16 Discover the Ultimate You

Abundance Block 16 : Discover the ultimate you

Allow the perfect you to shine through. Michelangelo said, after looking at a piece of marble, that he envisioned the perfect result or model in his heart before he unleashed it.  You too, have the perfect ‘you’ inside yourself waiting to shine. Highlights include:

  • Energetic Model Self – meet the REAL you; discover the characteristics of your true self and unlock all the skills he / she has.
  • Open Access Technique – learn how to access and open your heart to the new life forming inside you… allowing you to ask your new Energetic Model Self anything you want, and get answers.

special 25ab 16




Hey, this is Christie Marie Sheldon and you’re listening to a recording I did of a series of 24 live group sessions on clearing your abundance blocks.  And here’s what we’re covering today in Session 16.


                           First I’m going to introduce you to you – the real you, your energetic model self.  This is the person who can tell you and show you how to create the happy future you want.  You’ll discover the characteristics of your true self and unlock all the skills here she has.  We’re basically creating the luckiest version of yourself.  I’m also going to teach you how to access and open your heart to the new life forming inside you, which will allow you to ask your new energetic model self anything you want and get the answer.  So let’s begin.

                           Hey, this is Christie how are you today?  Wow it is an exciting day today.  We are going to talk about inventing yourself, and what that would be like for you if you could invent yourself into the happy prosperous life that you’re choosing in the future.  Grab the journal, piece of paper so that anything that comes up for you that you notice you have a little resistance reaction to, you can also work on a little extra for yourself.  Let’s be open to some love, fun and change.

                           Let’s take a moment and let’s set an intent for what you hope to what should have happen today.  Any of you that really want to go to the next level, or you feel like you have some patterns that still are a little annoying to you, whatever those are – let’s set an intent that those change today no matter what, whatever awareness you need whatever, information you need, whatever shazam you need to make it go away that start to show up.

                           Alright, whatever energy that you want to release, bring that up too, and let’s journey together.  My favorite part of the day, let’s celebrate your inspirational story and for those of you listening, I’m going to ask you to just stay along with me here.  What it would it take for your inspirational story to show up exceeding all your expectations, better than you could ever hope to achieve?  Okay and everything in the way of that will you uncreate delete and de-story the whole thing.

Okay, inspirational story number one.  Amy had a few really cool things happen for her.  She manifested about $11,000 and here’s how.  Now this is cool.  If you guys remember Sunday, we did all about blaming so this is why this is one of my favorite stories.  Amy was going through difficult divorce and financial situation, and after Sunday’s session she was determined to do two things.  She said what it would take to stop blaming her ex-husband for the handling of the money, and what would it take for them to find more harmony as they go through the process.  So she’s trying to take self-responsibility, and quit all the blaming, right?  And from the beginning of the Unlimited Abundance journey she’s been asking what would it take to get $10,000.  So she met with her husband the next day after Sunday, so it would be Monday, they had a good meeting with no fighting and he brought great news.  The CPA had just finished their taxes for 2010, and instead of owing $30,000 like they had both feared, they’re getting a $4,000 tax return from the IRS, $2,000 from the state and they got a refund of more than $4,000 from Workman’s Comp insurance.  So that’s more than $10,000, the exact amount she had been asking for.  Alright, I love it, and she said, “Wow, yippee and yahoo,” at the end.  “Thank you to everyone on the call,” like all of you, she was thanking all of you guys for supporting her.

                           Manifesting for Julia G, she just wrote to tell me that she’s been asking what it would take to earn extra income in July, and her income increased by $2,000.  Now think of how cool that is.  I mean you’re just doing a simple phrase with intention, right, and you know, it just magically shows up.  She says she felt like she worked less even, but the manifesting didn’t stop there.  She was looking for some gifts and was able to buy four Armani watches valued at $700 each for 30 bucks each, and so she said that was a savings of $2,680.  So she looks at it like she manifested more than $4,500.  So good job, Julia.  Alright, this awesome.  So again what would it take for everybody listening to manifest that kind of bright light into your life as well?

                           Okay, Chris is saying, “All I can say is I’m living a new story when I go out and feeling like as if all the energy is against me, and I don’t fit in.  I sense people sensing my energy high vibes instead of the dark vibes I was stuck in.  Money is definitely freeing up.  I have some more belief patterns to delete and replace, but it feels like it’s on the way.”  Awesome!

                           We are going to work on the invention of you.  I’ve used this term – it’s called identity structures – and it’s just kind of what my guides have showed me – that we all identify with things.  Like if we’re a mom, we have these identity structures called mom.  If we’re a husband we have these identity structures called husband.  And with these identity structures cause all like these definitions and thought forms of what that makes you.  It’s like these rules that all of a sudden you’re bound to, because you call yourself a son, a father, a husband, a wife, a girlfriend, a mate, a mom, you know all those things.  And what happens is when you’re doing some of the delete, uncreate, de-story, what you might notice for some of you, is that these things start falling away.

