19 Clearing Self Sabotage

Abundance Block 19 : Clearing self sabotage

Destroy those doubts about Secrets and Lies so you can just take empowered action. Highlights include:

  • The Truth Behind Truth – guide your soul to a vibration of truth where you will know for sure that whatever you face in life is authentic, empowering and real for your heart.
  • Karmic Kommand – grab a hold of your karmic debt and learn how you can start reshaping it to pave a more positive path for your future.
  • Debriefed Beliefs – clear beliefs that may have been programmed around Secrets and Lies, and uncover the real gold hiding under feelings of skepticism.

special 25ab 19  

Hey, this is Christie Marie Sheldon and you’re listening to a recording I did of a series of 24 live group sessions on Clearing Abundance Blocks.  And here’s what we’re covering today in Session Number 9 – I’m going to walk you through an exercise to learn the truth and uncover the lies that you’ve been living.

                           And these lies, known to you or unknown to you have been creating untold havoc on your daily manifesting of money.  And I’m also going to teach you a simple way to use your intuition to know truth, love truth and be truth.  And you can even know if a future choice will make you money.

                           This is the key, because knowing truth will let you take incredible, easy guided action.  So let’s begin.

                           Hey there, welcome, welcome.  Today is Session 19 of Unlimited Abundance.  And today is one of the sessions that’s near and dear to my heart, so it’s all about intuition today.  We’re going to be working on all the places where you can’t or won’t or shouldn’t or couldn’t perceive the truth about things.

                           So it’s going to be an exciting day.  Be open to some change; have a journal or piece of paper so you can take some notes.  Set your intent on what you hope to achieve.  So take a moment right now and in this session what do you hoe to achieve.  Alright?  And what do you guys hope to achieve in the next few weeks.

                           Alright, love it, love it.  So let’s journey together.  It’s an exciting day today.  The first one is a really cool story from Susan C.  She has been asking the universe “What would it take for more abundance than ever before to show up in her life,” and “What would it take to win prizes and drawings.”  And I love this story; it’s a really cool story.

                           This week she received a letter from the Chief Financial Officer from the State of Florida informing her she has an unclaimed premium refund from an insurance company amounting to $4,291.

Alright, Lori shared a great story with me.  She’d been practicing “What would it take,” asking for $1000.  The other day she was really focused, asked the universe for help with this and the next day she got a check in the mail, basically saying the FTC had sued and won and this was her portion against a mortgage company.  It was completely unexpected.

Then she checked her bank account and $231 in back child support had been deposited.  And later that evening, she got a check in the mail for $100 commission she’d made.  So that was $934 manifested in one day.  She said “Not quite $1000.”

But the next day, she was taking her daughter to an amusement park.  She went to go purchase a ticket, a random stranger had a free ticket, gave them passes good for entry and a free meal and extras just by her showing up right?

What would it take for you guys to get paid just for you being you?  She got her $1000 goal; probably over that actually.  Now she’s working on manifesting $5,000 to $10,000.  So good luck Lori and keep us posted.

So is the truth in you or is it out there?  Where is it?  And I’m going to say this, everywhere you guys think that you can’t have those kind of wins or miracles in a very short amount of time, uncreate all that.  And everybody listening, wouldn’t it be cool if you double, triple or quadruple your income and manifest a miracle this week?

In some 3D form that shows you’re totally guided.  Okay, so let’s connect to the light so that when we get into this whole subject that we can clear things along the way.  So, close your eye, and of course if you’re driving, please don’t close your eyes and just pay attention and look up.

See, sense or feel the light. Take your energy 300 feet up where you can see, feel or sense the dimension where the light shows up.  Ask this light to come into your heart, connecting your heart.  Okay, cool.  Now imagine this light comes through your crown, opening your crown to true divine knowledge; knowing the truth about everything.

Asking this light to connect to your third eye, opening that you can see it all, yes.  And everything in the way of that, delete all that.  And ask the light to come in so you can hear it all and clear out your ears.  Ask the light to come in, clear out your throat so you can speak the truth, be creative, generate your world by saying and being what you know you should be.

Ask the light to come in, opening up your heart.  Ask he light to come in, opening up your torso.  Ask the light to come in, opening up all your power sensors and the energy that you’re rooted in so that you can firmly be in the truth.

Ask the light to come through your legs, into the center of the planet; right in the sweet spot in the center of the planet where it feels really luscious and lovely.  Ask that light to bounce straight back up into your heart.  You are now connected above and below.

Ask the light from your heart to radiate out 360 degrees all the way around you.  Ask this light to expand past your body.  Ask this light to expand past the building you’re in.  Ask this light to expand past the city you’re in. Ask this light to expand past the sate you’re in.

Ask this light to expand past the country you’re in.  Ask this light to expand past the planet. Okay.  Now, today is a really cool day.  The reason I picked the subject we’re working on, is that in order to be abundant wouldn’t it be cool if you could know the truth about things and always take guided action.

And I want to talk, somebody asked me this question in email and I want to address it.  Somebody was asking “Do I always have to connect to the light?”  So the answer is eventually you don’t really have to and you can still walk around or drive doing the “What would it takes” and just imagine that you’re connected from above and below and you’ll always be connected.

Okay, so that’s one.  Number two, somebody was saying “I don’t have time to do 30 to 40 “What would it takes” in a day.  And the things is, I think you guys can see that if you don’t do them don’t you kind of miss them?  Okay?

So I catch myself in the middle of every thought and if I don’t really like what I’m thinking I just think “Oh weird. Uncreate and delete all that.”  You know what I mean?  So it becomes like a walking prayer and doing it 30 to 40 times isn’t really a big deal because it’s become such a part of your life.

