Rhythm of the Rain

We don’t have much in common. We don’t share an emotional connection. But it was time for me to settle down. I told dad I don’t feel that he is my true love… Dad told me that sometimes the person you marry is not necessarily the person you love the most. I listened to dad, and it was time for me to settle down, so I took the plunge…

Many many years later, we’re still together. I believe (or at least I would like to) that we do love each other. However, we have not been in love with each other for many years now. We’re more distant than roommates are with each other. We hardly talk, and we don’t connect on an emotional level. We still don’t have much in common after all these years …

As miserable and trapped as I feel, I would like to believe that he feels the same way as well. There’s a saying, that if the shoe does not fit you, then give it someone that it does fit to enjoy instead. With him, I will forever feel like I’m Cinderella, because I can not fit into this glass slipper. Yet, I still hold onto it…. Is it time to let it go? Can I find the glass slipper that fits me so that I can turn into a fairytale princess?