Day 1: Self-Care Challenge:
Begin investing in taking care of you: body, mind, and spirit.
DBT acknowledges that we must take care of all parts of ourselves in order to feel whole, integrated, and balanced, as illustrated in the PLEASE skills in the Emotion Regulation module.
By practicing these skills we reduce our emotional vulnerability:
- Treat Physical Illness:
- Balance Eating: Do your best to eat regularly and healthfully and to stay hydrated. Taking care by eating regularly helps us be less vulnerable to certain types of mood swings.
- Avoid Mood-Altering Drugs:
- Balance Sleep:
- Get Exercise:
When we take care of our physical needs and health, we become less susceptible to the erratic, often dys-regulated emotions than we can be vulnerable to when we are not. If we are feeling more balanced due to this self-care, we may experience less impulsive urges, reducing our possibilities of self-sabotage.
Stop Sabotaging: A 31 Day DBT Challenge to Change Your Life
by Debbie Corso