π Find a way out of your negative thoughts ~ by changing a negative thought into a positive thought. Give yourself some Grace. Be patient with yourself.
Intro to Content:
GENE – MTHFR Gene Mutation
one of 20,000 genes
methylene-tetrahydrofolate reductase
40% of the population has a defective MTHFR
MTHFT converts folic acid in foods to folate (active form)
Methylfolate plays a role in almost everything your body does
Key player in methylation
GENE – MTHFR Gene Mutation may affect:
Performance can suffer
More susceptible to many diseases
May affect neuro-transmitters (brain chemistry)
Fat metabolism
Modifying toxins and heavy metals
Immune function
Does NOT mean that you will experience ANY of these symptoms. Genetics is NOT everything! Take care of yourself in a hormonally-balanced way.
MTHFR Gene Mutation – What to Do?:
1. Repair digestion – optimize flora – address candida and other “bad guys”.
2. DO NOT eat anything with folic acid – including supplements.
3. Get your folate from natural sources instead: cooked, dark leafy greens like spinach, kale, bok choy, and Swiss chard.
4. Take adequate levels of nutrients – the wrong forms and amounts can make symptoms worse – the right ones can completely compensate.
5. Eat from the “Approved Foods List”.
6. Continually support healthy detoxification.
7. Avoid toxin exposure.
Resentment = Lack of Self-Care:
Let go of control issues. Let go of expectations. Learn to delegate.
Let go of perfectionism. Don’t expect people to know what you want ~ express your wants and needs.
If you’re feeling resentment, then it’s because you’re having a lack of self-care. It’s all on yourself.
Do not put your health or happiness in someone else’s hands. It starts with yourself!
Show up in a happy, joyful, and loving place!
Toxic Relationships:
They can keep us stick in HORMONE HELL!
List your toxic relationships now. Who drains you of your energy?
What purpose do they serve?
What keeps you from giving them up?
We are responsible for the health of our relationships. Fix your perspective and make sure that you are taking care of yourself.
Make a POWERFUL Request ~ to ask for what you want, or when you need help with something.
“I would like to make a request” ~ you can say “Yes”, “No”, or “Counter”.
Every decision meets some of our needs but not all of our needs. We celebrate the ones we meet with that choice and mourn the ones that are not met with that choice ~ this is the natural flow of things.
Every time you make a decision, you are weighing the pros and cons.
Draw a line in the sand. Be as complete as you can with the past. Never go back once you’ve resolved it.
Top 10 Tools for Healthier Relationships:
1. Holding Space – Mend your bridges
2. Apology
3. Integrity
4. Acknowledgement
5. Generate – Choose to be grateful regardless of your circumstances. Generate what you want for yourself by choosing to be grateful.
6. Making Requests – ask for what you want, and be grateful for what you get. Always say “Thank You”!
7. Transparency – create an environment where people are free (and feel safe) to tell the truth. Do that by being truthful yourself.
8. Checking In – be courageous in asking for direct feedback, rather than making assumptions. Don’t guess what people are thinking.
9. Being Complete – we are resolved to leave the past in the past.
10. Self-Discipline – be devoted and diligent in everything that you do. Show up for yourself!
Fear Zone: Lack of self-confidence. Find excuses. Be affected by others’ opinions.
Learning Zone: Deal with challenges and problems. Acquire new skills. Extend your comfort zone.
Growth Zone: Find purpose. Live dreams. Set new goals. Conquer objectives.
What’s Your Big Why?
Benefits of Movement for Hormone Balance:
Improves insulin sensitivity
Gives an energy boost by as much as 20% with low intensity exercise
Improves sleep
Improves moods: overall sense of happiness
Improves memory
Increases self-confidence
Encourages better body awareness
Boosts immunity
Improves muscle strength and bone mass
Different Types of Movement:
a. Resistance Training: repetitive moments that fatigue the working muscle in a limited amount of time.
b. Aerobic Exercise: moving large muscle groups in a rhythmic fashion over time, raising and maintaining heart rate into your prescribed target heart rate zone.
c. Flexibility/Core: activities performed at a low intensity that move your body through a full range of motion.
d. Interval: alternating between two activities at different rates of speed and intensity.
