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第1堂: 企業為什麼要設退休金計劃,對老闆、員工及公司有何益處?
第1堂: 企業為什麼要設退休金計劃,對老闆、員工及公司有何益處?
1. 2022 IRA Maximum Contributions:
If over 50 years old, then $6000.
It makes sense to max out IRA contributions for 2022.
2. DC Plan (401k) ~ shared contributions between the employer and employee:
DC Plan shows up in our W-2 and 1040 forms.
A. Simple IRA for 2022 (5304 form):
If over 50 years old, then $17,000
B. 401(K):
If over 50 years old, then $27,000
C. Solo(K):
= Profit Sharing plan + 401(K)
25% or $61,000 (lowest amount) + $20,500.
If over 50 years old, can add an additional $6,500, to a maximum of $88,000.
第2堂: 善用策略 可領更多退休社安金
第2堂: 善用策略 可領更多退休社安金
1. 2022 Social Security Information:
Social Security Credits: Link
The amount of earnings it takes to earn a credit may change each year. In 2022, you earn one Social Security or Medicare credit for every $1,510 in covered earnings each year. You must earn $6,040 to get the maximum four credits for the year.
During your lifetime, you might earn more credits than the minimum number you need to be eligible for benefits. These extra credits do not increase your benefit amount. The average of your earnings over your working years, not the total number of credits you earn, determines how much your monthly payment will be when you receive benefits.
2. What is the $16,728 Social Security bonus secret?:
DC Plan shows up in our W-2 and 1040 forms.
A. Simple IRA for 2022 (5304 form):
If over 50 years old, then $17,000
B. 401(K):
If over 50 years old, then $27,000
C. Solo(K):
= Profit Sharing plan + 401(K)
25% or $61,000 (lowest amount) + $20,500.
If over 50 years old, can add an additional $6,500, to a maximum of $88,000.
D. Info:
第3堂: 已婚、離婚或喪偶者 領取退休社安金的不同策略
第3堂: 已婚、離婚或喪偶者 領取退休社安金的不同策略
1. 2022 IRA Maximum Contributions:
If over 50 years old, then $6000.
It makes sense to max out IRA contributions for 2022.
2. DC Plan (401k) ~ shared contributions between the employer and employee:
DC Plan shows up in our W-2 and 1040 forms.
A. Simple IRA for 2022 (5304 form):
If over 50 years old, then $17,000
B. 401(K):
If over 50 years old, then $27,000
C. Solo(K):
= Profit Sharing plan + 401(K)
25% or $61,000 (lowest amount) + $20,500.
If over 50 years old, can add an additional $6,500, to a maximum of $88,000.
D. Info:
第4堂: 該存多少401(k), 何時考慮用401(K) Rollover/Conversion?
第4堂: 該存多少401(k), 何時考慮用401(K) Rollover/Conversion?
1. 2022 IRA Maximum Contributions:
If over 50 years old, then $6000.
It makes sense to max out IRA contributions for 2022.
2. DC Plan (401k) ~ shared contributions between the employer and employee:
DC Plan shows up in our W-2 and 1040 forms.
A. Simple IRA for 2022 (5304 form):
If over 50 years old, then $17,000
B. 401(K):
If over 50 years old, then $27,000
C. Solo(K):
= Profit Sharing plan + 401(K)
25% or $61,000 (lowest amount) + $20,500.
If over 50 years old, can add an additional $6,500, to a maximum of $88,000.
D. Info:
第5堂: 教你如何判斷該存傳統還是Roth IRA
第5堂: 教你如何判斷該存傳統還是Roth IRA
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