Day 10 Improve the Moment

Day 10: Β Improve the Moment:

Improving the Moment is a skill under the Distress Tolerance module in DBT. Β These are skills to help you cope with distress when you are in a crisis and there is nothing you can do at the moment to improve the actual situation that is upsetting you. Β Thus, we learn the accept that the circumstance is what it is at present and work on improving the present moment to make it a bit more tolerable while we wait for the storm to pass.

Here is the acronym for this skill set:

I = Imagery – Do a guided imagery meditation. Β Imagine a safe place that you can feel soothed and relaxed.
M = Meaning – Think about the purpose or value in what we are experiencing. Β This can be a difficult one to achieve while in the heat of the situation, but it is possible. Β Think about any good that can come out of this situation.
P = Prayer – Open up to the possibility to reach out to God, or even your own Wise Mind. Β Turn things over to your higher power, and reach out in prayer for support, guidance and help letting go.
R =Β Relaxation – Let yourself relax! Β Try a muscle tension and relaxation exercise such as the “Progressive Muscle Relaxation” technique. Β Focus on slowing down your breathing and counting your breaths.
O = One thing in the moment – This skill was practiced in Day 3. Β Remember: Β just this moment, just this breath. Worrying about things that might happen in the future will not help you now, nor will dwelling in the past. Get busy focusing on something in the here now, and give it all of your attention.
V = (a) brief Vacation – A brief vacation can refresh us. Β Sometimes a spontaneous overnight stay at a hotel or by the ocean or a bed and breakfast can help break the monotony and improve our mood. Β You can even take an imaginary vacation using guided meditations or guided imagery exercises.
E = Encouragement – Remind yourself that like everything else you’ve been through, this situation is temporary and will pass.

(Linehan, 1993)

How does practicing “Improve the Moment” help us to Stop Sabotaging?

We may have come to believe that we deserve suffering. Β It’s not true. Β When we begin to allow ourselves to have moments of happiness, even amidst a storm, we send new messages to ourselves that we are worthy of happiness, feeling well, and taking good care of ourselves.

This self-love and self-care helps us to improve our situation rather than making it worse by sabotaging.


Stop Sabotaging: A 31 Day DBT Challenge to Change Your Life

by Debbie Corso