Hormonal Responses to Different Types of Exercises:
a. Resistance Training: elevates growth hormone, norepinephrine and epinephrine, and improves insulin sensitivity by improving glucose metabolism.
b. Aerobic Exercise: raises and maintains elevated cortisol and adrenaline.
c. Flexibility/Core: lowers cortisol and adrenaline.
d. Interval: may increase growth hormone.
You want to build your body up, not break it down.
The Best Movement for Hormone Balance:
Yoga, gentle: reduces stress and anxiety with focused breathing.
Pilates, gentle: can reduce stress.
Walking: improves insulin sensitivity and can boost serotonin levels.
Tai Chi: reduces stress and anxiety with meditation and focused breathing.
Qi Gong: reduces stress and anxiety with meditation and focused breathing.
Bike riding, hiking, surfing, tennis, stretching, swimming – Do what you Love to Do! π Just don’t want to do something that elevates your heart rate for a long time.
We want our cortisol level to be at its highest peak within 30 minutes of awakening. We also want our melatonin level to be at it’s lowest peak at that time as well.
Melatonin is at its highest peak at midnight. It is the chronic disease, anti-aging protective hormone.
Breathing and Meditation are so important. Just by breathing deeply, you can lower your blood pressure ~ Stress / Relaxation Response.
Box Breathing– breathe in for 4 counts, hold for 4 counts. Breathe out for 4 counts, hold for 4 counts. Do this for a few times each day to reset your nervous system.
Where our hormones are made:
Progesterone (made in):
peripheral nerves
fat cells
Menopause / Hysterectomy / POF:
Low sex hormones: estrogen, testosterone, progesterone
Dry vagina
Urinary incontinence
Thin, dry skin
Lack of mental clarity
Bones become more fragile
Thus, get more into the rest and digest nervous system to help produce your hormones
Hormone Deal Breakers: Stress (cortisol) goes up, which causes your thyroid hormones to do down and your immune system to go down.
Different types of stress:
AM Routine:
Smile when you first wake up
Refer to the THREE morning steps to reset circadian rhythm for women:
a. Get sunlight in your eyes
b. Stimulate your nipples for one minute or enjoy an orgasm – to help you produce oxytocin
c. Eat a high protein breakfast within an hour of waking
Drink 8 ounces of clean water with a splash of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar
Read your New Health Story
Saw a few gratitudes / short meditation
Stretch or go for a nice walk
Eat a high protein breakfast within an hour of waking
When a negative thought comes into my head, I turn it into a positive thought … IMMEDIATELY! π
e.g. I hate my body ==> I LOVE my body! π
Every single cell in your body registers the emotions that your mind is thinking.
Cancel, Cancel, Clear, Clear!
What you focus on EXPANDS!
Hormones we’re focusing on: CORTISOL, INSULIN, Thyroid, Progesterone, Estrogen, and Testosterone.
lt only takes 3 days to reset a hormone. Want to lower your cortisol and become insulin-sensitive.
Want to see a nice spike in cortisol levels within 30 minutes of awakening, and then want it to come down.
5 Tips on Eating for Hormonal Balance:
a. Eat a high protein breakfast within an hour of waking.
b. Never go for more than 4-6 hours between meals.
c. Eat a healthy protein, carbohydrate and fat at each meal.
d. Stop eating by 7pm. You become more insulin-resistant after 7pm. You’re also not allowing your body to have restorative sleep if you sleep on a full stomach because you are either healing or digesting ~ can’t do both at the same time. When you’re sleeping, that’s the time your body heals. Same goes for in-between meals. No snacking! If you really feel that you have to snack or your blood sugar is too low, then do it.
e.g. Wake up at 6am, Eat breakfast at 7am, eat lunch between 12-1. Eat dinner between 5-7pm.
e. BONUS: Eat Mindfully! Enjoy every bite. Say a blessing before each meal.
NO Experimenting! ~ No Intermittent Fasting. No Keto. No Low Calorie. No Dieting!
Eat whole, real foods.
Make one small change at a time. Keep an open mind.
Foods to Avoid:
Wheat (grains in general).
Corn – corn and wheat can drive auto-immune conditions.
Dairy – raises IgF-1 (i.e. raises insulin), and contains a lot of growth hormones.
Alcohol – alcohol shuts down your metabolism because acetyl-aldehyde is a poison and your body always has to metabolize poisons first.
