πŸ’ 10 Keys to Happier Living!

🌹 𝟏𝟎 𝐊𝐞𝐲𝐬 𝐭𝐨 π‡πšπ©π©π’πžπ« 𝐋𝐒𝐯𝐒𝐧𝐠 π›πšπ¬πžπ 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐑𝐞 π₯𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐑 – 𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓 πƒπ‘π„π€πŒ! πŸ’

G – GIVING – Do things for others

R – RELATING – Connect with people

E – EXERCISING – Take care of your body

A – AWARENESS – Live life mindfully

T – TRYING OUT – Keep learning new things

D – DIRECTION – Have goals to look forward to

R – RESILENCE – Find ways to bounce back

E – EMOTIONS – Look for what’s good

A – ACCEPTANCE – Be comfortable with who you are

M – MEANING – Be part of something bigger

Great Dreams

20 Bedtime Affirmations

20 Bedtime Affirmations

I surrender to, I listen, and I follow my inner guidance.

I am safe.

I did my best today.

I am the creator of my own life. 

I am happy with the things I achieved today.

I appreciate everything I have. 

Tomorrow is a new day and a fresh start. 

All is well right now.

My mind is slowing down.

Calmness washes over me with every deep breath I take.

All is well and I am supported. 

I release my concerns for the time being. 

Being in a peaceful state is normal for me.

I love relaxing.

Slowing down feels good. 

Finding time each day to relax and unwind is important.

I have a naturally peaceful mind. 

I am proud of myself.

Letting go of the tension in my life is rejuvenating. 

I effortlessly let go of any thoughts, concerns, or worries.

I wake up each day with enthusiasm and excitement.

Source(s): https://www.mindmovies.com/

I Create Wonderful New Beliefs for Myself

What we believe about our Life becomes true for us.

Affirmative Beliefs to say everyday:

1.Β  I am always safe.

2.Β  Everything I need to know is revealed to me.

3.Β  Everything I need comes to me in the perfect time/space sequence.

4.Β  Life is a joy and filled with love.

5.Β  I prosper wherever I turn.

6.Β  I am willing to change and to grow.

7.Β  All is well in my world.

This Day is One of Completion

My Path is easy, smooth, and complete.

Each moment of my life is perfect, whole, and complete.Β  With God, nothing is ever unfinished.

Wake up with a sense of fulfillment.

Everything in my life falls into place easily and effortlessly.

Everything is one time and in perfect Divine right order.

All is complete, and I feel good!Β  πŸ˜€

I Express My True Being

This is a New Day.Β  All is Good.

I have a consciousness of oneness with the presence and power of God.

The Divine Source supplies my every need.

Tips To Help You Take Control of Your Life

Dear Friends:

In order to have control of your life you need to practice positive thinking.Β  Focus on all your accomplishments and strengths in order to build up your positive energy.

Check out these tips below to help you become a more positive thinker:

1.Β  Be sure to take care of You:

It is much easier to have a positive attitude if you are healthy.Β  Eat right, get plenty of exercise, and make sure to get enough sleep each night.

2. Keep yourself from using Absolutes:

Do not say things like “You never do this!” or “You always do that!”Β  Because of course, it is not true.Β  When you tell someone that they never do something or they always do something, not only does it make them feel like not trying, but it makes you feel more sure that they never do anything right.Β  When you feel this way about a person, it also makes you feel bad about yourself.

3. Get rid of bad thoughts:

Don’t allow yourself to think things like “People are staring at me”, “People think I’m strange”, “People are laughing at me”, or any other thoughts that you allow in your head that are negative.Β  The self-imagined thoughts only cause you pain.Β  Think of it this way, what other people think about you, is none of your business.Β  The only thing that matters is what you think about yourself, so keep a positive attitude towards yourself.

4. Do some volunteer work:

When you volunteer or help other people, it makes you feel better about yourself.Β  It makes you feel like you have more control over yourself and are doing the right thing.

5. Get out of the house more:

Don’t spend all your time working or sitting in the house alone.Β  The more time you spend alone or working without any fun or socializing activities, the more out of control your life starts to feel.

Take time to do things that help other people and yourself.Β  Take time to get control of your life by doing positive things that make you feel more confident in yourself.Β  The more confident you feel, the more control you will have over everything in your life.


Often people attempt to live their lives backwards; they
try to have more things, or more money, in order to do more
of what they want, so they will be happier.Β  The way it
actually works is the reverse.Β  You must first be who you
really are, then do what you need to do, in order to have
what you want.

~ Margaret Young


Are You Manifesting Your Desires?

Dear Friends:

Our thoughts control what happens in our daily life.Β  However, if you find yourself thinking about wanting to have money, it does not necessarily mean that you will get it.Β  The problem is that most people are focusing on the lack of the money that they have.Β  In order to manifest your desire to have money, make sure you stay focused on having abundance in your life.Β  Imagine that you already have what you want and feel the excitement you feel having it.

By changing your thoughts, you are also changing your perception of the world.Β  In order to manifest your desires you need to decide exactly what it is that you want.Β  If you want to make $100,000 a year or more, see yourself already making that amount and think about the things you want to buy and do with that money.Β  Next, be open in accepting it into your life.Β  Eliminate your self-limiting beliefs such as ‘Money doesn’t grow on trees’, or ‘It takes hard work to earn money’, etc. so that you will not be self-sabotaging your efforts along the way.Β  Offer thanks and gratitude in advance by saying to yourself, “I am grateful for having this money”, and by allowing yourself to be open for it to enter your life.


He who has faith has… an inward reservoir of courage,
hope, confidence, calmness, and assuring trust that all
will come out well – even though to the world it may appear
to come out most badly.