Okay, so I just wanted to clear that up.  How do you make your energy bigger?  Well Maria, when you expand past the planet you have no bounds.  You could expand past Pluto, which is no longer a planet, which is kind of sacrilegious to me given that I am a Scorpio.  They took away my planet.

Anyway, so you can expand your energy past Pluto.  You can expand your energy past the sun.  Right, so if you take your energy Maria, and everybody listening and go past Pluto.  Take your energy and go past the sun, you can literally kind of imagine and take your energy there.

So you’re unlimited by truth and that’s who you are.  The bigger you make your energy, the more you can change.  Mark is a Scorpio too.  I know. They took away our planet; the planet of transformation, are you kidding me.

So, “Is it really just an intention?”  Yeah it is really an intention Maria.  It’s just imaging yourself there.  Franks saying “Can we muscle test to know whether or not our desires are ego based or from our heart?”  Of course you can, but Frank, I want to clear up the word ego for a minute, okay.

Can you guys trust that the universe at some level is so abundant and it wants you to have everything?  See, we as human beings were taught by certain folks on the planet to judge things like money, or power, or all those things right?  But if your intention behind it all is filled with love, like truthfully do I want to be powerful?  Well of course I do.

Why do I want to be powerful?  Because it truly proves who I am to myself.  I have no need to prove it to other people, I really don’t, but for myself I want to know that all my mojo works.  Okay?  So, is that ego based?  Do you understand?

So some people might say “Oh that’s ego based.  You want to have power.”  I think that certain societies want us to believe that it’s our ego so that we don’t have power so that we don’t show up as we are and therefore we can be controlled as a population.

So, I kind of bring that up so you guys really check in when you say the word “ego,” because make sure you don’t have a spiritual belief around that.  Because the universe doesn’t judge us, totally loves us, and actually wants us to have what we really want.

It wants us to be abundant.  It wants us to be loved.  It wants us to have our kids be happy.  It wants us to have our future generations easy.  It wants us to make a lot of money for whatever we need or want, okay.

So you don’t have to justify it.  So I see what you’re saying Frank, but I would check is just ask “Is the vibration of my desire, is there any energy attached that comes from fear, anger, worry, judgment, false information, right, because it could be false information that’s making you feel bad or guilty.

Okay, but that’s a really good question because you just brought up this whole file.  So I’m really glad that you asked that question Frank, so thank you.

So Ghanna is saying “How do we integrate this light and love in our body?”  You’re doing it now.  The answer is being aware.  How do you integrate it, you just be willing to be so much truth and love that nothing else is there.  Okay?  So that means you purposely manifest your life the way you really choose it all the time.

Somebody is saying “What’s the story about Pluto?”  They de-classified it as a planet Sabrina.  Alright, everywhere money and spirituality don’t mix, uncreate and delete it all.  Churches have a lot of money, so they mixed it up themselves.  And there’s a little power in there too Javier.  Money, power and spirituality all mixed in with the church.  So everything that is, uncreate and delete it all.

So we’re going to go into the finer points of intuition okay.  So if you’re aligned with truth it will feel light, giggly, happy or kind of spacious.  If you’re aligned with thinking it kind of feels like in between. If you’re aligned with untruth or lower vibrations, density, that’s heavy.

So all of you guys, let’s jut do one clearing here.  So everywhere you guys are unwilling to know the truth and feel the lightness of truth, uncreate and delete it all.  Everywhere you guys are stuck in some past thing where you can’t be truthful, uncreate and delete it all.

Everywhere you guys have no idea ho w to be light and truthful to yourself, uncreate and delete it all.  So we’re going to practice for a minute.  I want you to think “I am female.”  Okay, now if you’re a male that would be untrue.  Just think “I am female.” “I am female.”  So the females will feel truth in a certain way and the males will feel falsehood in a certain way.

So just think “I am female” and just kind of check in, where do you feel that in your body.  Now I’m going to switch it.  “I am male.”  So if you say “I am male” and you’re male, you’ll feel truth.  And if you say “I am male” and you’re female then you will feel false.  So where do you feel that?  “I am male.”

So Amber, if you don’t feel it in your body, I think you do, but you might not be aware of it.  Check inside, where does it feel a little heavier somewhere?  Where does it feel a little tight, a little heavy, a little present?
I am male.”

Okay, I’m going to say it this way “I am a female body.”  “I have a female body.”  We’ll just tie it to your body.  “I have a female body.”  “I have a male body.”  Okay now, just say your name and when you say your name do you feel a lightness to it or a heaviness?  Your name should feel pretty light because that’s what you call yourself.

So I want you guys to hear in my voice so you can see that this will happen.  You can even do it in your voice if you want.  If I say “My name is Christie.” Notice how my energy changed when I said “Christie?”  It does like three times.  “My name is Christie.”

Now, I’m not purposely doing that, that’s just the energy that runs through my name.  Now if I say “My name is Ed,” “My name is Ed.”  Can you notice how my voice cracks?  You can sometimes hear it in your voice as well.  There will be an energy that changes.

Okay so everywhere you guys are confused about truth and falsehood, uncreate and delete it all.  That’s why we’re doing this today, so you guys can get really, really, really good at knowing the truth about things.  Okay?  So everybody don’t check out, stay connected to the light and make your energy bigger.

And I did this with the last group; some people got it, some people didn’t it.  It’s okay, because I want you guys to practice.  So I’m going to think of a question, I’m going to say it out loud and then I want you guys to feel if that feels like a true statement or a false statement.

