Tool : Muscle Testing
Make the Right Decisions at All Times
Have you ever wanted a reliable tool to help you get answers to big life questions such as, βShould I take this job?β, and βIs this the best school for my childrenβs personal growth?β
This technique now allows you to quickly and easily get answers. Muscle testing is based on the fact that our bodies are tapped into a higher intelligence at a subtle level. High energy causes a different response in our muscles than lower energies. By learning to distinguish these responses you can ask yourself a question such as βIs he/she the right partner for me?β and get an intuitive pulse on whether the answer is yes or no. Imagine how this can change the quality of your decisions in life.

Hi, I’m Christie Sheldon and I’m an intuitive medium. I have people asking me questions all day long like:
β’ “What kind of choices can I make in my life that will be nurturing and rewarding?”
β’ “What do I need to add to my life so I can manifest a better life?”
And the most important questions, in my opinion, that I hear is: “How do I do this for myself? I want to be able to ask questions and get answers!” And that’s why I’m here. I want to teach you muscle testing.
This is your How-To Guide for Muscle Testing
Muscle Testing is a way to test a:
β’ YES or a NO
β’ GOOD or BAD or Positive in your field of energy.
Your body is an electrical system. Your Body conducts electricity. If you have ever walked across the floor and got shocked you know that your body has electricity in it. And what I’m going to teach you is, is a way to use that electrical current that runs through it to get answers. How cool is that?
Here are the basics:
This is the simplest way to do muscle testing. It worked for everyone. I haven’t seen it not work for anybody.
You stand with your feet a little narrow than shoulder width apart, pointing straight. No toes out, no toes in – totally straight. My knees are not blocked however a little bit bent. Just be in a very relaxed standing position with the back straight, aligned – relaxed. I feel like I’m actually floating on my legs.
I’m gonna say to my energy system: “YES, YES, YES” (several times) and the body will naturally move/fall forward. I’m not making it do that. It naturally moves on its own. And watch this…I say to myself “NO, NO, NO” (several times) and my my body moves backwards. I do not do that on my own. My body’s natural force field moved me backwards.
So what is happening?
Have you ever lifted weights and you tell yourself, “Yes, yes, yes, I can do this, YES!” Your energy field becomes strong, the truth is strong, YES is strong. And then you try lifting the same weights and you go, “No, no, no…” and you can’t lift as many weights right? Your muscles and your field of energy are linked. The same is true with your thoughts. We talked about the power of positive intention and our vibrating field of energy. If we’re thinking all day, positive thoughts, your field will be very strong and things will go your way.
If you’re in a negative frame of mind, you will have rough days. You think “Aah…life sucks!” and then life continues to suck. What you need to do is change your energy field. The same thing is true if you say something TRUTHFUL in your energy field. It will be stronger, positive and your body will move forward. If you say something FALSE in your energy field, your body will go backwards and you will feel weak.
Here’s an example…
We’re going to test with water. You can do this at home… I have with me a glass of soda pop. We’re going to take this soda, and what I’m doing to do is ask: “Body, body, body, is this a nurturing and rewarding drink for me today?” [Christie’s body moves backwards] “No”. I didn’t make my body do that. My body actually naturally move backwards. Do you notice when you eat certain foods that make your body go weak, your electro magnetic field won’t be as strong and you won’t be not as happy that day. Energy is everything. So consider that. Now, let’s try the water. It’s filtered water, reverse-osmosis – totally clean water. “Body, is this a nurturing and rewarding drink for me today?” [Christie’s body moves forward] “YES!” I didn’t make it like that, my body naturally move forward by itself. Now when you are muscle testing make sure that you do not cross the circuits. Try not to cross your hands or hold the glass on one hand. It’s a better way. What else can I use it for? Another question that I would like to cover is let’s just say; “The best time to do homework for a child?” When I was growing up I like to get my homework done right after school. Some kids like to do it right after dinner. Well what if there’s a better time that work for your child to enhance their life? So let’s ask that question. So let’s say your son or daughter… (I’m going to pick a little girl I know named Alexandria) Is Alexandria highest and most nurturing choice to do her homework directly when she gets home from school? [Christie’s body moves towards the back] “No” So is Alexandria’s highest and most nurturing choice to do her homework within 1 hour from getting back from school? [Christie’s body moves towards the back] “No” Within 2 hours? [Christie’s body moves towards the back] “No” Before supper? [Christie’s body moves towards the back] “No” After supper? [Christie’s body moves forward] “Yes” Right after supper? [Christie’s body moves forward] “Yes” So in this case, the most nurturing and rewarding choice is to do her homework right after supper. Maybe her brain’s a little overloaded and stressed so she needs to relax and play and then do homework. So let’s do one more. So let’s say your kid taking between two English classes, one from Mr Howard and the other from Mr Smith. Is the highest and most nurturing class for your child Mr Howard? [Christie’s body moves towards the back] “No” Mr Smith? [Christie’s body moves forward] “Yes” So take that class. What happens when you get two “No”s? Then ask a different question. Maybe they need to take geometry lessons that semester instead. Another great question to ask is: “Is it my kid’s highest and best good to visit a friend today?”
Because maybe it’s her highest and best good to stay home. Maybe? Who knows? So for example you ask: “Is it my son John’s highest and best good to visit Mark today?” [Christie’s body moves forward] “Yes” “Is it my son John’s highest and best good to visit Mark on Sunday?” [Christie’s body moves towards the back] “No” You can get many myriad of answers. Another example… “Is it my highest and best good to buy this house?” [Christie’s body moves forward] “Yes” “If I buy this house will I make money?” [Christie’s body moves forward] “Yes” or perhaps [she moves backwards] “No”.
Now Here’s A Bonus for You! I know a person who passed the real-estate exam without studying by 99 percent! He’s dyslexic, reading really wasn’t his thing, he was really good at muscle testing, know the truth about things, have really good common sense and really personable. So here’s how he passed the real-estate exam. He actually muscle-tested the answers. You can choose to show your kids this or not. What he did though because he couldn’t stand up like this at his desk, he had to use his hands – The “O” Ring test.
So take one of your hands and do the “OK” sign.

Then take your other hand and close your little and ring fingers. So youβll have your other 3 fingers up like below:

And then put your three fingers together as if you are picking up an object:

Now take your three finger put them through the βOβ youβve made on your other hand.
Then try to separate the two fingers thatβs making the βOβ as you open up the three fingers. Now remember. If it’s true the field is strong. If it’s false the field is weak. So if I say… “I am a Woman” and try to push the “OK” sign fingers apart it holds strong. If I say “I am a Man” the “OK” fingers will part – it is weak. Now I’m not doing this. It’s doing it on its own. When I say the truth I’m pushing with all my might and I still can’t open it. So let’s say you’re taking a test and you’ve studied, you know everything but when you come to question which is like a trick question you’re not sure if it’s C or A. You can go like this: “For questions number three, is the correct answer to this question A?” If “A” holds strong it is, if it’s “B” or “C” it’s weak. And again I ask you to practice this so you become master at it before you can do this. I’m showing you this so you can see the endless possibilities. I’m Christie Sheldon, Thank you for watching this video. Have a gorgeous day!
Love or Above
by Christie Marie Sheldon