10/29/21: As I’m going through various online courses on the Mind, Body, and Spirit, I’m beginning to feel that I function best on a weekly course, instead of daily. This way, it becomes more flexible as to how I want to go through the course content, as long as I finish it in a week.
I think I’m going to structure my course with weekly modules instead. I’m still trying to decide if I should make it into an 8-week, or 12-week course.
Each week, there will be practices for the Mind, Body, and Spirit that the students can practice throughout the week.
You may have won the battle, but lost the war.
Don’t Settle!, But Be Realistic at the same time.
Sunshine, Diet, Water, Exercise and Laugh every day!
Honor your feelings, and Live your truth.
Choose your battles wisely. Know when to walk away.