Okay, feel the energy of this.  “I am in a house that has three bedrooms.”  “I am in a house currently that has three bedrooms.”  Like my body, where I’m visiting, I’m visiting somebody’s house; I’m not in my own house.  So I’m visiting a house, so the house that I’m visiting currently has three bedrooms; true or false.

Okay, so most of you are getting true, a few of you got false.  Okay, so the answer to that question is true.  So everybody who got a false read, uncreate it all.  And now I want you to notice there’s a little filter, when you do intuition, the first thing that pops into your head, like boom, is a subtle awareness.

Truth is usually kind of subtle unfortunately.  It’s usually it just feels kind of subtle and light and truthful.  And if you if you have to think longer than a few seconds, you went to your mind probably to find the “answer,” instead of being just connected to light and knowing the truth.

So think of the energy of thinking and figuring it out, it’s like, think, think, think, think, think, think, figure, figure, figure, figure, figure, figure, figure versus truth, truth, truth, truth, truth.  See it’s a different energy?  Okay.

So I’ll give you one more.  Here’s a statement and I want you to guys to feel the truth or the falsehood of it.  “I am currently on the East Coast of the United States.”  “I am currently on the East Coast of the United States.”  True or false?

Okay, so most of you got this one right.  It’s true I am not on the East Coast.  I am in the Midwest.  Okay, perfect.  You guys are great.  Okay, so I just had you guys do this.  I want you to practice.  Like you can take a deck of cards and say “The next card that I turn over is red,” or “The next card I turn over is black.”

And then just get really good at knowing the truth of things.  And you have to be willing to know the truth no matter what.  Okay?  So a lot of people have blocks on “no matter what.”  So everywhere it’s not safe, right, or good to know the truth no matter what, uncreate and delete it all.

And everywhere your parents had all these secrets and lies and secret agendas and all these things that they hid from you so that you can’t trust your truth and your falsehood, uncreate and delete all that.  Everywhere you’re scared to know the truth about your abundance, uncreate and delete all that.

Everywhere you’re scared to know the truth about how to create your future, uncreate all that.  Everywhere you’re scared to know how to create your future knowing exactly what steps to take to make a lot of money, uncreate and delete all that.

So here, we’re going to de a lot of clearing tonight.  So you guys just tell me what’s coming up for you alright.  So Katia is saying she doubled how much she gets from her private practice; will ask for a further raise this week.  Okay, so Katia send us a story I love it.  And I’ve upped he rent for my renters.  Send us a story so we can put you in the drawing.

I’m going to just clear this one for us that’s coming up.  So everywhere you guys are confused, like literally all confusion about knowing he truth about everything, uncreate and delete it all times a gazillion.

Everywhere you cannot know the truth no matter what you think or say, uncreate and delete it. All the places truth is totally hidden from you uncreate and delete all this.

So we’re going to start with what truth are you guys unwilling to see, hear, feel, know and perceive?  Everything that is, uncreate and delete it all.  All the truths that you guys are unwilling to see, hear, know, feel and perceive, uncreate and delete all that.

All the other truths that you guys are unwilling to see, hear, know, and perceive, uncreate and delete all that.  Okay.  Any other thing that you’re unwilling to perceive and know and hear and feel and see uncreate and delete across all time, dimension, space and realities.

Yes, across all holographic fields, across all morphic fields, across all places where you hold lots of indecision, lots of places where you hold indecision is probably the place where you’re unwilling to know the truth.  Uncreate and delete all that.

Okay, how may false promises have you guys made to yourself about knowing the truth and then you really don’t want the truth?  So you say you want the truth but you don’t really want the truth, uncreate and delete all that.

Okay, what vibration of truth are you unwilling to perceive?  All the vibrations of truth that you are unwilling to perceive uncreate and delete all those across all time, dimension, space and reality.  Across the holographic field, across your morphic field, across your genetic field, across your mom and dad’s energies; uncreate and delete all that.

Anywhere you brought in your mom and dad’s vibration of untruth and lies, uncreate and delete all that.  Anywhere you’re holding onto your mom and dad’s stories of untruth, yes, uncreate and delete all that.

Everywhere it wasn’t fair or right to perceive and know the truth, uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension, space and realities; across all holographic fields.  Yes, love it.  All the vibrations of truth that you’re unwilling to perceive, uncreate and delete all those.

All the elements of intuition that you have shut off for all eternity, will you uncreate and delete all those.  Everywhere you guys are locked in a battle of knowing the truth and hiding the truth all at the same time, will you please uncreate and delete all those across all time, dimension, space and reality.

All of those elements of intuition that you shut off uncreate and delete them all.  Everything creating you shutting off the elements of intuition, uncreate them across all time, dimension, space and reality.  Across all genetic fields, across all holographic fields and all morphic fields.

Everywhere you have the elements of intuition shut off in your body, uncreate and delete all that.  Everywhere you had to shut off your intuition in order to be here, uncreate and delete all that.  Whatever time during the day that you shut off your intuition will you uncreate and delete all that, across all genetic fields, across all morphic fields.

How any times do you guys in a day shut off your intuition, your psychicness and your super powers?  Yes, your super powers to perceive everything, uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension, space and reality.

Yes, across all genetic, morphic and holographic fields.  All the timelines where you guys are shutting off your intuition, every trigger or button that you have that shuts off your awareness, your knowing and your intuition, uncreate and delete all that.

Everywhere you’re unwilling to be totally in the truth and totally aware, uncreate and delete all that.  Everywhere you look you see something you need to know, how many places do you shut off your perception?  Everything that is, uncreate and delete it all.  I love it.