Now for some people it feels a little weird because it’s like they feel like their losing their “identity” right, and in a way that’s good because that means you’re allowing for something new to show up.  So I pretty much lost every way in which I identify myself in the world.  But the thing is – what’s so cool about it is it allows me to reinvent myself and show up however I really need to show up for everybody, you know, or myself, right.  So when I walk into a room I just literally ask my energy to be that which I need in order to make my life really great, and then I just be that energy.

Sounds kind of weird, but then I don’t have all these rule sets of how I’m supposed to act, or what I’m supposed to be, or what I’m supposed to bring to the table.  All those things aren’t in the way of me just showing up how I need to, which therefore allows my life to perfectly unfold in really miraculous abundant lovely ways.

So we’re going to fill you in a little bit.  We’re going to basically clear some of the things that you identify yourself as and move you into the invention of yourself in the new life, because what some of your blocks are is you guys are identified with the past part of you, and how everybody else sees you in the world and we have to move you into the new part of you.  Because basically if you’re being the new you – which is really like the authentic copyist version of yourself – obviously you might have to lose something in order to gain that and that’s a good thing.  So I’m going just ask this question and we’re going to tune into the light for a minute first before we go here.

Alright, so close your eyes.  If you’re driving obviously keep your eyes open, and just follow along and pretend you can do it with your eyes opened, because you all can.  Okay, so close your eyes take your energy 300 feet up, see, sense or feel the light.  Okay allow the light to come in to your crown, opening up all intuitive awareness, all guidance, all knowing of who you are and what you came here to do and be, and at the root of that is happy, right?

So the very main thing that you intended to do when you came here was to be happy and everything else is icing on the cake. Allow this light to come in and clean up all the places where you don’t recognize who you are.  So everywhere you’re being an old version of you, ask that to be deleted.  Allow the light to come in so that you can know who the true authentic part of you is.  Ask it to come through your throat, opening up all communication as this new authentic part of you.

Ask it to come into your heart, so you can be kind and love yourself enough to let this new authentic part of you grow in you, become you, shift you, invite you to change and open the doors to unlimited abundance, unlimited opportunities, unlimited prosperity and unlimited love.

Ask the light to go into your solar plexus, nervous system, releasing any anxiety, fear, consternation, indecision, problems that you’re just sitting on.  Ask the light to come into your root, opening up all places where you feel blocked, stopped and unhandled.  Ask the light to come through your thighs, your knees, your feet, opening up so you can walk strong, in the reality of who you are, the new dream version of yourself, the ideal version of you.  Ask the light to come into the center of the planet, connecting to the place in the center of the planet where it feels happy, buoyant, loved.

Imagine a trampoline of energy that just kind of happens and it bounces right back up so you’re connected from above and below; straight up into your heart, radiating outlet 360° like a great central sun.  Ask the light from your heart to radiate out in a bubble around you, filling you with all the love, knowing, authenticity, kindness to yourself.  Ask this light to fill you with all the gifts that you deserve.  Ask this light to fill you in with your ideal life.  Ask this light to fill you in with your psychic intuitive of yourself when you’re living your dream life.

Okay, ask this light to expand past the building you’re in.  Ask this light to expand past the city you’re in.  Ask this light to expand past the state you’re in.  Ask this light to expand past the country you’re in.  Ask this light to expand past the earth, knowing that you are the commander and the creator of your reality.

You’re connected to oneness and from this place of oneness you can command, connect, decide, choose and allow you to fully show up creating any part of your life that you want to.  Okay, so we’re going to ask that any blocks so you won’t love yourself enough to let yourself have your ideal dream life – all those weird little thoughts that you might have in the back of your head saying, “I can’t, I shouldn’t, I wouldn’t, I couldn’t change that quick.”  Asking all of those to delete, uncreate, and de-story.  Everywhere you can’t choose to allow that much love in to shift and change and upgrade your life, will you please uncreate, delete and de-story.

Will you please allow all the places where you disagree with the part of you that wants to stay stuck in the past.  We’re going to ask that part of you that wants to stay stuck in the past, will you please uncreate, delete, and de-story.  Everything new happens now.

So I want you to imagine for a minute your dream life – the one that you created when you did your vision board, or when you wrote your story.  Take a gander who’s around you.  What are you doing?  How do you feel in this dream life?

So we’re going to take a look at what kind of person that you’ve become in this dream life, and we’re going to see what kind of decisions you’ve made.  If you’re being you, this new version of you, like an actor playing the role of you in this dream life.  Just take a gander like what personality traits did you do, or have in order to get this kind of life?  Were you bold; were you decisive?

What personality traits in this picture have you recognized now that you have to let go of for this kind of life to show up for you?

So if you guys can, let’s just type some things and we’re going to start clearing those identity structures that you guys have to let go of.  And I noticed a couple of the questions you guys were having for me.  Everywhere you guys have the qualities of being a poor student, an unloved girl, a mistress – all of those things – uncreate, delete and de-story.  Anywhere you guys have low self-esteem, unworth and can’t make decisions for yourself, will you uncreate, delete and de-story.

