You Can Get What You Ask For

Dear Friends:

You can get what you ask for.Β  Now I realize that you may be skeptical and think that there is no way this can be true.Β  There may have been many times in your life that you asked for things and never received them.Β  What you need to realize is that you also have to be open to receiving things.

Everything in this world that exists was at one time created in someone’s mind.Β  It all starts with a thought.Β  Your thoughts are energy and energy manifests itself.Β  The more you put your thoughts toward the exact thing you want, the easier and quicker it will manifest itself.Β  We create things every day without even knowing it.Β  If you look deep down into your subconscious mind and it is constantly reminding you that you have nothing, are unhappy, and enjoy no happy relationships, then that will carry on manifesting itself in reality.

The hard part is trying to change your subconscious mind to create positive things in your life.Β  This will take time and you will need to work at it every day.Β  Start off with being aware of your negative thoughts, then learn how to stop them in their tracks.Β  Each time you find yourself having negative thoughts about what you want, stop them right away and say “I will have what I want”.Β  The more you learn to replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts, the more you will have positive results in your life.

Push out negative thoughts such as “I am not smart, I am overweight, nobody loves me, I am poor, and nothing ever goes right for me” or anything else that you find yourself thinking about often.Β  Replace them with thoughts such as “I am smart and can achieve anything I put my mind to.Β  I am losing weight every day and my body is getting healthier.Β  I am a loving person and people are drawn to me.Β  Everything I do turns out right”.

By replacing your negative self-imposed thoughts with positive thoughts, you can change your whole world.Β  It is completely under your control to change your subconscious mind to have more positive than negative thoughts.Β  Whether you realize it or not whenever you think a negative thought, you are actually asking for these things to continue in your life.Β  Spend as much time as you can each day thinking positive, productive thoughts that will help your subconscious mind become more positive.Β  When you catch yourself thinking negatively, stop yourself immediately and replace the thought with positive happy feelings.

Train yourself to only think about things which you would like to see happen in real life.Β  Remember, you get what you ask for, so ask for health, happiness, and success.



That which the dream shows is the shadow of such wisdom as
exists in man, even if during his waking state he may know
nothing about it…. We do not know it because we are
fooling away our time with outward and perishing things,
and are asleep in regard to that which is real within ourself.

~ Paracelsus, quoted in The Dream Game