Okay, all the other places where you guys have shut off your perception of knowing everything about everything that you see, uncreate and delete all that.  All the places that you don’t want to know the truth which creates doubt, because like think about it, if you really knew the truth and lived in the truth you would absolutely have no doubt and then you could make any decision and go forward.

So everywhere you’re unwilling to perceive at that depth, uncreate and delete all that.  A few of you guys have this big karmic thing going on, so all the karma that’s going on making you guys stuck from knowing the truth, uncreate and delete it all.

Everywhere you don’t want to know the truth of who you are at some level because you have some karma going on, everything that is uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension, space and reality.

Karma just means some unhealed thing, it could be this life or past life, that’s blocking you from knowing the truth because as many people as I’ve looked at, we’ve all done something that’s from the shadow and we’ve all done things that are from the light. So anywhere you guys have some karma that came from the shadow side, will you uncreate and delete all that.

Anywhere you’re not wanting to be known or seen because you have some karma attached to the shadow side that you don’t want to look at the truth of it, everything that is will you uncreate and delete all that.

There, that’s awesome. Everywhere you’re not allowed the truth or say the truth or speak the truth in your family because they want to be in denial, uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension, space and reality.

All the core choices to never, ever, ever be happy, uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you want to be miserable and unaware, uncreate all that.  Everywhere you want to make stupid choices from unawareness because it’s easier to fit in your family, uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension, space and reality.

Everywhere it’s easier to be stupid and in denial and not know the truth so I can get along with everybody around me including my mate, including yourself, uncreate and delete all that.

Everywhere the family karma is based in lies and nobody wants anybody to find out the truth, uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension, space and reality.  So whenever your parents had secret affairs, secret money things, secret job things, secret vices, secret addictions, and they learned how to hide the truth and you can’t trust the truth; everything that is, across all time, dimension, space and reality.

Any of you guys who did any of the same things, had affairs, hid the money, any like hidden things so now you’re hiding things still from yourself, everything that is will you uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension, space and reality.

There.  That will be a block that gets in your future.  So any other secrets that you guys are hiding that you feel bad about, will you let yourselves off the hook, so all the guilt, fear, shame, worry, all that stuff, uncreate and delete if all across all time, dimension, space and realities.

Everywhere you guys are stuck in religious quandaries over should I be psychic and intuitive and know the truth or is that of the devil?  Any religious quandaries that keep you from being aware, knowing everything about everything; uncreate and delete that all across all time, dimension, space and reality.

All the core beliefs that keep you stuck in boxes, living a spirituality that is based in falseness and unawareness; everything that is, uncreate and delete it all.  Because if you really think about it, prayer is really just about connecting to the light, letting love in and being aware from that place.  So being intuitive, being psychic and being religious or spiritual really are all the same thing.

So anybody who gave you a lie or an implant that said that’s false or wrong, uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension, space and reality.  Anywhere your mother and father don’t want you knowing the truth because then they will be found out, uncreate and delete all that.

Anywhere you guys have tried to do things in the past and they don’t work for you, about knowing the truth; everything that is, will you uncreate and delete it all.  If that is the case, it just means that you had some barrier to knowing the truth that was going.  It wasn’t that it wasn’t working, it was that you had a cross-purpose.  Okay?

So anything that doesn’t work in your life, can you guys really get that there’s some cross-purpose that needs to be clear? So all the cross-purpose that’s keeping your intuition blocked and stopped, uncreate and delete all that.

So the cool thing is, about knowing the truth, is you can change any future you have.  So you can go into your future and you can go “hmm, does it seem like in my future I’m going to get married and have kids?”  And if the answer is no, then cool.

Then what you do is you uncreate and delete all of that because that’s just a belief.  See the truth is the future is malleable, you can change it.  So if you go into the future and you don’t feel it or see it and it’s not linked up, it doesn’t mean you’re bad or wrong or pathetic or any of those, it just means that you need to work on it by saying “What would it take for this to happen” and then clear anything in the way of that.  Okay?  So that’s really what it is.

So, what would it take right now for everywhere you guys to be in denial if what you see, know and hear, uncreate and delete it all.  What would it take for all the choices you guys made to shut off your internal knowing, yes, to be deleted, uncreated, yes, across all time, dimension, space and reality.

All the convictions that you have to make yourself not feel what you know, uncreate and delete that.  What inner truths are you guys not allowing no matter what shows up for you, uncreate and delete all that.  What inner game are you using to shut off your awareness; everything that is, will you uncreate and delete all that.

What inner truth are you avoiding so you can stay normal and fit in?  Yes, because normal people are unaware, are in denial and they don’t want to change.  Like if you really, really honestly look at the truth of “normal” people, a lot of people don’t want to change or be aware.  So anywhere you’re striving to be normal, so that means you have to shut off your awareness uncreate and delete all that.

All the choices that you’re aligning with to shut off your awareness and the truth uncreate and delete all that.  Anywhere your subconscious belief is keeping you from not knowing your future, will you uncreate and delete all that.  Any of your subconscious beliefs, including “I can’t know,” “shouldn’t know,” “don’t want to know,” “could never know,” and “will be in trouble for knowing”; uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension, space and reality.

All the truths that you’re hiding from yourself so you can stay hidden uncreate and delete all that.  Any other truth that you’re hiding from yourself to keep you safe, uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension, space and reality.  Any other truth that you guys are hiding, will you uncreate and delete it all?  Any other core belief that says “I have to hide the truth from myself and other people so people don’t look at me,” uncreate and delete it all across all time, dimension, space and realities.

All the incidences where you shut off the truth of your true nature, will you uncreate and delete all that across all time, dimension, space and reality.  All the secrets that you won’t allow yourself to remember uncreate and delete it all.  How many secrets are you justifying keeping when they keep you stuck?  Like, it could be a secret addiction, secret money things, anything; all those things uncreate and delete them all.

