15 Clearing Blame

Christie: Hey, this is Christie Marie Sheldon and you’re listening to a recording I did of a series of twenty four live group sessions on Clearing Abundance Blocks. Here’s what we’re covering today in session number fifteen.

First up, the Blame Game. If you’re placing blame, you’re giving away your power. Inside yourself, is it the government’s fault, your parent’s fault, your maid’s fault, your fault? Whose fault is it, anyway? Today, we’re going to talk about why you do that, how you do that and why you shouldn’t blame any more. Let’s clear it out. Also, responsibility schmonsibility – how does it bend your reality?

We’ll also talk about shame and why it’s a little weed that can grow and fester. Then, we’re also covering some of the best-selling sabotage programs that you’ve bought and sold to yourself. We’re going to cover the secret energy of money. Let’s begin. Today’s exciting.

Hey, Christie here, how are you? Today is so exciting. Today is Day 15 and we’re going to talk about the Blame Game. A lot of energy is going to move today so if you have a piece of paper or a journal, that’d be great because you can write some notes down and clear some of the things that come up on your own as well as in the class.

Let’s open up to something new and exciting showing up in your life and let’s set the intent on what you hope to achieve today. Whatever that is, whatever you would like to shift in your life regarding your abundance. What would it take for the group energy to facilitate you into something new and different and better than you’ve ever expected, exceeds all your expectations and makes you super-duper proud of yourself? Let’s bring to the forefront anything you want to release and let’s journey together.

Inspiring stories – let me read a couple of these today, they’re really exciting; some profound shifts for people. I love Katia’s story because a lot of people are in the same situation where she was; overwhelmed, not sure what to do. Katia started her journey. She was dealing with a huge financial mess, a backlog of taxes, too expensive mortgage, no help, a stagnant private practice and a cluttered and unorganized home. Her journey has brought her long-needed change and unexpected abundance.

First, she asked what it would take to get some help. Within days, she received an email from a woman that she met last year seeking part-time work while she attended college, so Katia hired her after a phone call. In the first week, they revamped her resume, filled out and filed paperwork for a mortgage modification. She said it was hundreds of pages of stuff she had to do. This will save her $70,000 on a mortgage remodification.

The next week, she asked to get her back taxes handled. Two days later, her accountant, who had been avoiding the work for more than a year, called her and told her that he was able, in the last few days, to get her 2008, 2009 and 2010 taxes done and she was to receive a $5,000 return. Because she put awareness on unlimited abundance and finances and what would it take to get these things handled, the universe responded and her accountant basically picked up the energetic telephone and got on the download and handled her stuff without her having to call him.

Then she asked what would it take to get the house cleaned and organized. Within days, the old friend who’s a little obsessive-compulsive, so OCD came to visit. She helped Katia work for two days straight, leaving her with a clean, organized home, all the paperwork filed. No cost, zero dollars. Then, Katia wanted to get rid of some of her furniture so she got rid of it. She and her friend used Craigslist and found her a $2,000 sofa. She researched how much it would cost new. She said it was $2,000. She got it for $50 and she got a really great almost brand-new chair for free.

Then, she asked what it would take to get a new client. The very next week, she got a referral from a work colleague, signed a new client for an additional $600 a month. Again, that’s $7,700 over the year. If you add all that up, that’s priceless, pretty much. It’s about $82,000 plus worth of stuff that happened for her since starting the Unlimited Abundance journey. Good job.

Herb wrote, telling me that he’s at a crucial point in his life, thrilled about the spiritual growth. For some people, when they signed up for Unlimited Abundance journey, they didn’t want their whole life to change, they just wanted one thing, something, a spiritual part of their life it is, peace of mind, learning tools, spirituality, things like that. As soon as he signed up for Unlimited Abundance journey, he said within a few weeks, he manifested an extra $40,000.

He says the clearing exercises have concretely changed the way his memories affect him. If he hears an old song from the past or a phrase or something, in the past he would think, “Oh, that reminds me of blah, blah, blah,” and it could have been a negative event. He said now, it seems like all those things have fallen away and now he just thinks, “Wow, that’s cool,” in a fond way. He says he’s not so emotionally attached to the darkness of it all.

He said even though the times were difficult, he now can see them and look at them as a privilege to have these experiences and learn from them. For him, that’s huge. That’s a whole framework change. He says he’s had more suppliers calling him at work, offering him sales opportunities. He knows how to identify heavy energy and avoid its effects. He no longer feels buffered by anger, fear and depression. He says it’s tested every day but it bounces off and he’s really clarified for himself what the higher vibrations and focused intentions can do in his world. Congratulations, Herb.

