart is opening to accept the download. A pinch in your chest is you’re trying to stop yourself Sarah. Okay, Amy had a realization she’s been resisting what would it takes because she didn’t want to be like her brother. Okay, everywhere you guys are afraid people won’t love you if you’re really successful, uncreate and delete all that.
John I answered your question. Weirdly enough your money blocks are about your mother. So somehow your mother talked you out of doing what you wanted to do and you don’t think it is possible to change your situation at some deep level. So there’s a place where you don’t think you can change. Everywhere you guys don’t think you can change, uncreate and delete it all. And any of you guys that have mom and dad karma still, it’s blocking you. So anything unhealed with mom and dad that somehow sabotages you and makes you stop yourself because you still want them to love you even if being small makes them love you, uncreate and delete all that. Anywhere you guys are staying small so you can have your parent love you. Anywhere that’s your foundation, uncreate and delete all that.
Party clowns, that would be fun. Getting paid for painting, problem solver, love it, Wanda. Channel herself to people personally, love it. Meditation and life coaching, love it. Real estate transactions, 10 a year, love it. So Jennie that means you are going to go out and meet new people right, so people love you and they want to give you their property knowing that you will totally take care of it. Sharon’s saying her intuition is telling her she can make $200,000 a month. Wanda wants you guys to just get out there and just do it.
Everywhere you guys just won’t take any of those eight steps you still got the download of it. So anywhere you guys are blocking knowingness and download of it, uncreate and delete it all. But basically at the end of the day the next step is usually meet more people who will pay you right. So how can you guys meet more people who will pay you? That is the question; what will it take for you guys to meet a lot of people who will pay you. And everything in the way of that, uncreate it all. And what would it take for you to generate a lot of people coming to pay you? Everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete all that.
Elizabeth’s energy, your father is blocking you somehow. Age 11, age 6 and age 5. Everywhere you guys don’t think you’re worth enough, uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension, space and reality.
Okay, Lucy, ask your higher self right now. Just tune in to what would be the one skill you should focus on right now that would make you the most amount of money with the most amount of fun with the most amount of lightness. Everything that is, uncreate it all. Everywhere you feel like you don’t deserve to get paid for your talents, uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you guys think that people oppose you, you know what I mean? Like if your parents were kind of critical then you might think oh people don’t like me. So any of you guys who have the belief, the thought, the feeling, the idea that people don’t like you or that you don’t like people, uncreate and delete all that.
So Grace is asking a question; “How do you be consistent with showing up and getting it done especially if you’re tired?” Well the first thing you do is take a little vacation when you need it, okay. The second thing you do is “What would it take for my energy to be light and for this to be easy?” and then just focus on one thing a day. Like just say, “What is one thing I can do today that will bring me closer to my goal?” And don’t focus on twenty things because that can be overwhelming and tiring, but just focus on one thing. One thing a day that’s closer to your goal. One thing okay. And everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete it all. So your little motto, your little sticky note is “What is my one thing today that I can do that can improve my life?”
So Sarah for some reason you like not knowing things. So everywhere you’re pretending to not know for whatever reason, uncreate and delete all that. Alright so you guys are answering some really cool things like people are rebranding themselves at higher prices, going to galleries, some people are playing in nature, fishing, organizing, love it, solving problems, love it, chronic healing, love it.
Okay, so Sherim just had an idea. She used to teach a lot of classes at her old job and coached people on workspace and organization. Yeah you can start a blog. Why don’t you start a blog about some really cool workspace organization and maybe people will pay you to organize their whole companies. That would be awesome. And then you could even bring in your whole energy thing, you know. Bring in the whole energy part of it. Wouldn’t it be cool if offices were set up where everybody had good energy? Love it
Okay, so Deann, I’m going to ask you to just pick something. At the end of day you can ruminate, ruminate, ruminate, but what would it take for you guys to just pick one thing for a little while, get good at that, get some money with that and keep it going and/or pick another thing and get that. And then you don’t have to be bored you can have multiple streams of income.
So Colleen, I always thought at some level I was supposed to do something big. I mean I kind of actually really did think that when I was a kid. I had this awareness that nothing made sense and I’m supposed to fix it, which is kind of funny. But anyway it feels if you feel that, that would be accurate but you have to start somewhere. See sometimes the bigness of it stops you because you always worry about the bigness of it. So what if you just decide how can I help 100 people right now? And once you figure out to help 100 people then you’ll know from that the one thing you’re doing what works and what doesn’t and then you’ll know how to go help 100,000 people right. So just start with the thing that helps 100 people and then branch out from there.
Okay, so body twitching is just releasing. Alright raising your rates fills your stomach with butterflies. Amber could that be excitement? What if that’s excitement? Don’t make a wrongness out of it, it feels exciting. Why do I feel tired about money? Because you don’t like having to think about money. So somebody brain washed you to not think about money, like I’m a girl and I want to think about money; everything that is, delete all that.
Anxiousness is just the energy stirring up so you can clear it. So Grace you don’t have to be in the middle of the physical fitness with them. You could just coach them to lose the weight right.
