Have Faith in the Law of Attraction

When you are working with the Law of Attraction, it is very important for you to have faith that you can accomplish what you want.  Many people think that if they do not believe 100%, then there is no way they’ll ever be successful with the Law of Attraction and so they give up before they even try.

The great thing is that as long as you have faith and belief more than you disbelieve then you will be able to start attracting the things you want in your life.  As long as you have the faith and determination to keep a positive outlook, you can start receiving all your hopes, dreams, desires, and make them a reality.  Open your heart up and believe that it is possible to have the things that you want.

Keep a complete mindset of the possibilities that all your dreams can become a reality.  Become certain that everything that you want to achieve in your life is possible if you will just state it clearly.  Open your mind and heart to be receptive to accept it once it appears.

If at first you feel like it is not possible to get anything to work with the Law of Attraction, why not begin by asking for something small?  As an example, let’s say you would like a new rug for your dining room.  Start by going to different stores and looking at different rugs to see which one you want.  Take your digital camera and take pictures of them.

Next, print up the pictures of the three or four of your favorites and hang them where you will see them every day.  Once you have decided the exact rug you want, take down the rest of the pictures.

Spend time each day focusing on the picture of the rug you want.  See it in your dining room.  Visualize the entire room and how beautiful it looks with the rug.  Act as if you already have it in your dining room and you’re having a dinner party.  See your friends smiling and telling you what a beautiful rug that is and how lovely your dining room looks.

Tell yourself that it is yours.  Now let go and allow it to come to you.  The Law of Attraction can work in many ways. It will guide you to what you need to do in order to obtain what you want.  Once you have achieved a small success with the Law of Attraction, you will be open and have faith that anything you want can become reality.


When we create something, we always create it first in a
thought form. If we are basically positive in attitude,
expecting and envisioning pleasure, satisfaction and
happiness, we will attract and create people, situations,
and events which conform to our positive expectations.