Today, we are going to work on the energy of blame. Blame and shame are sometimes tied together. I want you to think for a minute, remember the scale of consciousness, zero to a thousand, a thousand being enlightened and the lowest energy was shame, right? Shame was 20, guilt was 30, fear was 100, anger was 150, love 500, joy 540 and peace 600. All these energies of blame and shame are linked together.

Now, let’s look at your life for a minute. Looking at the patterns that attracted the undesired elements into your life – If you blame something, like an outside influence for what’s creating the issue, then you aren’t looking at the pattern that created the problem in the first place, right? If we say, “Oh, this didn’t happen because of my spouse,” or, “This didn’t happen because of my parents,” or, “This didn’t happen because X, Y, Z,” whatever that is or, “I can’t,” whatever the blame is.

You’re taking your awareness and placing it onto something else and then this energy becomes a lie because at the end of the day, whatever energy you’re holding is what created whatever showed up in your life. If you hold the energy towards another, then you’re misidentifying the real cause. The real cause is that you and your pattern created it. Unless you take charge of exactly what created your problem, you can’t place it on something outside yourself as the problem, you can never solve it. The lie holds the energy in place.

We’re going to look at all the places where you think that it’s like something else creating the problem or we’re going to look at all of the places where you’re really, really hard on yourself. We have to really get that the patterns are really the problem and your choices that allowed you to allow the pattern into your life is the problem.

Total awareness when we take our energy and we shift it into willing to be aware of everything can change any situation. We’re going to uncreate the exact cause of all the situations, which is a pattern you allowed into your life, some were by your choice. We’re going to work on these and we’re going to bring them all up and then we’re going to clear them along the way.

We’re even going to clear everywhere you’re just really hard on yourself as well. If someone does something awful, which also affects me, does that mean my energy is responsible for creating it? Well, your energy is somehow responsible for allowing it into your life. Yes. Honestly, if I’m driving and somebody flips me off, let’s just say, there’s some part of my energy that somehow allowed that negativity into our life and it could be, well, maybe I have an expectation, belief or pattern that people will be mean to me or I have an expectation or a pattern maybe from my childhood like if somebody was abused in childhood and then really mean things happened to them later in life, they could have a pattern that exposed them to abuse and then abuse became normal in their field.

Somewhere, if you felt like abused or taken for granted or some part of that or if you have a negative part where you self abuse, you abuse yourself, you’re mean to yourself, like that pattern will create other people being mean to you to basically answer your prayer of you being mean to you. Does that make sense? If you’re mean to you, then you have a pattern of, “Oh, I get to beat myself up,” and then it will create other people or things or events being mean to you.

Ultimately, you’re responsible for the pattern. Now, watch this. Let’s just say you’re a kid, you’re five years old; you watch one of your parents blaming the other parent for all their problems. Later on, you attract a spouse who does the same thing. You would be saying, “Well, I’m not responsible for them blaming me,” but you kind of are because you have the pattern still in you. Do you understand?

That’s what total self responsibility means, where you’re just willing to be aware of all your patterns and then clear them. That’s really what self responsibility means. Do you see what the deal is? Look, some people will say, “Well, I was a kid. I didn’t know what I was doing.” Well, that’s true; you didn’t know what you were doing. You might not have had tools to change the pattern but that doesn’t matter because you can’t blame that, you still have to take responsibility for the pattern, otherwise you’ll never get free because you’re always putting it off on something else and you’re not looking at what the real problem is, which is yourself and your pattern.

We’re going to just call up the energy and we’re going to see what comes up for you guys and we’re going to clear it. This topic is kind of interesting because there are a lot of lies around this because sometimes, people think, “I’m not responsible for everything that happened to me,” but unfortunately, it is because you’re the creator of your world.

Are you the creator of only some things or are you the creator of everything? In your reality field, your bubble, all your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, choices, ideas create your world. You could be four years old, imprinting your mom and dad, but you still chose to take their energy in. Do you understand? Nobody can really make you take their energy in; you somehow chose it or bought and sold it to yourself. You’re, unfortunately, still the creator of everything. Otherwise, how would that work if you’re only the creator of parts of your world? You have to create your whole world, right?

Whatever you align with, attract, decide and choose to align with, that is what creates your world. We’re going to connect to the light. We’re going to start clearing some of the debauchery that you guys have done to yourself. Close your eyes. Allow the light to come in, connect up three hundred feet above your head, connecting to the pure source energy, which are really you. Do you understand pure source energy, pure light energy, three hundred feet above you is still you, connecting to the bigger part of you?

We’re going to allow this light to come into your total awareness, into your crown, into your head, opening up all your intuitive centers, all your awareness centers for full knowing. We’re going to ask this light to come into your third eye, opening up so you can see, sense and know everything about your life and these patterns. We’re going to ask this light to come into your ears, opening up for true divine guidance. We’re going to ask this light to come in, opening up your throat so that you can communicate whatever it is you need from the universe.