Coffee – wean off over 3 days. Get buffered vitamin C. Take 600 – 1000 mg three times a day with meals. The next day, drink half the amount of coffee. The following day, drink half of that. The following day, stop all coffee. Should experience no side effects if you cut down on coffee this way. (I don’t think I can do this right now…)
Nightshades – if you experience pain in your joints and/or muscles. They are potatoes, all peppers, tomatoes and egg plants. Does not include sweet potatoes or yams.
Soy – it changes your hormonal balance. Wheat, soy and corn are the top 3 crops that are genetically modified in the US.
Eliminating Coffee = Cortisol Reset:
Highly addictive
Stimulant / DRUG
Disrupts circadian rhythm = hormone disharmony
Disrupts sleep
Can be toxic
Causes anxiety and irritability
Heart palpitations
Hormones misfire causing weight gain
Elevates CORTISOL (fat-storage hormone)
Robs you of joy, restful sleep and control over your weight.
Break the vicious cycle of sleeplessness, low moods, fatigue and chronic stress! Get back to soft bodies, not stressed-out bodies.
Important Food Swaps:
Get rid of sunflower oil, safflower oil, corn oil, canola oil, and “I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter”. Instead, use Olives, Olive oil, Avocado, Avocado Oil, Ghee, and Coconut.
Shift to organic foods, as much as possible.
Swap Wheat/Gluten containing foods to Whole Real Foods.
Swap Pre-packaged foods to Whole Real Foods.
Swap Coffee/Caffeine to Teas.
Swap Cow Dairy (Milk, Cheese, Yogurt, Cream) to Almond, Cashew, Gluten-Free Oat, Coconut, Hemp and Pecan Milk.
Change is a process… not an event. Small changes equal Big Results!
You can reset your hormones just by changing your diet!
Cortisol and Insulin are the two hormones that we’re going to be playing most attention to in this program. If your cortisol and insulin are always elevated, then you’re not making your sex hormones (progesterone, estrogen and testosterone).
Your blood test results do not tell the whole story. Get to the underlying root causes.
Functional Medicine is about root-caused-based healthcare for Optimal Health – NOT disease management.
π Workbook:
My Top THREE Health Goals (in the order of importance): – must be positive and achievable
1. Smooth and complete bowel movements.
2. Sleep soundly throughout the entire night.
3. Pain-FREE!
4. Feel Happy, Energetic and more Balanced.
5. Strong, Hearty Digestion.
6. Mental Clarity.
7. Happy Balanced Hormones
8. Healthy Body Composition
Change is a process. Be easy on yourself. πSmall changes over time equal Big results.
My THREE Words are:
1. Be in a place of LOVE
2. Be in Gratitude and Kindness
3. Be in the present moment – Be Mindful
My “I AM” Statement:
I AM filled with LOVE, Gratitude and Mindfulness!
I Can DO ANYTHING for 15 Days!
For these 15 Days, I am saying “NO” to?
π« The Top 10 Hormone Deal-Breakers are:
These are the root causes as to why your hormones are out of balance:
1. Poor Diet
2. Nutrient Deficiencies.
Your ferritin level needs to be between 80 – 100
3. Poor, or not enough, restorative sleep.
4. Toxins – including toxic relationships!
5. The wrong type and duration of exercise for you.
6. Chronic infections – bacterial, viral and fungal.
7. Poor adrenal or thyroid function.
8. Compromised liver function (e.g. fatty liver).
9. Poor digestion.
10. Insulin resistance.
Two Ways to Fuel Change:
1. Your Big WHY???
I want to live my life to its fullest! I want to have the energy and stamina to do everything that I want to do in my life!
2. Righteous Anger – will fuel powerful change.
Thyroid-Adrenal Connection:
When you’re stressed out, your cortisol increases and your thyroid hormones decreases.
Reasons for low progesterone:
1. Aging.
2. Poor nutrient status.
3. Stress (hormone deal-breakers) increases cortisol. Stress is the biggest cause of low progesterone.
4. Little or no ovulation.
5. Low thyroid function.
It takes more than hormones to balance your hormones.
Three Keys to Healing:
1. Food.
2. Lifestyle.
3. Nutrients.
She Believed She Could, So She DID!
What is it that I do want?
Just by playing music, you can balance your hormonal levels!
Fake it till you Make It! It can totally happen for you!