18 Turning Blocks into Profits

Abundance Block 18 : Turning Blocks into profits

Investigate the blocks that are convincing you to stay away from opportunities every time they show up. Highlights include:

  • Personal Profit and Loss – start being an accountant with the personal business that is YOU and get a gauge of where you’re excelling and where you need serious work.
  • Number Crushing – learn how knowing the numbers of your financial map can be used to completely crush energy blocks and unlock the bank.
  • Millionaire Make-up – based on where energy blocks lay, see what type of Millionaire you will manifest in your being, one with tons of cash or tons of toys!

special 25ab 18

 Hey, this is Christie Marie Sheldon and you’re listening to a recording I did of a series of 24 live group sessions on Clearing your Abundance Blocks. Here is what we’re covering today in Session Number 18.

                           First up today: your personal profit and loss statement. We’re going to figure out if you’re making a profit in your personal business—the business of you. This is an amazing tool to figure out where you’re excelling and what areas need some work.

                           Then I’m going to teach you to know your numbers because if you do they can provide a map to your financial blocks. Once we know those we can blast them right out of your energy field.

                           We’re also going to find out what kind of millionaire are you? Are you the kind with lots of stuff to take care of or are you the kind with lots of money in the bank? Let’s begin.

                           Hey welcome, how are you guys today? It is a gorgeous day today and we are Unlimited Abundance Journey session 18. I am so happy to be here today with you guys. As you guys know, grab a piece of paper so you can jot down some notes, anything that you learn new or you want to clear later. It’s always good to write those things down. Be open to change. You can take that two ways, right? Changing your life and/or bringing in more cash in the form of change.

                           Set your intent; let’s set your intent a little bit on what you hope to achieve tonight. Just take a moment, what you hope to achieve tonight. And what do you hope to achieve in the next couple of weeks? Let’s journey together.

                           Favorite part of the night, inspiring stories; let’s see what we have here today. Galena has said she is experiencing lots of lightness is her life. Something clicked in week nine and the other day she woke up feeling light as a feather. She said she doesn’t know what makes this feel better. She just woke up feeling different.

                           Sometimes why happens is you never know when that week will show up. It could be week five, two, three, ten, whatever week it is for you where all of a sudden this new reality kind of pops over your whole world.

                           Amber wanted to improve her ability to manifest and to receive and totally upgrade her life. She noticed that she gets down on herself. That is one of her patterns. During one other session when we were talking about—when I said in the session if you’re getting down on yourself then you’re probably stopping the energy of all the good work. Basically if you say “Oh this isn’t working. This isn’t working for me.” That slows the energy down. The universe loves you enough to do what you ask it to.

                           She’s started clearing all of those things that made her think that it wasn’t working and things aren’t going to work. Now she has a great new car. Her partner bought her a used BMW convertible, awesome. Then she got herself monthly parking at work so she didn’t have to rush around each morning searching for street parking. She said she is now completing her billing in a timely manner rather than waiting for everything to pile up, so she’s not stressed about bills. She’s changing her outlook about money and paying things.

                           She started saving 10% of whatever she makes and not touching it. She now has a goal to pay off all of her credit cards in a year. She’s been attracting new networking contacts. She says she feels shy in large groups but now all of a sudden people are randomly inviting her out for coffee. She trusts her intuition more and it’s working. She couldn’t find an old vehicle title the other day and she kept doing “What would it take for me to find it? What would it take for me to find it?” Then she walked out to the storage shed and there it was clearly visible in one of her storage bins.

                           She’s not procrastinating anymore. She’s more productive, more relaxed. People keep commenting on how relaxed she is. That’s really great. Awesome.

                           Today we are going to work on what is your worth. Are you getting paid what you are worth? It’s a lot about net worth today. Hopefully you guys have pieces of paper or hopefully if you don’t have pieces of paper, you’re really good at doing math in your head. I’m going to ask you to take a total of what your income was for the last five years. Here is how I want you to do it.

                           For instance, we already know it’s August. If you generally know that you make about $10,000 a month in 2011, then you know that your take home at the end of the year will probably be 120. I want you to fill these all in. I’ll give you a minute. And divide everything by five.

                           Amber, basically how much income do you generate before taxes or any of those things because that’s how much you’re willing to receive? Susan says she is a stay at home mom and she didn’t generate money itself. Let me ask, how to do this for you. If you had to pay somebody to do what you were doing at home, however much that was. Let’s say you were with your husband, you could say “I did $200,000 worth of work but your husband only brought in $30,000 a year.” You know what I mean? You’re going to have to really look at it from the point of view of in your household how much could you have afforded to pay somebody to do what you did.

                           We’re talking about income in the past five years. We’re going to do income not private loss shed or assets. Just do your income. Let’s say in the year 2010 you brought in $98,000 and in the year 2009 you brought in $72,000, the year 2008 you, yourself brought in $88,000. If you didn’t work and you’re a stay at home mom, if you would have had to go to work and pay somebody to do what you were doing, how much would that be?

                           After you have that number– just do the best you can. You’ll see where I’m going with this in a minute. Gabriella, then I would put zero. We’ll just work from there. Don’t’ get too judgmental about the number yet. It’s true, sometimes you have to invest in yourself but Gabriella, you’ve been going to school for two years. What did you make in the last three years prior to that?