If you said, “What would it take, universe?” The universe would open and hear your response. What would it take for this light to come into your heart, opening up the kindness and compassion in you? Yes. What would it take for the universe to open up, let kindness and compassion in you? What would it take for this light to come into where the nervous system is and just asking any place that you feel nervous, anxious, avoiding, fearful, not trusting to be uncreated. Asking the light to come into your power center, opening up everywhere you don’t trust your power, authentically aligning with your true power.

True power is just you feeling full of light, connected to your heart, being kind to you, allowing you to have anything you want or your life to look the way you need it. Asking the light to come into your root so that you’re grounded in a new reality of total responsibility, clearing your patterns, and opening up for new arrangements in your life. Asking the light to come into the center of the planet so that you’re connected from above and below.

There’s a really great place in the center of the planet that’s connected to pure source energy as well. As above, so below. Completely and totally connected to love and kindness. Compassion, joy, peace of mind, yes. Ask this light from the center of the planet to bounce back up, straight into your heart so that you have a big glow ball of energy, 360 degrees, all the way around, beaming out of your heart, filling your whole field with the energy of pure love. Asking this pure love energy to expand outside you, asking this pure love energy, this pure light energy, to expand bigger than your house.

Asking this pure light energy to expand bigger than your city. Asking this pure light energy to expand bigger than your state. Asking this pure light energy to expand bigger than your country. Asking this pure light energy to expand bigger than the planet. Asking you to just be connected to the oneness of it all, the bigger part of you, willing and able to release all the things that are a problem with your life.

I pushed some buttons when I said you guys were totally responsible for yourself. You guys feel that? Some of you got pissed. Everywhere you guys got mad about the whole thing, everything that is – uncreate, delete and destroy it. Everywhere you guys are afraid to recognize that you somehow accidents, like you may not have meant to but somewhere, you accidentally aligned with some patters that you really didn’t want to choose. Everything creating that – uncreate, delete and delete it all. Everywhere else you guys are mad, that you created any of this stuff in your life, everything that is – uncreate, delete and destroy it all.

Can blame and victim be similar? Yes, Gene, for sure. That is asking us higher beings, do we deliberately create troubling situations for ourselves as a lesson? Yes. Actually, Annette, that’s true. If I could debunk the whole myth on the planet that we have to come down here and learn, that would be awesome. You know why? I want you to set this up for yourself, okay? Anywhere you guys are bored creators and you want to create confusion, trauma, drama, forget that you know things, disable yourself and create a lot of problems so that you can learn new things, everything that is – uncreate, delete and destroy it all, across all time, dimensions and space reality.

What if you changed your mock-up, your reality to field, to read that you just came here to have a lot of fun instead of here to learn lessons? Learning lessons creates more problems. That’s a really good awareness.

Everything in the way of you guys getting to the joy and fun part of your life – uncreate, delete and destroy it all. When I envision things, I have become aware that I envision my abundance in the future and not in the now and I feel like I need to clear that. Everywhere you guys are putting your stuff into the future and not the now – uncreate and delete it all.

Where ever you think that you have to follow time in order to create something, that’s the old way. The old way of creating things is work hard, go through time, work your tush off, blah, blah, blah, blah, instead of just bopping in the manifestation that you really want into your reality field and watching it just show up within the next couple of months.

Every where you guys are like putting it out in the future instead of now, every where you feel like you’re not worthy of having it now, every where you’re not worthy of a miracle – uncreate, delete and destroy it all across all time, dimensions and space reality. Every where you’re heavy in your chest and don’t want to let yourself off the hook – uncreate, delete and destroy. Any other karma and genetic stuff that you’re holding in your bodies that’s lowering your value in the world – uncreate, delete and destroy.

Are you blaming someone or something for anything credit card debt you guys might have? If you don’t have credit card debt, are you blaming anybody else for any debt you have or feel? It could be any debt. We’re just going to work on debt for a minute because debt usually has a lot of guilt and shame attached to it. Are you blaming someone or something for your credit card debt? The government, your spouse, your parents, your job, your boss, anything? Everything creating credit card debt or debt that’s kind of heavy in your field, will you please uncreate, delete and destroy the whole thing across all time, dimensions and space reality?

Anywhere else you guys are blaming or shaming yourself for having debt or credit card debt or being indebted to someone or something? Will you please uncreate, delete and destroy it all across all time, dimensions and space reality? Anywhere you guys have a huge shame over not being able to have a regular job like normal people who are doing it the regular way, like “normal” people or being a starving artist or a spiritual person who can have no money? Any of you guys doing those programs? Uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, dimension and space reality.

