Relationships and the Law of Attraction

Dear Friends:

The Law of Attraction can manifest itself to help you achieve health, happiness and wealth.  Part of being happy is to have a loving and fulfilling relationship as well.

Even if you do not practice the Law of Attraction in your life, it is still in the Universe coming from you.  Everyone puts out vibrations into the Universe; the Universe collects them, and then sends it back to each person.

The results will be much better if you intentionally use the Law of Attraction to focus on the things you want, because when you determine what it is that you really want and become excited about it, the excitement turns into power and brings those things to you.

If you are looking for a special person in your life,  then first determine what it is that you want in your mate.  Take out a piece of paper and write down a list of everything that you’re looking for in a partner.  Write down the things that you feel would bring you happiness in a relationship.  Now that you have a better idea of what you want, the Law of Attraction can bring you your mate through the Universe.  When you send out a frequency of what you are looking for, your mate is directed to you through that frequency which they also are directing outward themselves.  Continually affirm in your mind that this person does exist.  Have faith that you can find this person.  Believe that when you find him/her, you will know it and he/she will bring joy into your life.

Like attracts like with the Law of Attraction.  If you are unhappy or depressed, then the Law of Attraction will bring to you another person that is also unhappy or depressed.  Make sure that you are sending out only positive signals about the person that you want to have a relationship with.  Be extremely specific in the type of person you are looking for and put out those same personality traits in yourself that you are looking for in others.  If you are looking for a strong, sensitive, and happy person, then you also need to be strong, sensitive, and happy in order to attract this kind of person into your life.


The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved;
loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves.

~ Victor Hugo


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