We’re writing down five years and there is a total that happens. Add up your 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007; divide that by five, whatever that number is. Get as close as you can to the average income that you energetically allow to come into your life. Now we’re going to do some clearings on that number. The reason I took an average over five years is because you’re right, some people went to school. Some people some things.

Oscar is saying “the last five to eight years have been bad can I go to ten to twelve years?” The answer is “no” and here is why. We’re going to clear whatever is coming up for you now that only allowed you to bring in X amount of money in the last few years. Your energy must be different than 10, 12 years ago. We want to clear whatever is blocking you right now, that energetically keeps you only allowing that much to show up in your world.

Irene is saying she has somebody that hasn’t been paid for two years because he was in an accident. Just calculate that in as if he received nothing. I get that it’s because of an accident but he must be blocked if the insurance company and things like that aren’t paying as well. We’re going to include that in the number. I know it’s kind of hard. Isn’t it interesting all of the confusions or justifications that come up a little bit?

Let’s just do one random clearing right now. Everywhere you guys are stopping the flow of income into your life in the form of cash, money, benefits, all of those things. Everything that is—oh, I forgot to connect to the light but uncreate, delete and destroy it all.

Okay, so close your eyes, look up, see sense or feel the light and it’s pure source energy. That is what you’re made of. It is the most loving, supportive, kind, caring, happy, gorgeous thing. Ask the light to come through your head, come through your throat, opening up in your crown all of your knowing. Opening up in your crown the ability to receive true define knowledge. Opening up in your throat the ability to receive any information you need to unblock your communication.

Ask the light to come through into your heart so that you can have true guidance, true commitment to yourself, true kindness to yourself and increasing yourself worth and your worth. Asking the light to come into your solar plexus opening up all nervous energy, feeling sucker punched. We’re going to ask that to clear.

Ask the light to come into your root so that you’re grounded and fully happy in the energy of the power that you are, feeling supported, feeling grounded, feeling rooted, feeling supported always. Allow the light to come into the center of the planet. See, sense or feel the connection in the center of the planet. Allow this connection to rebound and basically come straight back up into your legs, your hips, your stomach, your heart. Radiating out 360 degrees like a great central sun.

Asking this light to expand past your body. Asking this light to expand past the building you’re in. Asking this light to expand past your town. Asking this light to form a big bubble and expand past the state you’re in, past the country you’re in, and past planet Earth.

Everywhere you guys have limited your income for any reason—so all the justifications, all the reasons, all the energy that created something to happen in your life that blocked it, all of those something’s, will you please uncreate, delete and destroy it all – everywhere; because income energy has to be asked for and received. Everywhere you’re unwilling to ask for the energy to show up, will you uncreated and delete it all.

Everywhere you’re unwilling to receive the energy of new income, new sources of income, new insight, new ideas, new follow-through, uncreate and delete it all. If somebody currently owes you money, anywhere you’re not allowing that money to show up for yourself; including insurance companies, settlements, exes, parents, any legal ramifications that are holding money up for you, uncreate and delete it all.

Anywhere you have the point of view that you don’t have time to create extra income, uncreate and delete all that. So you don’t have time to call people or ask for help or start a business or anywhere you guys have time constraints that are blocking you from creating extra income, uncreate and delete it all.

What I  would do, I would ask—if you want to increase your income and you want to do that through the form of a business, new job, etc, etc I would focus on “What would it take for me to manifest that and have it show up really, really easy?” I think there was a testimony earlier in the part of the Unlimited Abundance Journey where somebody got somebody else to write her resume for her.

Any of you guys that are blocking the income from showing up somehow, uncreate, delete and destroy. Any of you guys who are out of work, you have this energy of “can’t work” which then generates more “can’t work” or it might generate your body not working; any of those things that are generated where you can’t work, uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

I had a guy who came to me and his body wouldn’t heal and I said that’s because, it felt about 15 years ago he hated his boss and he wanted to get out of working. What happened is it manifested his body having a degenerative disease happening that created where he didn’t have to work. His body interpreted that “I don’t work.” Any of you guys who don’t think you have what it takes to make your life work or make profit work or increase your income and make that work, will you uncreate, delete and destroy it all.

Everywhere you hate work, uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, dimensions, space and reality. Across all sole decisions to never work, uncreate, delete all time, dimensions, space, and reality. Uncreate and delete all the core places where you feel ashamed of your inability to manifest the income you desire. Everything that is, uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

Anywhere you have a problem following through with that which you know will increase your income. It might be making a phone call, getting a product out, sending resumes out. Whatever that is for you, uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, dimensions, space and reality. Everywhere you guys believe that the world can interfere with you instead of you taking control of the energy field and fixing it, uncreate, delete and destroy.

Anywhere your income is hampered by your inability to process the truth that you are the creator of your world and you have the choice to go forward creating it. Everywhere you give away power and don’t have the power to do that, uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, dimensions, space and reality. Some heavy stuff right there.