So let’s go to the next one. What person or what type of person would happily and easily pay you for the skills? So pick one of the things and ask what type of person would happily and easily pay for your skills. So everywhere you guys would let fear stop you, I mean seriously fear is just a pattern. So everywhere you would let the pattern called fear, which is really just a pattern, it’s like energy, it’s just like nothing, you know what I’m saying? So everywhere you guys would let this silly little nothing energy pattern stop you from being your greatest self, will you uncreate and delta it all.
Anywhere you guys would rather listen to the monkey mind, your excuses and your patterns, instead of listening to your heart, your higher part of your being and just say “Hey my true awareness is I can go make 1 million dollars this year, that’s my true physic awareness. Everything in the way of that I’m going to delete it all and I’m not going to listen to all the other stuff that’s going to come up and argue with me. I’m just going to delete everything that comes up and argues with me.” So when you guys got these numbers and then you decided oh I can’t do it, okay. Everything that is will you uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you are arguing with yourself which is really just these patterns; it’s just patterns, its nothing okay. Everything that is, uncreate and delete it all.
Everywhere your illusion and delusion is stopping you from going and creating the big bucks, uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension, space and reality. Anywhere you guys bought anybody else’s point of view that you’re nothing, uncreate and delete it all. Anywhere else you bought anybody else’s point of view that what you do you deserve nothing for, uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension, space and reality.
How many places are you avoiding the future because you don’t want to get paid, uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you’re stopping your future so you don’t get paid, uncreate and delete all that. You know what’s really funny is I heard some of guys are stopping your future so you don’t get paid and you don’t get laid. That’s what I heard. So anyway you guys are stopping your future so you don’t get paid or you don’t get laid, everything that is, uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you guys are listening to your patterns instead of listening to your higher self, uncreate and delete all that.
Okay, so here is the real truth; the real truth is you guys actually really do know what you should do. So I want you to just like get really big right now, 300 feet tall, I want you to get out of your mind for a minute and I want you to just end your reality, kind of be above your reality and just go into true awareness, okay. Pretend for a minute that your higher self, god, whatever your word is, your higher self or god was going to deliver you the most profound message you ever had in your life and ask “What am I supposed to do that generates the most amount of money for me right now?” Lydia is saying, “You should see my awesome de-cluttered garage. She healed her blocks from her horrific childhood, love it. So Frank said his music is calling.
Growing up as a kid told to get a real job. Okay, so screw the real job Frank. Like I know people who get paid for writing songs for people. Or maybe you could do some sort of inspirational meditations and do your music, you know what I mean? So ask how can I get paid doing my music and maybe make a list of 20 ways you can get paid doing music. And then pick one of those things and focus on it a little bit, okay. So some of you guys are teachers and want to teach people how to read. Some of you guys got some insight about dreaming up better clients, finishing some work, love it. So what would it take for you guys to attract the kind of people who would happily buy your services? And everything in the way of that can you uncreate and delete it all.
What would it take for you guys to happily generate and create the people who would happily pay for your services? And everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete it all. What would it take for you guys to generate money on the web, generate money in your town, generate money anywhere in your life? And everything in the way of that, uncreate it all. What would it take for you guys to be a magnet for opportunity drawing to you the right people, places and things to happily and easily open every door imaginable to you? And everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete it all.
So Roselyn paid off all her debts, that’s great. So, yes, abundance is opening up.
Okay, cool. Sarah’s getting an image that since she has not been able to help her husband with his problems then she thinks she’s not good at anything. Actually that’s a good realization because sometimes if you take all your energy helping other people and they don’t change or shift, you can’t take all your energy into one person, you know what I mean? And sometimes those closest to you don’t want to move. So what would it take for you to take all your talents and skills and instead of doing it for free you get paid for helping people. Everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete it all.
Alright so Trevor is going to help people get paid for telling stories, love it. So Wanda I would not listen to my partner; I would just not care. I would just go charge what I want. So anywhere you guys are letting one person stop you, I mean seriously I want you guys to really, really get this. So you guys are letting a silly fear pattern stop you. You’re letting one person stop you. The thing is you don’t have to tell that person what you’re doing, just go do it. It’s your life right? And if they get mad so what? So what? You know what I mean? That means they’re not supporting you so just keep saying, “What would it take for me to go do this anyway regardless of whatever this other person that I love is trying to stop me?” Because you’re letting their negativity win over your life. So anywhere you guys will let somebody else’s negativity win over your life, uncreate and delete all that.
This is a really good awareness, Wanda, okay. So everything in the way of you guys getting paid more, uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you’re waiting for somebody’s approval instead of just making it happen, uncreate and delete all that too.
Oscar says. “Act bold and unforeseen forces will come your way.” I love it. Alright you guys are doing good. So now can you see that anywhere you guys are blocked in any other section of your life that is stopping you from just manifesting the perfect clients and for you to get paid with your talents, uncreate and delete it all.
So here is your homework for the week. What would it take for you guys to get paid for your talents and know exactly how to make a lot of money? Okay, so Shelly you feel sad about this because there is an energy of anger leaving your body so that you can actually can go do it, okay. So it’s just a processing energy.