Anywhere you guys don’t love yourself enough to let yourself have this life, and don’t feel like you deserve it.  So what would it take for you guys to deserve this dream life and everything in the way of that – will you uncreate, delete it all?  Anything else in the way of you guys deserving this dream life, uncreate, and delete it all.  Everywhere you guys have a fear of failure, or just some, any nondescript fear that you don’t even know what it’s a fear of.  So anywhere you guys had fear show up, uncreate, delete, and de-story.

All other fears that are being brought up right now in contempt for yourself and feeling unfair, unjust, unloved – will you uncreate, delete and de-story.  Across all time dimensions, face reality.  Across all core wounds in you that have created these places where you don’t let yourself have it, anywhere you feel you’ve let yourself down – uncreate, delete, and de-story.  Anywhere you think your past dictates your future – uncreate, delete, and de-story.  Everywhere you feel like you have to control or you are controlled in the past, and you can’t move forward – uncreate, delete, de-story.

The controlling thing is usually a pattern, so all those patterns that you feel controlled by – uncreate, delete, and de-story.  Everywhere you guys are not brave enough to just move into this new character, because it’s just a character; it’s just playful, it’s fun, it’s loving, it’s kind, it’s easy.  Everywhere you guys won’t just move into that – uncreate, delete, de-story.  Everywhere you’re afraid of inventing yourself – delete all that; uncreate, delete, de-story across all time, dimensions, space, reality.

How many lies are you buying from yourself about why you can’t move into this new character – uncreate, delete, de-story.  I’m going to ask you guys to do something right now.  I want you to give this character a new name.  So this character that is truly you – the one that’s like powerful living in your ideal life – I want you to give him or her a different name than you so that you can, you know, it’s kind of like just taking it a little bit out of you for a minute, and letting you play with it a little bit.  Whatever name evokes powerful, loving, kind, easy to love – all those things that you’re going to be in the new part of your life.

Okay, all the anger, guilt, judgment – everything that is; uncreate, delete it all.  If you have already determined that you’re so unlovable and so pathetic and so blah, blah, blah, whatever the fill in the blank is, that you can’t get your new life – uncreate and delete it all.  Everywhere you guys have like marred yourself or distorted yourself, or told yourself you’re like a second or third class citizen, you don’t deserve it – any of those things, uncreate, delete it all.  Anywhere you guys are apathetic to make a move or make a bold choice, or ask for a new jog, or ask for a raise, any of those things – uncreate, delete it all.  Everywhere you guys don’t think you can change careers – uncreate, delete it all.

Everywhere you guys are controlled by the economy – uncreate, delete all that.  Everywhere you don’t think you could upgrade your skills and just make new choices – uncreate, delete all that too.  Everywhere you feel isolated – uncreate, delete, and de-story across all time, dimensions space and reality.  Everywhere you’re worried about doing it perfectly – there is no perfect, and there is no right you know.  You’re just going to do it one day at time, do the best you can with whatever energy you can bring that day right?  Everything in the way, delete all that.

Everywhere you’re second guessing and just stopping yourself for no real reason, uncreate and delete it all.  Any pattern that’s creating all your second guessing, doubt and fear, uncreate and delete and de-story across all time dimensions, space and reality.  Let’s see, anywhere you guys have some negative energy that just doesn’t seem to leave, whatever this is – uncreate, delete it all.

Anywhere you guys have cords of fear attached to anybody else – uncreate, and delete it all.  Anywhere you have dimensional doorways open to anything dark, will you please shut them now and erase all those doors.  Any doors that you have open to anything dark and dimensional – uncreate, and delete it all.

Any chapters that you have open that are dark and not very fun – uncreate and delete all those.  Any genetic energy or being from your parents that keeps you attached to the dark – uncreate and delete it all that.  Anywhere you guys have to do polarity, you think, because you’re on earth, so you’re doing good and bad, instead of just good.  Everywhere you think you’re waiting for somebody’s approval, like your parents – uncreate, and delete it all that.  Everywhere you just won’t delegate and try it out, even if you’re not perfect, like just everywhere you just won’t to try something new – uncreate, and delete it all that.  Anywhere you guys have clingy attachments to things – uncreate and delete it all.

Everywhere you use the addiction to taking care of other people first as your excuse so you can be a good girl, good boy, take care of everybody else first, me last, do the martyr victim and then you never get a life.  Everything that is – uncreate, and delete it all that.  Everywhere you guys want to play it safe, be like everybody else, stay stuck – uncreate, delete it all.  Everywhere you’re in the drama of sameness, I did not say sane, I said s-a-m-e, the drama of sameness – uncreate, and delete all that across all time dimensions, space and reality.

Everywhere you guys would rather watch T.V. or play on the computer instead of actually doing something that gets you a raise or more money – uncreate and delete all that.  Everywhere you’re arrogantly stuck in the same rut, over and over again – uncreate and delete it all.  Everything you like about your comfortableness – delete all that.  Everything you like about discomfort – delete all that.  Everywhere you like being the same person over and over again every day – uncreate, delete, and de-story all that.  Everywhere you don’t want men in your life, everything matters uncreate and delete it all.  Everywhere you don’t want yourself in your life uncreate and delete it all.  Could you guys feel that one?  That one has some energy on it.

