2-03 Wisdom Meditation (Connecting with Your Guides)

Tool : The Wisdom Meditation

Connecting to Your Infinite-Self

Are you feeling lost or not sure what to do? Maybe you’ve got a problem at work that you don’t know how to solve. Or maybe you just need a little inspiration or pick-me-up. This 30-minute guided meditation connects you to your Infinite-Self. Tapping into your higher self will give you the answers you seek, fill you with inspiration and allow you to harness those parts of yourself that you rarely use. Best of all, the more you connect to your Infinite-Self, the happier you become!


Letʼs start connecting you with your guides then. Iʼm going to start with a meditation to connect you with loving, benevolent beings available to assist you at any time. Letʼs begin.


When youʼre ready get in a comfortable position and relax. Take a few deep breaths and breathe out your day. Close your eyes and sense or see the light that is the source. Connect to the light. Breathe it in. Allow your breath to transport you there. Take another deep breath and feel the energy of this light pulsating and starting to flow into you. Allow this light to start flowing into your crown chakra. Feel this light filling up your head, your eyes, your face… feel this light flowing into your neck and your shoulders. This light is a source of relaxation and peace of mind. Feel this light filling into your chest, your heart, your heart behind your shoulder blades. Let this light move down your arms and into your fingertips. Feel this light sourcing you and allow it into your belly, your back and into your hips. Breathe in. Allow this light to smooth out your energy fields. Feel this light bathe away all the stress and worry as it moves down your hips into your thighs, into your knees and into your calves and out your feet.

From your hip area and root energy center, your root chakra, sense a steady stream of energy moving into the center of the planet. This is grounding it to you. Connect where you feel the happiest. Any energies you desire to release now you can let go of into the ground. The earth loves you and completely supports you. Take a deep breath and feel how much the earth supports you. Breathe in the light and ask this light to support your life. Take another deep breath and take in more light. Opening to receive love is easy. Ask the light to guide you in your daily life and infuse all your daily interactions with pure love and kindness. Sense the light going before you, spreading pure love and kindness out into the world.

Sense your actions being guided to bring in exactly what you desire. Breathe in more light and ask the day to be brighter and more loving. This light goes before you opening the right doors and welcoming you. Ask this light to bathe your entire heart chakra. Sense all energies releasing into the ground that limit your ability to give and receive love. Ask this light to fill your whole body with this love, releasing all limits to enjoying yourself, releasing all limits to giving and receiving love. Ask this light to give you more than you feel you deserve, as the light is abundance itself and you are made of this same abundance as well. Every time you connect to this light it supports and guides you. It guides your decisions, aligning you with the best choice for you. It steers you to amazing opportunities. It steers you to benevolent interactions and your material needs fulfilled better than you ever hoped for. Ask that any help or guidance a member of your family needs to be given to them now. If you have children ask that any support or gifts they need be given to them now. Sense the light coming from you, out to support them. This light is a constant flow in your life. Sense the gifts going to them and know they are being guided. Feel the gratitude they feel as they receive this support. Breathe in the light. Let this light guide you to meet the perfect windows of opportunity. Self-love is designed to support you, so this light can melt away any fears you have in the way of nurturing and loving yourself. You deserve the good in life. You can have your life any way you want it and you deserve to ask it to unfold in this way.

The light can transform any situation you may find yourself in. All you have to do is ask and allow the light to come through your heart. Open yourself at any moment in the day, knowing you can receive gifts from the light at any time. Ask the light to follow you in your day erasing all thoughts of fear, worry and undesired emotions, as this is not the true nature of this life. Fill your body with this light and melt away all thoughts, projections and energies that are no longer needed to be stored in your body. Sense these instantly transformed and filled with light. Thank yourself for being here, as you are the gift. You are this light. You can bring this light into you at any time and always have it fill you. When youʼre ready we would like to bring in one of your guardian guides or angels. Ask your guardian guide or angel to approach you and stand before you. You may only see them as light at first. Trust however they appear to you.

