The Violet Flame

Dear Friends:

The Violet Flame is the highest gift of God to the universe.  It is an invisible spiritual energy that appears violet to those who have developed their spiritual vision.  The violet flame heals emotional & physical issues, improves relationships, and makes life easier.  Most importantly, it changes negative energy into positive energy.  The violet flame and its decrees can help to transmute painful memories.

Decrees are rhythmic prayers that call forth a powerful spiritual energy.  This light-energy, combined with visualization, has the special quality of erasing and transmuting negative aspects of ourselves.  To transmute is to alter in form, appearance or nature, especially to change something into a higher form.  The most spiritual of the alchemists were in search of a way to change the lead of negative human energy into the gold of divine energy.  This can be accomplished by using the violet transmuting flame.

The Violet Flame Decree:

I AM the Violet Flame

In action in me now

I AM the Violet Flame

To Light alone I bow

I AM the Violet Flame

In mighty cosmic power

I AM the Light of God

Shining every hour

I AM the Violet Flame

Blazing like a sun

I AM God’s sacred power

Freeing every one

Each time we repeat “I AM the violet flame” (which means “God in me is the violet flame”), we are transforming ourselves so that we can become more closely united with God.  After using the violet flame decree for a while, you may start having dreams showing the karmic records of your past lives.  Every time you seen those scenes, visualize a giant violet eraser rubbing away the picture.

The violet flame transmutes your negative karma which also helps you to become merciful and forgiving.  Negative energy can manifest as diseases, accidents, and even ingrained habit patterns that keep you from getting along with others.  This negativity is recorded in your aura which reflects both your positive & negative thoughts & feelings; vibrations you pick up from others, as well as your own accumulated karma from past lives.

Spend 5 minutes of violet-flame decrees in the morning or evening to help you maintain a feeling of peace throughout the day.  The more you give violet-flame decrees, the more you free yourself from limiting conditions.  The more positive vibration your aura has, the more people who contact your aura will receive healing and upliftment.


Elizabeth Clare Prophet, “The Violet Flame Decree.” Summit Lighthouse.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, “Violet Flame to Heal Body, Mind & Soul.” Summit University Press, April 22, 2009.

Troika Saint Germain, “Basic Invocation of the Violet Flame for Transformation.” Ascension Saint Germain. 2007.