I want you to think of the amount of money that—it’s going to sound funny what I’m going to do but I went through and I cleared all of the various limits that I ever put on every amount of money that I could ever bring in. I want you guys to think of—however much was the lowest amount you made in the last four years. Everything that you did to limit it to that amount of money will you uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

Whatever you are thinking, doing, being that are generating that much money, uncreate, delete and destroy it all. Anywhere you don’t feel like you fit in so therefore you won’t make life work for you, you instead try to fit you into the world instead you making the world fit into you. Uncreate, delete and destroy across all times, dimensions, space and reality. That’s a big one.

How many of you guys are basically being contortionists? Contorting yourself into the world instead of just choosing how you want the world and having it contorted into you? Everything that is, uncreate, delete and destroy. All the justifications, excuses, bypass systems where you keep thinking over and over and over again “I can’t make my life work. I can’t work. I can’t get more money. I can’t, I can’t, I can’t.” Uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

Everywhere you think somebody screwed you over money and that’s holding you up, uncreate, delete all of that. Anywhere you haven’t forgiven yourself over money, uncreate, delete all of that. I’m going to just clear this. Everywhere you guys think the lottery is the only way, that you can’t generate an income on your own, uncreate, delete all of that. Again, you can go ahead and win the lottery but wouldn’t it be cool to know you can generate money in ten different ways and have it be no big deal? Everywhere you’re limiting that, uncreate, delete all of that.

Everywhere it takes money to make money so therefore you need money before you can get money, uncreate, delete all of that. Everywhere you’re afraid to step out and be different than who you are currently being, uncreate, delete all of that. All of the limits that you currently put on the second greatest number think of the last five years, whatever that number is. The fourth in order, second lowest uncreate; delete everything that created that limit in your life.

Everywhere you’re afraid to ask people for money or sell product, even if you’re the product—everything that is uncreate, delete it all times a gazillion. Everywhere you’re afraid to ask people for money, influence people to give you money, influence the world to give you money, influence people into buying products which give you money—everything that is, uncreate, delete it all across all time, dimensions, space and reality.

Everywhere you still have pain in your body regarding work, anywhere you have emotional resistance to work, uncreate, and delete all of that across all time, dimensions, space, and reality. Everywhere you heart is not happy, uncreate, and delete it all. Everywhere your heart can’t get happy enough for you to go generate extra income, uncreate, delete it all. Everywhere you’re down yourself, ashamed of yourself, stopped yourself, blocked yourself, uncreate and delete all of that too.

Everywhere your heart is weary of who you are being and you want let yourself off the hook and move into the higher generating income earner, everything that is uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere when you generate opportunities you think it’s too good to be true so therefore it doesn’t work out and it falls through, everything that is uncreate and delete it all

Everywhere you’re so used to failing that when it shows up you can’t believe it therefore you can’t believe it out of your reality—so anytime you guys say “I can’t believe it.” You hide things from yourself. If something shows up in your world you really have to say “How do I get more than this? How do I get it follow through? What will it take for this to follow through easy? How do I get more of these kinds of deals?” Everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete it all.

                           That’s a lot of energy right there. How many of you are programmed for despair regarding money? Any of your parents’ genetic energies, anywhere you can’t make more than your parents made or more than your last mate made or more than your current mate makes. Uncreate, delete all of that.

                           Take the third amount of money in order. Everything creating that limit uncreate and delete all of that. How many other contradictions in your world do you have limiting the amount of money you can bring in? Everything that is, uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere it has to be hard to make money, uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you’re scared to make more money because you might have to change, uncreate and delete all of that.

                           Anywhere you’re blocking yourself from taking whatever the right divine action is to get more money, uncreate and delete all of that. What would it take for your heart to love you enough, to let you off the hook and just go forward? Everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete it all.

                           Take the fourth amount of money, everything creating that limit in your life, uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere there is a limit to how much money you could have earned that year and you limited it, uncreate, and delete all of that. All of the reasons why you limited it—you didn’t have a enough time. It wasn’t working. Even when you say “It was the best year I ever had.” That can be a limit because then it will never be a better year than the best year. Do you understand?

                           Anywhere you guys have already had the best year you’ve ever had therefore you can’t have anything better, uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you’re afraid and tired so therefore nothing works in your world, uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you have no idea why your life doesn’t work so you’re stuck in this whole identity of “I have no idea.” Uncreate and delete all of that.

                           Everywhere you’re unwilling to support yourself, uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere you’re waiting for somebody else to support you, uncreate and delete all of that. Think of your income being quadrupled. Everything in the way of that occurring in your life, uncreate and delete it all. Think of it being multiplied times ten. Anything in the way of creating that in your life, uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere you can’t accept the flow of particles called money, uncreate and delete all of that.

                           How many of you have been watching the news in the last few days and you believed it? Anywhere you guys believed everything that’s been in the news about the SMP and about America’s credit rating, any of you guys who aligned and agreed with it and took it in and made it real and judge it, kept it close to you—anything that is uncreate and delete it all. All of the judgments that you guys had which said the world is going to doo-doo, everything that is uncreate and delete it all.

                           Let’s just say you are a business, because the truth is you are a business. Jacquelyn, everywhere you’re holding anger in your throat because you don’t want to say what you really think, uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you guys don’t want to be responsible for making more money or responsible for more people—you don’t want to get a raise because you don’t want to have to be in charge of 30 or 40 people instead of two people. Anywhere you guys don’t want to be responsible, uncreate and delete it all.

