Tool : The Energy Detox
Cleaning up Negative Residual Energy from Your Being
We’re always picking up energy from around us during our day. You could pick up negative energy in the subway on your commute, or maybe somebody is mad at you and you’ve received the negative energy they directed at you.
That’s why, just like taking a shower, it’s important you routinely clear energy. This exercise clears your energy field of emotional scars and negative energy that you picked up along the way, clearing low vibrations and maintaining your energy levels in positive fields. It results in you feeling more energetic and powerful and radiant as you go through your day.
So the next thing Iʼm going to show you how to do will be one of the main things that you do every day . I donʼt let myself feel dense or heavy in any part of my day. I let myself feel full of light. If you have to do this 20 or 30 times a day, just do it; it becomes a part of you. And because you feel so much better you will always do it. I have taught kids seven and over to do this; kids will do this.
Notice right now any dense energy in, on or around your body and ask: is this my energy? Then feel a yes or a no response. If itʼs light itʼs probably a yes. If it feels heavy or ʻnoʼ then itʼs probably not your energy. Then again: is this somebody elseʼs energy? feel for a yes or a no.# Is it something else? Feel for a yes or a no. You can muscle test it if you want but what youʼll really get is, if itʼs like itʼs true, if itʼs heavy itʼs not true.
Is this my energy? Is this my energy or is it something else? Once you have the awareness and itʼs yours, connect to the light, move the light into your heart, radiate the light into the dense energy until you feel it lift.
You can always call upon Archangel Michael who clears all dense negative energy in bodies and spaces. If you desire some assistance call him in and ask him to help you release it. If itʼs somebody elseʼs energy connect to the energy, connect to the light, move the light into your heart; radiate the light into the dense energy until you feel it lift.
If somebody is connecting to you it means they think that they need something from you. So just send them a high vibrational blessing; just bless them. Bless them with pure love and light and : ”I bless you with whatever you think you need from me”. Just do this until it lifts.
If itʼs something else sometimes itʼs the earth. The earth just wants some energy from you. Connect to the light, breathe it in. Call it into your heart then radiate this energy into the earth by blessing the earth. Just say, “I bless you with pure love and light and I bless you with whatever you feel you need from me”. It should feel a lot lighter after you do this.
I was at the amusement park and a child was standing in front of me; he was about 10. He was adorable. He looked like a little angel. He had little puffy cheeks, he was cute. But he was decidedly unhappy and he was whining up a storm. He was with his older brother, about 12 and his mom. I started chatting with them because I could see what was up in the kidʼs energy field. After I was talking to the mom for a bit I talked to her 20-year old and I said, “You seem a little tired maybe. Would you play a little game with me for a minute?” He looked at his mom, he looked a little puzzled, she nodded. I said, “You now this tiredness, this crankiness youʼre feeling? Is this your energy or is it somebody elseʼs?” And in less than two seconds he look at his brother, pointed and said, “Itʼs his.” Kids are they psychic. I looked at his brother and said, “Were you annoyed with something about an hour and a half ago?”
Remember, I always ask so I knew right away when it happened. I asked in my head: when did this happen? and I heard really quick: an hour and a half ago. So I asked the kid, “When did this happen? Were you mad and hour and a half ago?” And he said, “Yeah. My dad told me I couldnʼt buy something”. I asked the brother, “Were you mad?” and he said, “Yeah, I still am”. So I said to the kids, in the future ask the question: is this my energy or is it somebody elseʼs? when you get agitated. Then I looked at the 10 year-old and I told his mom that he tended to take into his body all the emotions the family was feeling, or healing the entire family. His mom agreed that he was like that. So I told the 10-year old to just say, “I return all this energy to the sender with a blessing of love and consciousness attached”. Then I told him to ask his body to just stop healing everybody. You can do that, you can talk to your body like that. Again, there are kids in families who will take on all the dysfunctional family energy into their body in order to fix whomever is fearful. So check inside and ask in your energy field:
•Is there somebody like this in my family?
•Was I the person, growing up, that did this?
•Am I still doing it?
So all the places that youʼre doing this, just ask your body to please stop healing everybody else. Itʼs a gift and a talent, so itʼs not something thatʼs necessarily negative but if you want all your energy for a while just ask that your body heal itself. If you were guided to this CD series youʼre probably the person in the family who does this. People drawn to me tend to be naturally talented in intuitiveness and healing and knowing what is up on a very deep level.
Iʼve had parents bring me their kids who are frequently getting sick. The majority of the reasons was because they were taking on all the family stuff, or they were stressed out from school and no play. One little girl could not heal her throat and had to get her tonsils taken out because it was her momʼs anger; it tracked to her mom. Thatʼs where the angels guided me. When she came to me I showed her how to clean her energy field and cut cords and return all the energy. She was only eight. I taught the mom how to heal her anger and clear her stuff every day. And it
became a much happier and healthier family. Itʼs not a big deal to clear your energy, you just have to know what to look for then actually do it.
