🙏 Benefits of Reciting the Mantra of Medicine Buddha 🌹

The Mantra of Medicine Buddha (藥師佛心咒)

The Medicine Buddha mantra is held to be extremely powerful for healing of physical illnesses and purification of negative karma. One form of practice based on the Medicine Buddha is done when one is stricken by disease.

Tayata Om Bekanze Bekanze

Maha BeKanze Radza Samudgate Soha (English)

爹雅他 唵 貝卡這 貝卡這 瑪哈貝卡這 拉雜薩穆 嘎喋梭哈 (Mandarin)

Tadyathā, Oṃ bhaiṣajya bhaiṣajya mahā bhaiṣajya rāja sam-udgata svāhā (Tibetan)

The practice of Medicine Buddha, the Supreme Healer (or Sangye Menla in Tibetan) is not only a very powerful method for healing and increasing healing powers both for oneself and others, but also for overcoming the inner sickness of attachment, hatred, and ignorance, thus to meditate on the Medicine Buddha can help decrease physical and mental illness and suffering.

Version 2 – 30 minutes
Version 3 – 藥師佛心咒 – Bhaiṣajyaguru – 藥師琉璃光如來 藥師琉璃光佛



Bhaisajyaguru: The Medicine Buddha





🙏 The Great Compassion Mantra ~ 大悲咒 ~ Nīlakaṇṭha Dhāraṇī (Sanskrit) 🌺

Constantly chant this Great compassion mantra and your life will improve according to this mantra’s vibration.

十一面觀音根本心咒 藏傳大悲咒 梵唱 輕快版 7遍 ~ Ekādaśa-mukha Avalokiteśvara Dhāranī


南無喝囉怛那哆囉夜耶.南無阿唎耶,婆盧羯帝爍缽囉耶.菩提薩埵婆耶. 摩訶薩埵婆耶.摩訶迦盧尼迦耶.唵,薩皤囉罰曳.數怛那怛寫.南無 悉吉慄埵伊蒙阿唎耶.婆盧吉帝室佛囉愣馱婆.南無那囉謹墀.醯利摩訶 皤哆沙咩.

薩婆阿他豆輸朋,阿逝孕,薩婆薩哆那摩婆薩哆,那摩婆伽,摩罰特豆. 怛姪他.唵,阿婆盧醯.盧迦帝.迦羅帝.夷醯唎.摩訶菩提薩埵, 薩婆薩婆.摩囉摩囉,摩醯摩醯唎馱孕.俱盧俱盧羯蒙.度盧度盧罰闍耶帝. 摩訶罰闍耶帝.陀囉陀囉.地唎尼.室佛囉耶.

遮囉遮囉.摩麼罰摩囉.穆帝隸.伊醯伊醯.室那室那.阿囉參佛囉舍利. 罰沙罰參.佛囉舍耶.呼嚧呼嚧摩囉.呼嚧呼嚧醯利.娑囉娑囉,悉唎悉唎. 蘇嚧蘇嚧.

菩提夜菩提夜.菩馱夜菩馱夜.彌帝唎夜.那囉謹墀.地利瑟尼那.波夜摩那 .娑婆訶.悉陀夜.娑婆訶.摩訶悉陀夜.娑婆訶.悉陀喻藝.室皤囉耶. 娑婆訶.那囉謹墀.娑婆訶.摩囉那囉.娑婆訶.悉囉僧阿穆佉耶,娑婆訶. 娑婆摩訶阿悉陀夜.娑婆訶.

者吉囉阿悉陀夜.娑婆訶.波陀摩羯悉陀夜.娑婆訶.那囉謹墀皤伽囉耶. 娑婆訶.摩婆利勝羯囉夜.娑婆訶.南無喝囉怛那哆囉夜耶,南無阿唎耶. 婆嚧吉帝.爍皤囉夜.娑婆訶.唵,悉殿都.漫多囉.跋陀耶,娑婆訶.

Source(s): The Great Compassion Mantra

🌷 The Serenity Prayer Recording ~ 寧靜禱告 💐

The Serenity Prayer Recording ~ 寧靜禱告

🌻 God / Buddha, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change,
🍁 神 / 佛祖啊, 求祢賜給我平靜的心, 去接受我無法改變的事,
🌼 Courage to change the things I can;
🍀 賜給我勇氣, 去做我能改變的事;
🌷 And the wisdom to know the difference.
🏵️ 賜給我智慧, 去分辨這兩者的不同.

The Green Tara Mantra Song in Mandarin

綠度母心咒 – 嗡 達咧 度達咧 度咧 娑哈

(Oṃ Tāre Tuttāre Ture Svāhā – Tibetan) (Om Tare Tuttare Ture Svaha – English)

Version 1 with flute – 31 minutes
Version 2 – 4:05 minutes
Version 3 – 7:21 minutes
Version 4 Short version – 8 minutes
Version 4 Long version – 29 minutes