Anywhere you guys are blaming your boyfriends, your mate, and your spouse, any of those things? Uncreate, delete and destroy it. Anywhere you guys are bankrupt – uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, dimensions and space reality. Everywhere you guys are lacking the funding to pay off your credit card debt – uncreate, delete and destroy.

Everywhere you have health problems that are creating your credit card debt – uncreate, delete and destroy. If you have health problems, I’m going to ask you because I don’t know everybody’s situation, what led up to the health problems? Stress, over work, feelings about life that never got handled? Any of those things that are creating health issues, maybe the emotional causes of any health issues, will you please uncreate, delete and destroy all those across all time, dimension and space reality?

Any of you that are stuck, can’t have the kind of work or job that you want or the money coming in that you want – uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, dimension and space reality. I want you to think back, burned out, everywhere you guys are burned out – uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, dimension, space and reality.

I want you to think for a moment because we’re going to clear these patterns you had since childhood. Whom or what did your parents blame for their debt? Who or what? The government, the IRS, their boss, what were your parent’s things? Their parents? Every parent blames their parents. You’re blaming your parents – uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, dimension and space reality.

Everywhere they blamed each other and you’re doing the same thing in any relationship you’re having, everything that is – uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, dimension, space and reality. Anywhere that you’re blaming depression for it or the depression – uncreate, delete and destroy. Any of you who have Jewish, any country where they had huge emotional stuff about money and having things taken away or any genetics like that in your lineage, anywhere you’re living, that kind of stuff – uncreate, delete and destroy that.

I’ve had clients come to me and they had some energy in them from their parents or their parent’s parents about the Holocaust or about the Depression. Any of you guys living those genetic lineages? Uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, dimensions and space reality.

Anywhere you’re blaming God and the economy, everything that is – uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, dimensions, space and reality. Everywhere God is not taking care of you and God is to blame – uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, dimensions, space and reality. Everywhere that the economy sucks and you’re agreeing with it because again, this is a pattern, you agree and align with it and then it becomes more real, everything that is – uncreate, delete and destroy it.

Everywhere your dad or your mom blamed the other for not working and for spending all the money – uncreate, delete and destroy it across all time, dimensions and space reality. Anywhere you’re blamed by your space for spending all the money and not working – uncreate, delete and destroy it all. Everywhere your mom blamed bigotry and job hiring – uncreate, delete and destroy. Everywhere your parents blamed the war – uncreate, delete and destroy. Everywhere your mom blamed your dad for not making enough so you learned how to be in the energy of not enough – uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, dimension and space reality.

Everywhere you’re spending on construction and it came to a halt, everything that is – uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, dimension and space reality. Real estate market, economy, banks, any of that stuff – uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, dimensions and space reality.

What about having extremely poor judgment and consciously creating lies because of wanting to protect someone else from being hurt and how toxic that would be? Everywhere you guys have been so ashamed or let’s just say unaware, not able to confront, not able to deal with something so you had to create lies about money in order to shield anyone as a justification, everything that is – uncreate, delete and destroy it all.

Everywhere your parents liked being poor because it projected their abuse and they got to continuously be victimized, everything that is – uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, dimension and space reality. Everywhere you’ll always be alone, difficult to carry life forward and the genetic story of money not arriving on time for your ancestors to stay in the new country and then they had to cross over again, everything that is, uncreate, delete and destroy.

Everywhere you guys are blamed as the money problem, your parents had you and all of a sudden you cost them money or you ruined their life or any of that kind of stuff – uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, dimensions and space reality. Everywhere you have a fear of your dad or your dad drinking it all away or your mom drinking it all away, any of that stuff – uncreate, delete and destroy.

Everywhere you didn’t have a home – uncreate, delete and destroy. Everywhere you’re father’s job got outsourced to India – uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, dimension and space reality. Anywhere your parents kept money a secret and everywhere your mom used to say that you were a jinx, everything that is – uncreate, delete and destroy.

Everywhere you guys are unlucky. Anywhere you guys believe you’re unlucky or a jinx or you’re going to jinx yourself, any of those fear-based things – uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere rich people turn to drugs and get mean – uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you’re been blaming your parents for not educating you about money management when you were young, everything that is – uncreate, delete and destroy it all across all time, dimension and space reality.

Everywhere your partner is drinking it all away – uncreate, delete and destroy it all. The need for food and wanting a career and joy was bad and made you feel unworthy of love. Anywhere you guys wanted something more than your parents and were made wrong for it – uncreate, delete and destroy it all.

What is jinx? Jinx is bad luck. Ester, anywhere you’re bad luck to anybody or yourself or your parents or anywhere you have bad luck or are unlucky, everything that is – uncreate, delete and destroy. Everywhere you’re single and you’re kids are somehow the cause of your money problems, everything that is – uncreate, delete and destroy. Everywhere divorce is the cause of your money problems – uncreate, delete and destroy.