                           Anywhere you guys can’t be responsible for huge amounts of energy because really what it is at the end of the day, the more energy you’re willing to hold, the more income you can bring it. Higher income earners are willing to hold a lot of energy. Uncreate and delete all of that. If you’re paid more you’re ripping people off, so therefore you’re a thief and a loser and negative and bad and evil. Everything that is uncreate and delete it all.

                           Everywhere, Jack you’re in the ebb and the flow of life instead of just being the creator of your world, everything that is uncreate, delete it all. Everywhere you hold yourself back right when you’re about to make it big, uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere your whole belief is that you’ll never make it big, uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you guys think it’s wrong if you’re spiritual in nature to make it big or big time, uncreate and delete all of that too.

                           Everywhere you have no idea why you’re here on the planet so why bother with income, uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere you’re afraid to handle a lot of money because you don’t know what you’re going to do with it, uncreate and delete it all. Anybody who has that objection, what I’m going to ask you to do is find a financial planner that you can talk to and get some information. Like how much money do you need to generate and how does it have to be in order for you to retire pretty comfortably, have a good life. Maureen, your homework is find a financial planner and talk to them a little bit so you can get through all of your fears and lack of knowledge.

                           Beth, everywhere you’re heavy with your life, uncreate and delete it all. Kathleen, everywhere you guys decided in, it doesn’t matter, the 80s, the 90s, the 70s, the 2000s. Anywhere you decide that that’s enough money; somewhere you guys decided “Oh, that’s enough money. I don’t need anymore.” Everything that is uncreate, delete it all. Everywhere you’re “Oh, it’s enough money. I don’t need anymore.” And everywhere you thought “Oh, if I make this much money I’ve made it.” then once you’ve made that much money you’ve never gotten above it, uncreate and delete it all.

                           Every one of you who thinks “I’m not allowed to have more money than God.” Uncreate and delete all of that. I had to clear that for a few spiritual people, it’s okay. Everywhere you’re afraid you’re going to do the same thing over and over and over again, uncreate and delete all of that.

                           Everywhere when you make a lot of money you don’t pull in the right people to help and support you; you have to basically in any business that you have, have people who can also hold the energy of bringing in money, otherwise your staff will cause you problems. They’ll basically bankrupt you, cause things to break, spend your money. You have to have staff that are willing to think consciously about “How do we focus on profit for the company?” Everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete it all. That’s a lot of money right there.

                           Everywhere you guys are stuck going forwarded, which is the right side of your body or stuck in receiving more money, the left side of your body, everything that is uncreate and delete it all. Any of your heart that’s blocking your future uncreate and delete all of that too. Anywhere you guys are staying in jobs that are abusive and accepting less than what you are worth, uncreate and delete it all.

                           Everywhere you guys are working for people who don’t have—basically if you’re working for a company that doesn’t like money or is cheap or not abundant or any of those things, it’s not going to fit for you so much. Everything that is uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you guys don’t like money; Chris, everywhere you don’t really like money and don’t understand it, don’t understand why you need it. Everywhere you guys are in limbo, uncreate and delete all of that.

                           Everywhere you can’t visualize the big money. Whoever said that, I think it was Lucy. Lucy, I’m going to ask you to really, really work on that this week, where you visualize your future self having a lot of money. Everywhere you guys don’t want money because it’s going to be a problem or a hassle, uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere you don’t want money because you don’t want to pay the government taxes; what if your belief was ‘I make so much money and I give half of it away but I still have way more than I could ever need anyway.” Everything in the way of that uncreate and delete all of that.

                           Everywhere you can’t make the big money, uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere you guys are not willing to see where your blocks are in this whole thing, uncreate and delete all of that. I want you guys—I would really love if you did this a little bit on your own because we obviously can’t do it here. But if you really wrote up a profit loss for your like, like in the last year, really know in the last five years what your profit and loss was. Now, why would you do that? Not to torture yourself but just to do an awareness and then clear everything.

                           Everywhere you guys loss confidence, declare bankruptcy, feel bankrupt, been working hard and never, ever, ever make it; uncreate and  delete it all times a gazillion. I want you guys to get bigger. If any of you guys are having weird body stuff show up with this, I’m going to ask you to make your energy a lot bigger, think of expanding it. And think everything in the way of me making a whole bunch of money in the next 12 months, uncreate and delete it all.

                           All of my excuses, all of my stops, all of my stories, all of my problems; uncreate and delete it all across all time, dimensions, space and reality. You guys let go of a lot of stuff. Dirk, do we do the statements for everything that pops up in our mind and repeat it 30 times or do we only do one of the most important ones and repeat it over and over?

                           I would clear the ones that pop in my mind because they’re probably attached to the big one. You’re probably doing the big one and the other ones will show up. Let’s just say you have a belief “I can’t get money.” Then you’ll have all of these other weird little thoughts will pop up. I would do those maybe five, ten, 12 times until it feels like it’s gone. Then go back to the main one you were doing. Those were probably just little ancillary beliefs attached to the main one, little pathways. I would clear all of them. That’s how I do it.