All the secret guilts uncreate and delete all those.  All the secret fears uncreate and delete all those.   All the secret angers uncreate and delete all those.  All the secret shames uncreate and delete all those. All the secret decisions that you’ve made to keep everything from coming to you, including love, money, miracles, abundance; uncreate and delete all that.

Any other secrets that you’re hiding from yourself uncreate and delete all those.  All the secrets your family hid from you uncreate and delete all those. All the secrets that keep you tethered to the past instead of creating a future uncreate and delete all those.

Everywhere you’re not allowed to know the truth, okay, everything that is uncreate and delete all that.  Everywhere you were told that I can’t have the truth and you can’t handle the truth, just like Jack Nicholson right, “You can’t handle the truth”; everything that is, uncreate and delete all that.

Everywhere you can’t handle the truth uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere you’re shy about knowing the truth because then maybe people won’t like you, uncreate and delete all that.  So as I said in the first group, you can know the truth about things.  It doesn’t mean you have to tell everybody what you know.  It’s okay to just know things and act from awareness.  What would it take for you guys to see it all, hear it all, know it all, be it all; uncreate and delete all that.

Okay, everywhere else you don’t know how to be a know it all uncreate and delete all that.  Everywhere your choices are aligned with bad choices, so therefore you don’t want to know the future because it’s too scary to know, uncreate and delete all that.

Everywhere you guys are hiding the future, uncreate and delete all that.  Everywhere you guys are afraid of the future, uncreate and delete all that.  Everywhere you guys are afraid to know the truth, uncreate and delete all that.  Everywhere you guys are afraid to perceive the entire reality around you and in you and then make changes, because the truth is you can make changes to anything that you are being.  So anywhere you’re being like whatever, angry, fearful, unhappy, miserable, and stuck; anywhere you’re unwilling to perceive what’s needed in order to change it, uncreate and delete all that.

I’m going to clear this because some of you guys don’t really want the truth.  So everywhere you guys don’t even want the truth, even if it would set you free, uncreate and delete all of that.  So Ivan is asking, “How do I know if I know the truth.”  If it feels light and it makes you happy that’s really truth.

So truth feels light.  Now, I should take that back, it won’t always make you happy.  Eventually from the soul level it will make you happy, but truth is truth.  So feel this out.  You’re an aware being who makes choices; that’s true.  You’re a limited being who is human; not true.  Okay?  So everywhere you guys are refusing to be the unlimited being who has a body, uncreate and delete all that.

“If we look at it and feel ashamed of ourselves is it permanently imprinted?”  No Karen, because then what you do is you just look at it, “You go okay, wow that might really suck in that moment,” and then just uncreate and delete everything you feel about it and then let it go.    So you look at it, you say  “Oh that’s interesting,” and then you uncreate and delete everything that created it and everything that created the pattern and everything you feel about it.

And eventually you’ll get to a neutral and once it’s neutral, then you’re not attached or controlled by it.  So unawareness doesn’t let you fix things.  If you’re not willing to be in the truth you could be so stuck, because lies will stick you; lies will make the energy stick.  Truth will set the energy free.

Having to hide to survive, everything that is uncreate and delete it all.  How many of you guys are hiding your know-it-all-ness?  Your super powers; your extreme sense of knowing, kind of like Wonder Woman, Superman.  Everywhere you can’t teleport or telepath to any of those super human powers and you’re pretending that you’re limited, uncreate and delete all that.

Everywhere you guys bear an uncanny resemblance to a human instead of a super human, uncreate and delete all that.  There, you guys let go of a lot of energy right there.  Okay, anywhere else you’re unwilling to perceive through all dimensions, uncreate and delete all that.

Anywhere somebody is just talking to you right in front of you, you’re unwilling to just know if they’re telling you the truth, not their truth but the truth, because people will have a truth which creates their reality, but everything that’s true for you that’s not really true that means it’s a lie, everything that is, will you uncreate and delete it all.

How many places are you guys limiting yourself by living in this reality instead of choosing the reality where you can know it all and be it all?  Uncreate and delete everything in the way of that.  Everywhere you guys are afraid to take massive action based on truth and would rather be in denial and then take action and then wonder why it fails; everything that is, will you uncreate and delete it all.

Everywhere it’s safer to be a failure because then you can fit in with your family and then you can get love; everything that is, will you uncreate and delete it all.  So Karen, everything that you’re ashamed of, so any of you guys, any of your secret shames, secret addictions, secret things and all the things that attach to the other person, uncreate and delete it all.

Any secret shames attached to any other person, something they did to you, something you did to hem, uncreate and delete all those.  All the secret shames, secret angers, secrets that you wanted to kill them after they did blah, blah, blah to you; so all those secret things where you just wanted to kill them and get rid of them and you’re ashamed to admit that, uncreate and delete it all.

Everywhere it’s licked in your body energy system to be ashamed, be guilty or be fearful, uncreate and delete all that.  Karen, anywhere you guys are stuck to your mom and dad’s heritage and that’s what’s making you feel guilty or ashamed; everything that is, uncreate it all.

Any past lives that you guys are connected to that are stopping you from knowing your truth, uncreate and delete all that.  It has something to do with your mother Karen.  So Ivan you asked a question, like you have to pick it apart a little bit.  So let’s just say a situation is, “Is this person telling me the truth?”  You could say “What percentage is this person telling me the truth?” And you could get 70%, 80%.

