2-04 Cutting Cords Meditation

Tool : The Cord Cutting Meditation

Removing Old, Unresolved Energy Patterns that No LongerΒ ServesΒ You

Energy cords are very present within families and are often from negative emotions like fear, anger and worry. Energy cords holding you back often come from ex-partners or ex-lovers. We form these β€œenergy cords” with anyone we’ve had an intense encounter with, whether sexual or anger. Some cord are good, but many are negative and keep you tied energetically to people you may want to let go.

Thing is, whatever trauma or main event that happens in your life will leave a mark in your energy. And if it’s negative, it can act as a β€œkink” in your future manifestation if you don’t clear them. This 30-minute meditation cuts the old, unresolved energy that your body is begging you to release.



Close your eyes, get in a comfortable position. When youΚΌre ready just take a deep breath and breathe out your day. Take another deep breathe, relax and breathe out your day. Take another deep breath, feel your body relax… peaceful. Look up and see or sense the light. Connect to the light and ask it to start filling your body. Let the light come into your body, your head… it fills your face, radiates light into your throat, feeling any denseness instantly releasing. This light goes down and fills your shoulders and moves into your heart. Feel this light move down your arms, into your wrists, your hands, your fingers and out your fingertips.

Ask the light to radiate and fill your chest cavity, your heart, your ribcage, your abdomen, your hips. Move the light down into your thighs, you knees, calves and your feet letting this energy move into the ground. See or sense an energy coming from your hips that moves down your hips, down your feet, down your legs and into the ground. See it connecting to the Center of the planet where it feels the happiest.

See yourself radiating this loving source light all around your energy field, so you feel and look like a golden sun. If you feel drawn to it, invite in any Archangels of the highest light and your benevolent guides to assist you. When youΚΌre ready, ask the light to shine brightly on any fear-based cords on your body. Like a flashlight, ask the light to light these up. Notice these without any judgment. And if you have any sore spots in your body sense if thereΚΌs a cord there.

Ask your divinely wise self that is always with you, this divinely wise self that is always part of you, ask this divinely wise self for a light tool. This light tool is going to be used to cut any cords of lower consciousness or fear. If you hold your hand out and open your heart youΚΌll feel the tool being placed in your hand. Maybe itΚΌs a sword or maybe its scissors or maybe itΚΌs something else. When you are ready find one of these cords of fear and imagine cutting the cord easily. Just whoosh! And see it gone. Ask your angel for assistance. Now ask your heart to send a pure flame of white light to the cord that has been severed. Sense it sparkling with intense flame of white love and light that travel down the cord, burning up the cord and all fear-based agendas with love. And when this flame hits the other person connected to it, it sparks and adds purified love and light to that person. Ask your heart to send sparks of love to the spot it was attached to in your body, using the light that is radiating through you. Turn the energy to liquid light and fill your body in.

This liquid light now transforms and heals your body instantly. This liquid light creates the blueprint of the healthy, purified body in your body energy systems. This liquid light dissolves all judgments, thoughts and decisions you made, that allowed these fear-based agendas to show up in your life and it heals everything instantly now. Notice any other cord you wish to release and again, take your light tool and whoosh! Cut the cord easily. Allow your heart to send aflame of energy, flying the cord back with loving light to whomever it is connected. If you feel you cannot reach it, as your heart to send a spark to the cord instantly, severing all ties to your body.

Ask your heart to send sparks of love to the spot it was attached to in your body, using the light that is radiating through you, turning to liquid light and filling the body in. This liquid light transforms and heals the body instantly now. You create the blueprint of a healthy, purified body and energy system. This liquid light dissolves all judgments, thoughts and decisions that you made that allowed these fear-based agendas to show up in your life and everything heals instantly now.

In a moment IΚΌm going to ask you to just notice all other cords that you wish to release. Do you have more than 10 or less than 10? Using your light tool and your angel, cut the cords easily. IΚΌll give you a moment that you can cut them all, sending them back in a flame of white light from your heart to the sender. These cords of fear release instantly, easily. Ask your heart to send sparks of love to the spots where these cords are attached to your body. Using the light that is radiating through you, turning to liquid light and filling the body in. This liquid light transforms and heals the body instantly now, restoring the blueprint of the healthy, purified body and body energy systems. This liquid light dissolves all judgments, thoughts and decisions you made that allowed these fear-based agendas you allowed to show up in your life. And everything heals instantly now.

Thank your angel. Thank your divinely wise self that is always a part of you and when you are ready, just take your light tool, place it back in your heart so it is always readily available to use at any time. Remind yourself that all is well, you are freely able to move forward in life, feeling aligned in love, moving forward gracefully and joyfully. When you are ready you can open your eyes feeling fully energized, feeling loved in all ways.