                           Nanette, what I’m saying is you have a business because at the end of the day, you yourself are a business. I want all of you guys to think for a moment, you go to work, you bring in income. What do businesses do? Businesses bring in income and then you have expenses. You pay out expenses. When you pay out expenses at the end of the year you have a profit loss. You either made more than you spent or you spent more than you made. What I’m asking you guys to do is really, really look at your life a little bit, kind of push yourself. I know it’s not fun what I’m asking you to do. It could be fun if you look at the clearing part of it as fun. But awareness can change a lot of stuff.

                           Everywhere you guys don’t see your own life as you are a business and everything in the world should profit for you. I go about my life and everything profits me. I get profit in the form of cash. I get profit in the form of love. I get profit in the form of I help people but I also feel good about it. That’s an emotional profit. Everything in my life profits me. That’s how I do my world.

                           I want you to just take a moment. We’re going to work on profit for a minute. What was your profit after expenses to the best of your knowledge for the past five years? Just kind of throw out the numbers to the best of your knowledge. IF you knew two years ago you put lots of things on a credit card, the profit might be zero. Maybe four years ago you saved a lot of money. Do the best you can here because I know you guys might now know all of the numbers. Let’s just do the best you can so we can work on clearing profit.

                           Jenny, when you make your energy bigger, for you I would focus more in your heart and to see it expanding out – the energy radiating out your heart, bigger than the planet. Gabriella, there is ebb and flow. Sometimes we have to love ourselves enough to get education so we can make more money later on. Here is what we’re going to do for a minute let’s just say—I’m getting a few typings here where some of you guys had no profit.

                           Everywhere you guys don’t allow yourself to keep anything at the end of the year and profit from something, uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you guys won’t let yourself get ahead, uncreate and delete all of that across time, dimension, space and reality. Everywhere you’re not allowed to have profit because if you keep it you might have to pay taxes on it, uncreate and delete all of that.

                           Everywhere that you guys feel like you have no time to create profit, uncreate and delete all of that times a gazillion. Wow, you guys had a lot of energy here on profit. Christy says she profited over $500,000. I love it. Yes, there would be no profit if there were more losses. So anywhere you guys had more losses instead of profit uncreate and delete all of the stories. Somewhere along the line—I want you to think about those years. Somehow you justified, you told yourself stories, you didn’t pay attention to your numbers. You justified all of the reasons why you couldn’t have any profit those years or why you over spent. There are a lot of justifications and stories going on.

                           All of those justifications and stories; because at the end of the day it just means you weren’t willing to balance your numbers. It could be because you didn’t have the knowledge or whatever reason but that’s still a story. Anywhere you’re not willing to be aware enough in the energy of money and finances uncreate and delete all of that. Anywhere you’re unwilling to take responsibility for the fact that you spent more money than you kept, uncreate and delete all of that.

                           Everywhere you have no idea why you let yourself get talked out of your money uncreate and delete all of that times a gazillion. All of the financial revenue that you stop yourself and screw yourself out of because you’re not willing to pay attention to your guidance and how to keep it; uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere it’s more fun to blow it instead of keep it, uncreate and delete it all.

                           Everywhere it’s more fun to spend it on things that you think will give you temporary happiness, kind of like an addiction; uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere you have no clue what your monetary status is, uncreate and delete all of that. Any of you that are listening that aren’t going to go and do your profit loss statements so you can kind of have a clue or an awareness of your life, uncreate and delete all of that.

                           Everywhere you have no idea if you’ve made profit, uncreate and delete all of that. Anywhere you guys are a loser in the profit game, uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere you see money as something that you spend but not something that you keep, uncreate and delete all of that. Margaret never understood the reason to profit; everywhere you don’t understand the reason for profit; uncreate and delete all of that.

                           Julia is saying “What about my profits are better but I’m behind in savings and buying what I need?” Is the profit giving you some sort of security? I don’t know the answer to that. What would it take for you to save more money than you’ve ever saved, invest more money than you’ve ever invested? Michelle just ran a quick P and L in QuickBooks. I love it. I love it that you have it in QuickBooks. That’s amazing. 2009 she profited 2830 and 2010 she netted 78 bucks.

                           Even if it’s because of investments or stock, stocks and options; I’m still going to hold you guys accountable to profit. Anywhere you guys did investments but you lost, uncreate and delete all of that. Anywhere you guys are doing losing investments, uncreate, and delete all of that. Everywhere you guys are trading things and it’s a loss; uncreate and delete all of the reasons why that happens. Everywhere you feel limited by living with your means; uncreate and delete all of that.

                           Michelle, the one who just ran the QuickBooks and everybody listening, I’m going to encourage you guys—when I started saying that I create profit in my life. That is one thing that really changed my life. I made a little game to see if I could just live; even though my income rose I did not increase my expenses. I had to sort of increase some expenses because I had to hire some employees and things like that but I didn’t go out and blow a bunch of money. I didn’t go out and buy a bigger house. I didn’t go out and buy four cars. I didn’t go out and do any of those things because I’d rather have the cash at the end of the day. Me personally I didn’t want to take care of all those things. I was kind of tired of taking care of things.

                           If any of that fits for anybody listening I’m going to encourage you, if you run your profit losses make it a game of how could I live comfortably and increase your income but don’t change your lifestyle. In “The Millionaires Next Door” it’s kind of an interesting book but that’s pretty much what the millionaires next door did, they lived pretty frugally. They didn’t really over spend. They kind of had nice things but they didn’t blow a lot of money when they increased their income.