Everywhere you guys don’t really even want to be yourself – uncreate and delete all that.  Wow, that’s a lot of energy.  Alright, defeated, humiliated, small – so anywhere you guys like just go be your human self after the phone calls and you just feel small instead of big – uncreate and delete all that.  Everywhere abundance is for everyone else – uncreate and delete all that.  Everywhere you’re afraid of being the character that we’re going to move into – uncreate and delete all that.  Everywhere you’re afraid of people – uncreate and delete all that.  Everywhere you’ve tried already and so you think therefore you tried one time before you had some tools, or you tried a few times in the beginning; anywhere you think you’ve tried and tried, tried, but you’ve had no success, we’re going to delete all that, because that was you in a different energy, and so it doesn’t really matter right now.  Everywhere you’re a dreamer, but you take no action, victim, guilt, doubt, one hit wonder – uncreate and delete it all.

Everywhere you’re afraid to be loving, powerful, kind, confident, determined and consistent – uncreate and delete all that.  Anywhere you have past life vows, or you can’t be as spiritual and make a lot of money – delete all those.  Everywhere you’re a starving artist – delete all those.  Everywhere you have to get money from a man or a woman, or your mom or your dad – uncreate and delete all that.  Everywhere you’re waiting for somebody else to tell you okay, waiting to see proof, waiting for anything – uncreate and delete all that.

Let’s see, how many other lies did you buy from people – uncreate all those.  Okay, Janice says her new name is Christie, okay.

So let’s go into this new person for a minute.  So everywhere if you guys are so – I’m going to just cuss, okay – so everywhere if you guys are so kickass, powerful, confident, loving, kind, can make stuff happen, move forward in the world, and everywhere that feels so fun and so loving and so kind, but you’re still afraid that other people might not appreciate it, therefore you won’t do it because you still give a shit what other people think – will you uncreate, delete and de-story all that across all time, dimension, space, and reality.

Okay, this new character that is you that you’re moving into – what skills does this actor have – I’m just going to say actor, but I mean actor and actress – so what skills does this character have for this new lifestyle?  What skills does your new character bring to the table in this new life?  Okay, so one of those skills is that you’re totally psychic, yay.  It’s one of the most fun skills you could ever have.  You can manifest whatever you want.

So Emily, in your picture manifesting whatever you want and everybody listening, get a picture in your head, if you’re in this new lifestyle – what would that you be doing, like role play an action.  So if you’re going to manifest something, think of like saying, “Hey I want this,” and it just happens.  Okay, and then if you want to be a psychic, see yourself like just reading somebody and knowing exactly what’s up, no big deal.  And in this new lifestyle, if you’re an excellent money manager, just see yourself looking or sitting at your desk, playing with your bank account, laughing at how much you have in it, and thinking, “Wow, I am so good with finding investments and taking money, and making more money for my money.  I’m so lucky, I’m such an excellent money manager,” and see yourself.  Allison, I’m going to ask you to see yourself onstage, talking to people, talking about what a crazy life you’ve had, talking about how brave you were, and you moved forward.  You wrote your book, you got your life, yes, and you’re speaking from your heart all the time.  And Terrie, you can talk to everything in the non-physical, so dead people, loved ones, angels, guides, everything.

Okay so Chris, you see yourself as winning.  Lucy, I want you to open all your cabinets and see that they are all organized, and open up your computer and see it all organized, and open up your like, quick books, or your financial plan and see it all organized, consistently making money.

Amber whatever that means for you, powerful, attracter, manifestor.  So see yourself of just like on top of the world, surrounded by all your little babies, like your manifesting babies, like whatever your little creations are that you’ve created.

And Galina, see yourself exchanging energy with somebody.  Generous, kind heated, light hearted, caring, and see them respond and compliment you back, saying, “Wow, you’re like the nicest rich person I ever met.”

Hey Janet, see yourself as an excellent manifestor, with all your little creations sitting around you.  Aruna, see yourself as a little mover and shaker, making everything happen, like your magic wand goes out in the universe, and just like makes everything happen, sends it back easily.  Elizabeth, see yourself creating whatever that is, infinitely creative.  Terry, see yourself working, and 30 people at a time in a room.  It’s really fun, happy, alive, well, and abundant.  Okay and Grace, see yourself as confident, talking to people, talking them into themselves right. What if you could sell people to themselves and talk them into being the full them – magic.

So every part of your life, Michelle, is just magical.  Everything gets upgraded easier than you ever expect, better than it could ever be.  Betty, you just do your little prayers and blessings and then it just shows up.  So that’s what you’re going to see in this new creation of you.  Jaclyn, you’re going to see yourself just doing all the things that you want to do with no hesitation.  Gail, you’re going to see yourself with intuition, confidence and massive action, just creating your life.  Frank, you’re going to see yourself taking guided risks, right?  So it’s not really a risk; it’s taking guided action that would seem bull to others, but to you it’s just common sense and everyday thinking.

