Let Go of What Does Not Serve You!

How do you let go of someone that you were never in a relationship with? He’s probably the worst partner you’ve ever had if you two had been in a relationship. However, because of his intentional secrecy, because he has never disclosed any of his personal life to you, you end up thinking of this possible fairy-tale relationship with him through rose-colored lenses. Because of the way he acts physically towards you when see him, you think that he is also this strong and powerful person in bed, in real life.

崇拜 ~ 林憶蓮 (Sandy Lam)

For all you know, he could be impotent, or he could have premature ejaculation and be poorly endowed. You know nothing about him, and that’s why you give him the benefit of the doubt and think that he’s the greatest lover in the world. Meanwhile, he’s not tall, he’s immature, financially unstable and loves playing mind games. He’s like this immature child that you had been putting up with for almost a year now, and for what? Just for him to play even more stupid mind games with you?

Forget it! You know your self-worth. You deserve someone much better! He does not deserve you! All he ever does is try to suck up your energy and get your attention to feed his ego, because he has low self-esteem. He can’t even compare to what you already have, so why would you want to settle for less? Why would you lower your standards for someone who has done nothing for you? Exactly what on earth was it that you saw in him? What does he have to offer? He can’t even hold a conversation. Now that you’ve finally taken off your rose-colored lenses, you wonder to yourself, what did you ever see in him????? He probably cast a spell on you and that’s why you became blind and became attracted to him? Instead of wasting his brain cells on playing mind games, why doesn’t he just use that to further his own education instead?

He has physically hurt you in the past, and if you two were to get together, then he will most likely physically hurt you again in the future. He is a narcissist, to dare hurt you under those circumstances and not even be afraid of getting caught! For all you know, he’s probably an alcoholic and a sex addict, with anger issues and jealousy issues. That’s why someone else of the same age as him, with similar educational background, is already married with two children. And yet, this player is probably still frequenting night clubs and sleeping around with various high school dropout floozies (because those are the only kind that will be stupid enough to be fooled by him). I wouldn’t be surprised if he has STD’s as well. Thank goodness we were never in a relationship! If he dares to pull another stupid stunt and hurt you, then report him! Let him reap what he sows!



你的姿態 你的青睞 我存在在你的存在 (Chorus starts)
ni de zi tai  ni de qing lai  wo cun zai ni de cun zai
Your attitude, your good graces, I existed in your existence.

你以為愛 就是被愛 你揮霍了我的崇拜
(Chorus ends)
ni yi wei ai  jiu shi bei ai  ni hui huo le wo de chong bai
You thought that love meant you being loved. You squandered away all of my adoration for you.

我活了 我愛了 我都不管了
wo huo le  wo ai le  wo dou bu guan le
I’ve lived, I’ve loved, but now I don’t care
心愛到瘋了 恨到酸了就好了
xin ai dao feng le  hen dao suan le  jiu hao le
Loving til your heart’s gone crazy and hating til your heart’s gone sour, that’s enough
可能的 可以的 真的可惜了
ke neng de  ke yi de  zhen de ke xi le
Possibilities, opportunities – It’s sad that they no longer exist
幸福好不容易 怎麼你卻不敢了呢?
xing fu hao bu rong yi  zen me ni que bu gan le ne
It’s really not easy to attain happiness, but still, why don’t you have the courage to try?

我還以為我們能 不同於別人
wo hai yi wei wo men neng  bu tong yu bie ren
I even thought that we could be different from other people
我還以為不可能的 不會不可能
wo hai yi wei bu ke neng de  bu hui bu ke neng
I even thought that the impossible could not be impossible (i.e. that the impossible was possible)


風箏有風 海豚有海
feng zheng you geng  hai dun you hai
Kites have the wind, dolphins have the sea
wo cun zai zai wo de cun zai
I exist for myself
所以明白 所以離開
suo yi ming bai  suo yi li kai
so I can understand, so I can leave (you)
Suo yi bu zai wei ai er ai
so I no longer love because of love

我己存在 在你之外
Zi ji cun zai  zai ni zi wai
I’ll live alone, apart from you