I often neglect my inner child. When she comes to me with issues, I’ll either say to her “I’m busy right now”, or “I don’t think this is such a big deal”. I think this is why I have auto-immune issues. My inner child finally had it with me one day and decided to self-destruct, and take me along with her.
What do you do when your own body sees you as an enemy and attacks you? If you take immunosuppressive drugs, then external pathogens will take over your body instead.
I am also accident-prone and hurt myself on a constant basis. After starting on the path of self-development; every time I accidentally hurt myself, I will gently stroke where it hurts, comfort my inner child, and say to her “I’m so sorry baby. I’m so sorry baby”. I think my inner child is fed up with me though, since I get hurt so often. She’s trapped inside a clumsy body…