                           Galena has needles in her chest. All of the places you guys are heartbroken over this whole quandary over “Now what I do? I’m not profitable.” Uncreate and delete it all. I want you to just think for a moment, what would it be like for you guys to live off of half of your money or a quarter of your money and all of it just goes into savings or some sort of investment that you can technically right off so therefore you don’t have to pay any taxes, which saves you money but later on you’ll make money on it. That’s called having a good accountant. Everywhere you guys are unwilling to think like that, uncreate and delete it all.

                           I’m going to go into the Millionaire Next Door for a minute. There was basically two kinds of millionaires he found. There was the millionaires like the doctors, lawyers who lived in big houses but they blew all of their money. The reason they blew all of their money is because they had to keep up with the Joneses because they were doctors and lawyers. They’re professional people; people expected them to have big money. At the end of the year they blew all of their money.

                           Then there was the other millionaires who basically were working class millionaires, had their own business. They had their own business, generally speaking and they lived below their means and stocked all of their money away. Pretty much through the energy of increasing their income, running their business and compound interest and investments they became millionaires. Whereas the doctor and lawyer, even though they brought in a large amount of money, at the end of it they didn’t have anything to show for it.

                           It’s a really good book to read, by the way. They even have one called “The Millionaire Women Next Door.” There is something very fascinating with the women. What happened with the women is if the women didn’t date a lot of men before they got married and then they ended up getting divorced they’d lose their money. He found there are two different kinds of millionaire women, there are the ones that were happily married, who stayed married and kept all their money and the ones that got divorced and lost their money. There were also other factors in that.

                           Everywhere when you think of the subject of money you can’t see it, uncreate and delete it all. Anywhere you guys think of the energy of numbers, doing the math, doing the numbers, uncreate and delete all of that. Anywhere you don’t think you could live below your means and have enough left over, uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere you guys don’t think you have the stick-to-itiveness to follow good common sense about saving money, uncreate and delete all of that.

                           Anywhere you guys don’t think you can get rich; if you make $120,000 a year, there are stories of people who just save the money over 20, 30 years. I can’t remember the exact statistic but if you only live off of half that you’ll have plenty of money in 10, 15, 20 years through investments, interests, things like that. Anywhere you guys are unwilling to be that conservative and make a bigger choice for yourself in keeping the cash; uncreate and delete all of that.

                           Everywhere your whole game with money is about spending it versus keeping it; uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere you don’t have the confidence to keep it or the confidence to repair your idea about it, uncreate and delete all of that. Any of you guys who are going to unconsciousness at this very subject uncreate and delete all of that. Love it.

                           Margaret, I would do a profit and a loss just so you can—then I would just sit there for a week and say “Everything that created this is my life; uncreate and delete it all.” That’s really going to be your homework is look at some of these numbers that you’ve generated for yourself and just say “Every story that I have that created this in my life, every point of view, every justification that created this in my life; uncreate and delete it all.”

                           Everywhere hanging on to profit makes you a miser, like you’re some cripple old man who is miserable; uncreate and delete all of that. Do I think people from certain cultures are very good at making money, negotiating and saving? Yeah, if it’s been passed through their lineage, yes. But I’ve also had Jewish people who lost a lot of things in the holocaust and they have this energy of “Well, we’re going to loss it all.” Generally speaking if it’s been passed on traditionally in the family, yeah.

                           Anywhere this topic is making you guys sick or unconscious; uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you don’t want to let go of all your barriers to going forward and creating more cash; uncreate and delete it all. Grace, if you’re going to make investments in a business you have to ask is it really fear or is it awareness? Anything you do, that ideal would be to be so aware you know exactly who you are and you can look into the future and see if it will make you money. Everywhere you don’t think you can be aware enough to see if something will pay off, uncreate and delete all of that.

                           Everywhere you guys are set in this whole despair where you’re struggling to survive, you’re in survival instinct instead of thrive instinct; uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere you guys are stuck in despair instead of thriving you’re crashing, uncreate and delete all of that. Chris, anywhere your family’s energy is somehow tied into this whole destruction cycle you have going on; uncreate and delete all this.

                           Any of your families that are stuck in this whole destroying your life kind of energy, uncreate and delete all of this. Everywhere your family wasn’t a really excellent support so they weren’t your cheerleader; uncreate and delete all of that. Anywhere anybody took money away from you, uncreate and delete all of that. Anywhere your family took away your happiness; uncreate and delete all of that. Anywhere you never knew what happiness love and money were in the family you grew up in; uncreate and delete all of that.

                           Anywhere you’re sick and tired of being made fun of or teased or even if you do this to yourself about your situation; uncreate and delete all of that. Remember how I told you guys about paying yourself first? Out of every check that comes to you, you should pay yourself 10%, just put it somewhere and never touch it. Any of you unwilling to do that; uncreate and delete all of that. Any of you who are only willing to get paid by the hour instead of getting paid by sales, commissions, something like that that would earn you more money; uncreate and delete all of that.