Everywhere your husband wanted to get married to get his hands on your inheritance and you lost it all, everything that is – uncreate, delete and destroy. Sara, everywhere you let him have your money – uncreate, delete and destroy all that.

Anywhere you guys let your spouse have your money instead of taking responsibility for it yourself – uncreate and delete it all. Anywhere you guys gave up your power of your money to somebody else, including an accountant, lawyer or something, instead of always being responsible for your own cash. You can hire experts but you never give them control, right? Anywhere you guys gave “control” of your money – uncreate and delete it all.

Any other karma, bad luck, ancestral bad luck from other lifetimes, everything that is – uncreate, delete and destroy. Everywhere your family wants you to fail – uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, dimension and space reality. Anywhere hunger was created as a way to torture yourself – uncreate, delete and destroy. Everywhere student loans are a burden – uncreate. Those debts are a burden – uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, dimension and space reality.

Everywhere you blame someone else, including parents and spouse, for not helping me make money or better manage my money – uncreate, delete and destroy. Everywhere you do reversal of fortune is the main way of life – uncreate, delete and destroy. Everywhere you made poor choices – uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, dimension and space reality.

Anywhere else you’re living in the energy of poor and poor choices and broke and broke choices – uncreate, delete and destroy. Susan is saying, “Separated five years, husband will not divorce me and blames me for financial mess,” so Susan, what I would do, everything creating this mess, everything creating this fighting my ex-husband – uncreate and delete it all for the next five to ten days and see if something changes.

Anywhere you’re fighting with somebody about money currently – uncreate, delete and destroy. Just keep saying, “Everything that is creating this fight – uncreate, delete and destroy. Everything creating this fighting – uncreate, delete and destroy. Everything creating this mess – uncreate, delete and destroy.” Just over and over again until it shifts.

Everywhere you feel depressed when you go shopping for anything other than food, like you can’t have it or there’s guilt associated with buying it – uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, dimension and space reality. Everywhere you create diseases and problems with your money to get love so somebody can bail you out – uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, dimension and space reality. Everywhere shame, because you’ve been a business manager – uncreate, delete and destroy.

Let’s do these. If you were in a relationship and anywhere your mate blames you for anything, will you please uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, dimension and space reality? Anywhere you don’t want to take responsibility for what’s created in your life, any of those justifications of why you don’t want to take responsibility – uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, dimension and space reality. Anywhere else you don’t want to take responsibility for parts of your life – uncreate, delete and destroy.

Everywhere that was too overwhelming, too ominous and too hard to deal with, will you uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, dimension and space reality? Who or what are you blaming for any lack of funding from coming in, so anywhere you’re blaming anybody else – uncreate, delete and destroy. Everywhere you’re blaming yourself for not being a good mom because you don’t spend time with your kids, pursuing your dreams – uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, dimension and space reality.

Anywhere you’re fighting exhaustion – uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, dimensions and space reality. Anywhere your body is burdened with your emotions of tiredness, weariness and brokenness – uncreate, delete and destroy. Any other patterns where you blamed somebody else for not creating money, so those parts about creating money, who are you blaming for your lack of being able to create money in your life? Let’s see. I think you’re talking about anywhere that didn’t work in marketing and it didn’t work out for you – uncreate, delete and destroy.

Everywhere you hate the whole money system. I’m glad that you brought this up, Jane, because there’s a lot of people that just hate money. Everywhere you hate money across all time, dimension and space reality. I want you to think back to when you were a kid. I remember when I was kid, I loved money. I remember asking if I could go get a job because I wanted to make my own money. I was about ten or eleven years old. I remember playing with money as soon as I was given the money. I started playing with it, I smelled it, I loved it and I couldn’t wait to accumulate more of it.

Everywhere you guys have taken away or somebody else has taken away or impinged upon your world the joy of money, will you please, please, please uncreate, delete and destroy that across all time, dimension and space reality? Everywhere you guys keep throwing a curve ball into your world so you don’t get more funding – uncreate, delete and destroy. Everywhere you blame the economy, economics, the world that you have no time to get more funding, will you uncreate, delete and destroy it all?

Everywhere you feel badly if you go get some more money because it might be taking away from some other part of your life, will you please uncreate, delete and destroy? Everywhere you’re blaming yourself for all your problems, therefore you won’t let yourself off the hook and think proactively, you’re just shaming and guilting yourself, everything that is – uncreate, delete and destroy.

Everywhere you guys are mad at yourself about money – uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, dimensions and space reality. Those make your energy a little bit bigger, you guys, okay? We can really get through some of this, yes. Everywhere you guys are mad at yourself for your lack of clarity and everywhere you guys are desperate for money and you don’t know how to find it – uncreate, delete and destroy it all.