Letʼs talk about cutting the cords. What is cord cutting? In the energy world I oftentimes see energy cords between families that contain fear-based energy. Fear, anger, worry are frequencies people tend to project onto kids in order to protect them. However, if youʼre always worried, it contains seeds of doubt that everything is not OK in the world. It says the world is inherently unsafe. How many of you have heard the phrase ʻItʼs time to cut the cordsʼ? We use it in our everyday language, so we are aware of it at a very deep level; even if you havenʼt thought about it this way youʼre aware of it. So these energies get projected upon people and these surgical-looking tubes of energy are implanted in families. Many times your bodies can be affected by this. If you have a consistent sore spot in your body, I can guarantee you, either have a cord of fear there or a fear-based emotion attached to that spot in, on or around your body. Thatʼs how I track things.
Usually in sessions I clear an energy for a client and I tell them where it was located and they say, “Wow! Iʼve been hurting there lately”. I had this happen with a client two days ago. I cleared some energy from the back of her heart and she said, “Wow, my backʼs been hurting there”. It was old heartache ready to go. Youʼd also find pain in the tush, pain in the neck weight of the world on our shoulders… I find that most people hide their energy behind their back. So if you look at your backʼs energy you can probably find most of your stuff that you donʼt want to deal with there. We ʻput it behind usʼ so we donʼt have to look at it.
Ask inside right now, how many emotional are behind your back energetically that you thought you dealt with but you never did? Is the number over 200 or under 200? Ask it again: how many emotional wounds are behind your back energetically that you thought you dealt with? Over 200… under 200. How cool is it that your body loves you so much that it helps to create pain to show you where your stuff is? I greatly respect my body for doing this for me. Itʼs like saying, “Hey, pay attention! Old energy – can you just release it?” Your body is very kind to you that way.
If youʼre willing and able to be so clean in dealing with energy on an everyday basis, it would never manifest in your body. By the time some energy hits your body and creates a pain frequency, you have probably been given the data from your intuition about it for a long time but you would not listen. So then your body takes it on in order to psychically give you the information. If you just became more intuitive, aware, your infinite being self, then you really would not have to let your energy stay in your body. Just like you take a shower every day, you might want to consider clearing your energy fields every day. Perhaps itʼs something you donʼt normally do in your life so just ask: “How can I make this easy to add to my life now? Can I do it in the shower? Can I do it before I go to bed?” Or how about every time you brush your teeth you clean your energy, you infuse love in yourself and you cut your cords? I know a family who does this before they eat dinner as a family. Consider incorporating it into your daily routine.
Right now I would love you to pick a spot in your body thatʼs tender or sore or calling your attention.
Close your eyes, look up, connect to the light, let the light in your heart and be the love and light you are. Really feel this light up in your whole body.
Call upon Archangel Michael. Archangel Michael carries a sword of light and love that clears all fears and lowers dense energies.
So weʼre going to talk to your body. When youʼre ready just say to your body:
•In this spot do I have an old emotion stuck here?
•If so, what is it?
•Do I have some judgment stuck here?
•If so, what is it?
•Is somebody else connected to me here?
•If so, whom?
•As is it male or female and start from there. Is it male or female?
•Are you attached to an emotional injury?
OK, sore spot, what are you telling me? Even if you think youʼre making this all up, just allow whatever insight pops in.
Got your message? Weʼre going to clear all this energy in a moment but I just want you to realize that what you think is up is not always what is really up with your body.
Light is true, heavy is false. If somebodyʼs talking to you and you start to feel heaviness, it could be that theyʼre using lower vibrations and consciousness. Drama/trauma, or theyʼre telling you a lie.
Every moment of every day youʼre feeling energy. If the energy you are feeling is heavy, itʼs a lie which the person may or may not know is a lie but itʼs just untruth. So if the energy youʼre feeling is heavy, itʼs an untruth or a lie, or itʼs lower consciousness like guilt, fear, worry, shame, angst. If you were not feeling that energy until you got around that person, itʼs probably psychic information.
Think about it. Most people on the planet vibrate under the frequency of love; under the consciousness of joy, celebration and peace. Iʼm so sorry, itʼs just true. Thatʼs why I feel itʼs vitally important for you to monitor your energy as a way of life. Youʼre entrained in lower energy fields more than you can imagine. These lower energy fields are dense and youʼll sense them in your body.
You know when you walk into a room and itʼs filled with negative vibes, you can feel it? This is dense energy. Itʼs coming through your psychic senses. I use Archangels and my intent to clear this energy. Iʼve even cleared the energy of old cemeteries with angels. Iʼve just asked to get rid of the grief energy so I could actually just stand there.
You can go through life like this. Itʼs fun and it creates blessings for people and the planet. You should also clear the spaces in your home and office etc. Higher consciousness feels light. So try to live your life being light. And if itʼs not light turn on your inner light of joy, love celebration and fun and make it so.
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