Using Positive Affirmations in the Law of Attraction

Dear Friends:

It is important to constantly think positive thoughts in order to make the Law of Attraction work for you.  The universe is an unlimited source of abundance.  There is enough for everyone in the world to have what they want.  Try using positive affirmations each day to make your wishes come true.  Below are some to get you started:

I always have more money than I need.

Money comes to me easily and effortlessly.

I have unlimited prosperity and I control my own reality.

Money comes to me quickly and easily from many different sources.  All I have to do is ask.

I deserve to have abundance and I am comfortable accepting it when it comes my way.

I am successful, and deserve to be successful.

I have more money than I ever thought was possible.

I am living my ideal life.

All the answers to the questions I have are within me and I know how to implement them for success.

I am financially free.  I do not need for anything.

I always have more money than I need.  I never worry about money or where the next money will come from.

I am a good person and I deserve to have all the money I need to be financially secure.

Write down all of these affirmations on 3 x 5 cards and carry them around with you to look at any time you feel you need a positive boost.  You can also come up with some of your own affirmations that go along with what you want in your life.  You can also put these 3 x 5 cards in different places throughout your home that you will see often to remind you that you can do anything you put your mind to.


The best day of your life is the one on which you decide
your life is your own.  No apologies or excuses.  No one to
lean on, rely on, or blame.  The gift is yours – it is an
amazing journey – and you alone are responsible for the
quality of it.  This is the day your life really begins.

~ Bob Moawad


Making the Law of Attraction Work for You

Dear Friends:

Do you ever feel that the Law of Attraction is not working for you?

Have you ever noticed that some people just naturally have success with the Law of attraction very easily?Β  Are you one of them?Β  If not, then check out the tips below to see how the Law of Attraction may start to work in your favor.

One reason people have problems with the Law of Attraction is because they expect instantaneous results.Β  If you do not get results quickly, then you may find yourself becoming frustrated and wanting to give up.Β  The problem is that the Law of Attraction does not always happen immediately.Β  Some things that you ask for from the Universe may take more time than others to come about.

Another reason people might have problems with the Law of Attraction is because they may expect an answer to come to them by a certain method.Β  Let’s say that you were to ask for money.Β  You cannot expect that someone is just going to give it to you.Β  There are many ways that money can come to you, and the Law of Attraction will lead you to what you need to do in order to obtain the money.

It may lead you to the right circumstances, the right way to earn the money quickly, or any other possibilities of obtaining the money.Β  When you request something using the Law of Attraction, you need to also be open in receiving any messages that come into your mind to lead you to the right path in obtaining it.

Just because the money was not given to you does not mean that you will not receive it.Β  You may receive it by an idea that will help bring the money to you.Β  It also depends on whether you are willing to take action on your ideas or not for them to manifest in reality.

Keep a positive energy growing and understand that it is important for you to show gratitude for everything you have in your life that is good.Β  If you do not succeed at first, then you need to fight the urge to become frustrated and give up.Β  Keep a constant positive focus on your thoughts and remove all doubts in order to allow the Law of Attraction to work for you.Β  If you have seen other people receiving what they asked for by using the Law of Attraction, then ask them if they can share with you what worked for them.Β  Did they keep a positive attitude and understand that they had to remove
negative doubts from their minds?Β  Were they open in receiving what they asked for?

By learning to understand the rules of the Law of Attraction, you will start to see the things that you ask for manifest right before your eyes.Β  Always maintain a positive attitude and believe that whatever you want and ask for can be yours.

People are always blaming their circumstances for what they
are.Β  I don’t believe in circumstances.Β  The people who get
on in this world are the people who get up and look for the
circumstances they want, and, if they can’t find them, make
them.Β  ~ G.B. Shaw, Mrs. Warren’s Profession, 1893


Relationships and the Law of Attraction

Dear Friends:

The Law of Attraction can manifest itself to help you achieve health, happiness and wealth.  Part of being happy is to have a loving and fulfilling relationship as well.

