Using Positive Affirmations in the Law of Attraction

Dear Friends:

It is important to constantly think positive thoughts in order to make the Law of Attraction work for you.  The universe is an unlimited source of abundance.  There is enough for everyone in the world to have what they want.  Try using positive affirmations each day to make your wishes come true.  Below are some to get you started:

I always have more money than I need.

Money comes to me easily and effortlessly.

I have unlimited prosperity and I control my own reality.

Money comes to me quickly and easily from many different sources.  All I have to do is ask.

I deserve to have abundance and I am comfortable accepting it when it comes my way.

I am successful, and deserve to be successful.

I have more money than I ever thought was possible.

I am living my ideal life.

All the answers to the questions I have are within me and I know how to implement them for success.

I am financially free.  I do not need for anything.

I always have more money than I need.  I never worry about money or where the next money will come from.

I am a good person and I deserve to have all the money I need to be financially secure.

Write down all of these affirmations on 3 x 5 cards and carry them around with you to look at any time you feel you need a positive boost.  You can also come up with some of your own affirmations that go along with what you want in your life.  You can also put these 3 x 5 cards in different places throughout your home that you will see often to remind you that you can do anything you put your mind to.


The best day of your life is the one on which you decide
your life is your own.  No apologies or excuses.  No one to
lean on, rely on, or blame.  The gift is yours – it is an
amazing journey – and you alone are responsible for the
quality of it.  This is the day your life really begins.

~ Bob Moawad


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