“If I do this deal, will it make me $30,000 worth of profit, yes or no?”  If I do this will it make me happy?”  So you have to ask little questions in the middle of all of it Ivan to kind of break it down.  If I’m going to do something I really want to know all the angles of it.  That’s how much truth I’m willing to perceive.

I want to know what they need.  I want to know what I need.  I want to know if it fits.  I want to know if they’re going to judge me.  I want to know if I’m going to judge them.  Do you understand?  I want to know all the angles.  Well, if you don’t want people to know the truth about you, the way you hide truth is you actually clear yourself so much that you’re a see-thru system.

It’s very hard for psychics to read me and it’s not really what I’m putting out, I’m not doing it on purpose, but it’s because my energy is so expansive most people can’t read me.  I have like literally in the last two years of my life, I can’t find anybody who can read me.  And it’s because my energy is so expansive that I’m choosing the truth for myself in the moment.  Clear yourself out so much that your energy is so big then nobody can read anything.

So everywhere Frank, you’re unwilling to be that big and hide things, and everywhere you guys are afraid that once you know the truth about things, people know who you are; you know if you’re afraid if they know the truth they won’t like you, uncreate and delete all that.

Any other truth that you guys have going on that you don’t want anybody to see or know about, uncreate and delete all that.  It’s attached to your mother’s genetics Karen.  It’s somehow your mother’s genetic lineage.  So, it even says in the Bible, we bear the sins of our brothers seven generations back.  I’ve seen it up to 10.

So somewhere in your mother’s side of the family it’s stuck.  So anywhere you don’t think it will be fixed, uncreate and delete it all.  I know, some of those things are kind of sticky, but just keep saying “Anywhere this happened anywhere in the genetic lineage and I’m carrying it in my body, uncreate and delete it all.”

Okay, everywhere, what would it take for you guys to be a know it all who does it all; uncreate and delete all that.  So everywhere Amber, you’re afraid to just tell people “no”; I mean there’s nice ways to tell people “No.”  I will say to somebody, if they ask me something and I don’t want to do it, I will say “I am not guided to do that,” because that’s the truth.  I’m not guided to do that.

And I’ve never had anybody argue with my guidance.  Or you can just say “That doesn’t fit for me right now.”  Nobody usually argues with that too much either.  But when you create excuses people can kind of feel those and that you feel guilty and then they can emotionally kind of blackmail you a little bit.

So just say the truth – “I get that you want this, that doesn’t fit me right now.  I know that might hurt your feelings, but I would hope that you could honor my choice in this situation because I just feel like I have to do what I have to do.”  So just use those kind of words.

So everywhere you guys are afraid to know the truth and tell people “no,” uncreate and delete all that.  So Shareen, a numerologist told you you weren’t ever going to get married and have kids.  “I believe that the future is mine to make but that he knew something I didn’t know.”

So this is what I don’t like about intuitive even though I’ve been in that profession.  See, when people came to me what I would say is “It seems like you’re choosing this in your life, let me help you fix that if you want something different.”  SO Shareen, everywhere you gave somebody else the power to control your future, uncreate and delete it all.

So some of the psychics or a numerologist, what they’re reading is a potential future.  You do not have to agree with them.  Okay?  So what I would do is I would say “Everywhere I agreed and aligned with the numerologist or the psychic, anywhere I gave away my power of choice to him or her uncreate and delete it all.”  Okay?

Everywhere you shut off your intuition to be loved, uncreate and delete all that.  Everywhere you’re staying hidden so you can live, uncreate and delete all the places where you still have to hide because you are now safe.  So anywhere you still think you have to hide, uncreate all that.

Right, so Katia that means that you just have to change and your husband and your daughter, what you just do is you just change and get happy and you don’t have to force any of your change on them.  Okay?  You really don’t.  See that’s what people think.  They think “Oh I’m changing; I’ve got to change everybody around me.”  Uh, just change the people that want to be changed and let everyone else be. And then just go be happy. Okay?

Because eventually what will happen is you’ll be happy and they’ll come around to your happiness.  Okay?  Everywhere you guys are in denial that your energy, just your energy without saying anything changes the whole family; everywhere you’re in denial of that, uncreate all that.

Everywhere your body is aching, it means you’ve stuck a lot of emotion in there about not knowing the truth, so your body is trying to tell you the truth right now Galina, so ask “What truth is in my liver.”  “What truth is right here in my liver?”  I just hear that you’re mad about something, so everything that you’re mad about, uncreate and delete all that.

And if you’re mad about it, it means you’re just empowered about it which means that you were unwilling to see some truth about some situation and that’s what’s wanting to come out.  So what truth are you avoiding looking at in your liver that wants to get handled?

So any of you with body aches right now, or in your life, what truth are you avoiding that’s stuck in your body?  Or what shock, what painful shock in the past happened that’s stuck in your body that wants to come out?  You have cross-purposes JC.  You want to let go of some things and there’s some things you don’t want to let go of, because somewhere you like being angry at people a little bit because it makes you feel a little more powerful.

Okay?  So there’s some things you don’t want to let go of.  So all the cross-purposes keeping you feeling nauseous or sick, any of that, uncreate all that.  Everywhere you don’t want to know the truth, uncreate and delete all that.  Yes, you can ask for a clearing.  So Katia, every time your husband and daughter go off on you, you could just under your breath, you don’t have to say it to them, jus say “Everything creating this negative energy towards me right now I uncreate it all.”

“Everything that’s keeping my daughter hurt and in pain that she needs to gain 100 pounds, I uncreate and delete it all.”  You can do that for them.  So everywhere it’s useless and impossible to know it all, uncreate and delete all that.  Everywhere you guys don’t see the whole point, which is if you know it all, you can know how to talk to people and have them pay you.  You can know how to go into a bank and I don’t know, get a deal done, because you know what the other person needs to hear in order to get the deal done.