Even if you do not practice the Law of Attraction in your life, it is still in the Universe coming from you.  Everyone puts out vibrations into the Universe; the Universe collects them, and then sends it back to each person.

The results will be much better if you intentionally use the Law of Attraction to focus on the things you want, because when you determine what it is that you really want and become excited about it, the excitement turns into power and brings those things to you.

If you are looking for a special person in your life,  then first determine what it is that you want in your mate.  Take out a piece of paper and write down a list of everything that you’re looking for in a partner.  Write down the things that you feel would bring you happiness in a relationship.  Now that you have a better idea of what you want, the Law of Attraction can bring you your mate through the Universe.  When you send out a frequency of what you are looking for, your mate is directed to you through that frequency which they also are directing outward themselves.  Continually affirm in your mind that this person does exist.  Have faith that you can find this person.  Believe that when you find him/her, you will know it and he/she will bring joy into your life.

Like attracts like with the Law of Attraction.  If you are unhappy or depressed, then the Law of Attraction will bring to you another person that is also unhappy or depressed.  Make sure that you are sending out only positive signals about the person that you want to have a relationship with.  Be extremely specific in the type of person you are looking for and put out those same personality traits in yourself that you are looking for in others.  If you are looking for a strong, sensitive, and happy person, then you also need to be strong, sensitive, and happy in order to attract this kind of person into your life.


The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved;
loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves.

~ Victor Hugo


How to Use the Law of Attraction to Manifest Fast Results

Dear Friends:

If you use the Law of Attraction correctly, then you can manifest your desires very quickly.

In order to have the best results, try out the following tips:

1.  Talk about the things you want:

By talking about what you want, you are bringing it into reality.  The more you talk about what you want, the faster it moves into your state of being.  Say for example that you want to have a new car; get pictures of it, look at them, and then talk about how good it feels and why you want it.  Talk about it as if you already have it and how much you enjoy having it.

2.  Show gratitude for having what you want:

Get excited and say how grateful you are that you now have the new car that you have always wanted.  Repeat over and over to yourself how excited you are to have it and how grateful you feel that you have it.  Feel the excitement as you give thanks for receiving it.

3.  Make a vision board with pictures of all the things that you desire to obtain:

Keep your vision board close to you where you can see it clearly throughout the day.   Tell yourself that all these things are yours to have and that you will soon be enjoying them.  By doing this, you are attracting these things into your reality.

4.  Now let go:

Once you have spent some time looking at your vision board, go on doing things as you normally do each day.  Do not constantly spend time thinking about the things you desire, just let go and trust that they will come to you at the right time.

5.  Allow yourself to receive the things you want:

Many people think that they do not deserve the things they want in life.  Do not allow yourself to feel this way.  Tell yourself that you are allowed to receive the things you want and that you deserve receiving them.  By allowing yourself to receive what you want, you will get the things that you are asking for.

6.  Remember that you are worthy of having the things you want:

You can have everything that you desire come to you.  Believe that everything in the Universe is available to you for the asking.  You deserve it and you are worthy.

7.  Decide what you will give in return for receiving what you want:

The more you give the more you will get and you will manifest your dreams much quicker by giving in return.  Decide how you will pay it forward when you achieve what you wish for.


Sometimes it’s harder to attain inner silence than outer
silence.  The dog stopped barking and the kids have gone to
bed, but your mind has a lot to talk about and it knows you
can’t pretend you’re not at home.

~ Linda Solegato


Tips to Make the Law of Attraction Work For You

Dear Friends:

The Law of Attraction can bring many wonderful things into your life.  Below are some tips that will help you use the Law of Attraction with the best results.

1.  Use Visualization:

A very good way to make the Law of Attraction work is to use a mental picture to actually see what you want to happen in your life.  See yourself having a better job, being healthier, having more wealth, being in the house of your dreams, or whatever it is that you want in order to improve your life.