If you can, allow the form of the angel or guide to appear. Mentally ask this guide or angel to help you connect to him or her. Open your hands and open your heart to receive and allow this angel or guide to actually place a gift in your hands now. Feel or sense what this gift is. Is it bigger than your hands or smaller than your hands? What does this energy seem like? Mentally ask the guide, “What is this gift for?” Breathe in more light at any time. Know that you can and should ask for any gift that can support you throughout the day. The more you ask, the more that comes into your life. It is safe, right and good to ask for these things. This guide is here to support you. If you desire to know the guide or angelʼs name mentally ask them, “What is your name?” If you desire this angel or guide to sharpen your psychic senses, just mentally ask them to do that right now. Notice what you notice, what happens to your bodyʼs energy system when they do this. Thank them when youʼre ready and if you desire, mentally ask them to make their presence known to you throughout the day. Ask them to give you signs that they are with you, make their presence known.

Thank the guide and know that at any time you can come back to this space and ask this angel or guide for anything. When youʼre ready mentally ask them for any message they might desire to give you. Thank them and know that this angel or guide will always support you. This guide or angel would now like to help you with your family or loved ones. Open your heart to receive this angelʼs love. Connect to any family member you may want assistance with. Mentally ask this guide or angel for any message about this loved one or family member. Any other question can be answered now. Just mentally ask this guide or angel. Mentally ask this guide to make their presence known in your daily life, supporting loving relations with your loved ones and family members. If there is another family issue or loved one you would need help with, ask this guide a question about it now.

Thank this angel or guide for their help, know that this angel or guide can help you deal with any family situation or loved one issue with ease and joy. This angel or guide would love to help you feel more comfortable in your skin. Mentally ask them, “How can I feel more comfortable in my body?” Open your heart and hands to receive the gift of feeling more comfort, more life-filled. Notice the gift theyʼve given you, is it bigger than your hands or smaller than your hands? It might just be some energy. Ask this guide or angel what this energy is for, what this gift is for. When youʼre ready ask this guide, “How do I feel more love in my body? How do I actually feel more love?” Ask this guide what is the one thing that you can do to add more comfort to your body? Mentally thank this guide or angel and ask them to stand to the right of you and fully support you. Youʼre going to ask for another guide or angel to approach you. Ask for the new guide or angel to approach and stand before you. Again, you may only see them as light at first. Just allow yourself to notice what you notice and feel what you feel. If you can, allow the form of this guide or angel to appear. What form are they? Mentally ask this guide or angel to help you connect to him or her better. Open your hands and open your heart to receive this light from them and allow this angel or guide to place a gift in your hands. Feel and sense what this gift is. Mentally ask this guide, “What is this gift for?”

Breathe in more light at any time. Know that you can and should ask for any gifts that can support you throughout your day. The more you ask for, the more that comes into your life. It is safe, right and good to ask for these. This guide and angel are here to support you. If you desire to know the guideʼs name, mentally ask “What is your name?” If there is any question you have about your life mission and purpose please ask this guide or angel now. This guide would like to give you a gift now to help you in your life mission and purpose. Open your heart and hands to receive this gift. Sense or feel the energy coming from this gift. Mentally ask, “What is this gift for?” If there is any question you have about your work life please ask this guide or angel.

Thank this guide and angel and when youʼre ready, letʼs focus on self-care and self-love. Open your heart and hands to receive the gift that supports selflove, self care and self-nurturing. You deserve it. Notice what this gift is that youʼre receiving. Ask, “How can I use this gift in my daily life?” Ask your guide what self-nurturing activity you can add to your life now. Ask this guide, “How else can I add love to my life?” When youʼre ready thank your guide and send them some love. Thank yourself and applaud yourself for your increasing abilities and being willing to add things to your life. If you can for a moment, expand your awareness outside the realm of what you think is possible in your life. Stretch your awareness beyond your body, beyond the building youʼre in, beyond what you call your life. Expand into the space where you are connected to all things – the space where you are aware of all possibilities. Invite these new possibilities into your life now. Many blessings have been gifted to you and if you desire, ask to be shown all the gifts awaiting your asking. When youʼre comfortable with this, ask that these gifts be brought into your life now. These gifts are to help guide you, keep you joyful and well cared for.

Any awareness you want to receive that you havenʼt received yet, ask for that now. Know at any time you can come back and visit and meet any and all of your angels and guides. You can use this CD again and ask for any other angel or guide to appear.

And when you are ready you can become fully aware of your surroundings. Open your eyes, feeling fully energized, knowing all is well and good.


Love or Above

by Christie Marie Sheldon
