🌻 The 6 Stress and Trauma Responses

In the past 3 years, researchers have found a total of 6 Stress and Trauma responses – 3 new ones ~ Attachment Cry, Please and Appease, and Collapse/Submit. The goal is to be fully integrated.

  1. Fight: when you experience anger and frustration, and think that you have a fighting chance
  2. Flight: when you perceive that you are able to run away
  3. Freeze: when you can not run away from the perceived damage. Often found in people who experienced childhood abuse or chronic abuse. In a state of despair ~ Dissociation.
  4. Please and Appease (Fawn): comes from highly socially adaptable skills (in social animals). To avoid conflict with the perpetrator. You’re pushing down your own feelings to de-escalate the situation ~ people-pleasing. The act of trying to connect with the perpetrator and please them so that you can avoid the stress of trauma.
The Fawn “Please & Appease” Stress/Trauma Response ~ Kristin Snowden\

Many developed this stress response (survival skill) in their childhood with the hope of connecting and avoiding conflict happening ~ Stockholm Syndrome. How can you show up more authentically?

5. Attachment Cry:

a. Turner Psychology Calgary: Link

6. Collapse/Submit

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