2.  Use Positive Affirmations:

Positive affirmations can help put you in a more positive frame of mind each day so that you can achieve success quicker.  If you are looking to lose weight, then you can use affirmations such as “I am healthy and fit, I now can fit into my old jeans, I love what I see when I look in the mirror”, etc.  By using positive affirmations everyday, you train your mind to become more positive and put out good energy into the universe.

3.  Have your Goals Written Down:

It is extremely important to know what it is you truly want in your life, focus on your goals and take steps in order to achieve them.

4.  Have a Positive Attitude:

Always remain positive in your thoughts and actions.

5.  Always Keep Moving Forward:

Keep focused and move forward towards achieving what you want.  Stay focused on your goals and ambitions.  Even if you only take tiny steps moving forward, just make sure to not move backwards.

Use the Law of Attraction techniques each day and before you know it you’ll have everything you want to achieve in your life.


Faith is raising the sail of our little boat until it is
caught up in the soft winds above and picks up speed, not
from anything within itself, but from the vast resources of
the universe around us.

~ W. Ralph Ward


Your Finances and The Law of Attraction

Dear Friends:

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you did not have to live paycheck to paycheck?  Wouldn’t it be nice to have all the money you needed instead of having debt?  You may be thinking that this sounds too good to be true, but the Law of Attraction can help you change your financial situation.

In order to attract money into your life, you need to change your negative thoughts.  Instead of thinking about how many bills you have all the time, try thinking about how much excess money you have and all the fun things you want to do with it.

According to the Law of Attraction, if you have a positive outlook, then you will get the things that you need to make you happy.  When using the Law of Attraction to attract money, it is best to focus on what you can actually get with the money and not the money itself.  If you focus only on the money, it will make the process more difficult because it is hard for you to be emotional about the money itself.  The Law of Attraction will work much better if you can attach a strong emotional charge to what you want.  The more positive energy you put out into the Universe, the better it works.  You want to focus on the things you can get with the money and put a strong emotional reason for wanting those things behind it in order to achieve success.  Think about all the wonderful things you want in life that requires money like traveling, a new house, a boat, a vacation home, the car of your dreams, or whatever it is that you can get excited about.

The Law of Attraction will work best if you are specific about what you want.  Say you have a favorite vacation place that you like to go to every year.  Why not check out some beautiful homes in the area, get pictures of the entire place, and hang them where you will see them often.  Tell yourself that this is your vacation home and that several times a year you get to visit it and have a wonderful time.  Visualize enjoying all the fun things you are doing in your new vacation home.  Can you see how this can be much more effective than just thinking about wanting the money for it?

By putting pictures of what you want where you can see them often, you are giving yourself an emotionally charged visual aid to help you attract what you want into your life.  This will give you something to wish for.  Tell yourself,  “This is my dream vacation home and I am able to visit any time I want.  Sometimes I just go there for the weekend and other times I spend a week or two. I love my vacation home”.  Visualize yourself in the vacation home and repeat to yourself how happy you feel now that you have this wonderful vacation home.  Focus all your desires and emotions on obtaining your beautiful new vacation home.

The Law of Attraction works best when you are clear about exactly what you want.  Having the pictures of what you want hanging in plain view where you can see it every day will help to bring in positive energy to manifest your wishes into reality.



Perhaps we are looking at this from a wrong perspective;
this search for the truth, the meaning of life, the reason
of God.  We all have this mindset that the answers are so
complex and so vast that it is almost impossible to
comprehend.  I think, on the contrary, that the answers are
so simple; so simple that it is staring us straight in the
face, screaming its lungs out, and yet we fail to notice
it.  We’re looking through a telescope, searching the stars
for the answer, when the answer is actually a speck of dirt
on the telescope lens.