Everywhere you guys are in the energy of finding it instead of having it; I want you to think for a moment. What would it take for you guys to have money instead of finding money? Can you see that energetic difference in that? Everything that is – uncreate, delete and destroy it all. Everywhere your bodies won’t let you shift into a new reality, so any part of you guys that you’re letting control you and stay in an old reality – uncreate, delete and destroy it all.

Everything creating the old reality with money – uncreate, delete and destroy it all. Anywhere you guys are stuck in the old world – uncreate, delete and destroy it all. Everywhere it’s not safe to change – uncreate and delete it all. Everywhere you don’t want to change, even though you say you want to change – uncreate, delete and destroy it all. Everywhere you have problems finding good people to help you so you won’t ask for help – uncreate, delete and destroy all that, too.

Anywhere you blame your husband and yourself, coworkers, bosses, any of those things – uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, dimension and space reality. Everywhere you’re blaming parents but you have to get that maybe they didn’t have the tools as well, right? How can you really blame people if they don’t really have the tools? How can you really blame yourself if you don’t have the tools? What, you just have to go and find somebody that has the tools or the techniques or the knowledge and then duplicate it, right?

Anywhere you guys are afraid of asking for financial abundance, financial attraction, maybe a guidance counselor, like a guy or a girl who will just sit down and go over the numbers with you, everywhere you guys are just afraid to ask for that kind of help, will you please uncreate, delete and destroy it all? Anywhere you’re afraid to just ask for somebody smarter than you about money to help you, maybe you have a friend who’s really smart with money, and everywhere you won’t let them help you – uncreate, delete and destroy it all.

Remember the story earlier today that she manifested her friend with OCD to help her clean up her place for free? Maybe there’s somebody that could help you for free, just get a handle on your money. Everything that is – uncreate and delete it all across all time, dimension and space reality. Everywhere you have a partner who literally attacks and destroys you, everything that is – uncreate, delete and destroy it all.

Anywhere you keep aligning with their point of view instead of your own because anywhere you’re aligning with what they think instead of what you think – uncreate, delete and destroy it all. Everywhere you never win anything – uncreate, delete and destroy it all. Everywhere you’re a loser with money – uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, dimension and space reality.

Everywhere you can never be a winner because you’re a loser – uncreate, delete and destroy it all. Everywhere you’re second best, third best, fourth best, fifth best, tenth best, loser, everything that is – uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, dimension and space reality.

Margaret, what would it take for you to be a winner? Everybody listening, what would it take for you guys to be a winner? What would it take for you to be number one? What would it take for you to be the best money manager that ever existed? What would it take for you to be a miracle worker and manifest money out of nowhere? What would it take for the best and brilliant idea to show up in your world to make you $100,000, $200,000, $500,000, $20,000, $40,000, $1,000,000?

What would it take for somebody to just show up randomly and help you and catalyze you into the future? What would it take for all of your life to open up and exceed all your expectations? What would it take for the next part of your life to be so financially abundant that all your excuses just melt away?

Everywhere you’re resentful of whatever your spouse is doing with money, everywhere you don’t agree or align with your spouse’s choices about money – uncreate, delete and destroy it all. What would it take for you to go make so much money that it doesn’t really matter what your spouse does or doesn’t do? Everything in the way of that – uncreate, delete and destroy it all.

What would it take for you guys to be so responsible about money and just make it on your own that it doesn’t really matter what your parents or your spouse, your kids, anybody says or does? Everything that is – uncreate, delete and destroy. Everywhere you don’t think you can do that – uncreate, delete and destroy. Everywhere you’re stuck in the mud about making a choice to take forward action about your money.

When I make money, I’m taking money from others. I blame myself. Everything that is – uncreate, delete and destroy it all. Here’s what finding money and having money is, okay? Now, you have to do both, but let’s just say this: Think about having money, okay? Remember, in the world of manifesting, whatever you think is true is true. It becomes true. If you just walked around thinking, “What would it take for me to have $100,000 in the bank account? What would it take for me to have an extra $250,000 in the bank account? What would it take for me to have an extra $20 show up in my life? What would it take to have X, Y, Z?” then you’re in the energy of having, which is present time.

Look at the energy of finding. What would it take for me to find? It’s kind of pushing it a little bit out in the future. I don’t think it’s totally wrong or totally bad. I think finding money is actually okay, but if you’re only doing finding instead of having, you’ll always have to go find it instead of just living in the energy of having it. It goes back to this.

Oprah is willing to have money but think of some other celebrities that are always having to find money. They blow the money so they have to go find some more whereas Oprah is willing to have money. Donald Trump, he’s great at finding money, you know what I mean, from other people. He’s better in the later years about having money but in the beginning, he didn’t always keep money, he was going bankrupt and stuff, right?

