Day 2 Mindfulness and Self-Esteem Activity


Day 2:  Mindfulness and Self-Esteem Activity:

When we practice mindfulness, we come into the present moment.  We become in touch with what we think, how we feel, and what is actually happening right now.  We don’t get dragged back into past and old wounds.  We don’t project into an imaginary future that doesn’t even exist.

In practicing mindfulness, we also allow ourselves to put time and space – a pause – between any thoughts or urges we have and taking any action.  Instead of jumping from a thought to an action, we pause-in-between to allow ourselves the opportunity to slow down and think things through from a place of wisdom, rather than emotional reaction.  Just slowing down in this mindful way can help prevent us from self-sabotaging.

Focusing on our self-esteem and building it up reminds us that we are worthy of so much more than we may have believed up until now.  When we begin to believe that we are worthy, precious, and valuable, we are less apt to engage in destructive behaviors that hurt ourselves and sabotage the progress that we work so hard to achieve.


Stop Sabotaging: A 31 Day DBT Challenge to Change Your Life

by Debbie Corso