Okay, Sheila, everywhere you think it’s cheating if you use your psychic intuition and know everything about everyone, everything that is – uncreate and delete it all.  Any of you listening, thinking that it’s cheating if you actually know too much.

I used to have that belief.  I thought, “Oh I can’t pick stocks using my intuition because then I’m cheating.”  Everything that is, uncreate all that.  Wanda, she can leap a tall building in a single bound.  She is unstoppable, unbound and confident.  Leah, see yourself with a group of people mingling and just you radiate and you rule the room.  I like that Margaret.  Margaret’s name is Jeannie.  So Sandra, you’re probably just feeling the vibration of when you connect to the light.

Alright so Jenny, see yourself walking in a room emanating joy to everybody, and everybody looks at you because they can’t believe how happy you are – win, win, win situation.  Alright, Grace, see yourself doing the married with kids, happy family, Rockefeller picture, Norman Rockwell, I’m sorry.  Olivia, see yourself receiving blessings and giving them out.  Susan, see yourself an entrepreneur, creating a lot of money, helping people, philanthropic as well.

Marilyn, see yourself solving problems and getting paid for it, generously.  Marsha, see your balances as zero on all your credit cards and debts.  I like that – push button results.  Okay, Ivan, see yourself making decisions every day in a way that adds lots of profits to your life – emotional profit, financial profit, all those things, loving profit.  Roslyn can enroll people, yes, hopefully into consciousness, Roslyn, clarity on all things.  I’m the master of my life, seeking new experiences and adventures.  Yes, Allison, I was talking to you.

Successful and busy psychotherapist, inspiring, uplifting.  You find an abundant magnet, so see yourself as lucky okay, in this new thing, see yourself as lucky.  Okay so all these things, just imagine these as part of your new…  I like this – Sharon fierce – she’s bold, brave and powerful, well groomed, highly professional, very wealthy.  She’s totally intuitive, reads her clients’ needs with the precision.  She’s a speaker and presenter in demand.  She holds an energy that allows others to achieve their dream.  I love it Sharon, that’s awesome.

Okay, you guys are doing great, so we’re going to do a couple of clearings.  So anything in the way of you guys being not – uncreate, delete, and de-story.

So why don’t you see your character for a minute; we’re going to play with this a little bit.  Why don’t you see your character that you just created?  See her just like, I don’t know, let’s just say there’s an old version of you kind of standing in front of her, and ask her to take that old version of you and just start pulling out all the energy that’s in the way of you being the new you.

Okay, so just imagine her working on you right now.  Basically the old version of you, clearing and pulling out all the details, all the objections, all those silly thoughts that are kind of in the way.  So Galina, if want to see yourself winning the lottery, see yourself in the new picture winning the lottery.

So Gabriella, maybe she’s seeing her lower belly is expanding.  It’s probably your power expanding, alright?  You’re a song writer lost 30 kilograms, alright.  She told me to let go of a sack of rocks I’ve been dragging around, -time to let go of the self-punishment.  Alright, what else are you guys letting go of, I’m curious.  Aliyah, the new her broke the head off the old her.  It’s probably because you think too much in kind of not very good ways.  Not that I’m judging it, just probably not in productive ways.  I’ll say productive ways – how about that?  I don’t need to be perfect, just playfully get it done.  You know what, Margaret, I get more done when I play and I make it all light instead of serious.

Old, stubborn, angry overstressed out self.  So Grace, are you getting rid of that?  Negative people, she broke her ceramic shell all around my body.  She told me to not be afraid, have confidence; it’s all going to work out.  Letting go of fretting and weariness, excavating the body and gave you a new one.  Just found out there’s an uncondensed version of me.  I love it.

Okay, so Galina, ask the new version of yourself to send you an energy, or do whatever you need so the current and/or old version of yourself, just ask her to do what’s ever needed to heal the overeating.  Okay she’s pulling the martyrdom and pain from her heart and solar plexus.  She told me to let go of unnecessary beliefs.

So Heather, ask her what some of those beliefs are so that you can know what they are and then let go of them.  Okay, Amber, it’s hard to pull things out of the old me, so anywhere you’re resisting letting go of things, let it go.  Any of you guys that are resisting playing along and letting go of the old – delete all that.

Carol says it’s safe to be kickass in every area of my life and be kind, fun, and sexy.  Gail says she’s letting go of the weight that’s holding her back, that’s keeping everybody at bay.  Good job.  Drop the loser self in the video return box.  I love it, that’s awesome.

Seeing myself married to my soul mate, Chris, and living blissfully, happy in abundance.  Even seeing Chris as more open, supportive, encouraging and loving.  I love it because he’s going to bump up into his gorgeous self.  I got a big new heart.  Let go of doubt and procrastination.  She poured a bucket of water over me and washed all my stuff away.  She took me to the hairdresser.

So Sharon do you need to go to the hairdresser?  Maybe she wants you to have a new do, she winked at me.  Seeing her dissolve and only the new me there – I love that.  Gave me a watch that makes things happen for me on time – I love that.