That’s the difference. Everywhere you guys are embarrassed about money, everything that is – uncreate and delete it all. Beth is saying, “I’m seeing green and aqua green jewels and lights while you’re doing all this clearing. What are you seeing?” You’re seeing your energy change and you’re seeing some guides helping you, Beth. You have some guides and higher light beings kind of helping you out. Everywhere you have to grovel for money – uncreate and delete all that.

Are you in the red or the black? If you’re in the black and you did a profit & loss statement, great. If you’re in the red, what would it take for you to change that? Everything in the way of that – uncreate, delete and destroy it all. Do you have any future goals that you think you can’t reach and who are you blaming those on? Uncreate, delete and destroy all the future goals that you don’t think you can achieve and everybody you’re blaming that on, including divorce, spouse, kids, government, taxes, boss, work, parents, any of those things – uncreate, delete and destroy it all.

Anywhere you guys are ashamed or afraid because you don’t have the tools to move forward – uncreate, delete and destroy it all. We talked in the last section about you wanting a better paying job. What would it take for you to just play a game with yourself and say, “Hey, I’m going to send out 30 resumes in the next six weeks and see if I can get a better paying job?” That’s only five a week, right? Maybe you can elicit the help of a friend. What would it take for you guys to just send out 30 resumes and see if you can get a raise or a better paying job?

If you want to work less and make more, is there some form of coaching that you can do for somebody else? I want you to think for a moment about what it would be like for you guys to maybe coach somebody. Maybe you’re a single mom and maybe you coach other single moms on how to keep it all together but you get paid for teaching them or coaching them. What if you’re really good at weight loss? Maybe you could teach people that. Maybe you’re good at organizing. Maybe you could coach people at that.

Maybe there’s some other thing that you’re good at that you could coach people at and get paid more money in less amount of time. Anywhere you guys are blocking yourself from receiving the benefits of what you know and all the things that you could share with the world, everything that is – uncreate, delete and destroy it all. What would it take for the next five people that you talk to, maybe it’s somebody random, and you just say to yourself, “What would it take for this person to pay me money and I help them do something? What would it take for this person to pay me money and I help them do something? What would it take for this person to pay me money and I help them do something?” There could be an exchange of energy.

Who knows what could come from that? Everywhere, manifesting cash, the money of energy and manifesting cash is not fun to you anymore, anything you’re blocking the fun of the that, will you please uncreate, delete and destroy it all? Everywhere you can’t let yourself go and learn something new and make some cash and go coach somebody or go help somebody and be paid randomly off the side, different from your job, everything that is, will you uncreate, delete and destroy all that?

Sabrina’s bringing up something really cool. She says she’s retired. Do you know how many retired people come to me and I have to fix their energy on that word because if you say “retired”, you’re tiring yourself over and over again. You’re “re” getting tired. I would say, Sabrina, that I’m on a happy new adventure, okay? The whole next part of your life is a happy and new adventure. Everywhere you guys are “retiring” yourself or “retired” – uncreate, delete and destroy it all.

What would it take for you guys to be on a happy and new adventure with money? Everything that is, that doesn’t allow that, will you uncreate, delete and destroy it all? Everywhere you are creating anguish – uncreate, delete and destroy it all. Where ever you cannot have fun with money, anywhere you’re blaming somebody else that they took away your fun with money, everything that is – uncreate, delete and destroy it all.

Everywhere you can’t have fun money – uncreate, delete and destroy it all across all time, dimension and space reality. What choices are you making to un-fun your money? Everything that is, will you uncreate, delete and destroy it all? What creations are you perpetually creating to make your life horrible and everything in the way of that, will you uncreate, delete and destroy it all?

What creations are you perpetually creating to make your life horrible? Everything that is, will you uncreate, delete and destroy it all. All the creations you’re doing because you’re bored, so you need to ruin your life and make it broken – uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, dimension and space reality.

What energy are you blocking from coming in that makes making money easy and fun? Everything that is, will you uncreate, delete and destroy it all? What would it take to be on a happy and new adventure, creating money? Everywhere you keep falling back into the old work and you don’t have passion around it, everything that is – uncreate, delete and destroy it all.

Are you here because you don’t think you can do something new and it could make you as much money? Everywhere you don’t think you could have something new show up in your world that could make you as much money – uncreate, delete and destroy it all. Everywhere you’re identity is tied up in the old way of making money – uncreate, delete and destroy it all. Everywhere you’re programmed to see only one way to make money – uncreate, delete and destroy it all.

You know, I have more than one business. I actually don’t just have one business. Everywhere you guys think you can only have one business at one time – uncreate, delete and destroy it all. Anywhere else you guys think you can only have one business – uncreate, delete and destroy it all. Everywhere you guys can’t make money doing random fun things for people – uncreate, delete and destroy it all.