Kay wants to know her husband just received $400 from out of nowhere and he wants to know if she is doing her magic on him, I love it.
Margaret’s happy because she can see how this little focus can change her energy so she can attract wealthy clients, I love it. Because you just have to be the energy of wealth if you want to get wealthy clients right. So if you just know who you are and feel totally confident, wealthy people will resonate with you. So what would it take for you guys to be just totally confident in who you are and what you offer? Okay, and everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete it all.
The other part of your homework is asking your energy avatar, like your character, the avatar of your perfect client, you are going to practice asking that person for money. And you’re going to see him or her telling you yes. So anywhere you guys aren’t getting any direction for whatever reason, uncreate and delete it all.
Glenda it feels like you don’t want to move at some level. So any subconscious attack energy where you feel like if you move you’ll be attacked, uncreate and delete it all. Anywhere you guys have a fear of being attacked so you won’t move forward, uncreate and delete all that across time, dimension, space and reality. What would it take for you guys to get paid for your skills and talents? Everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete it all. What would it take for you guys to generate money with your talents? Everything in the way of that, will you uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension, space and reality.
What would it take for you guys to do what’s needed to ask people to pay you for your skills? And everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete it all. What would it take the universe to deliver all the courage to be paid more for your talents? And everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete it all. What vibrational energy can you become to have generous benefactors give you things? And everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete it all. What would it take for you to generate wealthy clients who pay you money? Everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete it all. What would it take for you guys to body, mind, soul, emotional body to have everything line up where you take massive action in spite of any pattern or person who comes in the way of it? And everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete it all.
What vibrational energy can allow you to be paid for your skills generously? Uncreate and delete it all. What vibrational energy can bring you more and more skills and talents? And everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete it all.
I want to bring up one more thing about being paid, it just kind of popped in my head. So John you would say, “What would it take for anything that I’m allowing from my mother to influence my life?” Uncreate and delete it all. “Anything I’m allowing from my father to influence my life in a way that stops my money.” Uncreate and delete it all. Anywhere I’m allowing myself to influence my life in a way that stops my money, uncreate and delete it all.
Remember how I had you guys think of your perfect customer? So just call it the perfect customer. You’re going to ask the perfect customer how and you’re going to practice that you’re asking that person for money and they happily give it to you doing your talent and skill.
Glenda you felt attacked by your mom’s energy because you were thinking she is not happy so she must not be happy with me and that felt like an attack to you. And then somewhere around 17, 18 and 20 you felt like stopped or blocked from moving forward. And then somewhere you had a hubby or a boyfriend or something that kind of stopped you. Okay, so those are all your blocks.
So I want to talk about this for a minute because Wanda brought up a really great point. If you don’t resonate with how much you’re asking for, there’s two things that are going on. This is going to sound funny but if you’re charging too little you’ll get resentful. If you’re resentful you won’t generate the kind of right clients for you, if that makes sense. So for a long time I was charging like not as much as what I do now. But the thing is that I watched my energy; I was getting drained, I was getting tired, I was getting cranky, I was feeling like out of alignment. And when I raised my prices, because I came into my awareness what was really going on, is I felt like I was worth more but I was charging less so therefore I felt ashamed of myself. And because I felt ashamed of myself it was kind of lowering my vibration, right.
So if you’re not in alignment; like if you’re charging too little it will actually block your money. So Wanda I’m actually hearing $75 bucks an hour so why don’t you go try that for a little bit because you’ll draw in a different kind of cliental. So any of you guys that are holding yourself back by charging too little instead of moving into the energy of abundance and the free flowing energy of abundance and the joyous energy of abundance, uncreate and delete all that.
Okay, so anywhere you guys feel sucker-punched in any way, like some sort of energy of like I can’t get paid that much and I’m not worth it, uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension, space and reality. All realities that are coalescing to this moment- so this is the moment you guys can change your life, right here right now this is the moment where you as an infinite being unlock all the doors to your abundance. This is the moment where you let go of your freak-outs, your fear patterns and all the other internal stuff you guys have going on that’s stopping you. So everything that is, person, place, thing, event, idea, thought, feeling, justification, conclusion, evidence, any childhood trauma or anything locked in your energy fields that are stopping you from moving forward and charging what you want using your talents and abilities, uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension, space and reality.
Alright cool, thank you Sarah. Okay, so 30 to 40 times a day of want vibrational energy can you become to get paid for being you? And you’re still in process so I know you guys are going to make money this year, so I love it love it. I think you guys are amazing. I completely love and adore you and appreciate so much that you guys have showed up for yourself. That’s what I admire about you guys; that you’re willing to just work through your stuff be over it once and for all and never have to have the same complaints in your life again. And then you can go get paid everything you’re worth. I have one little pull.
If you can label how much you have manifested since the beginning of the journey and put it in dollar amounts like including savings and all those kind of things, what have you generated? You guys have generated some money that’s lovely. And the really cool thing is you’ve changed your foundation. So what I know most of all is that you’ll never be the same, how cool is that. And what I know most of all is that you have tools now that you can change anything in your life.
Alright love you bunches and many blessings.
Please continue to the next Unlimited Abundance Journey session.