You could do many myriads of things with knowing the truth right?  You can know the truth of how to orchestrate your life in order to make things happen.  You can know the truth about which person is going to help you get to the next level.  You can know the truth about any business deal, any investment.  You can know the truth is gold going to go up more or is it going to go down.

So everywhere you guys are afraid to know that much truth because it could change your whole life, uncreate and delete it all.  Alright.  So everywhere you guys are afraid to let go of anything, so just ask your bodies right now, because this is a really big subject and you guys shoved a lot of untruth into your tissues.

So connect to the light, be connected and then let’s ask that the energy of truth run through your body.  We’re going to tell your body “I’m willing to perceive the truth.  Thank you for showing it to me in the form of aches and pains, but I’m now willing to know so much truth that you do not have to show it to me.”

Because your body will love you enough to have an ache and pain so that you will ask the ache and pain what’s wrong instead of just perceiving what’s wrong before it gets into your body.   So everywhere you guys are just afraid to ask your body what it needs and give it to it, uncreate all that.

Everywhere you guys have tortured your body by using a lot of force against it, so you can close down and not know the truth; so all the force fields that you guys are putting into your bodies so that you can’t feel or know, uncreate all that.  Everywhere you guys shut off all your perception and feeling because it was too painful, uncreate and delete all that.

Anywhere that’s reality has been too painful and you shut off all your knowing and your feeling and your believing and your truth and your heart and you went into your head; everything that is, uncreate all that.  Everywhere you guys are afraid to emote and feel, uncreate all that.

Amy, it’s just because you have some counter-intentions to knowing the truth.  It happened somehow with your father.  Somehow your father’s energy made you now trust yourself.  So, any of you guys who don’t trust yourself, uncreate it all.  And your mother didn’t somehow trust your father.  So anywhere your mother didn’t trust your father and then you mimicked her energy.

Alright, everybody’s families who want a healing right now; so all the families and family members who want a healing, we’ll send them a healing; uncreate and delete anything in the way of the healing.  Uncreate and delete any miracle that anybody is willing to take right now through you or your family.  All the untruths that all your family members are living in, uncreate and delete it all.

All the untruth that you have to deal with in your workplace, uncreate and delete all that.  All the lies that you guys are sitting in that you think you’re not powerful enough to do this on your own, uncreate and delete all that.

So, I know what you’re saying Sylvana, but here’s the deal – I’ll tell you how I go about my life.  I’m willing to be so aware that I know what everything everybody is up to.  And I’m willing to not judge it.  Because I see that they are a loving child of God and that they chose that path and who am I to get in the way of that path, right.

Do you understand?  So I love people where they’re at and ask for a different energy field to kind of go around them, so I’ll send a blessing to people. And if they want to take the energy they can take it and if they don’t, they don’t have to.  Okay?  But you can perceive it all and not really care about it in the same way.  Does that make sense?

Because you have to understand, and I don’t mean this as a judgment thing, just as an awareness thing – there’s a lot of miserable people because they don’t know how to create their lives.  So are you going to let your energy go down to their level or are you going to be a beacon of light and raise them all up just by being you?

Because if you go down to their level you don’t help you and they’re just where they’re at.  It doesn’t make them bad, it just makes them unknowing.  Do you understand?  So they just don’t know any different until you radiate a lot of light and love and you just show them something different.  Or they read a book and they see something different.  Or they watch TV and they see something different, right.

So I’m willing to see everything, including a mass murderer.  I’m willing to love that person anyway and know every reason why they chose those choices and still not judge them and still bless them so that they make another choice.  Do you understand?  But I don’t let that energy affect me because it’s their thing, but I’m still willing to perceive it all.

Does that make sense?  And let the energy pass through me; I don’t have a need to hold on to their energy or fix them, unless they ask for help.  And if they ask for help I’ll happily help them.  Do you understand?

So what would it take Sylvana, and everybody listening, if you just look at everything as it is, it’s a choice their making, and you can send them a blessing and you can love them where they’re at without needing to force all your agendas on them.

Roman, it’s your father.  You’ve got male issues.  It’s not safe, right or good to move into your maleness; whatever that is for you.  So you’re going to have to work on clearing anything you have with your father, any guilt, shame about being a man and being your version of a man instead of anybody else’s version of a man.

So you will know that you released everything from your mother and father when you ask the question and it reads true.  Everywhere you’re afraid to speak the truth because you’ll get punished – it’s true, your parents didn’t want to know the truth.

They wanted to be in denial.  They wanted you guys to be good girls and good boys so they could look like good parents.  They didn’t want the truth.  They didn’t want you speaking up.  They didn’t want you telling them the truth because they might have to change.

So anywhere that’s true but you made that wrong, because you’re now an adult and you can tell them the truth and it doesn’t really matter right.  So everywhere you just won’t tell people the truth, uncreate and delete all that.

So Ivan, when I say I clear myself, what I’m saying is I’m doing all these things that you guys are doing right now; I just uncreate and delete everything that’s false about me.  And then what’s happened is my vibrations gotten so high that people can’t really read me.  They have to have kind of a higher vibration in order to read me, so that’s what I mean.

So I’m just doing everything that I’m teaching you guys.  When I say “clear” I just uncreate and delete all my fear, worry, anger, shame, guilt, like all those lower energies, and I raise my vibration up.  So, “What if it’s true for someone and I don’t feel it’s the truth?”  Well, you just be aware of that.  You’re like “Oh that’s kind of interesting and it feels kind of true for them, but I don’t feel it.”  SO unless they ask for your advice and then you can choose to tell them the truth at that point.