Hey this is a good trick; I once did this for a while.  It was really hilarious what happened I said, “What would it take for everything to show up before I even know I need it?”  And literally what would happen is everything would show up before I knew I needed it, and then later on I would know I needed it.  It’s really completely funny.

She often may add a spiritual side of my throat so I can speak and create my future – I love it.  So read your story, and speak your story.  Put money in my hand, boost my confidence, wiped away my negative energy.  Yes, you can clear blocks in other people.  It’s usually kind to ask, like ask their soul if you can do it.

Cut pulling out sticky tabs marked, stuck in my brain.  I love that Lydia, that’s awesome.  Positive attraction and abundance, you took away my dumpy, frumpy, not good enough outer shell, and revealed a thin new happy me.  So I don’t need to camouflage myself anymore – awesome.

Future successful self jumped into me, allow neo in the matrix blowing out anything that didn’t match and filling me with a future successful, happy energy.  Tossed away my fears and yo-yo attitude.  Finally became successful as an author, photographer and pet loss grief counselor, no more disappointments.  Fatty layers peeled away; I blended with her, and all the yuck fell away.

Alright Olivia, so just ask the higher sexy, version, powerful, confident, gorgeous you to just show up more fully, and just ask like come in and wash away anything in the way of that.  So any of you guys that are stuck with this kind of way of visualizing – just picture the perfect you.  Ask her to come into your body and everything else let go of.  Let go of armor around my heart dressed up like Grace Kelly.  Vacuumed all the old stagnant corners of my mind and opened the windows.  Alright I love this, you guys are great.

You can clear blocks on animals.  Animals are just sentient beings who think and feel as well.  My new name is Crystal, the first name my mother gave me.  I see you’re cutting the cords that bind me and keep me from myself, opening doors that are always there, that I just needed to accept all of my heart’s desire.  I am new; the old me is now gone.  Congratulations Wanda, I love it.

Elizabeth, letting go of the crankiness which is usually just some pent up anxiety and fear about moving forward.  Okay, unlocked a big cell I was in and asked me to follow her so we could have some fun and leave my agony behind; letting go of the heaviness.  No more fretting about anything, including my itchy skin.  Good job, Margaret.  She gave me wings; she threw away a part of my brain.  She’s pulled out the stuck energy in my spine and off my limbs, like removing gloves and stockings.  Came out of the closet.  Okay, so this is really good.

New me facing old me and pulling strings out.  So Lucy, those are probably just attachments, okay.  So you’re going to ask her to pull it out in a much more dramatic way, if you would like.  You can ask her to do it more dramatic, so you can understand what it means more.  I am life itself.

Okay so Chris says, “I don’t know what’s going on.”  Alright, so are you seeing anything Chris?  I don’t know how to answer you.  Chris Russell, let the new you just kind of embody in you.  If you’re a little stuck with anything, just let the new you just kind of fill you up.  Okay, so the new you.  What attitude like what do you wake up with, I want to know what kind of attitude do you guys wake up with?

Okay, my left neck is brand new, smiling, happy, joyous, and giggly.  Gratitude and excitement.  What’s in store with me today?  Go get her, okay.  Now move your actor, move you into your new dream life.  We’re going to just ask a few questions and see if you can get some more clarity, okay?  So ask him or her for advice.

Ask how do I get this new life to show up right now?  Alright, so type me some of the things you guys are getting.  If you get no answer, you just might be taking in the download.  Sometimes that happens, you don’t get a clear answer because you’re sort of just rebooting you’re taking the download in, but just ask her if there’s any words of advice she or he could give you?

So Michelle, keep raising my energy, get out my own way.  Amber, that just means go forward boldly.  You know what really get out of your own way means?  Just quit being stuck, just go forward.  Just take action, just sort of not care and play with it, play like as if you don’t care.  Surrender; ask the light to remove the barriers, having trouble getting clear.  So you could be just rebooting, so that’s okay, enjoy.  Ask him or her, and just trust that it’s getting either getting downloaded in you as a direct download, or you might hear or sense an answer, but just ask her to be a little bold and maybe give you a direct answer.

What new ideas can be implemented now, to get your life moving in that direction?  What new ideas can be implemented now, play, have more fun, be patient, lighten up.  So Chris, ask him to come into your body and just like become the new you that’s bold, that takes action.  And anywhere you’re blocking your divine guidance in any level, uncreate and delete all that.  Anywhere you don’t think you can hear – uncreate and delete all that.  Anywhere you don’t want to know the answers – uncreate and delete all that.  Anywhere you think you know it all, so you can’t have anything show up – uncreate and delete it all.  You don’t think you can have answers given to you directly – uncreate and delete all that.

Keep clearing the clutter, keep listening to the calls and visualize new you.  “I’m confused if I’m listening to my conscious, or my new advice.”  So Gabriella, feels like both, I hear the answers, because sometimes a new advice is just common sense, okay?  Let’s see, sing karaoke.  Be the coach, don’t think about how you will become it.  Just take the first steps in contacting the people you need in order to get that speaking opportunity.  Know that you can do it.  Open a new business, listen to your intuition.  Stick with a radical accountability program with goal setting.