~ B.C. Forbes


The Power of Your Desires

Dear Friends:

Desire is a strong motivator towards using your mind power.Β  Not only do you need to know what you want, but you also have to want it very much and then be willing to make an effort towards obtaining it.

Start by creating a strong, intense desire towards obtaining whatever it is that you want to accomplish or attain.Β  You need to build up a desire so strong that you would be willing to use every ounce of your energy and power towards accomplishing your goals.Β  The stronger the desire you put into what you want, the more energy it will build and the more positive energy you will put out into the universe.Β  You must be willing to keep trying and trying with a strong desire and never give up.

First, know what it is that you truly want.Β  Be clear, precise and positive in everything that you wish for.Β  Approach it with complete belief and enthusiasm.Β  Create a strong desire and put out all of your positive energy in order to obtain it.Β  Trust that the Universe will deliver what you want at the right time and then let go.


Watch your thoughts, for they become words.Β  Watch your
words, for they become actions.Β  Watch your actions, for
they become habits.Β  Watch your habits, for they become
character.Β  Watch your character, for it becomes your



You Can Get What You Ask For

Dear Friends:

You can get what you ask for.Β  Now I realize that you may be skeptical and think that there is no way this can be true.Β  There may have been many times in your life that you asked for things and never received them.Β  What you need to realize is that you also have to be open to receiving things.

Everything in this world that exists was at one time created in someone’s mind.Β  It all starts with a thought.Β  Your thoughts are energy and energy manifests itself.Β  The more you put your thoughts toward the exact thing you want, the easier and quicker it will manifest itself.Β  We create things every day without even knowing it.Β  If you look deep down into your subconscious mind and it is constantly reminding you that you have nothing, are unhappy, and enjoy no happy relationships, then that will carry on manifesting itself in reality.

The hard part is trying to change your subconscious mind to create positive things in your life.Β  This will take time and you will need to work at it every day.Β  Start off with being aware of your negative thoughts, then learn how to stop them in their tracks.Β  Each time you find yourself having negative thoughts about what you want, stop them right away and say “I will have what I want”.Β  The more you learn to replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts, the more you will have positive results in your life.

Push out negative thoughts such as “I am not smart, I am overweight, nobody loves me, I am poor, and nothing ever goes right for me” or anything else that you find yourself thinking about often.Β  Replace them with thoughts such as “I am smart and can achieve anything I put my mind to.Β  I am losing weight every day and my body is getting healthier.Β  I am a loving person and people are drawn to me.Β  Everything I do turns out right”.

By replacing your negative self-imposed thoughts with positive thoughts, you can change your whole world.Β  It is completely under your control to change your subconscious mind to have more positive than negative thoughts.Β  Whether you realize it or not whenever you think a negative thought, you are actually asking for these things to continue in your life.Β  Spend as much time as you can each day thinking positive, productive thoughts that will help your subconscious mind become more positive.Β  When you catch yourself thinking negatively, stop yourself immediately and replace the thought with positive happy feelings.

Train yourself to only think about things which you would like to see happen in real life.Β  Remember, you get what you ask for, so ask for health, happiness, and success.



That which the dream shows is the shadow of such wisdom as
exists in man, even if during his waking state he may know
nothing about it…. We do not know it because we are
fooling away our time with outward and perishing things,
and are asleep in regard to that which is real within ourself.

~ Paracelsus, quoted in The Dream Game



We do not have to know how to forgive.

All we have to do is be willing to forgive.

The Universe will take care of the how.

—Β Β  Louise L. HayΒ Β  —

We all want to be freed of anger, resentment, hurt, and hatred.Β  Yet, it is much easier said than done.Β  This is especially the case when it involves your family members or loved ones; someone you had granted unconditional access into your heart, but who had in turn betrayed your trust, and made you stop believing in the goodness of this world.Β  In the book ‘Heart Thoughts’ by Louse L. Hay, the author talks about how refusing to let go of the past hurt prevents us from creating the future we really desire to have.Β  This is actually one of the biggest blocks to manifesting what you truly want in life.Β  When you refuse to forgive the hurt that has caused you in the past, then you are unable to live in the present moment; you are forever looking backwards, and cannot see the greatness that lies ahead of you.

You might say to yourself, ‘Why should I forgive that person?Β  That person has never acknowledged the hurt that he/she has caused me, and has never apologized to me’.Β  The truth is, that person may have already forgotten what hurtful actions he/she has caused you in the past, or may not even know that his/her actions has caused you great pain, and may never will.Β  That person may have passed away, or you may have lost contact with that person for good.Β  We may think that by not forgiving the other person, we will forever keep that person in chains.Β  The truth is, we will only forever keep ourselves in chains, bounded from head to toe.

A lot of times, being unable to forgive the other person comes from being unable to forgive yourself first.Β  We may often feel anger towards ourselves for ‘allowing’ the incident to happen to us.Β  We need to first forgive ourselves and acknowledge that we did the best we could under the circumstances, then forgive the person who has hurt us and understand that he/she did the best he/she could under his/her circumstances.

Forgiving the other person is not for the benefit of that person who hurt you.Β  It is for your own benefit, so that you will be able to set yourself free, can open your heart again, and be willing to welcome the wonderful presents that life has to offer you.Β  It may seem very difficult at first, but take the first step of being willing to forgive.Β  Start off by saying to yourself, I am willing to forgive myself, and anyone who has hurt me in the past’ over and over again.Β  When you don’t feel so emotional saying that, then you are ready to take on the next step by saying I forgive myself, and anyone who has hurt me in the past’.Β  When you can say that with great compassion and understanding, then you know that you are one giant leap closer to fulfillment and enlightenment!

Let us all forgive ourselves, love ourselves, forgive others, love others, and focus our intention on creating our perfect future!Β  πŸ™‚