Like, “I get what you’re saying, but I don’t feel it.  But it doesn’t mean you’re wrong, it just means I don’t feel it.”  You know what I mean?  So just because somebody tells you something doesn’t mean you have to correct them.  Gabriel, you’re really going to have to start working on “Everywhere I’m abused and victimized” and uncreate and delete all that until you don’t feel that anymore.

So everywhere you’re abused, any of you guys, abused and victimized and vandalized by people you loved, uncreate and delete it all.  Everywhere you’re waiting for them to be different but they really don’t want to and you’re disappointed, uncreate and delete all that.  Okay, I loved it.

So Rosietta is having a realization that she’s been closing something she used to be able to see.  Everything that is, uncreate it all.  So your knee is telling you that you don’t want to move forward Roman; so somewhere you don’t want to move forward.  Somewhere cutting off at the knees, victim, done want to move forward.

Alright, so all the stuff that you guys have in your body, uncreate and delete it all.  It’s basically a bunch of untruth.  Okay, so Kathleen, everything you decided about saving your child that’s still stuck in your energy field, uncreate it all.  And I would run, for you I would run “Everywhere I’m still traumatized in 1986”; so everywhere you’re traumatized and still stuck in 1986, I would uncreate and delete the whole, everything that happened before during and after the event, over and over again until it feels light.

Alright you guys, so you guys are talking about body stuff; there’s so much body stuff.  Uncreate and delete it all.  You’re going to have to just keep sending in light and just saying “Body, it’s really safe to release all this falsehood.”  So right now you guys say “Body, body, body, body, body, body it’s really safe for you right now to let go of everything false, traumatic, guilty, shameful, anger, fear, worry.  It’s really okay for you to let go of the lies in my body.  It’s really okay for you to change my whole molecular structure and delete everything that is a lie that’s stuck in my body, and shock, lies and shock.”

So all the lies and shock in your body.  Roman, I keep saying it’s your father, how many times, father, father, father.   Roman, father.  So Roman, you’re going to have to listen to this again, because I keep telling you what I keep saying and it’s like you can’t hear me.  So there’s an unconsciousness in you that doesn’t want to hear what I’m saying.

It’s something about not wanting to move forward and feeling like something with your father and not feeling like a man.  Okay?  So how you want to feel like a man in the world is not showing up for you.  So you’re going to have to clear all that places where you don’t feel like a man, you don’t want to feel like a man, you’re doing your fathers version of a man, everywhere you don’t like your father, everywhere you felt like your father doesn’t like you; all those things.

Now, that will happen for you guys.  Sometimes you guys don’t hear things because you have an energy there.  So all the parents and authority figure stuff uncreate and delete it all.  All the worthy of knowing it all and changing what you don’t prefer because this is what it is, know it all and then change it if you don’t like it; uncreate all that.

It’s safe to know your future; everything in the way, uncreate all that.  You’re worthy of the truth; everything in the way of that, uncreate all that.  And be willing to know it all and see it all in the future; uncreate and delete everything in the way of that.

What would it take for you guys to be the knower of everything about everything; everything in the way of that, uncreate all that.  What would it take for you guys to know the truth now; everything in the way of that, uncreate and delete all that.

Okay, Frank wants to send blessings to political leaders.  I would love that.  So all the political leaders that just honor untruth and the falsehood that they can’t make a change, uncreate and delete all that.  Everyone that is in control of the economy and making the choices that keep us stuck and going down; uncreate and delete all that.

All the untruth that is stuck in the economy making everything stuck and going down; uncreate all that.  Everywhere in the economy the energy is lost, uncreate and delete all that.  Everything in the economy with the political leaders with the banking system, with the stock market, S&P rating that’s making everything stuck in the world, uncreate all that.

Any country that is going bankrupt; uncreate all that.  All the debts in the countries; uncreate and delete all that.  Everything creating debt and debt mentality for all eternity uncreate all that.  Everywhere we as citizens go along with this instead of stopping it, uncreate and delete all that.  Everywhere we’re avoiding the truth and letting the political people do whatever they want and lie to us, uncreate and delete all that.

Everywhere you’re letting your politician lie to you and you’re unwilling to perceive the truth, uncreate and delete all that.  Anywhere you’re letting the politicians lie to you and you’re not willing to speak up and do anything about it, uncreate and delete all that.

What would it take for the truth of the financial situation and how to fix it, what would it take for that to show up in the world and work and change?  Everything in the way of that, uncreate all that.  All the people that want to create war in the world, all the war thoughts, uncreate and delete all that.

Everything in the world that creates war, uncreate and delete all that.  All the power and control attached to war and warmongering, uncreate and delete all that.  Everywhere that victims keep choosing to be a victim, because as soon as the victims quit being victims, then all the wars would stop, do you see.  You can’t take control of a population if the population does not allow it.  So everywhere there are people playing victim and letting themselves be controlled, uncreate and delete all that.

Anywhere they feel like they have no choice, which again is an untruth, uncreate all that.  Anywhere you guys are playing victim, uncreate and delete all that.  Anywhere you guys aren’t willing to take a stand in the political nature and make something different happen, uncreate and delete all that.

Okay, everywhere nobody on the planet wants to deal with the finances of the world because it’s a lose-lose battle, uncreate and delete all that.  Everywhere the politicians have given up on fixing it, because they don’t even think they can, uncreate and delete all that.

What would it take for the politicians to know that they can fix it and actually make choices that do that?  And everything in the way of that, uncreate it all.  Yes, alright, that was a good one.

Alright, ciao for now.