Get back to where the real people are, I deserve it.  Yeah, sometimes you guys need an outer overhaul to allow the fun, pride and sexy me to show up, so I can find myself in the world.  So Sharon, you know what – if you need some new clothes, a new wardrobe, a new do, a new little makeup lesson, whatever you need, just go do that and just have some fun with it.

Because sometimes the outer you has to show up, so you’re not looking at the same thing in the mirror all the time, you know.  Okay we could all learn a few little makeup skills, every now and then.

I like that, trust the process, don’t sweat whether it’s working or not, just know that you’re clearing many things from your energy field forever and it’s working.  So now ask your actor, basically your super powered person, what qualities that you need to embody to get to the next level?  Is there any other quality that you might need that you didn’t get in the first part of you?  Direction, any other qualities?  Do the Snoopy dance, relax, practice – yes, I love that Emily, practice, practice, practice, because if you guys are worried about it being perfect, just go play with it and practice.

By myself, use my talents in tandem, not just parts of me, yes blind faith.  You know what, sometimes you just have to jump at the end of the day, the only person who can jump is you.  Manage my money, so Amber, I’m wondering if you have a plan in place.  Like maybe if you just had a little plan in place about budget, and what you should do with your money, and how you’re going to bring in an extra you know whatever, thousand, couple of thousand dollars a month, or something like that – whatever that takes for you, that would be a good way to go.  More assertive, more light and fun, confident, okay.

So ask this new part of you, this actor/actress part of you what vibrational life energy they need to bring.  What kind of energy do you need to bring into your life?  More fun; more gratitude; don’t take yourself so seriously; don’t care what other people think.

Adventure, so Sylvana, what if you decided to take a trip, or some sort of adventure, whatever that is for you?  Success, some Atlantian energy healing, some joy?  Okay, cool.  What options can you choose, like basically if you had to take some bold action, ask them what bold action you could take to move you forward.  The vibration of fun on my scale is about 540 as joy, yes.  Okay so Derek, so all those other things that are coming in today – uncreate and delete them all.  All those patterns that might be in the way – uncreate and delete them all.  Every part of your day that you haven’t let go of – uncreate and delete them all today.  Any other pattern that’s trying to take you out and distract you – uncreate and delete it all.  Anywhere you’re not into this – uncreate and delete it all, and everywhere you’re scared to move forward – uncreate and delete it all.

Hey there.  Enthusiasm.  Okay so, Dee Ann, sometimes when you do the second part, you kind of get more of a download than specific awareness.  Okay, it feels like you’re sort of getting a direct download, so it’s just getting downloaded into you, and you’ll just feel better, but it’s like you already have the information sort of coming into you.  Jump when opportunity knocks.  Glitteracy, total sparkle at all times, step forward, volunteer.  You know that’s a great phrase.  What would it take to reach enlightenment, Jennifer?  When I did that, my life was kind of a cool experience.  I got to experience what pure consciousness was in the human body, over and over and over again.  It was very interesting and my energy became very magical.

So Chris, don’t worry about it, I can see the light coming into you.  So you’re kind of just getting a direct download is what it seems like.  Maybe listen to it again this week, and see if you get anything else.

Cool, alright.  So is there some decision that you guys have to make?  I’m curious, is there some decision in your life that you’re kind of blocking or stopping yourself?  So any decision that you guys make, ask your higher part of you, okay.  Ask him or her, what choice can you make?

So Lisa, it feels like you’re getting a direct download, so all the implanted places where you don’t think you could actually play.  So Lisa, anywhere you shut off your ability to play and imagine – delete all that.  Anywhere you shut off your ability to be ridiculous, and play, and have fun – any of those things uncreate all that.  Anywhere you’re being serious – uncreate and delete all that. Everywhere it’s not normal for an adult to play – uncreate and delete all that.

Okay so Sharon, yeah, choosing a new career that’s abundant and happy, decide to be you, alright.  So all you guys that are kind of stuck in this part, really interesting where all the energy started coming from.  Okay, so all this unconsciousness that wants to block you and betray you, and stop you guys from getting answers, and specific choices you can make, and anywhere you’re blocking it, because you really want to do one thing, but the highest version of yourself wants to do another thing.

I want you guys to just play for a minute and just imagine that the highest part of you, I don’t know for lack of a better way to call it, this character that’s the most empowered version of you.  Okay just ask him or her; just trust whatever comes in your mind, if you make this bold choice to move forward, will it work out for you?  And ask this inner character to shift whatever it is that’s blocking you from getting any awareness right now.

So ask him or her – the future part of you, this future self – ask him or her to clear whatever is blocking you from actually getting any awareness right now.  Ask the light to come into your head, your heart, your throat, opening up any place where you feel misguided and you can’t get an answer.  Asking any part of you that goes into unawareness to be deleted.

Yes Margaret, you can now ask your Jeannie.  Grace, you’re saying what if only part of the decision is yours?  Well, what if you just decided for everybody?  What if you take over the whole energy of everything and choose it?  Oh, okay, yeah but if that’s really your choice and you do not really like that person, just put the energy there as an invitation for that person to choose it as well.

