2-10 Questions Open Doors

Tool : How to Ask Life-Changing Questions

Learn the Simple Questions That Can Open Up A World of Possibility

You know what’s so amazing about children? They’re always asking questions and growing! But as we get older society starts to box us into levels of thinking and societal constructs that range from the absurd to the harmful. And we stop questioning things as often. This has probably limited your possibilities and awareness of your true purpose.

That’s why questions are the biggest door opener, but you’ve got to ask the right questions in the right way! Only then will you get new awareness, new answers and new opportunities. This essential guide shows you exactly how to ask the right questions and receive the right answers, so you move towards a life that serves you.


For this exercise IΚΌm going to ask you to write down all the questions that you would like answered. If you could know anything and have any question answered, what would it be? I would write that at the top of my paper: If I could know anything and have any question answered what would it be? Then start journaling and writing all the questions. This exercise may be opening for some of you.

Maybe up until now you never knew you could have awareness of these things. How great is this, that you now have tools to know how to access the insight? I am so excited for you. I remember what it was like to feel I finally got the Christmas gift I always wanted – thatΚΌs what intuition was for me. It was like finally getting a Christmas gift and knowing that I could get all the questions answered for me. It was so life-changing. So shut off the CD and just go do that because later on youΚΌre going to actually get the answers to those questions.