Always prepare meals with a healthy protein, fat and carbohydrate.
Divide your plate into thirds and fill one third with the right amount of protein (same size as the palm of your hand and the same thickness) and the other 2/3rds of the plate with vegetables, add a dash of healthy fat (olive oil, avocado, coconut, ghee, nuts/seeds) and youโve got a hormonally balanced meal.
Go easy on fruits until youโre feeling a lot better. Stick to 1 cup berries/day or granny smith apples. Follow the Approved Food List.
Eat within an hour of waking and never go for more than 4 – 6 hours between meals.
Eat a high protein breakfast within a hour of waking.
Say a blessing before each meal. Plants and animals give their lives so that we can live.
Always eat a protein, fat and whole real carbohydrate together.
Eat when you are hungry, stop when you are satisfied.
Eat mindfully and relax while eating.
Chew each bite 25 times!
Eat as many vegetables as possible (2 cups at each meal for amazing fiber, vitamins and minerals).
Drink plenty of clean water – fluoride and chlorine free.
Respect your own biochemical uniqueness – don’t eat anything that makes you feel unwell.
Increase high fiber foods: mostly vegetables and berries.
Eat high EPA/DHA fish 1 – 2 times a week (i.e. wild-caught salmon) for the amazing anti-inflammatory Omega-3 fats.
Eat a rainbow every day and diversify your diet to get a variety of beautiful nutrients.
Stop eating 3 hours before bed for your body to heal and restore.