Yeah, Chris, sometimes I don’t see things, sometimes I just actually have to know things.  So just kind of allow that to happen.  So one more time, so just allow this new part of you… I’m going to ask you all to invite the new part of you to kind of override your life for now.

So ask this new part of you, the spunky, confident, gorgeous part of you.  If you get stuck in making a decision, or stuck in some part of your life, ask them to clear what’s in the way of it number one, and ask what would they do?  And then just start asking and acting from that character that is you.  Ask them to speed up your life.

Rosalind, you can actually crate time, believe it or not.  Ask everywhere you guys are stuck in time, so ask that you find the time somehow Rosalind, so that you can do anything you need to do in a shorter amount of time, and have all the time you need to get the information that you need, okay.  Like ask the information that you need to come to you in the form of a short cut, a mentor, a guru, something.  Ask that you can find time like at work to do it, or something like that.

So Derek, is there no other action you can take to make the success come?  Yes, for sure, ask to speed up paying off your credit card debt, for sure.  Ask for time for fun, so Derek, I would say; what would it take for everything in my life to come into my now moment and create now.  So I would just ask, instead of everything being in the future, Derek, I’d ask it to show up now and just see if that speeds it up a little bit.

One more time, anything in the way of you guys allowing this character that’s truly you – cause, by the way this character is truly you, right.  Okay this character that’s truly you – what would it take for you guys to just allow for this character act fully through you each and every day – 24/7 and everything in the way of that – uncreate it all.

What would it take for this character to have your back, show up all the time for you, and you just naturally, easily and effortlessly move into it.  So your homework is to play with this character for a little bit, and just really feel.

Let’s all move there for a minute, okay, so move back into your character.  See yourself in your future life.  See yourself doing some of the things that you want to do in this future life.  Driving the cars you want to drive, talking to the people that you want to talk to, hanging out with the friends you want to be with, being with the kind of mate you want to be with.  Doing your life’s work, having plenty of extra dough, so much extra that you could do philanthropy, whatever you want.  Ask this character to create a lot of light in your life currently.

Ask this actor to embody all the way in you, moving away anything in the way that’s the old you and fully becoming the character that this new energy brings you, because really what he or she represents to you is new energy, right – the new energy of your future life.  Because if you’ve moved into this to be the future you, this brings all the gifts along with it.

Anything in the way of this manifesting, or this happening, or either letting go of the old version of you – uncreate, delete and de-story across all time, dimension, space, reality.  Anywhere you’re afraid that if you move into this new version, you’re going to have to lose something.  You’re not really going to lose anything, you’re just going to win, you’re going to gain things.  So anywhere you’re afraid you’re going to lose something – delete all that.  Anywhere you’re afraid you’re going to lose luggage too quickly – delete all that.  Everywhere you’re going to lose unawareness and that’s frightening – delete all that.  Any fear, anger, or twistedness that’s keeping any of this locked in place where you can’t be the new version – uncreate and delete all that.

Anywhere you guys are still tired or heavy – uncreate and delete it all.  Think of being 300 feet tall and just allowing any of this energy that wants to move out.  Just ask this new character that is you to really just pull out of you anything in the way of you being this character.

So how are you guys doing right now?  Better, tired, lighter, stretching, okay cool, distracted.  So any parts of you guys that are just leaving that’s creating a distraction, we’ll just blow them up.

You’re doing great though; you guys are just in the middle of shifting into this new character.  What would it take for you guys to move into the traits of your actor?  What would it take for you guys to stop the time lag, and make a decision?  What would it take for you guys to move forward intentionally? What would it take universe to deliver for you the new lifestyle now.  What vibrational energy can bring you guys more action in your life?

Okay, 30 to 40 times a day what vibrational energy can you become to align with your ideal self, and take bold action?  Somebody’s asking any other tips like the one I said about asking for things to show up before I need it.  Let me see if anything pops in my head.  What I would do is right now, right now, because you guys are in this energy, just to ask what would it take for me always be the version of me that manifests my future now?

What would it take for me to always be in my empowered self, or whatever name you gave your character right?  What would it take for you guys to be the kickass version of you, and always have he or she have your back, and guide you tell you everything.  Be totally truthful, open you up to new experiences and guide you into the future lifestyle now.  What would it take for him or her to always have your back?  What would it take for him or her to actually kick you guys in the tush a little bit, and bump you up and push you forward?

That’s what the highest version of me does.  She kind of bosses me around a little bit, she’s a little bossy, and I actually love it, because she just tells me what to do, so I get it done.  It takes a lot less effort to just get things done, instead of worrying about it.  You can combine a couple of things, Tatiana, for sure.

Alright I really enjoy you guys.  You guys are amazing, amazing.  Thanks for bringing your energy on the call, and I know it’s late, and you guys had a long day, so I really enjoy the fact that you guys care enough about yourself to really show up.

I love you guys so much.  Ciao for now, sending you love and keep your heart opened for this new embodied higher self-showing up in your world.