~ Jason Q., from



Have Faith in the Law of Attraction

When you are working with the Law of Attraction, it is very important for you to have faith that you can accomplish what you want.  Many people think that if they do not believe 100%, then there is no way they’ll ever be successful with the Law of Attraction and so they give up before they even try.

The great thing is that as long as you have faith and belief more than you disbelieve then you will be able to start attracting the things you want in your life.  As long as you have the faith and determination to keep a positive outlook, you can start receiving all your hopes, dreams, desires, and make them a reality.  Open your heart up and believe that it is possible to have the things that you want.

Keep a complete mindset of the possibilities that all your dreams can become a reality.  Become certain that everything that you want to achieve in your life is possible if you will just state it clearly.  Open your mind and heart to be receptive to accept it once it appears.

If at first you feel like it is not possible to get anything to work with the Law of Attraction, why not begin by asking for something small?  As an example, let’s say you would like a new rug for your dining room.  Start by going to different stores and looking at different rugs to see which one you want.  Take your digital camera and take pictures of them.

Next, print up the pictures of the three or four of your favorites and hang them where you will see them every day.  Once you have decided the exact rug you want, take down the rest of the pictures.

Spend time each day focusing on the picture of the rug you want.  See it in your dining room.  Visualize the entire room and how beautiful it looks with the rug.  Act as if you already have it in your dining room and you’re having a dinner party.  See your friends smiling and telling you what a beautiful rug that is and how lovely your dining room looks.

Tell yourself that it is yours.  Now let go and allow it to come to you.  The Law of Attraction can work in many ways. It will guide you to what you need to do in order to obtain what you want.  Once you have achieved a small success with the Law of Attraction, you will be open and have faith that anything you want can become reality.


When we create something, we always create it first in a
thought form. If we are basically positive in attitude,
expecting and envisioning pleasure, satisfaction and
happiness, we will attract and create people, situations,
and events which conform to our positive expectations.



Manifesting and the Law of Attraction

In order to manifest what you want, you must first have a clear mental image of it.  It has to be as clear as if it were sitting right next to you.  Imagine every single detail.  If you want to attract a new house, you need to have an exact picture with every detail of the house that you can look at throughout the day.

Find your dream house and have the realtor take you through it.  Take as many pictures of it as you can while you are looking through the house.  This will give you something to put up where you can look at them any time you want.

Tell yourself that you will have this house and use positive energy every time you think about it or talk about it.  Act as if you already own it and start making plans for how you want to decorate it.

Next, you must learn to “Let Go and Let God”.  This can be one of the hardest things to do as you are now leaving it all up to the universe and God.  You do not want to spend time sitting around and worrying about when it will come true, you just have to sit back and keep telling yourself that it is yours and it will come at the right time.

You must believe with all the faith you can muster up that you are going to get it.  Belief is one of the main components in the entire process.  You have to believe that whatever you have asked for is on its way to you.

You should always give thanks for the thing that you desire.  Even before you actually have it, act as if you already have it and show your complete gratitude for what you have received.  The more grateful you are the easier it is to build your energy and strengthen your beliefs.

You have to take action.  You need to take an inspired action and listen to that little voice within you telling you what your next step is.  Your intuition will speak to you and you must be open to hearing it.  If you practice these steps, then you will be amazed at the things that you attract into your life.



Our minds become magnetized with the dominating thoughts we
hold in our minds and these magnets attract to us the
forces, the people, the circumstances of life which
harmonize with the nature of our dominating thoughts.




The Law of Attraction and Visualization

Dear Friends:

One of the best things you can do for attracting what you want is to learn how to visualize already having them.  Learning how to visualize what you want can take a little time.  Today we are going to learn some techniques to help you visualize your dreams.  Whether you realize it or not you are visualizing them all the time.  You most likely are not even aware that you are doing it.  However, your mind is always conjuring up images.

