10/10/22 (Monday): Manifesting Your Greatest Self
A. Day 9 Challenge: Noticing Key Patterns
Starting today, focus on the one pattern you identified as your biggest energy leak. Every time you notice this pattern playing out in your day, stop and tap. Continue tapping on it as often as you need to.
This simple habit of noticing your pattern and tapping on releasing your story around it is freeing up energy, bringing you closer to peace, and creating more space and time for your greatest self to emerge.
B. Day 9: Where are Your Energy Leaks?
C. Day 9: Where are Your Energy Leaks? Tapping Meditation ~ Letting Go (page 269)
This is a great meditation to use when you notice yourself resorting to old leaky patterns. It will support you in releasing them and in moving toward new and healthier ones.