The Law of Attraction

What is the ‘Law of Attraction‘?

The Law of Attraction is a law of the Universe which uses your thoughts to manifest thing/events you want in your life.  When you focus on a thought, you empower that thought and make it grow stronger.  The Universe does not differentiate between good and bad or right and wrong when it comes to your thoughts.  It just manifests in your life what you truly want, which may oftentimes be very different from what you think you want.  In order to make the Law of Attraction work for you,  you should focus on positive thoughts regarding the things/events you want to happen in your life.  Your thoughts become your reality so you need to think only about the things/events you really want.

You need to be completely clear about what you want since the Universe will deliver exactly what you ask for.  It is also a good idea to write down all of the things that you want and then clearly state them in your thoughts daily to put them out into the universe.

Even if you do not believe that the Law of Attraction works, it will still work for you.  You simply need to control your feelings & thoughts and put out only good energy into the universe.

You need to make a conscious decision every minute of the day to pay attention to your thoughts and make sure that they are positive.  In order to manifest what you want in your life,  you must think of these things,  ask for them,  show gratitude for them as if you already have them,  and then have faith that they will come to be.

Some things that can help make the Law of Attraction work for you include:

  • Spend time using visualization; allowing only positive ideas.
  • Develop positive thoughts and attitudes.
  • Avoid negative or unsupportive people.  If need be, find new friends to hang out with that also have positive thoughts and attitudes.
  • Work to put together a group of people you can meet with who also believe in the Law of Attraction.
  • Read as much as you can about the Law of Attraction and how it works.
  • Spend time each day using positive affirmations, visualizations, meditation or other activities that will help you get what you want out of life.
  • Take time to work on your positive energy and learn to believe in this process.
  • In order to make the Law of Attraction work, you may need to use blind faith at the beginning until you understand the concept fully.
  • Make sure to use positive thoughts and affirmations everyday and never let any doubt into your mind that what you want can be manifested into your life.


The Secret of Attraction is to Love Yourself.

Attractive people judge neither themselves nor others.

They are open to gestures of love.

They think about love, and express their love in every action.

They know that love is not a mere sentiment,

but the ultimate truth at the heart of the universe.

~ Deepak Chopra ~


DISCLAIMER:  All information is intended for your general knowledge only, and is not a substitute for your counselors’ advice or treatment.  Use of the Law of Attraction and self-help tips are at your own risk.  We make no warranty, express or implied, regarding your individual results.