Think about the different things you do throughout your day.  When you are trying to figure out how to do a project that you are working on, do you find yourself visualizing the results?  This is just one way that throughout the day you will find yourself visualizing what you need to accomplish.

When you speak on the phone to a friend, do you find yourself visualizing what they are talking to you about?  Say your friend is describing a nice restaurant they went to and telling you about the ambiance.  Do you find yourself seeing the place in your mind’s eye?  This is called visualizing.

Therefore, as you can see, visualizing is something you do unconsciously.  Now imagine if you could take that ability and visualize at will.  You can visualize everything you want and make it come to be.

If what you want is a happy relationship, then visualize yourself being in a loving and happy relationship.  Spend time every day visualizing this relationship.  See yourself and your partner having wonderful times together, laughing, talking and sharing intimacy.  The more you visualize on what you want, the more you are opening your mind up to the possibilities.  By practicing visualization for the things you want, you are actually attracting things you want to come into your life.

Take time to write down all of the things that you want in your life, then choose a couple of them at a time, and practice visualizing them already being in your life.  Use all of your emotions to immerse yourself into your visualization of the things you want.

Do not let thoughts come into your mind that will distract you.  If they do, then simply state to yourself again what it is you want and concentrate on visualizing already having it.  This will take practice, but the more you do it better you get at it and if you keep with it, you will soon find yourself getting the things that you want in life.


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Keep on going, and the chances are that you will stumble on something,

perhaps when you are least expecting it.

I never heard of anyone ever stumbling on something sitting down.

~ Charles F. Kettering


The Law of Attraction

What is the ‘Law of Attraction‘?

The Law of Attraction is a law of the Universe which uses your thoughts to manifest thing/events you want in your life.  When you focus on a thought, you empower that thought and make it grow stronger.  The Universe does not differentiate between good and bad or right and wrong when it comes to your thoughts.  It just manifests in your life what you truly want, which may oftentimes be very different from what you think you want.  In order to make the Law of Attraction work for you,  you should focus on positive thoughts regarding the things/events you want to happen in your life.  Your thoughts become your reality so you need to think only about the things/events you really want.

You need to be completely clear about what you want since the Universe will deliver exactly what you ask for.  It is also a good idea to write down all of the things that you want and then clearly state them in your thoughts daily to put them out into the universe.

Even if you do not believe that the Law of Attraction works, it will still work for you.  You simply need to control your feelings & thoughts and put out only good energy into the universe.

You need to make a conscious decision every minute of the day to pay attention to your thoughts and make sure that they are positive.  In order to manifest what you want in your life,  you must think of these things,  ask for them,  show gratitude for them as if you already have them,  and then have faith that they will come to be.

Some things that can help make the Law of Attraction work for you include:

  • Spend time using visualization; allowing only positive ideas.
  • Develop positive thoughts and attitudes.
  • Avoid negative or unsupportive people.  If need be, find new friends to hang out with that also have positive thoughts and attitudes.
  • Work to put together a group of people you can meet with who also believe in the Law of Attraction.
  • Read as much as you can about the Law of Attraction and how it works.
  • Spend time each day using positive affirmations, visualizations, meditation or other activities that will help you get what you want out of life.
  • Take time to work on your positive energy and learn to believe in this process.
  • In order to make the Law of Attraction work, you may need to use blind faith at the beginning until you understand the concept fully.
  • Make sure to use positive thoughts and affirmations everyday and never let any doubt into your mind that what you want can be manifested into your life.


The Secret of Attraction is to Love Yourself.

Attractive people judge neither themselves nor others.

They are open to gestures of love.

They think about love, and express their love in every action.

They know that love is not a mere sentiment,

but the ultimate truth at the heart of the universe.

~ Deepak Chopra ~


DISCLAIMER:  All information is intended for your general knowledge only, and is not a substitute for your counselors’ advice or treatment.  Use of the Law of Attraction and self-help tips are at your own risk.  We make no warranty, express or implied, regarding your individual results.