                           Amber, I would pay yourself maybe 3%, 5%, 10%.  While you’re paying down your debt, I’d also put a little in savings so you feel like you’re paying yourself something. I would look at it like I’m getting myself out of jail so I’m paying for my future. Anywhere you guys are locked in jail, paying down debt; uncreate and delete it all because what you’re really doing is you’re paying for your future. You’re paying for a pathway to open up your future so you can have a future of zero debt and no obligations to anyone.

                           Everywhere you guys are afraid to move forward and ask questions; somebody is asking about real estate profit. What would it take for you to literally go find a mentor and ask a bunch of questions so you’re totally aware before you actually go do something? Everything in the way of that; uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you guys are unwilling to ask for help, uncreate and delete all of that. Anything and everything that keeps you guys stuck from manifesting great fortunes uncreate and delete it all.

                           Any energy you have on divorce or getting divorced that somehow stopped your flow of money, uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere money is depressing; uncreate and delete it all. Chris, who in your life or when did you decide money is the root of all evil? Everywhere money is the root of all evil; uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere money is not worth it; uncreate and delete all of that. Karvida, that was a strategy, if you’re trying to sell short that was a strategy. Let’s just clear anything that came up, any negative thing in the whole story about what you’re, uncreate and delete all of that?

                           Everywhere your father and your parents were miserable about your money; uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere money was the only thing your parents ever fought about; uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere you have all these thoughts, emotions, feelings. Energetically tied into your body about money and manifesting; uncreate and delete all of that.

                           Let’s look at some of this. Let’s look at some of your expenses. If you had a profit loss you guys know what you spend every month, right? Divide that by five. Everywhere you guys create a lot of expenses so that you can feel good in your life, if you have a lot of expenses and you spend a lot of money you feel better than if you don’t. Everything that is uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere your expenses are killing you, uncreate and delete all of that.

                           All these body things, what if money is killing you? What if that is your problem, money is killing you? Uncreate and delete all of that. What if your whole energy is about money is killing you? Uncreate and delete all of that. What if your whole problem in the world is money is killing you? For some of you that reads really strong and really true. Everywhere money is killing you; uncreate and delete all of that.

                           Everywhere you have no clue how to manage the thing that you touch every day probably, money; uncreate and delete all of that. Anywhere money controls you instead of you controlling your money; uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere you have no clue how to manage your expenses or call up the cable company and ask for a cheaper rate, or do a little Google search on the best phone rate. Everywhere you guys won’t research or spend the time to figure out if you’re over paying so therefore you’re letting companies control you instead of you controlling your money, basically you’re letting outside authorities called companies, control you. Everything that is, uncreate and delete that.

                           Everywhere you guys are caught in credit card debt, uncreate all that. Anywhere you guys have to put it on credit so you can pretend you’re the big spender—basically then what you’re doing is pretending that you have a lot of money. Everywhere your whole secret desire is to have a lot of money and at the same time you think “Oh, I can’t have a lot of money.” Uncreate and delete all of that.

                           Anywhere your expenses exceed your profit so you won’t ever look at that, so all of the reasons why you go unconscious and won’t even look at it. Uncreate and delete all of that. Anywhere you’re unwilling to be an excellent money manager, uncreate and delete all of that. What would it take for you guys to be an excellent money manager? What would it take for you guys to be an excellent money manager? What would it take for you guys to be the best money manager in your whole life, ever, now? What would it take for you and your family to be the greatest money managers, the money creators, the money manifesters? Everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete all of that.

                           Everywhere you guys are unwilling to use the power of compound interest to make yourself rich, uncreate and delete all of that. Anywhere else you guys are unwilling to use compound interest, uncreate and delete all of that. Sheila, it feels like you have an underlying point of view that it’s not going to help. Everywhere you guys have this whole feeling, theory thought like “I’ve tried everything else in my life and nothing works” so it create nothing working. Uncreate and delete it all.

                           Everywhere else you think nothing will work, uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you won’t work, uncreate and delete it all. All the lies that you tell yourself about why something won’t work for you or that you can’t save money or you can’t, you can’t, and you can’t. Uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere energy healing doesn’t work for you uncreate and delete all of that. Any of you who think that energy healing works for everybody else but not me, uncreate and delete all of that.

                           Everywhere if you get too powerful and do this energy work you’ll stand out too much and you don’t want to stand out that much, uncreate and delete all of that. Gabriella, you can pay back your old debt. Just pay yourself a little bit even if it’s just a couple bucks. Do something that pays yourself a little bit. Otherwise you’re saying “I can’t pay myself.” You basically typed in what your belief is “I can’t pay myself.” You’re basically putting an energy there that you can’t do it. Everywhere you can’t pay yourself, uncreate and delete all of that.

                           I would do “What would it take for me to pay off my debt and pay myself?” What would it take for you guys to pay off your debt, pay yourself, have more profit than loss, be totally in charge of you income and be the most amazing money manager ever? Everywhere you guys are still blocked because you got divorced, so when you got divorced he kept the money, he screwed you with the money. She screwed you with the money. She took all my money. She took half of my money and now I’m left with nothing. I have to pay for the kids and I have nothing. Any of those beliefs about money that came with divorce, uncreate and delete them all

                           Everywhere you’re fighting over the money. Everywhere you guys got divorced because you were fighting over the money. How many of you guys got divorced because you were fighting over the money? Everywhere you’re letting yourself be controlled by the money of spouse. Everywhere you guys aren’t willing to step up the plate and take control of your own cash even if it’s shared. Anywhere you guys aren’t willing to know the numbers; uncreate and delete all of that.