Anywhere you don’t think you can lead the kind of life that you love – uncreate, delete and destroy it all. Everywhere you think that the life of your dreams is out there instead of in you – uncreate, delete and destroy it all. Everywhere you guys are in the future instead of the present, creating your future. What would it take for all these things to show up now? What would it take for all the things that you want in your life now?

What would it take for Jane and everybody else who wants to create a business to do it now? What would it take for you to find a new job that’s profitable, happy, alive, well, now? What would it take for any new business idea that you need to show up for you now? Everywhere you care about the establishment – society, the IRS, police, government – controlling your life, religion, everything that is – uncreate, delete and destroy it all now.

Everywhere God’s to blame – uncreate, delete and destroy it all now. Everywhere you over-complicate things instead of just focusing on one thing that’ll make you cash. I’m going to ask you to focus. Remember we did the one session on profit and only focusing on things that are profitable? Your homework is what would it take for me to be profitable in my life? What would it take for me to focus on something profitable?

Profitable means that it adds light and it adds money. You could have profitable exchanges with people, profitable money ventures, profit, profit, profit. What would it take for your life to be profitable? What energy are you blocking from coming in that makes money fun and easy and everything in the way of that – uncreate and delete it all.

What energies are you creating to make sure you have no money? Uncreate and delete across all time, dimensions and space reality. I want you to think about, in your lifetime, all the time and places you’re stuck and making money hard. What ages are you making money hard? All those ages – uncreate, delete and destroy it all. Anywhere you’re stuck back in time in the problem with money instead of in the solution of money, everything that is – uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, dimensions and space reality.

Everywhere you’re stuck back in time regarding money – uncreate, delete and destroy. Everywhere you have no idea why you can’t get money and you don’t ask the universe to show you the answer, everything that is will you uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, dimensions and space reality? Everywhere you have to take care of everybody else – uncreate and delete it all.

Margaret, when making money was easy, somewhere you chose for it to not be easy. All the places you guys chose for making money to not be easy, will you please uncreate, delete and destroy that across all time, dimensions and space reality? I put some bonus clearing things on here that I want you guys to work on. What time lapse are you creating to put money always in your future and past and never in the present? Will you please uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, dimensions and space reality?

What time lapses are you creating to put money always in your future and your past and never in the present? Uncreate, delete and destroy that. What time lapses are you creating to put money always in the future and the past but never in the present – uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, dimensions and space reality?

What would it take for you to win cash and prizes? What would it take for you guys to have good luck and everything in the way of that, will you uncreate, delete and destroy? All the things that you’re still blaming for your problems, can you undo them all now? Everything that is – uncreate, delete and destroy.

Sara’s asking, “What if we allow darkness to infiltrate us, kind of like inviting it in out of curiosity to see what it would be like?” You know, Sara, I’ve seen people do that. I’ve done that before in the past accidentally, trying to understand it, right? Anywhere you guys are stuck in the past and you brought darkness in so you could understand it, everything that is, will you uncreate and delete all those times? Will you uncreate and delete all the darkness that’s in you? Will you uncreate and delete everything blocking you from being the full you, full of light, love and infinite possibility realm? Everything that is, will you uncreate, delete and destroy it all?

Everywhere you guys are blocked and shocked at how hard life could be – uncreate, delete and destroy it all. Anywhere you guys are doing polarity and you’re stuck in the darkness of things – uncreate, delete and destroy it all. What would it take for you guys to bend time and make everything in your life work for now? What would it take for everything in your life to work now?

What would it take for everything in your life to work now? What would it take for you to be abundant, happy, alive, well, pleasantly surprised at how easy things come to you, opened up for hundreds of dollars, thousands of dollars, millions of dollars, hundreds of thousands of dollars and everything in between? What would it take for all of this to show up so exciting, so quickly, so fast, so now? What would it take for whatever job career or abundance it is that you’re procrastinating on to open up for you now?

What would it take for everything on your vision list, your story list, to show up in your life now? What would it take for you guys to focus on that right after this phone call and just really fill up with everything it is that you truly desire in your life? Feel it, visualize it, hold it, love it, like it, and align with it, yes. Everything in the way of that, will you delete it all?

I gave you guys a lot of extra bonus clearings today. You guys did great. What would it take for you guys to be responsible for your reality? What would it take for you guys to have no excuses and making it happen in your financial abundance, right? Thirty to forty times a day, it can be all at one time. What vibrational energy can you become to align with taking total responsibility for creating cash and money and everything in the way of that – delete it all?

All right. You know, I want you guys to give yourself a hand. You moved through a lot of really deep energy today. I’m so proud of you. I love you all.