                           I would do “What would it take for me and my husband or me and my wife to be excellent money managers and work on the cash together?” Tara, there are other kinds of investments, like bonds and things like that that generally speaking right now are still paying 10, 12%. Denny, every time you spend your commission money I would put more away, is what I would do. I would change the energy somehow. Change what you do somehow.

                           Everywhere, Katia, you can’t figure out how to sell it, rent it, buy it, upgrade it or make 80,000 somehow else, uncreate and delete all of that. Anywhere you guys feel like you’re limited by your real estate decisions; uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere you feel weak or controlled by money, uncreate all of that. Anywhere you guys are controlled by credit cards, bankers, your employees, your employers; uncreate and delete all of that.

                           Anywhere you have no idea why you’re stuck with no money, uncreate and delete all of that. Anywhere you guy are stuck with no money and you have no idea why, so all of those unconscious things that you hide from yourself uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere debt is the American way; uncreate and delete all of that. All of your limits on how much money you can make in one shot; uncreate and delete all of that.

                           There was an interesting article in USA Today about a couple of weeks ago. It said there were five stocks. If you bought these stocks over the last five years, you basically, I can’t even remember but you would have 100 times your money or something. It was a huge amount of money that you would have made. I think actually thousands of percent increase. You would have made a million bucks if you started with 10,000 or something like that.

                           Anything that is preventing you guys from being that psychic, that aware to just do that; uncreate and delete all of that. Anywhere else you guys are afraid to make that much money in a few years, uncreate and delete all of that. Anywhere you guys are afraid to stick to a plan, uncreate and delete all of that.

                           Obviously there is a lot of energy here still for some of you, Kavida, instead of working on degrees and courses and stuff, I would work on taking action. I would start working on “What would it take to go out in the world and ask people for money?” Deliver a service and ask people for money in exchange for your service. That’s what I would focus on for the next couple of weeks. That’s your homework Kavida.

                           Trevor is saying he has some bonds that are making 10% but they bring him some problems in when selling. Everywhere, Trevor, you’re blocked with whatever strategy you need to do in order to create the most amount of income; uncreate and delete all of that. Any other place that you’re blocked on creating a strategy that’s better than any anybody has ever figured out, that would give you a lot of money when you go to sell them; uncreate and delete it all.

                           What would it take for you to deliver to you somebody, some website, email, advice from a friend, somebody or something that can help you or just have it pop in your head, a way that you can sell them and make a lot of money, and keep a lot of money? Chris, everywhere your life is too easy, if you know everything; uncreate and delete it all.

                           I’ve done that. I’ve went on radio shows and predicted the Super Bowl scores. It’s kind of scary. You’re listening to a million people and you’re telling them the Super Bowl scores and you hope you’re right. I was. Everything in the way of you guys doing that, uncreate and delete all of that. Amber, all of your blocks come mostly from your mother’s side of the family. All of the genetic links to your mother uncreate and delete it all.

It feels like you’re blocking yourself and doing something new that would bring in more money. Everything that is, uncreate and delete it all. Lucy, “My money manager doesn’t get this thinking.” I don’t know where you’re at with this money manager so I would work on their thinking and or find a new one. All of the money you guys have lost in businesses so you don’t want to do it again uncreate and delete all of that. Jean, your blocks are about your family, all of your imprinting from your mom and dad, clear that.

You guys obviously this is one those days where it’s really good if you listen to this one again. For some reason I see that my slide did not save correctly. But I had in here “What would it take for you guys to make more profit than loss? What would it take for you guys to create more income than you’ve ever created? What would it take for you guys to clear all limits to manifesting the amount of money that you want to manifest? What would it take for all of you guys that have aches and pains to let go of all of your aches and pains?”

All the mixed emotions, implants that you have in your body regarding the subject of money, all these limits that you have locked in your bodies; uncreate and delete all of that. Anywhere you have your mother and father’s genetic lineage imprinted in your body regarding money and blocks; uncreate and delete all of that. Everywhere you’re not willing to be married and have a happy family with money; uncreate and delete all of that.

Everywhere family and money don’t go together, uncreate and delete all of that. That’s a lot of stuff right there. Family and money don’t go together, uncreate and delete all of that. I would make a list of everything my mom and dad ever said about money and I’d clear it, if I were you guys. What vibrational energy can I become to allow my income and profit to quadruple? Uncreate and delete everything in the way of that.

Some you guys are sending to me, “What are my blocks?” It feels like the majority of you go back to what your mom and dad said. The other ones are you’re just going to have to work on clearing all the stories that say “I don’t really know how to make more money.” For some reason you guys have a lot of “I don’t knows” about that. Everything that is uncreate and delete it all.

I’m expecting big things from you guys. I love you, love you. I want all of you to exceed beyond all the expectations you set for yourself. What would it take for that to happen? And what would it take for you guys to say “Oh my god, I’m so different” tomorrow and manifest a bunch of money?

Many blessings, you guys.